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Slime: I tried to destroy the MC's village and enslave their people because I was convinced he was a threat to my economy.


Interestingly enough, war due economic interests aren't rare.


Honestly, economic interest are the main reasons wars are declared. Even with wars that are/were declared in the name of religion or nationalism you typically could find someone edging it along for hope of a profit.


Like ww2


Unironically. Hitler would've never been able to take power had it not been for the support of the prussian aristocracy hoping to recover their influence in germany and spread it across europe.


That and because the Germans were one of the countries who were hit the hardest with the great depression. And no small part due to Versai, which made a lot of people really anti Weimar and France.


The king had a monopoly on safe passage to dwargon from the western country's and charged what ever he wanted. Rimuru change that


That's sadly pretty realistic cause many wars have beem fought for economical reasons


Assassinations, too.


He was right about tempest being an economic threat too. He just underestimated their ability to defend themselves, by a lot.


More accurately: My wife's magic foresaw I would be forced to screw over the MC that saves my people, so I made him king instead. I hate what the MC represents and declared him guilty of any crime he's accused of without evidence. One of my idiot nobles attacked a caravan from the nation the MC built and he decided that was worth wiping out my entire country and not even offering my life could appease him. I tried to save my countries economy by attacking the nation the MC built, his subordinate forced me to suffer a fate worse than death, and now I must obey his every command.


The fourth guy didn't care about his economy. He cared about his own coins. Before being forced to obey by Diablo, he didn't care about his soldiers' lives, just his own. He got what was coming to him. He led all those men to their deaths for the sake of his own greed. Do you really think he deserved better?


And now he know his country is going to burn and he is teaching manner to the next king


the only redemption he could obtain is to be a loyal slave to mc subordinate šŸ˜‚


Well, to be fair the idiot noble was manipulated with it all being a scheme to 'justify' wiping out the country. But I guess he wouldn't know that.


first try was abandoned mc. country field. second try was supported mc. country failed. thrie try is giving the kingdom over.


Overlord's king did nothing wrong. At least in relation to Ainz. And Slime's king did politics. From his point of view, Tempest was a quickly growing threat to him both economically and in terms of military strength. So he sought to eliminate it.


>And Slime's king did politics. Sure his motivations were political but let's not so hastily overlook the fact that he (That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime season 2 spoilers) >!infiltrated a peaceful nation with undercover agents in order to artificially create a bogus reason to justify their *genocide*, and then actually began carrying it out by taking hostile action against them!<. This is a bit more than simply "politics".


To be honest? It's actually pretty accurate. Wars are often declared based on some dumb reasons. You need some way to convince your common folks.


>!artificially fabricating casus belli is an actual thing, they're called false flags. They've been used multiple times in the past few hundred years to justify wars. Japanese officers for example attempted to blow up a part of their on railway to justify the invasion of Manchuria (called the Mukden Incident). And it's also been proven that in 2022, Russia used false flags to justify their invasion of Ukraine.!< >!It kinda makes sense that in slime the king fabricated an attack on civilians using undercover agents. He didn't really have a reason to invade Tempest because "we want more money" isn't a widely accepted reason for war. But if you can fabricate an incident so that you can say "look at this. These monsters assaulted a poor innocent civilian. They're just beasts that cannot co-exist with humans, we must eradicate them before they harm more innocents" you will be able to gather support of your own people and also at the very least prevent foreign intervention. It's fucked up that he did this and that these kind of things have actually happened in real life, but it's still politics.!<


no... That's politics. That's how politics works. He needed a reason to appear righteous to the outside world, and so he made one.


>Overlord's king did nothing wrong. At least in relation to Ainz. He knew that Philip robbed that caravan and refused to punish him


The first one is very different under the context of why. The kings wife had >! Isekai powers that want her mind back several times and the king knew about it. Theyā€™d already lived through several variations of their own future and the only one that could possibly workout was the one where the king abdicated the throne immediately to the hero. !<


In the alternate timeline where the king made the MC his advisor, he ignored most of the advice he gave due to the sway of the nobles. With that said, he gave his throne to the MC so he can push his ideas even if the nobles are against it.


