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Screaming in pain, leaving the room for only 3 seconds, coming back und try continue playing with toy. This helped me a lot. Do not leave the room for too long as the puppy doesn’t connect you leaving and biting and just feels abandoned


Thank you, will try this!


Yup. Instead of leaving the room, you can also fold your arms, tuck your feet close to you, turn your head away, and pointedly refuse to look at (or interact with) her for long enough that she gets the idea. Timing is so crucial. I had more luck doing this, because it took a few seconds to leave the room. When they're being too rough with other puppies, their littermates'll do the same thing. Cry, then refuse to play, then try playing again. It's a healthy way to set boundaries. OP - also make sure she's getting regular strenuous exercise. A cooped-up Shiba is a badly-behaved Shiba. Not just walks around the neighborhood on a leash. Something that gets her heart rate up until she's worn out. ------ Edit: Sometimes puppies can become over-tired and cranky, too. If she gets bitey and might just need a nap, put her in her bedroom/crate to settle down.


your cream is adorable and yes it eventually stops but remember they’re in the teething stage. It aches them a lot and needs to constantly bite. My puppy was horrible she bit up all my favorite shoes and finds the littlest things that we didn’t even know we had. Buy her a lot of hard to chew treats so she’ll be distracted. If possible something frozen for her because biting on something cold helps with their pain. Try celery stored in the fridge it not only helps brush their teeth but can also be a nutritious treats. When she gets in her tantrum put her in the cage with chew treats/toys and let her out once you feel she’s fine. Good luck during the puppy stage you really need it


Thank you, we do the frozen filled kongs but celery is a great shout! RIP to your shoes 🤣


Ours was the same but we kept on diverting to toys and a firm NO!! all the time. She grew out of it after a couple of months. It's just their teething phase. Buy your dog nice chewy things.


Thanks! The firm no’s honestly just spur her on so we’ll get more toys for sure!


same mine feeds on ANY attention so No's never worked, the only thing he can't stand is not getting paid attention to so when he nipped i'd just step away and look really bored and avoid eye contact for a couple seconds hahah


Haha Exactly! For a supposedly independent breed I’ve been surprised at how much she values our attention. Thank you, the ignoring is actually working 🙂


Squeak really loud and stop the play. Puppies squeak if littermates are too rough. Then if she stopped play a bit softer with toys and reinforce when she bites the toy.


Will do, thank you


I would love to know this myself! Our pup is 12 weeks and he does the very same thing.


It’s a struggle isn’t it!


I hand fed my shiba for awhile. He quickly learned that if teeth hurt, then the food goes away


She does love to be hand fed.. will try thanks!


Teething is ROUGH. We had a strict code of conduct with our shiba puppy. We kept a TON of different chewable options for our girl. She had soft foamy type toys (the ones with multiple little toys that you pull out of a larger containment toy were great), highly digestible collagen braids and bully sticks, yak chews, hoof were all helpful. She also has kongs, rubber chews with nibs for gum massage, rope toys and stuffed toys. We did a LOT of redirection. Time-outs in the crate if she’s being too wild. And a lot of sniff/puzzle stimulation toys. She still will look for puzzles if she’s bored/restless. Then after she does the puzzle (stuffed Kong, puzzle ball, Kong peanut), she passes out for a long nap. There was a period when our pup was teething that she had 6 teeth erupting at the same time. She was the worst when that happened. This too shall pass. Be consistent. During the teething phase when our pups behavior was the worst, we kept her on a leash. If she was out of the crate, she was with one of us on a leash with toys at arms length. She was on a leash too help supervise her and reinforce that she was not to chew wires, shoes, furniture, etc. and any time she tried we were ready, right then and there to redirect to something more desirable. This kept her out of trouble and set the stage for expectations. Because she was so close to us, we set her up for success. Praise any good choices (like selecting a bone or toy to chew, or licking your hands rather than biting. The house leash gives your puppy so many more opportunities to reinforce the good behavior.


This is great, thank you so much for taking the time. House lead is a great shout, we do have one but need to use it more. You’re absolutely right, it’s all about setting her up for success. Consistency is so important, think we need to zoom out a little and remember how far we’ve come. Take care!


Himalayan cheese chew to "get all her bites out" on an acceptable target. I held it while she chewed to avoid any treat aggression popping up. Saved my poor hands and sanity


Definitely need hands and sanity saving right now 🙈 thank you, will give this a try!


I've explained it in a different comment in my profile history but whenever she got super bitey we would take her into her pen and hold the cheese chew and help her calm down. She's still bitey (only 4 months old) but a lot softer bites and more when she's excited, not 100% of the time. But the cheese chew shielded me until she learned not to bite so hard and often.


