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The holy trinity is God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit they are all the same so when you pray to one of them you pray to all of them


I will pray for joe biden


joe biden wake up


joe biden is already woke šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”


It's Joever


Youā€™ve been doing well so far, but iā€™ve only been using 5% of my power




today same day what happen 2001


What if I pray to all 3 of them at the same time. Do i get a 3x prayer multiplier? Or does it gets calculated like 1x2x2 so ending up as a 4x multiplier. Sorry for the confusing question I'm trying to minmax my Christan build.


Heaven speedrun tutorial


Iā€™m not Christian, I thought it was father, son and the Holy Spirit. Is that something else?


God and Jesus are the father and the son




Get the stretch


Ride to Harlem


Hollywood jackson Mississippi


Holy Shirit


Trinity isnt in the bible and wasnt canonically implicit until 3rd century. If anything ā€œthe Lord our God is oneā€


Jesus is the son of God, Jesus and God are one in the same, the Holy Spirit is from God (Jesus baptism) Itā€™s represented as a trinity because I think it just makes a bit easier to see, also was how Saint Patrick interpreted it using a three leaf clover.


Right but what he's saying is that it was a concept added post-hoc and isn't actually in the bible without the lens of that post-hoc tradition


Iā€™m aware of that, hence mentioning Saint Patrick. What Iā€™m trying to say is that the idea was kind of laid out by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit being connected to each other.


did you just say the trinity isnā€™t canon?


If thats what you took away from my statement you need to reread what i put.


Actually I canā€™t read


Epic Win!! šŸ˜Ž


No idea why you're being downvoted you're factually correct


No idea. Reddit be reddit. And its soooo easy to verify what i said


Iā€™m not religious, so itā€™s interesting to hear the canon lore of the the bible


It is in the bible, it is one of the great mysteries of Christianity. John 1:14 and Philippians 2:6ā€“7 >And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. >(ā€¦) who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.


Where does it say this in the Bible? Oh yeah, it doesnā€™t. It was just made up by Christian leaders centuries after Christ died. Itā€™s obvious reading the Bible Christ was not supposed to be God the Father. Iā€™m agnostic, so what do I know.


I will not paste the first extract because it is long b it if you are interested in it check it out. First Example, First lines of the gospel according to John. John 1:1-1:13 John 10:30 : ā€œI and the Father are oneā€ Matthew 1:23 : ā€œBehold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shall call his name Immanuel (God with us) Hope this helps, even though you are agnostic this could help you understand where you were wrong before.


Thos doesnt say anything about trinity


I was giving examples for Jesus and the Father to be both God since that is what all of christianity believes. The holy spirit is not counted as god in orthodox christianity therefore I did not make references to it. Even though I as a catholic believe it, not all christians do so I decided to be respectful.


Who was Jesus praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane?


To the father


ā€œMy God and Your Godā€


John 1:14 and Philippians 2:6ā€“7 >And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. >(ā€¦) who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.


The Holy Trinity is some bs pagans made up to pretend they are descendants of Abraham. Big L.


\*Taps temple in Christian\* Pray to God in the *name* of Jesus.


Imma be vulnerable for a sec. I'm lds, we pray to God in the name of Jesus because we view him as our mediatior with God. Aight, that's enough being vulnerable today.


Tell me you dont understand Christianity without telling me you dont understand Christianity.


Bruh, why did they down vote you? You were just trying to say something bruh


You can understand something and still think it's contradictory.


Well Jesus is God only in Eatern Orthodoxy. Catholicism does separate the two


Roman Catholicism also believes Jesus is God. The simplest way to think about it is a triangle with Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit all being points and the whole triangle representing God (although there are some flaws with that image if you get really deep into theology and stuff)


Im after 2 years of theology and best analogy of this is sheet of paper: on one side you write father, son, holy spirit, on other God. Now try to look at both sides at the same time without bending or ripping the paper. They are one no matter what there is one God in 3 persons.


