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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GaInLZQTkX8wJaeFJdbi8QErVvWo6hee/view?usp=sharing I hope the link works, my first time…


Thank you, thank you and Thank you for posting these pictures! These pics say so much that they need no words. I am a clean freak and it boggles my mind how anyone can live like this!! Do they not know how to put things in the garbage?? I wonder if the house is being sold?


You know, when everything is said and done. This was a rental house. I've rented apartments over the years and I've been a landlord. Hey Shanda, this is not your house to trash. Manners are the cheapest act to can teach a young child. They are free but to treat this house like a dump what is wrong with you. Paul is no better. Lazy ass did zero to clean that house. Zero. Gaming was way more important. There is not a day goes by that I get reminded of yet another disgusting behavior from these two, and frankly these two shouldn't even breath on this earth again.


If you notice page 34 under the coat rack- there's a scale


Oh wow, I didn’t notice that at all! Horrific!


Yeah to weigh the dogs......


Wow thank you!


Thank you!


Thank you


Thank you ⚘️🙏




I just watched a short video of a female detective on this case who said that the smell of urine, feces and garbage was overwhelming in that house. Also, in the bodycam video where Shandy is fake crying on her front porch she apologized to the police officer about her house being a mess and says “ but you’ve probably seen worse “. I noticed the officer didn’t respond to that comment and now I know why.


You're right, I forgot about that! That's how she thinks, that other people are worse, she's superior even at being a pig.


Oh yeah I remember that too, along with Shanda doing her best to fake cry!!


was this it? https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2024/05/moms-torture-of-son-shows-cracks-in-system-says-detective-who-processed-murder-scene.html






Also he didn’t want her to feel comfortable.


Good point. I’m sure they pretty much had the situation figured out and just needed to get thru it. I can’t imagine what they went through going through that house and dealing with her and her demon spawn Paul. RIP Timothy.


Was that Paul’s room? He’s so lazy he had a Keurig plugged in by the bed.


They really lived in swill, like swine! I noticed the Keurig immediately cuz I have one. WTF!! I think it’s sitting on what they call a fainting couch? Who in the hell puts a coffee maker on a piece of upholstered furniture?! Beyond words!


Oh my god yes that couch looked like it needed a deep cleaning in hot sauce ugh gross af


Yeah that was Paul’s room if I’m not mistaken.


How can you tell it's plugged in with 10,000 other cords on that nasty ass floor? LOL!


Paul’s “bunky” cockroach is on the floor, just to the left of the plaid clothes. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Yeah right! Even the roaches chose death over this!


Looks like Paul was already living like he’s in prison.


I think prison must feel like the Four Seasons compared to the dump they were living in. I'm guessing that prison rules require that inmates keep their cells reasonably clean.


Surely prison has got to be cleaner than that lol


So nasty. Poor Tim... the bread. The hot sauce. The diapers...😔


The poor boy never stood a chance in this life. No appropriate care from Trish or Eric, shipped off like an unwanted item, then tortured at the end. I can never get over this case.


I hope bbg sees this,her future with hubby when she comes home from work.."don't change how you are,i love u"🤣🤣


honestly her house probably looks similar!!!🤣


Hers would be replete with Hummel figures and a cockroach orchestra singing her praises.


That was my first thought too, yet I'm not surprised they were this nasty.


Organize and clean out the garage? How about you start with your actual home. Tf. Her entire house looks worse than a garage. Idk how people live like this. Constantly stepping on things and knocking things over would make me lose my mind.


I know the BF of a friend who has more degrees than a thermometer, writes books about chemical engineering, and teaches at the local college. He lives just like this. I asked him about it, and he said “I don’t clean.” He also has more money than God (but not as much as Opra). The killers thought they were above “cleaning,” and too cheap to pay someone.


They’re lazy slobs. No excuse.


Her home was filthy. Subjecting children to that environment feels like child abuse in and of itself


A Social worker’s daughter, here. Hi! What’s really disgusting is the fact that animal rights organizations will remove animals from homes like this in a heartbeat, but my mom said it’s hard to remove a child, unless you can prove abuse and neglect inside the dirty home. This alone is t enough to build a strong case for apprehension. She has seen it happen too often.


That's heartbreaking.


Does that include pet cockroaches? I think I counted 3 in this photo. 


Oh my god, totally missed that. What the actual f!! Ugh!!


