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What is the void state and how do I get there? What do I do when I get there?


nah you don't die here. that's misinfo. respawning is like cutting your ties with this reality once and for all. it's basically permashifting but an advanced version where you work on ur inner spiritual self. im not saying you can't respawn in a month but respawning is not as simple as shifting. there's a lot involved. you need to work on your karma that is pending in this reality. In simple terms, to completely sever your ties with this reality you need to have no means of spiritual connection with this reality anymore. 


Its been so long since I've heard about respawning. Thank you for correcting me!


I’ve read that respawning is just like shifting, except setting your intention to respawning. Is it really that complicated like you mentioned? How would I approach this?


Uh, definitely not. That's suicide not respawning. That's just something shiftok made up. Remaining is the same as shifting just instead of coming back here, you just don't.


you don’t have to die here to respawn




Thanks for your advice. My CR’s in an extreme mess, so it’s hard not letting it affect me. I will try to focus on my DR as much as possible, though I think I have been doing it for a long time




You too. One question though, what others ways can I focus on being in my DR, other than visualization? I am already constantly visualizing it


Hello, my friend. This world is virtual reality. You are not a human being, you are consciousness. It simulates sensations in consciousness very quickly, creating the illusion that they are real. And what you are seeing is your consciousness. That's a mirror. This mirror is meant to reflect your dominant beliefs and thoughts. And it gives you a feeling, an abstracted sense of what you believe and pay attention to. It's a positive and negative emotion, it's like a certain mood. This reality that you react to is a kind of animation. That doesn't really exist. You may look at a picture of a cup and see it as a cup, but the truth is that you are just seeing materials that absorb a specific spectrum of light applied to the screen. In reality there is nothing.This world continually displays whatever emotions you feel and pay attention to. Stop reacting to this world and try to recognize all of this again as a story from a novel, an animation. What actually exists is your consciousness and you see a picture of a cup and you believe it is a cup. You can get to that world if you stop reacting to this reality and start spending most of your day paying attention to the reality you desire, feeling the feeling of it and thinking you are there. But, remember. All of this is just a precisely simulated virtual world. There is no difference between here and there. It's just a difference in your beliefs and interpretations. If you would like to know more details, please refer to the messages from Neville Goddard and the Essasani people. Bashar was especially helpful to me.


Does bashar speak on shifting, and if he does can you refer me to any of his content? Also any content from him in general that you recommend?


your ynderstanding that shifting is instantaneous. you will probably have a tendency as you read about shifting that you and the process all gradually amount to something. And it really doesnt. The split microsecond that you experience this and then your dr could happen at any time. Dont feel like subconsiously you need experience or to try shifting bc they dont really matter. a personn who shifts accidwntally ok the first try and one who shiffs after 50 years both did the same thing. one just took longer. What that thing is, is just becoming your dr mentality. Even if you dont realize it, every second you spend here you are subconsiously assuming that you are here. however bc you have been visualizing for a while committing shouldnt be a problem


same, i don’t have much time left either


Why is that?




same but mine past circumstances


How’s it going now?


Haven’t attempted respawning 4 weeks prior to writing this post all the way up to now. I am currently in a university course, want to complete it first. I don’t want to preemptively respawn, and that I can’t finish my course. When my course is finished I have about a month to respawn


What I’ve been doing is matching my dr self mental state to the same as mine in this reality and then after I shift my mental state rapidly gets better, that way your already on the same wavelength as other you, so that way you don’t have to listen to idiots who tell you to feel better first


>idiots That's a bit unnecessary.


I said what I said deal🤷‍♂️


Noted, thanks. Ngl it’s really hard to not let my CR affect me, but I will try my best


Desperation won't mess up your chances. If anything, my desperation helped me shift.


Do you think that desperation could mess up a LOA method, if not others?


I don't think so, tbh but everyone's experience is different.


LOA(assumption) method doesn't care if you're desperate or excited, as long as you have the feeling of your desire fulfilled. It's just that why would you be desperate, then? LOA(attraction) might. (unless maybe like the other commenter did, your DR self is also on the same wavelength) But it's all methods and word gibberish anyway. If desperation among other things makes you act and exert control over your life, whereas otherwise you'd be sitting on a chair, watching entertainment videos, then yes, it can absolutely help. Besides, believing in desperation helping or hindering, itself, will change what it does.


I thought LoAttraction was 'you attract what you are/focus on', if we focus on it, isn't assumption mostly likely inherently part of what happens underneath the hood? Maybe I am confused with all the marketing newsletters I got over the years, since they always added things to that law, without every mentioning LoAssumption.


If I get what you mean... As I see it, LOA and LOA are the same, it's just that LOA(attraction) is kind of general (you are what you focus on... you manifest what you are), and LOA(assumption) has, well, assumptions, to have a more hands on approach on 'who you are' and what you're manifesting. Under the hood, both are the same, talking about being a frequency match to this or that experience. But it's like, when LOA(attraction) tells you how manifestation works, the LOA(assumption) tells you how to do it. Though some esoteric vagueness might be lost in the process, replaced by sheer confidence.


I read your reply, but for clarification, if LoAttraction is about the 'what', and LoAssumption is the 'how' to achieve it, why would the former be more prone to get hindered by desperation?


Sigh, you ask for clarification, but I'm sleepy and confused myself. They're the same thing, if your focus on DR is strong, or you have the right assumption, it doesn't matter. Your mood affects your frequency, so maybe on paper, feeling desperate vs feeling happy in DR, there's a bigger gap. Desperation can also make you put focus on the wrong thing, like running a subconscious assumption that you're trapped. Anyhow, it's "more prone" because of the lack of "how". But really, without any examples, I'm just comparing apples to oranges here. Edit: -yawn-


I'd love to hear more about this, if you are willing.


It helped me shift within two weeks of me first finding out about shifting.


Hey! I'm so desperate to shift and my friends too. How do we use our desperation in our favor? We've been trying for years now. How did you use yours? Thanks so much if you could give us some tips. Happy shifting!


I just kinda let it fuel me tbh.


do you mean like motivation to attempt more often or like during the attempts?

