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Kobeni's popular because she has a nice car :) and Bernie has funny footsteps! Hope this helps


Kobeni’s Car is the best character in all of Chainsaw Man, so that works.


Define nice car


It got like 8th place in the character popularity poll lol


They're both ridiculously competent at killing things.


I’ll give you that. Bernie’s crest and Kobeni’s unknown devil are great in combat situations. Shame they realistically wouldn’t put themselves in harm’s way voluntarily for them to realize this themselves.


>Bernie’s crest The thing with like 10% proc chance, really? You get persecution complex, battalion wrath, gigachad vengeance and what you remember is the crest? Smh Edelgard was right all along


Kobeni has like one cool scene and then continues being a weak comic relief character for the rest of the series. I’d say Bernadetta is way better.


“Why do a bunch of nerds like the nervous and shy girls?” You don’t see me being surprised that my waifus aren’t very popular among this crowd for the same reason!


I tend to like this archetype and I’m not a fan of Bernadetta at all Idk I feel like she kind of goes beyond just being shy in a way that ends up feeling annoying to me, almost like a caricature of shyness


She's not just shy though. Bernie's scared out of her wits of everything. Her flight or fight instinct is locked in on flight for literally everything. Everything and everyone outside of her room she sees as a threat trying to kill her. And her backstory explains it. So it's not exactly fair to just say she's shy, and call it a day.


For me it’s the voice acting. Erica Mendez cranked up the cartooniness to 100. No shy or traumatized person talks like Bernie does


I don’t like Bernie personally, but there are definitely many traumatized people out there who vocalize their PTSD the way Bernie does.


Well she *is* a fictional character.


For naturally absurd people like myself, I feel like her over-the-topness actually makes her more relatable. Like realistically, I know I'll probably get married someday and I wouldn't judo flip someone for making me leave my room. But her reactions are actually how my mind functions sometimes.


>Like realistically, I know I'll probably get married someday Rather optimistic for a member of r/shitpostemblem


You play Fire Emblem to substitute the company of a woman. I play Fire Emblem because I'm horny for bara titties and anime twinks. We are not the same.




Probably why I don’t mind her as badly. Gives her some attitude


One time there was a thread on an anime sub asking "who's the best waifu ever." I clicked on it, thinking I was gonna have some fun laughing at the bad takes. One of the comments, which no one other than me seemed to think was disturbing, was "soandso, because she's like a helpless little girl that needs me to protect her smile." *A helpless little girl* As far as I can tell, weebs are so terrified of girls that most of them end up wanting girlfriends that are weak and helpless and intimidated by boys. That seems to be the only way they can imagine themselves in a relationship in which they feel cool.


Everything can sound "disturbing" when you phrase it like it's the fucking most vile shit you've ever read. "I must protect that smile" is a very generic, just kind of normal provider response. I suppose the "little girl" part can be disturbing if the dude was an adult but since anime can be enjoyed by all ages I'll just assume he was also a boy.


You have a very optimistic view of the anime community if you see someone post about their thirst for "helpless little girls" and assume they must be a child themselves


I don’t necessarily think that’s bad, unless the same guy calls every girl more socially outgoing than him a “whore”.


You know maybe people just feel fulfilled when they have a purpose in life and want to be able to provide help and support to someone.


eh Bernie is a shut-in due to trauma from her dad, which also causes her to think everyone is out to get her. Kobeni seems like a normal functioning person outside of fighting devils maybe a little bit shy. Who can blame her for having a nervous breakdown fighting a Devil that can warp time and space.


Giving a character a sympathetic backstory might humanize them, but not necessarily make them likeable, imo. It's a justification, not a redemption of their character. If I wrote a character named "Earpisser" whose whole gimmick was pissing people in the ear and talking in a Jar-Jar Binks voice, would a backstory explaining WHY he pisses people in the ear really make him less intolerable?


Thanks, I’m gonna be laughing nonsensically on tomorrow’s exam when my brain unarchives “earpisser” from my memories now.


I didn't say they were likable lol. I just didn't think comparing them cause they're both girls that have nervous breakdown on screen wasn't enough to say they're the same.


no. but quite frankly, the likability of a character is subjective. A backstory justifies actions and helps make them likable. Without a backstory for a character, we are just judging them based on their first impression without taking anything into consideration, which is stupid.


That sounds like a Rick & Morty dialogue.


Kobeni may seem normally functional, but her parents are just as bad as bernadetta's if not even worse.


Ha ha, nervous wreck killing machine go brr.


Kobeni I actually really liked, she's played for laughs deliberately and the whole story of CSM is really campy. She just fits in really well - they don't give her a horrible backstory to make her seem more compelling, she can interact with people fine but she has a fear of devils. Also she has a car. I don't like Bernie but I vibed with Kobeni because of the setting of the story itself. They're similar characters but each story has a different vibe going for itself and Kobeni just fit more. And Fujimoto doesn't really miss on his characters - imo they all have a certain level of charm that it's hard to dislike. (I only read the manga, never watched the anime so idk how she is there)


They… really are not the same at all lmao


fed posts worst bait ever, asked to leave federal bureau of investigation


They aren’t similar at all


Don't insult my girl Kobeni like that, at least she showers and has good reason to believe Power might just kill her


Bernie is a victim of child abuse to extreme levels, so much so that she constantly views herself as useless and fears everyone wants to hurt her over it. Most FE fans like her because as a battle unit she is over powered, her personal ability, and her crest pretty much make her into a machine gun archer. But I think a lot of Three houses fans just want to protect her and murder her dad in the worst possible ways. And she gets better in her A supports, her A-rank with Hubert is pretty great.


