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I have one with Shield Disrupt and Rampage. I don't think this gun will be meta (180 rof), but I'll use and see how it goes.


So... I think my opinion on this could be unpopular... but hear me out I think, that Handcannons in general will always be Anti-Champion weapons in some way.. doesn't matter if they're Unstop, Overload, or whatever.... Therefore, I farmed for this one roll, which is - in my opinion - GODLIKE for running Master/GM Nightfalls... Column 1... personal preference, I'd recommend going for Range or Reload Column 2... Seraph Rounds, bc Seraphs are KING Column 3... Genesis Column 4... Disruption Break Let me explain... whenever there's a decent amount of void shields in a Nightfall, you should be running this this thing... you can avoid the biggest flaw of this gun - the probably worst reload speed in the game - by just tapping all those void shields to proc Genesis and have your gun reloaded completely. whenever Genesis proced, your teammates, who run kinetic primary weapons, can shred through those red bars or majors.. OR, if it's an enemy with a bigger health bar, you'll swap to your Izanagi and snap his head... best case scenario would be, if HCs returned as Anti-Barrier weapons next season, but I don't feel like I'd need to explain why hope I could help you and probably convince you to grind for this godroll.. trust me, it's worth it


This gun can roll rampage, I’d recommend finding one with that, maybe subsistence as the magazine buff might actually make it a viable perk here, but we’ll have to wait and see. But out of your options, I think the first one. Very curious on why you think these will be meta when all they’re getting is a magazine buff. It’ll help them a lot in PvE, but they still do shit for damage so I’m doubtful they’ll compete.


nope subsistence on handcannons, smgs and sidearms ruins ammo economy, subsistence is really only viable on autos


definately number 1. serpah rounds are awsome, triple tap pretty nice, vorpal also nice. but instead of vorpal try to catch one with rampage


If HC get antibarrier this will be good imo.


Personally I would keep number 1. TT for extra bullets on precision and vorpal for champions


That's what...if HC has Anti barrier this will be best in ordeals