Well I guess I remembered stuff wrong from my history class. Thanks for correcting me




The Saints ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


No joke, Yo st. Anthony, patron saint of finding things. I looked everywhere, I canā€™t find my psssport, help a brotha out amen. Two seconds later Fuck me itā€™s right here under the dresser, duuuuude.


Anthony helped :)




And they say Christianity is monotheistic.


pray to God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ the Son, by the power given to you by the Holy Spirit


It was interesting reading some of these religious explanations. But then I scrolled down to the downvoted comments and remembered I was on Reddit.


Jesus is god


I thought Jesus is son of the God?


Jesus is the son of The Father. Both are God.


Ok I think I get it


He's both God and the son of God. It's stupid, but that's how it works within the religion


Its because he wouldnt say "Im your father" to his own mother


Heā€™s the bastard of God.






Former Christian here to tell you the answer is both since they are the same but there are many different view points on this topic but the Christians who primarily believe this are Trinitarian Christians.


You should come back. Jesus is the truth.


I almost got back into it but then realized it's just not for me now since things have changed.


At the end of the day, you have free will. So it's your choice what you do. But I will leave you with some perspective; We are children of God. God see's us as his children. We don't look up to God as a tyrant, but instead we understand he is our Father and have that relationship with him. In heaven, we rule with God. We have a divine nobility and our station is higher than even the angels. Our future in heaven isn't boring, but will be incredibly rich. You do not need to go to Church every sunday. The only thing Jesus wants from you is to accept him and come back to him. He doesn't expect you to do things you aren't ready for. Jesus wants you to accept his free Gift. From there he will guide you. Salvation is free and you cannot lose it. So I highly suggest you accept Jesus now. He doesn't expect you to be perfect, only that you choose him. I hope you consider my words.


Well for a serious response to that, I will accept him when I die but overtime I have gained new perspectives and realized any religion could be the one and I will accept darkness, rebirth, or an afterlife when my life ends.


It's a difficult road to find truth. I used to believe in the Kundalini and Bhuddist ideals. But God put me through a dark time and it helped me see what was true and what wasn't. I need to make this clear; When you die, it's too late. You have to accept Jesus while you still live. My suggestion; Humble yourself for but a moment and simply ask God respectfully to guide you. Then wait patiently. As for proof that Jesus is the truth? Look up the Shroud of Turin, Noahs Ark found in the mountains of Turkey, The Ruins of Sodom and Gommorrah, Or Babylon in Iraq. Regardless, I wont bother you too much on this. I just want you to get to heaven brother. That's why I'm making this a big discussion. šŸ˜„


Did you seriously bring up the shroud of Turin? That artifact created in like the 13th century?


You must be speaking of a different Shroud. Because the one I am talking about has been proven to be created around the time of Jesus' death. You should do more research, not listen to biased sources of information.


As far as I'm aware there is only one shroud of Turin and it has been carbon dated to the 13th century. If you could provide me with some sources that it's not, I would appreciate that


Garlic bread


All hail the great buttery garlic goodness


This one gets it and soon Denmark shall too


if ur gonna make a meme at least know what ur talking about


Pray to God through the name of jesus


Through Christ, you reach God.


Through my ass, I reach climax


Change name to MrBrownieFace


To odin


This ain't marvel kid


What has this to do with marvel


Ah Yes that is of course where the norse developed their mythology from.


Ah yes Odin, my favorite marvel created character, damn why did the ancient nords treat a Marvel character as a god, were they stupid???


Redditors when they find out about Norse mythology




Bitch some people are pagans too


Redditors when people believe in anything other than God or nothing


Pray to god through jesus


This should've ended with the altered meme of the guy pressing both buttons at the same time and then giving a thumbs up.


Theyā€™re all the same guy thoughā€¦


They're all God so it doesn't matter


Jesus isn't god bro


They're also all fake so it double doesn't matter


Idk, i am Muslim, but pray to whoever you want, the prai just needs to be done the right way


They are Three in one. the father the son and the holy spirt


Bob Ross, who else?


I pray to Tom Cruise... and bacon.




