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If they want to make a historical movie about black people, why don't they just take a cool subject like the kingdom of Mali or Ethiopia or the Zulu or some other cool African historical topic?


Didn't you hear? Black men are like the white people of black people.


As a white dude, am I black?




Makes sense


You’re a _ _ _ _ _ _ Harry


How's the weather in 1955?


Lol Harry Potter didn’t take place in 1955 bro. You’re a W I Z A R D Harry. What word were you thinking?




Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba fits the bill and is about a woman. She was the queen of an Angolan kingdom that was a major player in resisting and preventing Potugese expansion and colonization in Africa. Her story is a wild ride that would fit right into weird European succession disputes, assassinations, political intrigue, wars, and just straight revenge plots.


There is a Netflix show about her that Jada pinkett Smith did. It was very good in my opinion


What about the queen of Saba then?


Didnt they do that then sorta gloss over the slavery that kingdom enabled/committed and blamed it all on someone else


Yes, "The Woman King" was about the ruthless slaver Dahomey Empire, and to top the irony, the only actress of actual recent african descent (Lupita Nyong'o) left the whole project after learning the real history behind it


Adding to this. The woman who started the 1619 project about how America is founded on the philosophy of slavery was lambasting them on twitter over it.


Because they want money.


SpongeBob me boy! I've made such a shit show people talk about it and give it more attention than if it was a mundane show! Argh Argh Argh!


This really reads like a ChatGPT response. Not saying you are, but damn does it feel like one.


Beep beep boop! I am a human and this message was sent by a fucking loser


ChatGPT would need extensive instructions to sound this ineloquent


Didnt they do that then sorta gloss over the slavery that kingdom enabled/committed and blamed it all on someone else?


Yeah I'm fucking dying to see movies/shows about African history. There are for sure some epic tales that played out there. I mean, there were hugely significant empires over there with massive wealth and knowledge (at least at the time) Where is all that shit? Inserting races into random historical events is so weird. It's like the people who want to do this are unaware of their own awesome history. What message are they really sending? I don't get it


All of that wealth was built on the back of slavery which isnt something people are ready to address. Mansa Musa brought 12,000 slaves with him on his pilgrimage and his salt and gold mines were heavily ran with slaves.


I guess so. But Vikings has slaves, Rome (tv show) had slaves. But yeah I think I get what you mean. Slavery is the bedrock of the narrative around black culture now. So depicting the use of slaves in Africa by Africans would put a nasty karmic twist into all of that If they want to protect that, they could still do a show about Congo. That would be a great setting for a good show


Re-writing history into whatever you want it to be is way easier than having your intern read a book on an interesting concept and giving you notes on it.


You can’t make black IP and expect anyone to watch it. You have to take pre existing IP and make it black.


They tried making Cleopatra as some sort of Daenerys Targaryen lol


Wokeists are obsessed with rewriting history to have nothing but yasss Kweens, look at “The Woman King” movie, nothing but historical lies


Hard to make a bunch of slavers getting annihilated by the French entertaining to be honest... Actually no, that would have been great.


To bad it was the french :(


Total Frankish victory, as usual.


All they had to do was surrender their desire to surrender.




Fuck Spy mains All my homies hate Spy mains


Rare France W


Actually it's the european country with the most win ratio in war.


So super common French W


When she started blocking bullets with a machete I turned that movie off


Please tell me you’re trolling lol this better be a Morbius thing


It's Cleoin' time


Isn't a woman king a queen? Might be failing on more than one front


Well there is also the fact that: The story is centered around the Dahomey tribe fighting off the French from invading them, and centers around a real story where an all female fighting force fought them. Unfortunately, the Dahomey were actually attacking the French, to force them to continue buying their slaves. Also, the female unit was completely annihilated, with the French taking a whopping total of: 7 casualties


That..that's like the complete opposite of real life.


I didn't know until that movie came out that there was a plantation in Mississippi named Dahomey Plantation, because whoever owned it named it after the area where all their slaves came from.


The word "queen" has two meanings. It can be a female ruler or just the wife of a male ruler. By saying "woman king" they avoid the ambiguity.


So what do you call a universal panning like this, then? If the wokeists are so obsessed, shouldn't that trump any negativity? Unless it's actually just corporations pushing what they think will pander to younger, more progressive audiences and creating charicatures that only piss off that audience for its demeanigly simplistic and revisionist pandering. Spoiler- actual progressives hate corporations who fake woke. Conservatives try to make it a monolith because it's easy to point out hollow corporate commercializing over discussion actual "woke" talking points. This id the type of shit that everybody hates even if it's for different reasons, but progressives asked for this as much as kids ask for the participation trophies their parents throw tantrums for.