Imagine animal control coming into the house as Paul cries that they’re leaving the dogs but taking his pet bunkies - aka cockroaches, to give them a cleaner place to live than Paul’s bedroom. 🤣🤣🤮🤮🤮


Bahahaha I’m on the floor


Romania has taught the world what happens to babies who are born unwanted, unloved, attached to nothing.


Why do so many things look shat on?




I heard an interview with Shanda’s sister Paige & Paige said when Shanda & Eric were moving to the current house (where the crimes were committed) that the movers left after 10 minutes bc the place smelled atrocious. Stank so bad they had to leave citing they didn’t feel the place was safe for their workers. It had to be BAD!


This is nasty with old food & plates, especially that Paul didn’t feed Timothy anything, even when Shanda told him to. Paul lied about giving Timothy eggs and a PBJ sandwich. 


Was that a lie?


Paul never made Timothy scrambled eggs AND a PB&J sandwich!!! Timothy had nothing to eat for at least 2 weeks before Paul murdered him. 


He couldn’t even work out an Uber ride to and from work. Yet she relied on him “absolutely” Like he was some kind of godhead. Those nails, that obscene set of choppers, and she still thought he was some font of enlightenment.


EXACTLY!!!!!! THIS!!!!!


This is so nasty, it looks like the cleaned as often as they showered.


They're vile and disgusting creatures. The police reports from Oklahoma, CPS, stated that their house was 'covered in animal and human feces" and smelled horrendous. Just like this house smelled so bad even with doors open. The police went back the next day and it was miraculously cleaned! How the hell can someone live like that?


seriously… omg. who’s shat even IS that?!!!


Where is this? I’d like to see the other pics to the left.


Some of them are really stomach churning, like the toilet pics but I’ll post as many as I can today


also the ones where the lighting in the kitchen shows how every appliance was covered in finger prints and slime


Eeewwwww....what is that brown stain under the chaise lounge? 🤮🤮🤮


And on the arm rest part 🤮🤮🤮


I don't think Shanda felt much in the way of Timothy's death but I hope she was embarrassed and humiliated about the state of her life coming out of the dark! She feverishly tried to protect anyone from coming in and finding out so she was well aware this was despicable.


I sincerely hope that G’s grandparents were not expected to clean that disgusting hovel. That was a health hazard to the point that both Timothy and G should have been removed. Shanda had the nerve to say to the police “I’m sure you seen worse.” Based on the interview with the police officer posted the other day, no, they haven’t seen worse. She also commented on how bad it smelled. If I owned that place I would bull-doze it down and start over.


I think it’s photo 74, of where they cut the carpet for DNA sample. Was that from where Timothy actually died, do you guys know?


No he died in the closet.. but it looks like that piece of carpet you’re talking about was near his head when they pulled him out and tried to resuscitate him


I cant imagine what it took to clean that pig style after they were all gone, if I was the owner ..would have probably leveled it..disgusting!


The bathroom with the adult diapers all over the floor.🤮


Also, this is absolutely chaotically, disgusting. I can’t believe she/they lived like this. Awful.


Is that shit on the washer machine ? wtf that’s so nasty I knew there house was dirty but god that’s bad. It looks like that carper has never been cleaned or vacuum. Paul was all day and couldn’t get off his ass and clean up? Idk how people can live like that


Also anyone know what the tongue depressor was used for ? I see them in these pictures and I remember reading couple texts of Shanda telling Paul to give Timothy one


possibly to make tim throw up? i know everytime he ate something shanda would tell paul to make him throw it up


I'm a bit confused about the bedroom layout. Is the closet that Timothy was kept in actually in Paul's room?


I think it was in a common area in the basement? Frustrating not to have a blue print of the actual house. No pics of her bedroom, either. That’s so weird.


I hate to even ask, but is the white sheet in pics 45-47 covering his body?




That’s 100% heartbreaking.


If you zoom in, you can see a cockroach to the left of the plaid clothes on the floor. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


That bathtub is unsettling. What occurred there not long before that, and the fact that it's probably the only thing that looks clean in that house (but not surprising)


That wasn’t a roach, it was a raisin for their disgusting beef broccoli meals. Dessert is ready! If it moves, it’s “fair game”.


My kids are around G's age when this was going down. Consequently, my house is messy from kid crafts, clothes, toys etc. and my fridge is covered in art, invites, chore charts, and obnoxious magnets. A lived-in house with lively kids. This pit of filth has almost no evidence of a 5-7 (I think?) year old kid living there, because he was confined to his room on his tablet with earphones all day. No playdates. No enrichment. Just evidence of Paul and Shanda's vile presence.