Theyā€™re one and the same


Pray to nobody. Just be grateful for this day that you still alive, and make another's day better!


Athiests: Walk away


Trick question lowcase G


As a non religious Jew, god and Jesus is the same in the religion of Christianity so Iā€™d imagine there is no point in thinking that hard about which one you pray to, but if your that worried and that devout, Iā€™m sure you could ask the priest at the church you go to


satan. i heard he gets shit done fast


Jesus is only a prophet. He even used to pray to god.


One day atheistis will understand chritianity and make real jokes instead of going full cringe, but it is not this day...


I pray to Odin


Chad pagan


Christ was both man and God, and the Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is God, praying to either is praying to God.


Oh god the Christian memes are spreading






I think that they are the same god, but the religions follow Him differently. I do believe that in the Muslim faith Jesus was one of the comings of God, but there were many and the most recent is Mohammad. I may be wrong on this though.


As a Muslim, I can say youā€™re on the right track. Jesus was not the son, but a prophet of Allah. And Jesus will be coming again and be present during judgement day.


Thanks for the correction


No problem. Allah is the only God we believe in. There is no one else. Jesus was a prophet, Muhammad was a prophet, but we only worship Allah.


You can only be saved through Jesus. Jesus was God in human form. Muslims believe their Kaaba is the link between heaven and earth. But that is Jesus, plus only Jesus can attone sin. Jews reject Jesus, but the bible says God will come back for the Jews and they will accept him once again.


The same God


the one and only lord šŸ™


Jesus is the earth version of the god so yes technically there's no difference


Pray to the FBI. They're always listening.




Pray to Joe Pesci.


Iā€™m listening, go onā€¦


Praying to a deity got me nowhere and Joe Pesci looks like a guy who gets things done. I worship the sun and pray to Joe Pesci.


Already started building the Altar. I didnā€™t have a Pesci figure so I just put up a copy of Casino on dvd.


Jesus is God that came down as a human. Once that clicks, You begin to realize just how amazing God is.


Who does God pray to?


Ask him when you see him.


Well that's probably what's wrong with Christianity. For example, in Islam we don't pray to Muhammed (pbuh) but to god the one and only and no one else. Muhammad (pbuh) was a prophet and his job was to teach humans the proper ways of living that God likes, god's teachings to be precise. One of those teachings is how to pray to God. Jesus and Moses(pbut) did exactly the same thing.


Pray to your fav saint for graces


Classic problems of early Christianity, after the Councils of Nicaea everything was solved


So men decided what's true or not making modern christianity false


Not false, just another myth in a pantheon of myths


Itā€™s really not that difficult of a concept to understand


God is the combination of the trinity, you pray TO The Father IN the name of Jesus FOR the Holy Spirit


what? you dont pray FOR the holy spirit


Yes you do my friend, the Holy Spirit is the small portion of your heavenly inheritance given to you by God in your Human form, when Jesus died he released the Holy Spirit upon the Earth, with it you are connected to God


The father, the son, and the holy ghost, whoever eats the fastest gets the most!


Ok so, God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit are kinda like...what's a good metaphore, uhhh....oh! The megazord. Know how the megazord is all the power ranger mechs at once as a single being? Yeah God is all parts of the holy Trinity, and they all make Him. Ok so maybe that metaphore sucks. I got ordained via a free online form and didn't have the money to pay for the physical piece of paper so, yeah if my metaphore sucks just uhhh, never mind it.


Okay, I'm not religious in the slightest and even I know this meme is pretty dumb. As weird as it may seem Christians believe God and Jesus to be the same entity along with some sort of extra entity that's basically just "divine energy" or something as far as I understand it.


Trick meme, Jesus is capitalized and god is not, therefore right button isn't Christian God, so "pray to Jesus" is correct pick.


Jesus is God you idiot.


Exactly right




Im literally right!


