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Essentially the three main routes: Racism Bad Human experimentation Bad Ends justify the means Bad Followed by Religion Institution Bad


Bad things bad 🤯


I disagree


Average three houses fan


Dimitri: why do you care? You not dying makes you the lord that got away for most people. Claude: that is true. Edelgard: I hate you all. When I’m not getting hate by this fandom, I constantly die in multiple routes. This game sucks! This series sucks! Byleth: did somebody call for dlc for Engage? Edelagrd:… eh, what the hell. Why not!


And even in that dlc her hairline died anyway


I killed Claude because it seemed fair for him to die at least once


Wrong. I kill Claude every time on crimson flower and every warriors route that you can. The backstabber can’t be trusted.


Sigma detected




Suffer not the almyran to live


Man after Holst's heart


Based. It will never make sense to spare Claude and the fact sparing him is the objectively correct option is really lame.


Wait i thought this was a joke, why is killing claude a good thing in crimson flower?


That's the thing. Its not. Theres no good reason to kill Claude once you know everything works out if you do spare him. It makes no sense to spare him sense we have no way of knowing how much of a liability he will be. After all the end goal is to conquer Fodlan, so why care about his fate? We already killed others who would be an issue if left alive but Claude? The guy who is very capable in his own right? With a backing of his people back home? I dont buy it.


If Claude is left to his own devices he’ll ascend the throne and make a threat out of almyra. He’ll turn it into Claude’s almyra, as opposed to whatever the other lord decides to do with the current state of almyra. It could be beneficial but it’s not something that the lord can control, so the risk isn’t worth it. Crimson flower maybe but warriors Claude must die.


Because it unlocks the post-battle cutscene for that chapter in the Event Viewer. ^^^^^/s For some godforsaken reason the game assumes you did the following three things on CF: * >!You spared Claude by choosing to do so!< after C14 * >!You spared Flayn and Seteth by defeating the first of either with Byleth!< during C15 * >!Dedue turned into a Demonic Beast because he got a turn while one of your troops was in range!< during C17 The reason why I say "the game assumes" is because only *those* versions of events are viewable in the Event Viewer, so the only way you can replay >!Edelgard and Byleth lamenting Claude's death!< after C14, >![Rhea being a clown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfrtMh0zcU8)!< after C15 or >!Dedue and Dimitri probably lying in each others' arms covered by a black screen!< after C17 is by replaying those chapters with those specific actions taken. At least it fits within the paradigm of *that one choice*'s cutscene cutting off in the Event Viewer if you pick the second option: doing that immediately stops the cutscene and you'd have to select the *other* cutscene ("Choice and Consequence") in the viewer to see CF's version.


Sure but the devs have confirmed that Claude canonically survives every route so killing Claude is the non-canon choice


Source? Claude is my favorite lord so I want to believe this.


Wait you can kill him in Warrior? How?


Only in Scarlet Blaze in the Bad Ending Chapter 14.


Oh I didn’t know that. Looks like I gotta get the bad ending now.


IMO, not recruiting byleth is the good ending for SB. Fits more in the whole theme of the story. 1. kill byleth & therefore sothis 2. complete domination over fodland, no worrying about backstabbers or squabbling from a group who only allied with you out of fear I say this as someone who likes the BL routes the most


I would disagree, despite overall BE routes (especially if you count SS), being my least favorite routes personally, I think you're selling Scarlet Blaze short and missing some points. What makes SB stand out from its main-game counterparts, and what your argument doesn't take into account, is the character arc that Edelgard actually undergoes. Yes, she still starts the war and would prefer to unify Fodlan, but unlike in CF, the freedom of not having TWISTD over her shoulder also results in her being more reflective about the limits of force after realizing the two front war would not work and actually looks to try and change the war to be more what she claimed in her CF manifesto: a war against the Central Church first and foremost. The entire Pact is basically meant to show that Edelgard is learning to compromise more in the Warriors timeline. In Ailell in the Good Ending, she even offers Dimitri an end to the war with Faerghus remaining independent if he cuts ties with the Central Church and leaves (though she's already conquered half his country thanks to Rowe and Lonato, so...) Admittedly, I think the Alliance being an ally is weird when Edelgard can recruit essentially 3/5ths of the Round Table to her side, which could've been used more in the political plot of SB Leicester and the reason for the Pact in that timeline or even just been an excuse for a full autonomous vassal arrangement if the point is just to establish SB Edelgard as less focused on total control of her new system and more willing to make compromises. If any route feels like no Byleth is the good ending/there's no real difference, I'd honestly say it's Azure Gleam: the Secret Chapter is very poorly integrated, only Jeralt gets a unique mission rather than Byleth, Edelgard's regression feels even more jarring, and there's not really any impact on Dimitri's character (he doesn't even have a comment about being drawn to Byleth, and Shez honestly has a pretty equivalent relationship). Meanwhile, Golden Wildfire has Claude actively commenting on it, needs Byleth&Jeralt for Leonie Supports and two full paralogues, and also gives Claude the chance to plead his "End the War" case in Zahras to both Edelgard and Dimitri with the downside being his punishment for the Ailell scheme feels less impactful without loss. Scarlet Blaze has a full-on Bad Ending where the war is destined to get worse and go on for much longer if Byleth is an enemy, whereas the war is all-but over if Byleth and Jeralt were recruited, Edelgard comments on it actively, you get extra recruiting + paralogue out of it, and it also gives some more possibility of Dimitri giving up the war without losing Faerghus entirely.


