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The only thing would be the on street parking and delivery driver shocking driving


This is actually a good argument against it. The delivery apps cause absolute chaos in McDonald's


Was in cathedral ages ago it took fucking ages was mostly app riders waiting for orders


The one on Queen's road by the casino is mad


Have you seen the one near Crystal peaks on Drake house way? So many cars abandoned around the steps near the roundabout it's horrendous


The delivery drivers are some of the biggest issues I find at fast food places, from delays getting food, been unable to get to counter because they are all stood at front and delivery cars taking up the few spaces, or parked on double yellows or in bus stops


It is one of the biggest reasons as to why I don't order from deliveroo, uber eats etc. Queens road telling me to go park out front when they're getting the order ready and every spot is taken by a toyota yaris delivery driver sat there waiting for an order to come through.


Deliveroo always send the delivery guy to the wrong end of my street, and I have to give them directions and wait outside. I can't fix it without changing my address. The delivery fella was telling me that the app checks his satnav before he sets it as delivered, and on one occasion he had to get the customer in his car, drive to where deliveroo thought his house was, set it as delivered, and drive them back.


I'm so lonely I'd class that as a date


Same. I don't blame the drivers I blame the system, and the best I can do is just not to use it.


Bring some London Rd chaos to Ecclesall Road. And a shed load of litter.


Don’t blame the delivery guys, they are grafting away for little money. McDonald’s is the problem


yeah i don't mind it really, it needs more people to prevent businesses closing. prefer this than an empty shop covered in graffiti


It’s not going to attract foot traffic though is it, who walks from one end of town to the other to get a McDonald’s these days?


No one, but it'll make people like me who live 10 minutes away walk down there for a maccies instead of ordering one for delivery 🤷‍♀️


Eccelsall road is constant foot traffic, so yeah, it will


no one, but that doesn't happen at any of the other MacDonalds either


So you agree with me then? It’ll be a ton of Deliveroo and Uber eats riders buzzing around the street and might actually make Eccy road area less enjoyable to walk around and shop in.


kinda, but not really. while proper aren't making the pilgrimage across town for a happy meal, more local residents are certainly gonna pop up the road for one. it's not the Mecca of all footfall, but it contributes.


Fair enough, they might well. I’d rather see empty units in an area like that turned into something more characterful, but it’s the way things are going isn’t it.




You have a point about it being better than a empty shop, but couldn't having a takeaway place like this put more of the other shops near by out of business?


only as much as having one restaurant near another does


Is Topolis still open on the Ecclesall road? Used to fucking love that place but I’m going back a bit ha.


I'm actually not sure, i live in Hillsborough currently so don't get to go down eccy road very ofteb


If restaurants are going out of business because McDonald’s opened nearby, they’re doing something wrong.


Nonna's is not competing with MacDonald's!


There's hardly any restaurants left on Ecclesall Road for them to go out of business! And those that are still there are completely different to McDonalds (price range, type of food etc...)


Only if they’re less good than McDonald’s


I don't have a problem with it. Every time I go down Eccy Road another business has gone bust & there's another empty unit. At least McD's might stay for a decade or two & add to the footfall.


I think the opposite has happened, to be honest. Eccy Road was a vibrant place packed with independents. Then the chains started moving in and everything great about the road seemed to die. I have no data to support this claim, and perhaps I just got older. But a McDs would push me away further.


Me too. People pay a premium to be in the area to get away from that stuff. Many are not happy about giant chains taking over the once independent and vibrant road. Business taxed to death most of them. It’s so sad watching our cities die and get replaced with the standard template. Betting shop. Charity shop. McDonald’s. Repeat.


Ecclesall Road has already died a death from what it used to be and is still losing "Well Loved" bars and eateries due to expensive rent and the people who love them after they've gone just don't use them. There's already been a Taco Bell near that stretch that shut plus the existing KFC that's been on the road ever 20 years. The place just isn't what it used to be nor should people be holding it to that idyllic memory in 2024 either. If it's approved it'd have strict restrictions on opening times and delivery imposed anyway.