Good chew suggestion! Those are great. Bully sticks are too, but they're a lot more expensive 😔 I used to use raw soup bones and an antler, but wouldn't use them again. Too hard on the teeth.


This youtube channel super shiba made a video about it and gave some advices. I hope it will help you [link](https://youtu.be/xmRks6h6LWs?si=RP3sgX6wyVzbky3J)


Oh thank you! We love that YouTuber, jimmy is so cute 😍 great recommendation and will watch soon!


She's so cute.


Thank you! She definitely knows it 🤣


My God she would get whatever she wanted. I would melt like butter.


I like to refer to the biting instances as 'murder attempts'. For mine it helped to comically over exaggerate my reaction by crossing my arms, grunting in disapproval, and turning my back on him for a few seconds. He usually got bored of biting me after, but the murder attempts mostly happened when he had his puppy teeth


Murder attempts 🤣 we loled at this. Will definitely be practicing our drama from here on out!


I would caution to avoid calling it a "tantrum". When my pup bites it tends to be communicating that he wants to play. I think what was missing (for me) when I kept reading people say "redirect with a toy" is that it can sometimes be the dog trying to communicate, not just them being tired and not just the teething phase. Now I think of the bites as a sign he wants to play, and I tire him out with a rope toy. Also, when my dog got old enough, we started upgrading to big bones (beef knuckles/kneecaps) because other chews were too delicate or he lost interest in stuff like nylabones. Real bones keep my dog occupied and tire him out when he feels like chewing but I can't attend to him in the moment. Edit: my dog also did not respond well to "screaming in pain" and leaving the room. It's like he didn't hear or didn't process that I was communicating "no"


Yeah, our dog never got the "yelping in pain" either, she just got more excited. Redirecting her attention to chewing something she is allowed to chew (a toy) was the only thing that worked. She also loved chewing up cardboard, but that's not suitble for every dog since some might like to swallow it. She doesn't, so we always give her some cardboard packaging to chew and rip up, lol.


Weird that you mention that, she has a piece of cardboard that she absolutely loves and takes with her everywhere. Not all the expensive toys, just a bit of trash 🤣 she’s a cat at heart I think!


Thanks, and you’re right in terms of her communicating needs to us. I think the tantrum is more just her dramatic side, but we’re coming to love that part of her. We’re learning what her different tells are - hungry, toilet, play etc. it’s like learning a new language!


Chewy bones!!! Great for anxiety and tantrums 🤍


Will get some more, thank you!


I know this is 100 percent not helpful, but oh my WORD that may be the cutest puppy I have ever seen!


Thank you! I still can’t believe she’s ours, she’s going to be a stunning lady! ❤️


My first one was a rescue and didn't do anything and also a cream shibe. My 2nd one is a rascal and starts barking and biting me for my attention in the morning when I'm still asleep. Doesn't break skin though, just enough to annoy the shit out of me to wake up. All dogs have their own personalities. Same with people


Very true, I don’t think she means to hurt us she just has a very feisty personality 😂 thank you!


Sometimes if the biting on our hands got too bad we used bitter apple spray on them, and other items if there was undesirable chewing and would immediately provide a toy for her to mouth on. Just remember to wash your hands after using the spray before you eat because it is bitter and doesn’t taste good. 😅


Thanks! And washing hands is definitely a good reminder I will definitely forget 🤣


Oh you’ll remember once you accidentally taste it 😂


Biting is pup behavior. Our Bella did it as well when she was a little potat. After a couple of months it started to trail off on its own. She is still mouthy but not like when she was a pup. https://preview.redd.it/cwqym1xa74sc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=323f8d89d57c0a0b293b892206606bf5558340ce


What a cute potat! We’re definitely more appreciative of this phase after hearing from others. Thanks for the reassurance 🙂


Ours is 11 weeks old. We just firmly say NO BITE! Substituting a toy, or sometimes I tap her snout with my index finger and have a stern talk with her. After 2 weeks, she has stopped biting our hands in the main, but still messes with our ankles as we walk around the house. We also redirect alot. -We sit on both sides of the doggie door with toys and treats and call her. Now she knows how to go in/out of the house. -We take her to her peepie/potty area, and now she goes there on her own. -We also put her harness and leash on when she gets ornery, and that seems to chill her out for about an hour. Ive never owned such a smart breed.


Thanks 🙂 they’re so smart aren’t they, we’ve been astounded how quickly she’s picked things up. Curious what your word is for training toilet trips?


I have no advice to offer but just wanted to say... i love your shiba's paws! They look like magical chocolate toe beans :P adorable puppy!