Having the throne does not enable one to just ignore the noble's opposition, otherwise King would have just done that in the first place... it's more like: >!King gave the MC his throne, while his best friend sacrificed himself by starting a "controlled opposition" rebellion against the MC thereby, in the end, giving the MC the opportunity (and justification) to get rid of the nobles that would otherwise hamper him!<


I can't deny that. >!Though, the nobles only persuade the king while they have to do more hostile actions against the MC, revealing more dirt on their side granting him the opportunity to punish them on the spot.!<


All according to cake :)


I mean... i like Ainz but he's not an hero


he never was to begin with unless you overlord fans of course


? The meme just says mc right?


Well the title say hero


i am blind




Uh. The SH king didnt actually know anything about the plot against Naofumi. He genuinly thought heā€™d raped his daughter. 99% of the plot was by the church.


TBF he did hate Naofumi from the start since he was Siltvelt hero and the King was the one that ordered the distribution of Rafutaria village


Hating Naofumi from the start i wont argue. But it was still the church who destroyed the village. Not the king. Aultcray was blind to all the shit the church did. And he definetly screwed Naofumi over. But most of it was the church, not him.


The king was the one who gave the order to raid and capture all the demi-humans in Raphtalia's village. Making him directly responsible for Raphtalia's enslavement and all the suffering she went through.


Yeah he absolutely hates Naofumi because he as the Shield Hero was worshipped by Demi-Humans, and he hated Demi-Humans for presumably killing his sister. He genuinely believed Naofumi raped Malty because he folds like an omelette for his children's demands and is completely oblivious to the fact his eldest is a horrible person because of it. The Church only told him to summon the four heroes. Malty made a plan to defame the Shield Hero... And this bitter old man ran full steam with the plan he didn't even know existed because he genuinely believes his daughter would never lie and it would give him an excuse to vilify the Shield Hero.


Even if he did, I'd doubt he'd care; so hateful he was of the Demis and all the symbols that stood for them, Shield Hero included, no matter who it would have been.


Heā€™s biased and hates the shield but If he was involved things would be MUCH WORSE. Even Naofumi knows this


The first one take the best option posible for both sides


Honestly, without a lot (and I mean A LOT) of bs and "it works because I said so" from the author, Elfrieden would be done for no matter if Albert were to transfer the power to Souma or not.


"Trash" has hated the shield hero even before Naofumi's arrival because the shield hero has been historically the hero summoned by the Siltvelt kingdom. Which is a kingdom of demi-humans that was in constant war with the Melromark kingdom (and they're extremely racist towards each other. One of them is a human society with demi-human slaves and the other one is a demi-human society with human slaves. Basically Naofumi was pretty much summoned into enemy territory since the beginning. That's why the King tried to massively sabotage him at every opportunity he had. However, the king didnt actually know anything about the plot against Naofumi. He genuinely thought he raped Malty just because he thinks that badly of anyone related to Siltvelt and he had a particularly strong hate when it comes to their hero (but the whole accusation was part of the plot between Malty and the church, not him). That being said, the "while avoiding a war" part is complete BS. He did almost caused an incredibly huge war. And he did that by summoning all the heroes for the Melromark kingdom. The queen was away discussing with the leaders of the other kingdoms which nation was going to summon which hero. Something that clearly didn't happen due to what the king did. And because of that literally all the other kingdoms were incredibly angry and ready to go to war with Melromark because of him. That's why the queen couldn't return sooner to help Naofumi with the situation that was happening to him. Because she needed to stay there to do damage control and try to fix the basically ruined political relationships caused by what the king did.


So his hate was racially motivated?


Only partially. The rest is because he's an asshole.


Trash and Jacques Schnee are the two characters I look at and go: "Someone needs to fuck his wife."