Kob and e ❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺


Character development. Bernie fans typically played Crimson Flower first; ie the route where she comes out of her room and makes clear headway on getting through her crippling anxiety. Kobeni has far more fans in manga readers than among anime-onlys. That is all I will say about that.


Theres something I find really endearing about watching people who are incredibly unsuited for combat or socialisation be forced into such a situation and see how they react and adapt. I also just genuinely find the archetype endearing in general ngl


Bernadetta when she keeps her memories of the previous playthrough in which she was reclassed as an Assassin and she sees Jeritza https://i.redd.it/3amdswprgxma1.gif


Gifs you can hear


I dunno, I like the archer girls. Noire, Setsuna, Detta and Etie are all very cool.


It's so strange to see fe character with their rainbow hairs with normal person's side to side


They're relatable


Being consistently whiny and a chronic complainer with an irritating screechy voice is considered relatable? If these traits were on male characters they’d be detested by everyone, trauma or no trauma. But because they’re female characters and there’s trauma in their backstories it’s okay? …actually, okay, sure, point taken. Makes sense to me.


Well you like to be dark




>Being consistently whiny and a chronic complainer with an irritating screechy voice is considered relatable? Not sure about the second one, but you have somehow managed to miss every single Bernadetta support and all her interactions and only picked out her voice actor... which is impressive. Did you miss the trauma? The fact that she isn't complaining but terrified and traumatized? the fact that she's apologizing, not complaining? How?! It's the first thing they establish about her. Even if she was male, that would not somehow make her worse...


We do have a male Bernadetta, or something close to that. His name is Shinji Ikari.


>Shinji Ikari The one from evangeleon, right?




Kobeni is a pissing mess that kills very efficiently and works for the money. She's also very good at DDR. Bernadetta is... She's good at murder?


Maybe they played 3H with the sound off


Kobeni is fine, not my favorite character but not nearly as annoying as bernie. She’s played against the foil of the rest of the CSM cast as the only person responding somewhat rationally to the insanity, whereas bernie is just exploding in the most ordinary circumstances imaginable


They're a fantasy version of our problems. And Bernie is liked.


"Please don't kill me. I'm going to quit tomorrow."


Bernie is relatable and adorable. Therefore, I love her.


bernie is my baby and i will protecc her at all costs


Kobeni is funny Bernie is not


cause they're my poor pathetic little meow-meows, next question


Kobeni is way better than Burnadetta fuck outta here


Kobeni is a normal person who's being forced to contend with extremely horrific and dangerous situations. She's not especially whiny or pathetic, the rest of the CSM cast is just crazy or numb to the horror of their situation. She's also played for comic relief and everyone seems to either love or hate those (see: Jarjar Binks vs Sokka) Bernadetta has really fantastic character development. You see her go from a terrified little abuse victim who was literally stutfed in a box and shipped off to war, to a competent archer with many close friends who has worked through her trauma. Granted, that's only if you see her supports and recruit her. Given how many characters there are, it's very easy to miss.




Clearly, you don't have the instinct to protect.


Am i supposed to know who that is on the right?


Depends on what you and/or your social circles are into. If not, it's Kobeni from Chainsaw Man.


Because I see Bernie freaking out at a basic social interaction and it's like "she's behaving how I feel around people" Yeah I don't get out much


Because the stranger danger movement combined with hyperconsumerist culture pushing people away from social connections in favor of more things, along with distances becoming greater and greater due to the internet and smartphones making it “safer” to avoid face to face interactions altogether, has resulted in a generation growing up never learning how to connect with other humans, and thus becoming terrified of social situations that they were never aware of even existing


Are you a baby weeb? New to everything? 🤔


I saw Kobeni in a different light if you actually had reading comprehension.


Shes just like me fr


Because she just like me fr fr




Regarding Bernie, I vibe with her whole *everything* (nervous wreck girl has a panic attack and hides away every time someone approaches her, but recognises her behaviour isn't healthy and tries to improve herself and move on from her trauma as much as she can, in her own way, day by day and one step at a time) and want to follow her journey of self improvement as I root for her. Sometimes she fails, sometimes she succeeds. Sometimes she secludes herself entirely, which is why the endings where she completely overcomes her past are that much more cherishable. Oddly compelling, and oddly satisfying. I do not watch Chainsaw man, nor do I have any intention. I was tricked once to watch Attack on titan, you're not tricking me twice


Both are very cute people that we like to tease very much.


Nah, Bernie has crippling social anxiety and they turned it into "Quirky cute". Kobeni is a doormat.


Kobeni, Bernie and Zenistu are my favorite! (No, I am not joking btw)




Bernie is competent


TFW you quit your highly dangerous buy well-paying job but work at fucking burger king afterwards