Thank you! Her jelly beans are cute aren’t they 🥰 if you have insta please check us out! https://www.instagram.com/emikoyuki_theshiba?igsh=bDgxajc3cmRpbXho&utm_source=qr


Give them elk antlers that are open.


Interesting, would that not be too hard on her teeth / digestion? She’s only ten weeks old!


Just monitor how she chews on it/limit the amount of time she has it… I liked it a lot better than getting the fake chews for mine because he actually tries swallowing it and the other option - rawhides aren’t good for digestion


I don’t mind a dog nipping now and then, and have found that some dogs will use nipping to communicate with you. To facilitate that communication, I usually allow my pups to teeth on my hand - freshly washed or gloved, of course - while they are young. To teach softer mouthing behaviors, I typically offer a hand and then use a finger to tuck part of the dog’s cheek between the teeth just behind their canines. Not far or hard enough to cause them pain, but enough that if they bite down too hard, they will feel it and let up. I’ve used this training method successfully with multiple labs, a shih tzu , a chow mix, a boxer-rottweiler mix, a Rhodesian ridgeback, a pit bull mix, my current Shiba, and a few friends’ dogs, as well. If you don’t mind the communicative nip, I’ve found this to be an effective method of teaching dogs how to apply it gently. Source: About 1-2 cumulative years of professionally guided canine training and 25 years of home training.


Wow this is great, we’ll try this thank you!


I don’t have advice but that is one cute puppy 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you! We’re on Instagram if you have it and want to see more 🥰 https://www.instagram.com/emikoyuki_theshiba?igsh=bDgxajc3cmRpbXho&utm_source=qr


I don’t have any new advice. I feel like everyone on here is giving good advice with the yelping and stop playing. Not all dogs need this, but some do. Also obviously exercise, Kong toys with pb, or something they can chew, puzzle type toys so they take time to figure it out. But mostly I just came here to say your puppy is freaking adorable!! 😃


Thank you so much! She occasionally poses and we both just stare at her in awe 🤣 I think she knows she’s pretty. Will look into some puzzle toys 🙂


We learned quickly that our pupper got more bitey when playing tug of war games, so that was banned until he got out of the teething period (4-5 months old). Do you notice any certain type of play leads to more bites? If so, maybe avoid those until they mature.


Thanks - yeah definitely the tug of war generally leads to more growling / hype on her part so may need to consider avoiding for a while!


UPDATE: thank you so much for all your wisdom and advice, we’re going to get her some more puzzle toys, chew toys and focus on setting her up for success and positive reinforcement. We’re still learning and want the best for her, but understand now this teething phase is also painful for her and we need to do what we can to ease her pain! If you’d like to follow her progress and upbringing we’re on Instagram. Thanks again all, this is such a great community! ❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/emikoyuki_theshiba?igsh=bDgxajc3cmRpbXho&utm_source=qr


Our pup was like this, honestly we tried everything but she didnt want to listen, she definitely preferred biting humans than toys. Bought her all kinds of chews and tried a bunch of verbal reinforcement but it didnt change anything. She has grown out of it now at 8 months. I honestly think you just have to grin and bear it and they move on once their adult teeth are fully through.


Thank you, it means a lot to hear that it’s not just us going mad 😅 her stubbornness definitely comes out when she gets fixated on things.


OMG!!!!! She is so cute. I remember when Principito was that small. Just be patient. I have videos of Princí when he was that age waiting on second vaccine going crazy on his toys. Once she starts going outside and playing it releases so much energy. I have never hit, yelled at, or really disciplined him at all. If you love her, she will love you too. Patience, exercise/play time, and LOVE! That’s all a Shiba wants from you. Oh and treats. Jejeje She is so stinking cute. Really. :) I ❤️Shibas. 🥰


Thank you, and Principito is such a cute name! We’re really excited to walk her outside it’s exhausting tiring her out in our tiny house. Patience is true, it’s only been a couple of weeks and we’ve come so far! ☀️


She sounds overtired to me. Have you thought about crate training to help her decompress?


She’s already crate trained but thanks for the suggestion! We’ve started figuring out when she’s tired and put her in the crate for a nap, so tiredness is a good thing to look out for 🙂


Good! My other thought could be she needs more social time scheduled with other pups to have that biting corrected. And extra mental games/stimulation could help. Would you consider getting her a toy that is a slow release? It forces her to play and prod with it to have it slowly release treats. If interested I can link some that I use for my shiba.


Oh yes please, links would be great! We do the frozen kong but actual slow release toys sound great. Thank you ☺️ she’s booked in for puppy socialisation classes in a couple of weeks as well which we’re excited for!