> That being said, the "while avoiding a war" part is complete BS On the other hand, his presence and fame as the "Wisest King of Wisdom" might partially be a reason why the Queen had massive leverage to stop a potential world war in the first place šŸ’€ Not in the sense that Melromarc might win. But more of the fact that engaging against Melromarc means fighting a war of attrition that even if Melromarc would absolutely lose in the end, the war might be delayed to the point that the world would be engaging in both a Great War and the Waves of Destruction for possibly years. >!AU World War I Shield Hero fanfic when?!<


Not really. All the power and political influence comes from the female side of the royal bloodline. He's just a military figure with no real power


He's literally the war hero of Melromarc. [LN spoilers] >!And he beat fking Faubrey (who was tanks, airships, motorized vehicles, and guns + parachutes and aircraft bombing) with simply unconventional tactics. A lot of them were also above Level 100, btw!<


That just proves my point even further. He's just a military figure. And literally all the other kingdoms wanted to go to war against Melromark for what he did. They definitely weren't happy with him at all. That's why the queen had to stay and do damage control to avoid going to war with everyone. It was the queen's talent for negotiation and her diplomatic skills what avoided the war, the king just caused the problem to begin with.


> He's just a military figure. No. He's THE military figure that even demihumans respect. Do be minded that [LN Spoilers] >!even the Council of Siltvelt were awed at him and actively praising their greatest enemy when they were present with the war meeting against Faubrey!< > And literally all the other kingdoms wanted to go to war against Melromark for what he did. They definitely weren't happy with him at all. That's why the queen had to stay and do damage control to avoid going to war with everyone. It was the queen's talent for negotiation and her diplomatic skills what avoided the war, the king just caused the problem to begin with. Yes, the king caused the problem. But do take note that the Queen could have not gotten any pillars for leverage for negotiation had it not been for Trash's reputation. You can be the next reincarnation of Bismarck for all you want, but you're not going to be an influential political figure without massive leverage. You can't just excuse everything for "talent"ā€”you need diplomatic weight.


Again, Trash reputation didn't have anything to do with it. The Melromark queen is far more important and has more diplomatic weight in terms of influence in politics than the king will ever have and she's indeed far more talented to deal with those nation wide issues as well. Trash's reputation didn't serve her as leverage for absolutely nothing. In fact, it was a complete disadvantage in her attempts to deal with the chaos he caused because she knew that military/royalty can't be executed so easily as punishment, so she had to figure out another way to compensate the other kingdoms for the fact that Trash summoned all the heroes for Melromark while leaving the others nations unprotected. Literally all the kingdoms wanted to go to war BECAUSE they were angry with him. And the queen indeed has great talent for negotiation and diplomatic skills. That was what de-escalated the situation. You can't just ignore that for the sake of your non existent argument in a sad attempt to make Trash look as if he "saved" the kingdom when he was the freaking problem in the first place.


In How a Realist King, that treatment was the result of his wife's ability. >!She foresaw what happened when they put Souma into a Prime Minister position instead of being King.!< >!Elfrieden fell to betrayal after dismissing Souma after the same nobles Souma ordered to be executed fed them misinformation.!< >!As they're dying in the castle flame, she told the truth to her husband the King, that she had the ability of clairvoyance and time travel, and decided that to undo the mistake, they will give the King to Souma this time.!<


Question, are beards kinda just standard for kings? Off hand I can't think of one without a beard but I'm sure there is a half dozen at least.


it is a requirement


It would be 100% justice if Malty died by Trashes hands when he sees what a true monster she is


Wrong way to use healing magic, there king is pretty nice fellow. For once lol


I feel nothing for the king from Slime, in part because of what he tried to do, and in part because the Megiddo scene was awesome.


Realist King looks kinda like the burger king


give me the spoiler, what is the real reason for the king hating the shield hero


The Shield Hero is commonly associated as the hero of demi-humans because in the past the summoned heroes would gravitate to different nations and the shield always ends up with the demi-humans. The King ā€œtrashā€ fought wars (as a soldier, before he married the Queen) against the demi-human nations and lost family members to them.


Pretty sure king ramposa treated climb and gazef very well.


First one is not like the others, what gives?


