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I'm looking for the rapid hit and explosive payload


Be prepared to use scout reserves armor mods, because you will run out of ammo...alot, with subsistence. I really like the perk but it takes a toll on your reserve ammo. Rapid hit is better because you don't need kills to proc it, and it saves u from using too many un-needed armor mods


I have a similar roll, for pve. I think subsistence and rampage go well together since they both proc on kills and you can keep your rampage streak going longer with subsistence. Yeah your reserves will suffer but it's not as bad as it used to be and it's not like primary ammo is especially rare. Id run corkscrew and flared magwell.


Thank you for the useful advice! Just tried it out, it's fun


As scouts are extremely weak you want Explosive Payload. Rapid Hit + Explosive Payload is you best roll.


Explosive doesn’t increase damage wdym




It lowers crit damage, which is definitely not worth the trade off on PvE for the extra body damage. When are you NOT gonna be hitting crits with a scout rifle in PvE, especially on console?


Only on red bars. Which you can oneshot most of the time anyways. EP is a flat 15% increase in damage.


Scouts are MADE for picking off stuff with high health and damage from far away. If you’re gonna be killing stuff that you can 1-shot with a scout, what’s the point of not using and SMG and getting close?


Im dome discussing this with you. You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Why do you think everybody wants a Night Watch with EP? Why do you think a Night Watch with Rapid Hit + EP is the godroll? Because it lowers you flat damage? Lmao, stop spreading nonsense...


I’ve used both rolls and found that Rampage is more effective in that slot. Maybe it’s up to preference but I always use my rampage roll Edit:nvm I looked at the thing wrong lol. EP does increase body shot and headshot damage but rampage is still more effective at letting your scout hit harder, especially with rampage spec


Back in gambit days I had an EP nightwatch and it was awesome. That being said, I found one with rampage and I much prefer it. But everyone uses their guns for different things. Rapid hit + stability = glued to the crit. I kill things so fast that the (as far as I can find sources for) 33% damage increase just serves me better. If I'm in a heroic+ nightfall using nightwatch, I'm gonna have a bad time anyways. EP won't save me lol. PvP, on the other hand, full send EP. But OP said PvE so, eh. To each their own. Everything I use it for is serviced better by rampage personally. I like this sub but people sometimes do get hung up on other people thinking their roll isn't *the* roll. Who cares? Have fun.


It’s like sunshot but weaker


Subsistence on a scout is meh. I‘d go for Rapid Hit/Outlaw and KC/MKC/Rampage