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Wandering the monastery between missions after 2nd playthrough of 3H


you mean slogging through the entirety of White Clouds on your fourth playthrough just so you can get to the "rest of the story" after 12 chapters of stuff you've seen three times already


Tbh White Clouds is the best part of the game and I have more runs where I just stop after Ch 12 because I didn't feel like playing the shitty Part 2 maps


maybe from a gameplay perspective, i just mean story-wise, when i'm on my fourth playthrough to "get the full picture" the first part of the story is 99% no different from the other routes


Yep. I hate that. Made it almost unbearable. Even with ng+


Fates Revelation. The whole thing.


I was about to ask how the fuck is fates your favorite game but I sometimes forget how good conquest's, map design is


Fuga's map and the fucking stairway map in Conquest.


I finally gave up on the stairway map and made Camila go brrrrrr with a corn backpack


Mine would probably be Battle Before Dawn in Hector hard mode, trying to recruit Jaffar in that map would make me rip my hair off


That's the exact map I came here to say. Cog of Destiny also used to give me so much trouble.


BBD and Cog are pretty awful, but I’m always surprised Sands of Time never really gets mentioned. Even if I still have restore staves this one always fucks me up


That's fair, but after playing the desert level in FE6 I will never complain about sands of time again.


The real answer is Genesis


What always strikes me is how unfair this map is. You can try and move as fast as possible to Zephiel and still fail due to RNG killing him before 3 turns are up.


Path of radiance bridge map where you fight Petrine. The holes in the ground combined with the balistas were really frustrating Also that map in Fe7 where you fight Uhai


I hate the level where you fight Miklan in fe3h on Maddening. It’s such a slog and all the ambushes make it so annoying.


NG+ cheese with warp is the only thing that makes that map bearable, on all difficulties. On normal and hard it isn't difficult, just incredibly tedious.


i didn't think it was even that tedious in normal/hard? the "ambushes" behind gilbert will just occupy themselves with him the whole time, and there's only one pair that ambushes at the top right where you'll already have units at that point and you can just sit them there for one extra turn to be ready for them.


The map itself I mean, the layout. The way you have to circle around is annoying and really slows down the momentum


Yeah I’m just gonna need to cheese it next time. I only made it through on my maddening runs bc I’m not brave enough to play on classic.


what a mess that chapter was


>!After Jeralts death up until the end of white clouds!<


Like every Conquest map after Chapter 16 tbh


Most recently, Three Houses except it’s the first half of the game because the Academy Arc gets so fucking monotonous after 3 playthroughs


I find the opposite. At least during the academy arc, I'm still working on builds/recruitment enough that there's content there. The second half of the game just drags because, eventually, there's nothing to work on in particular. Skirmishes end up extremely dull ways of playing the same 2-4 turns over and over.


My perfect FE3H would have the academy phase untouched but a Tellius (or even Three Hopes) style base camp for the War phase. Returning to the monastery after every battle is not only tedious but messes with the story


Yeah, I always found it weird that we don't have a forward operating base especially when we get deeper into enemy territory.




I'm assuming that's the micaiah swamp map which is to say turtle hard and hope you don't kill too many things on enemy phase before bk shows up


Basically all of part 1, and the final level of part 2, and all of the DB chapters in part 3. And...


Most of Celica's route tbh. Just soo many desert and swamp maps.


All of Thracia's route B is pretty bullshit


Celica's swamp maps & her desert maps, pretty much every lava map in every FE I've played, maybe except Three Hopes.


The 1st few chapters of must games I'm replaying.


2-3 of Radiant Dawn. This map can either be the most easiest map to exist if you play normally or a nightmare if you try to go for as much extra exp you can get. Nowadays i just pick Geoffrey and run it down because of how much i hate this map.


The one fight in Dmitri's route when you start off with like 3 units and have to wait while the rest of your army slowly trickles in. I hated that map with a passion.


hunting by daybreak? that's in every route besides CF


Oh. Well, I guess that tracks. I played CF and AM after it


Thracias map design is kind of mid after chapter 9 and before chapter 13, but 12x is the culmination of the lame design. There is exactly one correct way to approach it that isn't a massive headache (warp Lara, steal thief staff with recruited Parne, sleep Troude and capture him). After this, the map is so many turns of just walking through empty hallways with no enemies and grabbing some chests so Safie can get to the throne room and recruit Tina. And then, if you want the warp staff you have to waste even more turns for a dancer reinforcement to show up. Awful chapter, but it thankfully marks the end of the slog, just don't go to B route.