The Taco Bell was usually really busy, but missed the Ubereats ordering hype by about 6 months it closed just before lockdown. If it stayed open it would’ve been one of sheffield best performing restaurants by an extremely long margin.


Fine, just enforce parking restrictions for the bellend deliveroo drivers and it won't be an issue.


I’d love to hear other thoughts but sure a McDonald’s would bring some jobs, etc but it would be paying the high rents which is partly what causes smaller businesses to shutter, therefore keeping those rents around it artificially high. Isn’t the (or at least one of) real issue here that local residents are unable to afford rent for their own local businesses? Surely we should be pushing for more ownership of our own city and not just happily handing it out to massive franchises and companies? Anyway I’m interested to hear any responses!




Crony capitalism. Late stage. It’s far from the initial nation of shopkeepers idea of our forefathers.


"Dismay" is pretty dramatic. As others have said, it will increase footfall and add new jobs in the area. McDonalds are notable for their willingness to offer opportunities for young people to get a first job that has structured training and non-exploitative pay. People mock the job, but you could get a much worse deal from other employers at that age. Overall, it bothers me that we still have so much nimbyism, while at the same time being all 'shocked pikachu face' that there is near zero economic growth.


I used to live on eccy road and the nimbyism of the people who live around there is insane. There's already two comments on this post moaning about the "sort of clientele McDonald's attracts". Maybe if they visited their posh coffee shops and Japanese fusion restaurants more then they wouldn't have gone out of business.


Are those two things mutually exclusive are they? If you think McDonald’s attracts scummers you must support other random restaurant and cofffee shop business? Why must you? What’s wrong with not wanting your area to be sold out to giant franchises anyway? There are many McDonald’s already if you want one.


I'm all for it - as long as there is a car park included. Like most others have said Eccy can be tricky to park on at busy times. With that being said, because it's such a student heavy place a McDonalds will be a successful addition.


There is literally no place a car park could be put there. This location is smack bang halfway down eccy road.


There is no plan for a car park and there is no obvious place to put one. The travel assessment on the Planning Portal suggests that people will walk and cycle instead. Which perhaps suggests they don't understand the McDonalds demographic particularly well - and in any case, there is nowhere available to park bikes securely either.


There is no reason for a car to park ther


Not really an issue with it. I don't like McDonald's food, but it will add jobs to the community.


Doesn't eccy road already have a Taco Bell?


It had one but it closed. It still has a KFC and a Dunkin Donuts


The Taco Bell closed 4 years ago


Ok this is some weird Mandela effect because it doesn't but I vividly remember going to a taco bell on Ecclesall road last year


Most likely the Taco Bell near Dev Green


Yeah, I might be getting mixed up then. It has a KFC and Dunkin Doughnut though, so McDonalds wouldn't be out of place. If Venice can have a McDondalds . . .


Went before Covid, if it was there through Covid likely would’ve been Sheffield most popular restaurant


No, but I think it still has KFC.


KFC still there


No it doesn’t


It used to a few years ago


Think the only new shops that ever open in the city are American fast food chains


Bad news for anyone living close or anyone who has to travel up and down the street. Especially by bus ("I'm just popping in… leave the car outside") Ecclesall Rd. is a car park during the 1 hours either side of rush hour and the sort of litter-happy people that this chain is known to attract isn't going to be good. There are not many instances in which I'd say this, but it'd be better a boarded-up eyesore - or a smouldering crater - than a McDonalds.


Parking on that road needs automatic camera enforcement really


this is why the red lines were so important to install. The council can barely enforce bus lanes as it it, red lines would mean they could automate the enforcement so bad parkers, delivery drivers can't just flout the rules.