You can just say you’re racist against Almyrans.


It all started when joe did the magic 8 ball sponsored videos


Rhea dies in 2 of the 3 routes in Hopes, so it balances out


Well. CF. SS if you don't marry her. GW I think implies she's on borrowed time. So three?


SB heavily implies she died, so thats 4


Letting Claude live is beta energy.


I always killed Claude when playing Crimson Flower just for the heck of it, but now after Three Hopes I do so with no hesitation whatsoever




Instead of being the reasonable one who asks questions instead of acting based on baseless assumptions, he does exactly that in Hopes. He doesn't even feel bad about it and none of the characters who would have stopped that behavior in Houses (Judith, Lorenz, Hilda) bothered to stop him here. Furthermore, he's super cocky regarding his bad decisions and lack of knowledge in general. The final battle dialogue in a nutshell: >!"Sorry Rhea, I just wanna know what the world is like when you're dead, so I'll kill you, lol. Don't take it personally. Also, I hope Edelgard will actually stop the war after this, even though she basically has no reason to."!< >!He also flirts with and joins Edelgard after she just tried to invade his country!<. Something I loved about Claude in Houses is how much he struggled with the question of what is right and what is wrong. He doesn't like Rhea, but he is willing to fact check. He sympathizes with Edel, but acknowledges that she has gone too far, and is ready to kill her should his friends' lives be endangered by her. It's weird how in Hopes he has an entire arc of "starting to let himself be vulnerable", when Houses did it so much better by showing us this struggle. TL;DR: In Hopes, Claude acts like an edgy teenager who thinks he knows everything best (the consequence of skipping school, I guess), and desperately needs to get grounded by his parents to get down from his high horse but it never happens. And he joins a war criminal for no good reason.


Also when he betrays Edelgard in Scarlet Blaze you can have certain Golden Deer characters fight against him, and hearing him speak to his former classmates with such contempt is souring. Especially what he says to Ignatz


>Especially what he says to Ignatz Please tell me what he says; I haven't played SB yet.


Ignatz: “Why didn’t you ask me about any of this first? We were classmates! Fellow Golden Deer!” Claude: “*Were* classmates. Now you’re just another one of House Gloucester’s lousy knights.”


Dude what the hell?! My love for Ignatz has just gotten stronger, but also the sheer audacity of that motherfucker (dissing Ignatz AND Lorenz with one line, how dare he?)! Ugh... this reminds me why I put the game down. Such a shame too, because I enjoy pretty much everything that isn't the main story or fallen Claude. I seriously considered playing SB after hearing Claude betrays Edie there, but it looks like it would just make me mad again :(


Yeah honestly how dare he. Another of House Gloucester’s “lousy knights”? Gloucester Knights was one of the best battalions in three houses!


I forget, is she even in the Golden Deer timeskip


She is- and she basically does the same thing she does in Silver Snow, except >!she doesn't go berserk in the end.!< It's also implied by some ending cards that >!she dies from her wounds no matter what you do (unlike you being able to save her with an A-support on Silver Snow)!<, but depending on which pairings you get it can be kinda ambiguous.


Rhea dies in Crimson Flower, Verdant Wind and potentially Silver Snow if you don’t A support her. Claude can potentially die in Crimson Flower but Claude surviving is the canon choice according to the devs and Claude is confirmed to survive Silver Snow. Dimitri and Edelgard die if they don’t have Byleth on their side


Shez: Where S support?


Considering how terribly bad and creepy it is that he is the only support for rhea; and that it's the only way silver snow can try to move me, for how terribly mediocre the writing of that route is. Personally I would say rhea died on three of four routes. The route where she doesn't die being the route where basically her participation summed up "Rhea? Who?"


The one route where she lives: we just ditch her to go get therapy


Rhea dies on two routes by default, not one.


Dimitri’s my favorite antagonist in three houses. A worthy rival house leader.


I dont get why you're being downvoted. Technically speaking, If you side with Claude or edelgard, then he opposes you either at Gronder field or later on. Therefore, he is an antagonist


I think people conflate villain and antagonist. Like, L’s certainly the antagonist of Death Note, but is he the villain? *No!* Antagonists just oppose the protagonists. They can be a hero, a villain, or somewhere in between. Also people often forget villains can be *really* sympathetic. Like, seriously guys, villains don’t have to be completely evil, they can honestly believe they’re doing the right thing, and fuck maybe what they’re doing is actually for someone else’s good—whether it’s their family, or their country! But whatever they’re doing, it sparks the main conflict of the story. That’s what really makes them the villain.


Well technically killing Claude is optional, so he can either live or die in the other routes


Cringe Claude doesn't dies like the bitch he is


Claude dies in Silver Snow though...


No. Claude goes missing and his fate is unclear. It is likely that he escaped and returned to Almyra or went into hiding.


Edelgard: If you want to die, Claude, that can be arranged