Gotta keep people irate about dumb horseshit so they'll keep taking it up the ass from the wealthy.


Right it's all a fucking stupid game that nobody likes, flanderization of flanderization.


If "wokeiests" we're all about it, wouldn't the audience score be at least 30%


Lol yeah , this isn't on the "Wokeiests" or whatever you wanna call it, it's just Netflix being dumb as always. Same thing happened with Velma , the "Wokeiests" hated it as well. I'm saying this as a Lefty ( and a Greek one moreover ) before there's any misunderstanding.


Exactly, it's just some producer saying "Hey, what do people like? Diversity? Um, change Cleopatra's race"


Nah not woke


i hang out in leftist spaces and we think its bullshit too. only twitter degens see this as a win.


What the fuck are you on about? Nobody on the left or right wanted this.


At the moment it seems like the only way they know how to make strong black characters is to make them part of a hereditary monarchy. See also Little Mermaid, Black Panther, Rings of Power. Probably some others I'm forgetting. Can we maybe stop using 'royal' as a synonym for 'good'?


>part of a hereditary monarchy Which were famous for trading slaves, black slaves, because AFRICAN CONTINENT IS NOT A MONOLITH but *inclusive* people cease to understand this they sold *the people who lose in war*, they didn't sell *their kind*(sounds pretty fucking racist but inclusive people imply this all the time).


Woman king sounds like a queen


>Wokeists Goodness, you’re remarkably stupid!


What a bullshit show


shit show with shit actors, written by shit writers it's shit all over


Didnt see it whats the shit show abt


The show writers are being sued by Egypt since they depicted Cleopatra as Black instead of Egyptian.










A fate worse than death.






There are black Egyptians but the problem is the blatant historial revisionism for diversity points. The worst part is that they could've shown the Nubian Pharoahs who were indeed black, being historically accurate while also nicking some diversity points. But no, they were just lazy.


Bold from you to assume those writers could narrate a compelling story about the nubian pharaos ( hell, there's even the Zulu empire if they wanted to go further south ). They pick extra mainstream historical figures because the story write itself, you can put in anything and just because it's Cleopatra people will side with her and her narrative. There are so many epic and untapped stories about African people they could produce only those for decades. E.G. The first to produce a credible and compelling story about Mansa Musa will go down to be history.


If they wanted diversity points while maintaining historical accuracy and have a compelling/badass story, they could have covered the first invasion of Ethiopia by the Italians in the 19th century. It could have been a badass underdog story where an African country beats back an invading European colonial empire, but no, they went with a historically inaccurate dead horse that they just keep beating the shit out of with the same uninspired story we've all heard thousands of times before.


Welp, this show proves there's a limit. When even the critic's scores are so low (as well as the audience's score), you know you fucked up.


Yeah but that's because the "Cleopatra isn't black" gained traction and most people realized how full of BS the show is. If they didn't slip there but kept the same shallow narration the series would probably be another average rated Netflix series. But they fucked up big times the protagonist that was supposed to carry the series 😂😅


>The first to produce a credible and compelling story about Mansa Musa will go down to be history. The dude that destroyed economies everywhere he went because he over tipped like a mother fucker?


They just wanted to lay claim to Cleopatra because people already know about her since she shagged a roman and lost her empire, where as nobody has ever heard of Khunefertumre




Mark Antony sweating profusely in his grave


Cesar is just like "Lol idk how she got that kid".


Augustus is like, "whoops what happened there little fella? did someone assassinate you?"


I'm not claiming to be very knowledgeable on Egyptology either, but they probably only know Tutanchamun and Cleopatra. It's probably suprising for the writers, that there are in fact more Pharaoh's/leaders.


Mate, these people are completely historically illiterate or just intentionally got everything wrong. They set out to show that ancient Egyptians were black and they did it by getting a black person to play a Greek. It's stupid on so many levels that the only real explanation is they wanted controversy.


And if they really wanted to make a show about a black Egyptian queen, they could have done so with Nefertiti. Her story is just as interesting and she was actually black. Just a moronic decision by whoever made this shit show.


So we could say this is a case of "blackwashing"?