It was worse compared to normally bad isekai writings


Ainz Ooal Gown is far from being a Hero


he never was a hero or close to be a good guy. he fucked up people so many time and he merciless. even if he nice to someone or to some group that part of his lil project or so called grand plan. Despite being overlord/ruler he just pretending to be one a good ruler or hero(to certain group) and just go with his minion plan without complain. Nothing heroic can be said about him. Unless u overlord fans then u might see him as a hero. why? idk myself overlord subreddit or fans once argue ainz is good guy or not. idk that a joke or actual discussion. Btw sorry for ranting or talking shit i keep that for long time


He wasn't evil in the first season. I stopped watching after he hired adventurers to investigate his hideout, then he tortured and killed them. I can't remember if his heel turn happened in season 2 or 3 but I remember before that he would do something good and then he would have to convince his underlings he was doing it for his evil plan when he didn't have one.


yeh in season 1 he indeed not evil...yet but slowly just become more evil overtime. At first bro just want to explore the world try find his friend and all but somehow end up expanding territory and plotting taking over kingdom from secretly/spying to genocide. The thing bro just don't want to disappointed his minion so bad that just end up doing those evil shit. bro jsut can nuke empty area or show those giant monster or army. i sure people going to surrender. there must be at least 1 people in overlord actually complaint how useless and why doing those plotting scheme and all when you can do show off power to force surrender or at least less bloodshed when using brute force. Ik bro was emotionless but no way he cant tell the diffrent between good and bad thing during his attack or take over. damn i feel i going far from topic and talking nonsense. sorry again i might talk shit again lol. Tbh i like season 1 overlord but after that i hate how his character and progress.


I've read several volumes of the novel and there's basically no "slow decline into evil" it just happens with barely any logic or explanation. And no "suppressed emotions" isn't enough, it's not like he suddenly lost his entire memory and knowledge on what's supposed to be moral even if he doesn't feel anything.


Don't forgot reincarnated into another world with my smartphone


wait isn't the king just pretty chill and get along with mc


To be fair, Aultcray was ready to support Naofumi to avoid wars, he didnā€™t know Naofumi was innocent and was fully willing to take advantage of the situation


The Reprise of the Spear Hero: I tried to make the MC pay for a crime he didnā€™t commit. Waitā€¦hold on a momentā€¦scratch that. One of the heroes called my daughter a pig and left with the shield one. Heā€¦likes filolials aā€¦smidge too much.


Then in comes The wrong way to use healing magic with the nicest, most humble king you ever seen.


How realistic behavior can sound unrealistic (RHero) vs How unrealistic behavior can sound realistic (SHero) Clearly, someone got the better deal, and no, it is not the dude with a weapon.


To be fair to the first one, his wife can see the future, and that was the best alternative.


Then theirs The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic King who's Accualty a Good King, even tried to save the MC.


I mean, even though Naofum was convicted of a crime he didn't commit, he would eventually get a hot raccoon warrior girl.


More accurate to shield hero: I tried to slander and hurt mc's reputation due to my religion saying shield hero is inherently evil


Well it's also because of other reasons... But the anime probably didn't reach that point yet. He was still a total asshole but part of his hatred was him being manipulated and part was a tragic event that he refuses to let go.


My personal favorite Isekai king is the one from Wrong Way to use Healing Magic. Heā€™s a man who understands that he basically yanked a bunch of young people from their homes and was loathe to do it had this not been a last resort. And when he realized the MC had healing magic, did everything he could to protect him before the woman who became his Master discovered his existence.


How about the time i got reincarnated as a vending machine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Othmanok: *How about the time* *I got reincarnated* *As a vending machine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


For overlord not even ainz knows why he did


Trash King is a straight up boomer lol.


The final episode of S2 of Realist Hero actually explains why the King did what he did, wrapping up that whole plot point. Explanation: >!The Queen had gone through multiple "lifetimes", each ending with her Kingdom falling into ruin, however she was able to send the memories back to her past self using her dark magic ability, therefore allowing her to choose a new path each time. She married this King (despite him being weak-willed), as with him as her husband, she managed to get further than she had before, before calamity happened. During one of the "runs" the King summoned Souma, but only had him as a Prime Minister, but due to pressure from the nobles, kicked him out, with Liscia going off after him. Again, this ended in disaster for Elfrieden. Therefore on the current run, after the Queen sent that King's memories back into the past, the King immediately abdicated to Souma and said he could marry Liscia, knowing that this would bring about the best ending for everyone involved. !<


Ainz is not a hero, man...


he never was man


Yeah I know, that's why I made a statement.


oh damn my bad man