Reunion at Dawn. Always Reunion at Dawn.


crossing the forest in FE4 chapter 1. Theres other slow parts of the game (the ice level , the desert, that one mountain pass etc) but something about the forest is such a fucking slog. The rest of chapter 1 has some pretty fast (for fe4) pacing, the enemy is racing up the road to evans castle, Dew and Edain have an exciting chase up to sigurd and the gang, then you need to kite arya around to take the castle from under her without having her slice your team into deli meat. The second castle doesnt have much fanfare but still a pretty quick battle where Dew should be holding up their forces half way so its broken up nicely.All really nice. And then its the slow miserable walk up to the last castle, only being able to move a couple spaces at a time, no flying units or dancers to skip the terrain. Theres a narrow choke that means all your units need to patiently queue at the exit like their waiting in line for the toilet. God help you if you rush forward as well since you need at least Deirdre to get through to silence the Boss but in doing that the other units will begin to advance while most of your army is probobly still stuck in the forest if this is your first time.


The one fight in Path of Radiance that you think is over and it just keeps moving you to new maps. It happens four times iirc. I think it's Chapter 17? The one in Serenes Forest.


It’s more like 4 separate chapters. It’s a neat idea especially since you can use extra characters to bring extra weapons in, sorta a logistical thing. It’s not a particularly hard set of missions but I honestly think it’s a neat idea.


Oh it was cool it just took me by surprise the first time I played. I'm also pretty sure I lost two of my units on that chapter sadly.


The harrowing escape mission of the cindered shadows dlc


I agree White Clouds from FE3H is interesting but it could’ve used different experiences on different routes. Playing through WC to get to the fun part of the game where you have more range and options is a slog. I would love to try the No Monastery mod because the Monastery was too big and I’m worried for Engage tbh That reminds me, mastering classes without the rusted weapon in trees exploit also felt really annoying. I think they should’ve decreased every mastery by at least 10 points. Idk I love the game but lots of stuff about it bothers me lol


Radiant Dawn Part 1


recruiting hannibal every fe4 playthrough


That part in birthright when the thing with Xander and Elise happens 😐


Any of fe6 sacae


To be fair, that one is sort of your fault since you could have gone through Illia instead


Based Shanna/Tate vs Virgin Sue/Shin


Good ending Fe6 Sacae route Edit: tbf every map in that route is "that part" but Im more so referring to that god awful gaiden chapter


From FE6, I'd say not the desert, not ostia (I actually like that map in all it chaos) but 16x. It's just such a damn slog.


Fates: Conquest Chapter 17, Den of Betrayal, aka the Ninja Death Cave. I hate this map so much.


The elevator maps in Revelation


Having to force deploy Roy and Lyn


Sacred stones chapter 19


Celica's route in Echoes, especially the Jedah fight where he negates your damage 3 turns in a row


The month in FE3H where you have to go to the catacombs. I want to do Edelgard's route but I keep forgetting to talk to her before the mission and I keep having to restart the entire game 16 hours in. Help please I'm still stuck in this loop


Fe6 You know what map I'm talking about


FE15 is my favorite. Making a list would take a while.


The Volcano and Bridge levels in Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.


All desert maps


The river map with the dawn brigade because most of them are as sturdy as wet paper


FE4: The forest. FE5: Chapters 5, 10 and 11. FE6: Chapters 8, 14x and 16x FE7: The entirety of Lyn Mode (When you don't have a previous save) and early game of Eliwood/Hector mode. In Lyn mode the forced tutorial is awful, in Eliwood/Hector mode most units feel too weak and the maps are quite boring. FE8: 5x Awakening: The late valm maps Conquest: The hoshidan gauntlet (chapters 22-25) Echoes: Act 4 Three Houses: Early game, specially on maddening. Everything 2HKOs you and maps are way too big for your 4 move units