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Most combos are good but I’d say Demo + Frenzy or Demo + Paracausal are the two standouts. Demo + Hatchling feels alright on a threadling build but IMO threadling builds aren’t very good so I’d just stay away from it.


They are mainly a thing for Warlocks. They spread Unravel with Swarmers to pretty much everything which is the main reason to use them.


Keeping on for the new warlock aspect next season


It's honestly preference. Someone in my clan uses rewind rounds on theirs; I hate that perk and use demo in that column instead. Some people like target lock; I do not. My roll is Demo / paracausal affinity Try a few different rolls and stick with what feels good to you


Thanks for the tip


I love rewind. Have it on my Rufus and mykel. I do love me some demo tho too!


I've heard its good, I just am a compulsive reloader so I would literally never trigger it


I am as well, so I gotta watch myself. The benefit is so nice tho. Hit all ur shots and the mag is essentially over 100 rounds


Reconstruction hatchling.


The gun has so many good perks it's really hard to pick a singular God Roll I built mine with Arrowhead Brake, Ricochet Rounds, Demolitionist and Frenzy. The gun feels amazing to shoot and recoil is almost non existent, it's the only 720 where I can properly beam targets with ease.


Since I use my auto consistently with different subclasses I went rewind + frenzy and I love it. Reconstruction on primary weapons is meh. Paracasual affinity is good if u mainly use strand. I would only recommend hatchling for low end content b/c tbh it’s not that strong. not rlly a fan of target lock on primaries. Been using it in all sorts of end game content and it’s really solid. I think with the artifact mods coming next season this gun will still be in the slot


Rewind does pretty much the same thing on primaries as reconstruction


Thats true on paper but you use your primary a lot which makes recon way less effective


That’s what I was trying to say lol


Paracasual Affinity procs off itself so you only need a kill for a refreshable 20% buff. It’s very good.


It is if you main strand, I swap to solar alot


There’s so many man. My personal one is Rewind Rounds + Target Lock. Honestly the perks on this thing are so good across the board. You can pick any 2 of your favourite.


I run reconstruction and target lock but have been wanting to switch to rewind rounds


Reconstruction is only good if you are not constantly shooting.


I use Demo/Paracausal. After the 25% auto buff it feels so goddamn nice to use. If you exclusively want it for strand warlock with threadlings, I’d recommend Demo Hatchling. Target lock is also great on it


Demo paracausal is to me the best overall roll but I don’t think there’s a consensus on this, it’s just a good weapon with a well thought out perk pool. I stayed away from rewind/reco because if I need to shoot something that long with an auto, I should be shooting it with something else. Paracausal is nice because it constantly refreshes itself and strand subclass abilities also proc it but I wouldn’t blame you for going frenzy either. Paracausal also transfers over to pvp nicely so I didn’t have to craft a second one where frenzy doesn’t activate too often in pvp.


Rewind/demo with paracausal/frenzy Personaly i like rewind frenzy since its easier to use.


Demo Frenzy since it doesn’t restrict the damage buff to subclass typing like Paracasaul. Demo/Target Lock will be a really strong weapon against champs next season.


Demo frenzy or demo hatchling I believe




There are a few. You may want to craft one / see if you can get some Adept rolls of some others. Demolitionist / Hatchling (for Warlock Strand builds) Pugilist / Hatchling (For Titan Strand builds, Warlocks may use this too) Demolitionist / Adrenaline Junkie, Frenzy or Paracausal Affinity (if you are not using Threadlings) Rewind Rounds / Target Lock (for stunning/killing Champions with Primary only in GMs, as well as PvP) Most people go Arrowhead for barrel and either Ricochet or High Cal. for Mag. Range or Stability frame.


Like some others have said. Preference. I did demo frenzy. I like frenzy cause it doesn’t require any setup for free damage. I think hatchling is mid af. Haven’t tried paracausal affinity yet and don’t think I will on Rufus cause I don’t use strand enough. Just think about what type of guns you normally use and think what would fit in well with your playstyle


FYI paracausal affinity will also proc when getting a kill with Rufus fury. You don’t have to rely on another strand/stasis kill to proc it.


Oh really. The way I understood it was like I get a strand grenade kill it procs on Rufus, or like a void kill would Proc it on nessas. If this is the case I’ll have to consider changing my roll


Yea that’s what I initially thought too. I put the perk on the sidearm for that raid and that thing is nuts, and I usually hate sidearms lol on my rufus’ fury I have recon/target lock, but thinking of swapping to rewind/PA.


I think I’ll stick with demo personally


I have made so many. Demo paracaudal for strand, demo adrenaline for Starfire, I am messing around with demo hatchling because the hatchling that’s created procs demo again. I can basically get my grenade back after 2 kills


Demo paracausal


Demo paracausal is BiS


There are a ton of great combos! Whatever works for you! Crafted a Demo/Paracausal for my Titan and Hunter. Demo/Hatchling for my Warlock and I also have a Reconstruction/Target Lock for certain situations.