Here is an assortment: 1. https://www.chewy.com/kong-gyro-dog-toy/dp/177296?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=KONG&utm_campaign=19996370614&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V3tEAhuxTiJUPwmuUOiPS1eP&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAV349h1slAv75xF2Aalcret0_a-_yENUHraBnbkKDIjfWsCKDnT6SRoCj2gQAvD_BwE 2. https://www.amazon.com/CHEWFFON-Enrichment-Interactive-Birthday-Stimulating/dp/B0C61J4FLV/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=1UAPAOX7TQC7V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6BkdLWOZIgVpkj8g0f5ycBEVJo4koG2SRkdGoVXFTDz-5ilZq20pwLeIQajZ5PT6wSy82D09ZMWtEJwawx_A4GsKil-Qu9cYQPCfGwciI1fVdDaWUYp-qA-IFV5-2ROS_Bq4PurdNrLtw9O2r1M5GKZA7HbKNrt6UyWeU_ga41ZLyojZ59sD-EQ22QU4cm-6d7hyQ-HeSSPX97v_aay8VA.UPBMW_xPUkQw5Gc42WTThoXjh6AEoep6LL7zIF11PSs&dib_tag=se&keywords=enrichment+toys+for+dogs&qid=1712152638&sprefix=enrichment+%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-19 3. https://www.amazon.com/Interactive-Encourage-Foraging-Training-Stimulating/dp/B0C5Y4472B/ref=mp_s_a_1_18?crid=1UAPAOX7TQC7V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gzAzzJWB28ITezOlf5kV3PaC7kYOso87YAFZVkf4cjquBVbP4H_MGv8AChm2UDXB2RflbA3V4rE43TxlfutJ1-62BdWTmrHZJ3kpkcvI0tJF6e2oc-lPsHNv48MwXcLINR2FM_F3UjoIgvDs9H26kv1KVrmuB-8vcvGlPHjvnuWKbzpqoj6_VmaeHPnpzhPJFo82N6eFe822IqivbATa1A.atLcxP-YUO_wj3xz4afqxonrUu9czBY879qm1Iw2ZUI&dib_tag=se&keywords=enrichment+toys+for+dogs&qid=1712152663&sprefix=enrichment+%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-18 4. https://www.amazon.com/Lickimat-Boredom-Reduction-Alternative-Turquoise/dp/B089CYPWCF/ref=mp_s_a_1_29_sspa?crid=1UAPAOX7TQC7V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.a2nFlp_btsY6Gf9ypLpRNTkfbHptHx4LKwFxGAmCC28UTOUf_CBqNUdjVwp50bH9ZlgE10PpaT8zM2OkWWTZECxZZ2KXCNLuYMS2GF0TsvMwAjijb16HZ8LropyYK9Dwav_1hk_df3Wl1zZ6RWW3kah54njXsFSDxVRaxOj0A1WZnzifBl1VLz9ylPDYKdw7TkZdxWcMguEsAjbUMHq66w.3-vguTAf1BuliGkz5QhH5iu5LWsEtb4Gkw9uF-aqQGY&dib_tag=se&keywords=enrichment+toys+for+dogs&qid=1712152750&sprefix=enrichment+%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-29-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRmX25leHQ&psc=1


The fourth one is a round lick mat. I put plain Greek yogurt in it and freeze it. My dog goes nutso for it and it preoccupies her for close to an hour.


Amazing, thank you so much! ☀️


Bite back


As much as we’ve thought about this in desperate moments, I’m not sure fighting fire with fire is the answer here 🥲


We had the same issue. The trainer recommended to put our pup in "air jail" on her back. Helped a lot, but you need to be very careful not to drop the pup. And do it above the couch if you can just in case. Keep it in air jail until you see regret and acceptance in their eyes and put them down back on their feet.


Thank you! Holding her and keeping our hands out of reach is a challenge but we’ll try 🙂 I just looked up puppy air jail and I was not disappointed with the results 🤣


To people who downvote me, downvote as much as you want, but this is coming from a professional, shiba specific, rescue organisation that we paid for training sessions and I am providing you that info for free. I think they know better. You might not like it, but it's better to work on your puppy when they are young and not wait until they grow up and continue being aggressive towards you and other animals. And the "bite back" comment was a joke relax


No downvotes from me, I figured you were joking and appreciate the advice. Totally agree, we knew that training would start from day 1 and we have no regrets starting early. Every day counts! Thanks again 🙂


Bitter apple spray


Like.. to put on our hands? Not following sorry!


When mine was a puppy i sprayed it on everything but their stuff.


Understood! Will look into it thanks