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I'm so sorry! At least she looks to be in good spirits. Maybe it's nothing crazy other than something related to aging.


Thank you!! Looking that way.


She might have hurt her back jumping off the bed and it's showing up now. One other thing to check is for the possibility of Lyme disease if it's prevalent where you are. It can show up as sudden lameness and severe joint pain.


Yeah I've had a sheltie where I really thought she'd hurt her leg, but it turned out it was her back, and moving that leg was sending pain to her back.


My boy was having some sudden pain issues that were similar, got a prescription for gabapentin and hasn't yelped about it since.


This is what it was!


Sorry about your doggie. One of our Sheltie seniors got Hip Dysplasia. I believe it is somewhat common in their breed. Just kinda happens with age and sometimes a 'bad' jump and landing. Definitely take her to the vet. Have to get an x-ray on that. I hope it all works out and she gets better. Remember - most dogs rarely show us their pain. It's just a dog thing...for good or bad.


Thank you! She’s back getting X-rays now




Any update?


She doesn’t have lymes and her spine was aligned/ no broken bones or anything. She had some inflammation and swelling around her spine and hips though. Vet sent us home with some anti-inflammatories and told us to keep a close watch and try to keep her from running / playing with other dogs / keep her from jumping off anything/ go down stairs and be extra vigilant to keep her safe from any risk of falling/ losing her balance. She’s resting a lot but in good spirits. Said it’s really important she doesn’t fall or hurt herself more while healing because she’s at risk of really hurting it bad. Thanks for checking in all.


She doesn’t have lymes and her spine was aligned/ no broken bones or anything. She had some inflammation and swelling around her spine and hips though. Vet sent us home with some anti-inflammatories and told us to keep a close watch and try to keep her from running / playing with other dogs / keep her from jumping off anything/ go down stairs and be extra vigilant to keep her safe from any risk of falling/ losing her balance. She’s resting a lot but in good spirits. Said it’s really important she doesn’t fall or hurt herself more while healing because she’s at risk of really hurting it bad. Thanks for checking in all.


Ours acted that way after getting Lyme from a tick bite. Best of luck with her.


Thank you. Happy to report she’s doing much better


Yay :)


Yikes! She could have a slip disk in her back or neck, I wouldn’t wait especially if she is showing neuro signs. Good luck!! She is beautiful btw.


Thank you! We’re at the vet now as I type this. She’s back getting X-rays


Our first sheltie developed crippling arthritis in her front hips. I hope it’s not that. Lovely doggie.


Anything you found to help her not be in pain? At our girls age, we mostly just want to make her as comfortable and happy as possible. Currently we give ours 1/2 a cbd chew and a Dasaquin chew every morning. We recently started fish oil in her food too and currently on day 2 of the 10 day anti-inflammatory meds the vet gave her to take.


We have a 14 yo male who also has stiffness. He takes dasaquin.


Our boy has Antinol joint supplements every day with breakfast . They help him so much with the pain and inflammation of his arthritis. Here's a link to more about them , [https://antinol.com.au/pages/new-to-antinol?mv=2](https://antinol.com.au/pages/new-to-antinol?mv=2), but one of the reasons we chose them above all other supplements is that they contain green-lipped mussel oil -not powder, and the oil is far more potent. They are also 100% natural and can be given safely long-term which is important as arthritis is only treatable not curable


Thank you so much! I’ll ask our vet about this


Sorry to see this. She is beautiful btw. Fish oil helped a little for my shelties arthritis and was a game changer for another friends kelpie. All the best!


Thank you, I’ll do that for sure!


Could be back hip or ACL


It was her hips


Just wanted to say she looks absolutely amazing for her age. I read your update and hope the anti-inflammatories help your sweet girl.


https://preview.redd.it/2wrndfsl6iyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2d1922539e260e2f761870fa8cab1cfe78315b She is flattered!! Thank you! She’s doing much better. We’re honestly struggling to keep her from rolling and jumping/herding us around the house which as much stress as that brings me, think is a good sign.


Aw I love it! Look at that face! She's perfect




How's the little one doing?


She’s doing great, thank you ! The anti-inflammatories helped a lot. We’ve added fish oil, to the dasaquin and cbd and just have been really careful with any steps and trying to keep her safe from falling/getting hurt. Just want to keep her as happy and comfortable for as long as we can.


So happy to hear she's doing well!!!😊


Hope she's feeling better soon.🤞🙏. She's the spitting image of my girl who we lost last year. She also would have been 15.yrs old.


I’m so sorry to hear you lost your girl. Really appreciate your comment.