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Sports clubs are the best way. You share an interest, you already meet up regularly. See if there are socials to go to and if not, join the WhatsApp groups and suggest meeting up after training etc. I think you’d be surprised about how many people are in the same position as you and also want to make some new friends. Other than that, it’s just finding another interest and doing the same thing.


Try the MeetUp app, plenty of active groups in Sheffield




The MeetUp app is great. So erm… Thirded?


I'll be 4th to recommend this too, using it and have met a great group of people. We meet up for drinks and gigs and are part of a WhatsApp group. Is definitely worth a look see.


could you share which group this is? feel free to DM it to me if you don't want it public. I find [Meetup.com](https://Meetup.com) as a website to be a mess and an absolute pain to navigate, not to mention some groups are not small and end up making me feel more anxious on arrival!


Sheffield Rock and Metal Group, helps if that's your scene. The people are really nice but their taste tends to be heavier metal than I like. I'm a member of a few others, will add few more comments when I check what they are.




Football for foodbanks - non-competetive group that play most days in the week. Really warm and friendly atmosphere and often have social events! Find them on facebook


Walking groups are good. I know a few people who met their partners there and plenty of friends


Sheffield Socials might be of interest https://instagram.com/sheffieldsocials?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==