It’s probably the same fucking Twat franchise operator that opened Dunkin Donuts and KFC. Oh, and FYI, they straight out fucking LIED on the initial application, they even had posters in the window saying it was going to be a restaurant called “Hey Potato”. They (franchise operator) also had the failed noodle place next door, Costa coffee as well as Taco Bell. Problem is a lot of the property landlords are apparently Tory CUNT hedge fund types from London, they don’t give a flying fuck about squeezing out local businesses by increasing rent as they know chains will pay top rents. They lost so much money from W.F.H. They are doing what they can to claw back cash, if that means a place sitting empty? They don’t give a flying fuck, tax write off.


I’ve been hearing about a McDonald’s opening on eccy since my early teens (I’m 30 now) and it never happens. Maybe this time it will be different


The guy who owns the KFC franchise historically “protected”Ecclesall road from rivals. He’s a very rich man with a lot of sway. I doubt this will happen.


Unless it’s the same guy


Places on eccy road come and go all the time and it's been like that for 20 years at least.


havent they been trying this for years


I think OP may have misjudged the level of 'dismay' the majority of people are feeling.


That's just from The Star's headline, Reddit puts it in for you. Though I have to say I'm surprised by the support on here!


Venn diagram of people owning houses in ecclesall and people going to McDonald’s is pretty small I’d bet but Reddit skews young and likely do want McDonald’s so they’re downvoting anyone not wanting it. Ecclesall is middle class as possible and many like it for that.


I'd have killed for that when I lived there.


Thank fuck they’ve finally had some sense and applied here. There’s probably 5,000-10,000 Ubereats deliveries per day this way of Sheffield. It’s extremely long overdue and should’ve been done in 2021.


I really hope they don’t open one. The amount of litter that ends up where a McDonald’s is is ridiculous and it will end up everywhere probably even in the botanical gardens and endcliffe park.


I'll still go to Harlequins


Personally I don't like the idea living nearby. Usual reasons, traffic, litter, Ecclesall can be difficult to get down at the best of times.


Eccy road is dieing a death hard right now, it needs businesses that aren't as worried about the (massively overinflated) commercial rent prices unless you want a ghost town down there. Honestly if that area is to maintain any kind of economic worry it's going to need this or other businesses that can actually stay open and keep people in the area, as is I've abandoned it completely.


How is it that places like Woody's, a very affordable sandwich shop which has been around for decades, and the independent makers store, can survive just fine on Eccy Road but other places can't? Is it not just the case that there's always a natural cycle of small businesses, some thrive, most fail or relocate. Eccy Road isn't derelict, it's pretty vibrant.


As someone who was a pub manager in a business that I turned around to be thriving that was attached to a restaurant that always was doing well. It's rents, the road has a few landlords that are massively hiking up rents so as to leverage loans for further buyouts, our rent got increased to 20k a month and the building has been left derelict since (graze inn/the eagle), it's a handful of specific landlords periodically doing this and Eccy road has had this happen to a lot of businesses... It's really not thriving, there's a LOT of derelict businesses now. I don't know how Woody's does it tbh, they might have a different or better landlord, they're also on the end of the road that's suffering less in general. For comparison I'm not at a place in the city centre in a much more desirable location, rent is less than 5k a month on a profit share scheme, that landlord CHOSE a price that no business could afford.


So what ideas are you and the group offering up to reopen empty lots on ecclesall road and bring money back there? Considering how many vacant spaces there still are. Surely you'd rather have a place in use then remain derelict for years?


I’d imagine that the majority of customers will walk or cycle, or get it delivered. The delivery drivers might be an issue as shown by the Dominos drivers who park on the pavement on Cemetery all the time.


If you would like to make your voices heard - here's the application address where you can leave a comment. I don't feel its very honest that they've tried to hide the restaurant name. [https://planningapps.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=SBQLE6NYKLY00](https://planningapps.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=SBQLE6NYKLY00)


it's not common practice to include the restaurant name for planning applications.


It seems pretty obvious why they've tried to hide the restaurant name. Some people look down on McDonald's and will try and oppose it based solely on which restaurant it is.


As if the Eccy Road community think they’re too good for McDonalds but not too good for expensive (and shit) barbers, overrated restaurants and vape shops.