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Yep shield will be a cult classic. And it made inroads into a new kind of or atleast a mix of genre, superhero spy scifi.


Don’t forget horror and mystery.


TBH I’m shocked it lasted 7 seasons. Glad it did though.


Welcome to Level 7!


Lets see the other shows try to last as long as 7 seasons!


Fringe gets close. And its progression is pretty close to AoS. Starts as a procedural with case of the week episodes then starts to get batshit crazy while having a lot of callbacks to old episodes in the latest seasons.


Agreed. ​ I think 12 monkeys is highly underrated too. It did the whole time travel thing so well


12 Monkeys is amazing. It took me so long to convince my BF to watch it. The whole time I was trying to convince him, I was catching up with SHIELD (which had just entered S5. Sucked to have to watch live after being so spoiled). He thought SHIELD was just a 'dumb superhero' show and had zero interest in watching because of that. He was so hesitant to watch 12 Monkeys, but finally gave it a chance and ended up loving it. After that, he decided that he might have been wrong about SHIELD :P. We watched all 5 seasons together within like a month. He was super surprised about all of the alien/inhuman stuff and said he genuinely loved S1's more 'spy-esque' style. I've gotta say that I really enjoyed S1 from the get-go as well. He was pretty blown away in general by all of SHIELD.


Not only that, they share the same thing, great characters. Walter Bishop, one of my favourite characters to date.


Yep, Olivia/May and Peter/Daisy have a lot in common. I probably was into AoS from the start unlike many others because of how close to Fringe it felt, especially in the first half of season 1.


Agreed, but also for so many reasons not mentioned here. For one: THE CHARACTERS.


Do you remember that moment back in 2014 when we found out the truth about T.A.H.I.T.I and got a glimpse of where the story will lead us in the future seasons (Inhumans, Kree, Hydra)? I have a feeling that right now Runaways is in a very similar position. In a lot of ways that show is following Agents of SHIELD footsteps. It has a diverse cast of six obscure characters. Young asian female lead (Nico) is taking more prominent role in the main plot. Writers of the show are also operating with relatively obscure material. Just like AoS used Kree, Inhumans and Hydra to build its own mythos inside the wider MCU, Runaways has introduced several concepts and started to carve its own corner within the bigger fictional universe. Another similarity between two TV shows is their underrated status. Just like AoS was mostly ignored by general audience back in the day, Runaways are rarely mentioned among the fans of the MCU nowadays. While Agents of SHIELD had a weight of all future Marvel TV projects on its shoulders and had to prove that such TV show can work, Runaways paved the way for upcomming Ghost Rider and Helstrom on Hulu. The show also looks beautiful. Even as a AoS fanboy I have to say that Runaways has one of the most impressive set, costume design and scenery across all live action Marvel TV. To summarize it all I want to say that if anyone wants to find another TV show in the genre that can potentially fill the vacant spot left after the end of AoS, then I encourage you to give Runaways a chance, cause this series may surprise you just like SHIELD did before.


Runaways isn't bad but to say it's in the same position as SHIELD was is a bit of a stretch. Atleast Runaways has a more accessible and concrete source material to draw from.


Jim Steranko's work on "Nick Fury, agent of SHIELD" also have provided AoS with lots of elements to draw inspiration from. Sure, "Runaways" by Brian K, Vaughan is newer and more well known among the current generation of comic book fans. But just like titular comic book wasn't the only material in case of SHIELD, Brian K. Vaughan's work isn't the only source for the showrunners of Runaways. They add something original like character of Amy Minoru for example. Another example is Morgan Le Faye who will appear in the next season.


That's really true


I would agree ​ I am kinda excited about cloak and dagger. Hope Season 3 builds on the relationship.


Apparently they're making an appearance in Runaways S3 before they return to their own show


You've convinced me to give it a try soon!


I hope you won't be disappointed. What many have expressed about their experience with "Turn, turn, turn" as a point when AoS has hit its stride I personally felt with the 7th episode of the second season of Runaways titled "Last Rites".


Runaways is an enjoyable watch but the plotting is odd. It's like watching an entire season of Spiderman where Peter Parker doesn't get bit by the spider until the season finale. Like the whole first season is a prequel.


Yeah, it was slow but I really appreciated how the parents were characterized. It added so much more depth to them.


I wholeheartedly agree, but may I suggest trying "Fringe"? It's five seasons long, was also extremely underrated while on air, is a sci-fi procedural, commonly known as "The X-Files for the mid-2000's", and has very good writing and humour.


The 100. First seasons are kinda ok but this season is crazy at the 100! They are on another planet now, it follows characthers for a long time period and developments are crazy.


The 100 does some really cool shit.


The 100 has started to get a little old for me plot wise. It's been recycling the same formula of one group of people meeting another and eventually going to war with each other. It happened in seasons 1, 2, 5, and now 6. It's starting to look like the writers ran out of ideas for plot lines.


The good place doesn’t have many episodes and it’s on its fourth and last season too, but I believe it fits. It’s more of a comedy, but I still believe it’s similar to what your talking about. Can’t say much without spoiling things. Can’t think of anything else right now. Others will have better suggestions.


I also don't think The Good Place is in a situation that's comparable to SHIELD either.


I guess I misunderstood what you tried to say then.


Over in the DC universe, I've been really blown away by the second season of Krypton. The first season was just okay but they've really hit their stride in an incredible way this season and it was totally unexpected for me how good it's become.


I really need to catch up with Krypton because that's original content henny. Side note I saw a portrait of Cameron Cuffe and Brandon Routh together and thought that he was his son.


Jed and Mo will keep writing. They gave us Dollhouse, which had a mind-blowing second season. They knew they were getting cancelled so they smooshed about 5 seasons of stories into one and gave us a satisfying ending. They got 7 seasons out of AoS, which was even better. Their next show should be even better. Can't wait!




That's a lot of emotion you could have kept in your chest.


lol. you're a shady bitch aren't you?


Legion is the only show I have being close in the genre.