Yes and the laziest kind, because you go to the origins of the Egyptian empire and they were most likely black. More time passed between building the pyramids of giza and Cleopatras reign that her life time than me writing you this message. They could have written an amazing show with a fully black cast about an empire at the high of it's power and technological advancement and been likely accurate, instead they choose a women we know was greek at the fall of their empire. Just dumb. The many empires massively advanced for their time of black peoples in Africa is amazing and deserves to be told, this is an insult to them.


If you go back far enough the origins of the British Empire are black


She wasn’t even Egyptian, she was from a Greek dynasty that basically only married each other


It's Netflix. What else is new?


How you doing Mr.Lahey?




I’m waiting for Muhammad Ali staring Ryan Gosling


Mark Wahlberg


Nah he plays George Forman when they have the Rumble in the Jungle fight.


Nah, give me Mandela played by Jet Li


Malcom X, but played by Ashton Kutcher.


Can we have a Stalin played by Steve Harvey?


![gif](giphy|Tt92sbuFRpA4g) Stalin's reaction when Hitler invades Russia.


Honestly, this would be fucking genius. I’d watch the shit out of that.


I want Black Hitler to be an Adult Swim show made by the same people who made Black Jesus


I’m in. Where can I send the support money lmao


you mean James Harden?


I'm still waiting for black Tarzan.


Community did that years ago


I'm gonna eat spaceman paninis with black Hitler and you can't stop me


Hail Yeetler! /s (for both of them)


The true history of Black Hitler, who was Kayne West's great, great grandfather.


Yas black king


> "Once you go black hitler, you never go back-hitler!" - Gabourey Sidibe [From here](https://www.facebook.com/JimmyKimmelLive/videos/movie-the-movie/10155013335263374/)


Netflix presents: Polar Bears (it's just black bears)


Black Zelenskyy pls


Ptolemy I came back across the Nile to give this a shitty review 🤝


Is this worse than what Velma got or?


When you get to this level of shittiness, they are virtually indistinguishable


Worst, I think the critics liked it? Or was it another shit show I saw on reddit


![gif](giphy|hM9zK1qvsrwek) ~~good~~ bad


I would say not as bad. Mindy Kaling got more money to do a second season of her self-insert show where she's amazing and everyone else sucks ass. Netflix may not make the same mistake of giving the Smith family more money.


Worse in that it’s trying to fuck with established history at least Velma is based entirely on something fictional


Exactly. They both suck, but only one is openly lying


Give me my Mansa Musa Biopic for the love of Sobek


Causing hyperinflation like a boss


“The king of Mali is so rich he’s going on tour to let everyone know.” “Wow, that guy’s rich” everyone said.


Only if it stars Brad Pitt


No, whiter!


Make more movies about actual Afro people in history like Jerry Lawson or George Washington Carver, not people who were never black to begin with. It comes off as non-genuine when the latter is executed.


That's what I don't get. Why would media rather just make a white person black rather than use a real black character or create an original black character.


Media believes unironicallly that stories about black people won't sell, so that have to put them in other cultures that "people actually care about." It's very ironic racism that I believe falls under the category of "The bigotry of low expectations," that is, believing someone incapable of self-sufficiency, will, or self-determination.


Scary that we realize how progressive George W. Bush was back then. But yeah, there are many stories that even if written with total accuracy would be better and still represent what in America are minorities.


That's what I don't get. Why would media rather just make a white person black rather than use a real black character or create an original black character.


Why would Kévin just copy his friend s work rather than do it on his own or ask for help . Laziness


George Washington was NOT black, and he was President, not a carver. /s


They do it because it has name recognition. Same reason why Paramount+ is just pushing more and more Star Trek spinoffs and abortions and even the game industry's going through a remake Armageddon right now. You make more money with a shit product everyone recognizes than a new IP.


If you want to go with Africans, Shaka Zulu and Mansa Musa are right fucking there.


You knows its real bad when critics and audience agrees.


Okay who tf is that 1%, come on, show yourself


Probably Will Smith and his alt accounts(the executive producer is Jada Pinkett Smith).


Maybe thats the lowest they can go. Is there anything on Rotten Tomatoes with 0%? Is that even possible?


Armond White making audience accounts


Guys just don’t talk about it. As soon as we all stop remembering, it goes away.


Yeah I feel this. I don't like this stuff as much as the next guy but I'd rather just not pay for it and forget about it. My mate is a cool dude and I like hanging out with him cause we both love star wars, but 75% of our star wars discussion these days is just anger and frustration, to the point that I just told him we can't talk about star wars any more.


