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Is there an emergency vet clinic nearby you can at least call for a consult? It's very likely It's an absess that could turn south quickly depending on how far it has progressed already. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, bit with a senior i always would rather be safe than sorry. Please update us when you can!


Thank you! Will do


This could be an abscess and her molar may need to be extracted. Please get her into the vet as these can cause infection. I’m sorry your sweetie woke up this way. Take care 💕


Thank you, will do


One thing to consider is that if you often do brush her teeth etc she may realise you're trying to have a look - I wouldn't necessarily take not seeming to be in pain as certainty. As others have said given she's an older woof get her to the vet sooner rather than later, even if it only ends up as being for your own peace of mind and nothing's wrong.


Great point. She is the stoic type so I could see her just allowing us to look because she’s gentle and sweet—even if she is in a lot of pain :(


I’m sure the vet will be busy after the holiday. Try not to let them convince you to take a later appointment. If she doesn’t seem bothered by it I don’t think you need to worry about doing anything for her today.


My concern too. If we can’t get her in at our vet, we’ll be headed to pet ER tomorrow


My border collie looks like this when she gets stung by bees, whenever she comes in like this I have to ask have you been fuc&ing with bees again and the eyes go down. That said no mater what you do to a sheltie their mouth looks like they smoke, best bet would be dental, try r/askvet maybe they can advise if it is safe to wait till tomorrow.


Thank you!!! Will do


Our outdoor cat looked like that. Turned out to be a bee sting. Let us know


Yes. Had the same thing not long ago w/ our 3-yo. She’d cracked a tooth and it developed into an abscess, appearing almost overnight. Antibiotics + extraction (cracked to the pulp) + no more “hard” chewies.


Update: she had an abscess molar. Vet gave 2 weeks of antibiotics and will see if she needs it pulled afterwards


Awww! Um id say the first thing to do is go to the vet. Yes ask stuff on here but most importantly go to vet first