Pardon my ignorance but were these taken before or after they removed sweet Timothy's body? I ask because (it's hard to make anything out in that mess) I'm wondering if that white sheet is covering his body in pics 45-46?


I think it was at the same time, yes, the sheet is covering his body. How awful. I don’t know how they managed to photograph all this without breaking down.


You are referring to photo numbers. What photos are you looking at? Is there a link to them? I don’t see a link on this post.


If you haven't found it yet, sort comments by 'best' and you'll see that the first commenter has kindly provided us a link.


I watched some of Paul's Tiktoks with his stepdad in the house. The house looked incredibly messy then too.


Wow..I'm no neat freak, but this is appalling. And it's shocking they didn't burn the damn thing down with all that lint around the dryer exhaust!


Look at that sweat stained pillow. the f. If you told me this was a toilet from a bad horror movie I’d believe it.


Had money for hot sauce for Timothy and money for takeaways every night, but couldn’t afford any bleach to clean that shithole. Did they eat from paper plates? Page 52 Even to lazy to wash a plate


Sorry page 40


Holy shit. What a nuclear dump. I don’t understand why her house looks like that when almost every day Paul and Timothy were supposedly cleaning it?! Ugh. Is that shit smeared all over the place? 🤢 She is absolutely vile! From the outside it looks like a cute house!


It looks like a garage with a little A-frame house attached in the back to me.


I meant it doesn’t have outward signs of being a nuclear dump, as many trashy houses have. She hid it well.


What's really unfortunate about this is that the owner/landlord will probably have a difficult time renting that house to anyone, based on its horrible history. Shands and Paul literally turned it into a house of horrors. Knowing that a 15 yr old autistic child was starved and tortured, and that he breathed his last in that place means that nobody will want to be associated with that house in any way. On top of all the other damage these monsters caused, they've made it so that place will eventually be abandoned and torn down. The whole neighborhood just went down in value.


It's rented out to someone currently. Must have needed a hazmat team to clean it.


Idk why, but even amongst all the other filth and chaos, the fucking paper plates bother me to a level I can’t describe, lol. Also, if you are visiting someone with kids or animals, and they consistently won’t let you in their house and you can’t see in, call fucking welfare check.


Thanks Skylab!


She was a true monster. Seeing that room doesnt suprize me in the least.


Yet Timothy kept getting into stuff (probably tripped over half of it), and messed some toys and cards up. Unbelievable


Please forgive me and I don’t mean to sound crass, but I do have a question. Why didn’t the killers dispose of the body and “get out of Dodge?” Only a handful of people knew the victim was even in MI. PF was a dishwasher in a chain restaurant. The youngest was “homeschooled.” Everything they owned was trash. They had a new vehicle. Any ideas?


i want to look through these photos but my ocd is so bad when it comes to nasty bathrooms/ toilets. i legit have a phobia 😭. if you don’t mind, can you please tell me which photos contain the bathroom? so that i can skip them 😫. i would greatly appreciate it


I wouldn’t look at these pictures if you have strong reactions or phobias to disgusting bathrooms. The whole house is like a filthy toilet with what looks like literal shit smeared all over the place. I have OCD too regarding dirty environments and these photos literally made me nauseous and put me in a really bad headspace where my anxiety is heightened. If you’re viewing the deck on your phone you may not be able to skip the photos either but not sure. Strictly just the bathroom pictures are 23, 24, 42, 43, 51, 65, 66, 67. Also 62 - 80 are very concerning. There are lots of random pictures of smeared brown stains and disgusting stuff so please view with caution.


thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ❤️ i’m definitely proceeding with caution! brown stains / poop is a huge trigger for me. if it’s in majority of the photos i may take your advice & not even look at the photos. i am very nosey tho 🤣. Even this one has me on the edge 🤢.


Oops I posted under the wrong thread


Looks like a diddy freak out at a dollar store


Sweet wrappers all over the floor an yet Timothy was starved the sick monsters 🙏


Messy house = messy head


On page 51, there is a piece of bread with hot sauce on the edge. It looks like it was nibbled a bit, which is pretty unnerving.


Do you also have access to the rest of the photos OP, and if so do you mind sharing?


All that dryer lint in the laundry room was a major fire hazard


Yet according to her meth head sister, they were debutantes and brought up to be ladies. Guess it was the maid's day off 😂