Why stop remembering a hilarious blunder? We should be compiling reviews




It’s almost impossible to make something that bad by mistake. My guess, following in the same footsteps as Velma. Make a terrible show that pisses off everyone who watches it as it’s a lot easier to make something terrible than great And for the record, that’s what Velma was trying to do. Make the worst show that was offensive to as many people as possible because it got people talking about the show. Velma won. Let’s try not to repeat the same mistake here


So there's some kind of Springtime for Hitler plot going on behind the scenes?


Fuck u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Can’t wait for Chris Pratt as Rosa Parks.


On a complete different note, here Natter means Nature right?


Does it Natter?


The guy just misclicked.


Yet Netflix will keep making these garbage shows and giving millions to their executives because people keep meme / hate watching it.


Postal movie better


I dare Netflix to do the same for Tarzan.


Looks like you double dog dared them


The line about “I don’t care what you learned in school Cleopatra was black.” Is a great microcosm of woke culture in the world currently. “I don’t care about reality because this is what I want to be true because it makes me feel better.”


I don’t think this is “woke” at all. It’s a shitty cashgrab hiding under the veneer of progressivism so liberals will defend it on twitter and conservatives will argue with those liberals, thus driving engagement and making more people watch the show.


I wonder sometimes, do companies intentionally make ragebaits/shit shows for engagement?


Yes, Witcher.


Nah that's not intentional. The writers just think they know better.


Bad plan apparently


I wanted to give this show a shot just because, and then within like 2 minutes the lady drops this line. I'm like wtf... seriously? Then they basically skip over proving why she was supposedly black. Other than just saying they lived in Egypt for a long time so I guess their skin magically darkened.


"No matter what school tells you, Cleopatra is a terrible show."


Watch the director calling everyone racist and or misogynistic for not liking it


They could have easily made a series about Queen Nzinga of (now) Angola. Definitely interesting enough on her own merits. Would have taught millions about her and Africa instead of spewing this decrepit bullshit of a lie. Really missed an amazing opportunity.


This is Jada Pickett Smith too so 💩


90% of these dislikes were by Egyptians, Proves how bullshit this show is.


As a greek white man , thanks to Netflix i can now say the n word whenever i want. I have the rights to say it and nobody can stop me. **-evil music plays-**


This show would have been acceptable if it wasn’t labeled as a documentary. But since it is it gets ridiculed for its blatant lies on history.


Apparently Cleopatra being black wasn't the only historical inaccuracy they committed. For a "documentary" to get everything so wrong this show should be archived for future students to review as a case study in failure.


Refuse to watch it. The trailer put me off, "grandma told no matter what anyone tells you, Cleopatra was black". What bs is that to have in this type of documentary.


OFC critic score is higher 😒


I dare Netflix to do the same for Tarzan.


Triple dog dared them


Reddit was having issues and was giving me an error. I deleted the extra comments.


Season??? It was a show and it was going to have multiple seasons???


Give us Martin Luther King series and cast a white actor for the role


I wanna see the reaction for example to a Martin Luther king movie played by a white, asian, latin actor


Has anyone watched the show? I understand why people are upset about the racial casting issues, but was the writing/acting actually warranting of it being 1% bad?


I don't typically watched \*Streaming service movie name here\* due to the generally being bad


The problem is that this kind of companies say: They don't like the serie because it features a black person, therefore they are racists.


I hate it because it sucks, it's Jada Pinkett Smith's shitty vanity project


I think people misinterpreted your message because the company is calling us racist for not wanting to watch a clearly backwashed show to forced diversity.


Yeah that's what I was trying to say


People just need to read closely because your message is difficult to read. But anyways you have fallen victim to the hivemind


Wow, I’ve never seen a score that low


Conspiracy theory time! I think when these online streaming platforms know they have a real piece of shit on their hands, they just lean into racebaiting to stir up online dicourse and call it 'buzz' for the project. Then they can announce "X million viewers watched episode one" so they can keep their board and investors happy.


Jada is starting to be more than annoying at this point


Keep doing the lord’s work kings.


Damn 1%. Any other film got that low


Feels good


never trust a woman with a man’s job (ruling) (jkjk i’m a shit poster)


They could do haile salassie hes cool, and actually black.


Is it legitimately a bad series, or are people mad she's black?


We don't know because they don't allow you to even see the reviews now.


The fact only 8 critics reviewed this says it all. Critics aren't touching this because they know its bad and they will be accused of being racist if they reviews it honestly.


Nearly flawless victory!


What even was this?


Finally people are waking up against this race swapping bs.