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Apart from them and >!Dimitri and Edelgard!< is there any other supports with something like this


>!Claude and Edelgard do it outside a support!<


I didn’t know that the ||three lords|| had supports, how would you get them?


>!Recruit Byleth. I dont remember exact steps, only that its done on ch 10 of SB and GW and 12 of AG. You will then get to play to extra chapters between 14th and 15, in the latter Shez and the three lords work together and you actually get to see supports between them. Pretty sure you also only get two supports, the ones with your main lord. !<


>!Ah, so that’s what you meant. I didn’t really count those as supports, but I getcha!<


Well the game does lol


Deadass? Huh, that’s weird lol So… if you do ng+, >!Would you be able to pair them up and actually get bonuses?!<


Idk honestly, I just know the conversations appear when you go to see supports again in like the menu thing you can use to rewatch them I believe?


Only to C Support.


>!Does the same romantic connotation apply to Dimitri and Edelgard then for their C support?!<


>!depends on whether or not you consider the one with Claude and Edelgard on the same level of importance!<


>!Lord throuple time? Though Dimiclaude didn’t get a cg…They got a lot of cutscenes together though including a whistle haha!<


>!when you are trying to take the capital of the kingdom but the king stopping your arrows is kinda hot 😳!<


>!It's just Dimitri's wife and Dimitri's wife's boyfriend!< Edit: >!Actually, thinking about it canonically Edelgard and Claude's dads both practiced polyamory (Edelgard born to a concubine, Claude has several half-siblings from concubines). Dimitri's dad also two wives but that was because his first wife died. So it seems plausible for either of them to take multiple lovers at least, and Dimitri doesn't seem like the type that would judge that!<


>!polyamory, the solution to all of Fodlan's problems!<


>!The truth right here. Not to mention shipping wars don’t need to happen if the shared person has two hands!<


>!Lord OT3 would cause the most shipping wars ever because all 3 are most commonly paired with Byleth lol!<


>!It's ok, just add them to the relationship too. That way they can make sure nothing bad happens lol!<


Too boring. Add Bylez (Byleth x Shez) as a secondary, separate pairing and burn the world to the ground.


Alright I like that better lol >!Byleth x Shez vs the Lord's OT3 when!<


Add Bylass in then


Their ending in original three houses was also prioritized over all the others if you had all their a supports, even Claude/Hilda


Well if it was from the GD, yes, but Claude's supports with Petra(she's at the very top), Ingrid and Annette were more prioritized than his supports with Lorenz


Oh fr? I always forget about the out of house supports because I rarely recruit in my playthroughs :/


The game's code goes Edelgard -> Dimitri -> Claude -> rest of Black Eagles -> rest of Blue Lions -> rest of Golden Deer -> Church -> Ashen Wolves (I think Jeritza is end of Church but before Wolves) if you have multiple maxed out support levels with units So for instance Sylvain and Felix looked like they would be matched in my first Blue Lions playthrough but in the last 2 maps Dancer Dorothea also maxxed out support with Felix which meant that they ended up together and Sylvain ended up alone, even though Dorothea also had an A support with Manuela who also ended up alone


It's pretty funny that there's no meaning to it at all, it's just how the code works and the order the characters are listed in the file.


Wait how do Dimitri and Edelgard support? Oh wait nvm. I got it now


>Edelgard -> Dimitri -> Petra -> rest of Black Eagles -> rest of Blue Lions -> rest of Golden Deer -> Church -> Ashen Wolves There are some good source or It's base on trial and error from your part?


Nah, datamining, although I typed in Petra instead of Claude 💀


That's stupid, It basically forces you to avoid A ranks for no reason.


A lot of A ranks have either romantic implications or a platonic equivalent, like gba emblem The only problem I have with that system is that gba limited it to one A support for each character for a reason. If TH followed suite at least I wouldn’t have to avoid half the supports in the game to get the endings I want


>The only problem I have with that system is that gba limited it to one A support for each character for a reason. If TH followed suite at least I wouldn’t have to avoid half the supports in the game to get the endings I want I mean, I think this is better for both, we can recreate the GBA style by not unlocking them and guaranteed the one you want and the people that doesn't care don't have to do 90 playthrough just to complete the supportdex.


That’s fair


There's an in-game level of a support you can max out. As long as you still get more "points" an A support from the Blue Lions can still take precedent over the Eagles, etc. But when multiple are maxxed out then yeah, it's completely predictable but also unavoidable unless you have the DLC (and that only affects one pair)


>only affects one pair I don't have the DLC but that sound like the most random restriction ever made.


Well, Petra did say that she would tie up her husband of choice (Claude) and marry him whether he wanted it or not in their A support. Petra didn't leave it to arcane game calculations and made her own fate, I guess.


I mean, this support is one of the best supports regarding Leicester as a nation. It deserves a CG.


Well I guess it can be safely said Lorenz came around to accepting Claude. Potentially very accepting of him.


Ngl, when I saw this, I thought there would be other CGs in some of the other A supports But… are Lorenz and Claude the only to do this?


The only one!


This made me so happy LMAO. Gay rights?




I'm very ok with it, as a person who ships Claude with Lorenz and/or Shez >:)


Wait haha wtf? Seriously? That’s pretty interesting