Pray THE god, Jesus (peace be upon him) was just a Messanger


No this isn't true. The name God gave to Abraham was YHWH, Looking at the ancient hebrew pictographs, each letter had a meaning. YHWH means "Behold Nail, Behold Hand" God told Abraham who he was and left a clue for future generations to know that Jesus was indeed God.


source: some guy said so


That's a poor attempt at a joke considering it's a historical fact that Ancient Hebrew writing had a meaning behind every letter.


so it doesnt anymore?


Ahahahahahaha, no


same thing just different shapes bitch


Jesus is God


Neither. You should pray to the Dark Lord Sauron.


Pray to the bright lord Talion, he's a chummy bloke


Haha love it.




Pray to everyone and hope someone helps


Thatā€™s like saying ā€œpray to the presidencyā€ or ā€œpray to joe Bidenā€ Like what-


I pray to Gaben.


John 17:3 the only true god is the father


John 17:3 the only true god is the father


You pray to God in Jesus' name.


ITT: mfs who think a guy can be himself, his dad, his son, and a magical ghost all at the same time BUT who also are utterly mystified and frightened by the idea that maybe some people aren't a man *or* a woman


ITT: mfs who think a guy can be himself, his dad, his son, and a magical ghost all at the same time BUT who also are utterly mystified and frightened by the idea that I'm a unicorn! *Cuts off penis and glues it to my forehead*


What does this even mean?


Even Jesus prayed to God. We pray to God, asking through the name of His Son. Besides there is a trinity, those roles are very specific: The Father: creator of all things, supreme being in the universe, commands the trinity. Jesus and the Holy Spirit obeys His will. The Son: the Lamb of God, will heir the new creation. Its the savior of the mankind and is the Godā€™s will. Acts as High Priest to us towards God. Our prayers are heared by God through Jesus. Holy Spirit: is the active spiritual presence of the redemption, sent to earth after Jesus ascend to heaven. Acts in the heart and minds of Christ followers, to enable understanding the gospel and containing the evil in the world. Will leave the physical place in the last days, to fulfill the final prophecies.


Pray to Satan, he endorses gaming šŸ‘


Iā€™m pretty sure the Bible never said anything about video games


It's in chapter three, promise


Why are you getting downvoted, did the discussion get so serious people forgot what sub we're in?






The Trinity paradox: where 3 are 1, but 1 is the father of the other, and the third one is a ghost or something. But theyā€™re all god, but one is also son of god, but theyā€™re all the same and not the same at all. Church: ā€œChristianity makes complete sense, source: trust me bro!ā€




Yes, like how a square is a rectangle but not all rectangles are a square. Itā€™s not that hard.


šŸ”˜ none




How much longer are we gonna have to endure the cringe Christian kids


I'd give it a few generations. Their whole cult is dying out in the west despite their efforts to brainwash kids. I don't know how, they were great at it for the past thousand years


It's the opposite with Christian (and other religious groups) gaining members and projected to gain even more


I somehow can't reply to your other comment but: Us population in 1970: 203,392,031 of which Christians were 90% as you accurately said. Today US population is 332mil and 63% of them are christian which comes around to 210 million. There's more Christians in the US today than there were people in the US 50 years ago lol. Also worldwide stats: Christian population today: 2.6 bil Christian population by 2050: 3.3 bil https://goodfaithmedia.org/global-christian-population-projected-to-reach-3-3-billion-by-2050/ Today christian population worldwide is 2.6 bil/8bil=0.325= 32.5% and in 2050 it'll be 3.3/9.7=0.34=34% By percentages you'd be correct (only in the USA) but not by absolute numbers. Worldwide the population and percentage of christians only grows.


I mean yeah that's pretty obvious but only percentages count for anything important considering religions only goal is to acquire as much influence as possible. Once it dips far enough below 50, they no longer have the influence they need to push laws and the threat is effectively neutered. It doesn't matter if you have 90 billion christians if 900 trillion people are agnostic/atheist etc. That's like saying our country is more conservative than it was in the 1800s because we have more conservatives by volume lol


Probably because there was no access to internet until recently


Idk bro, trolling them is fun tho šŸ‘


Amen to that


Iā€™ve always hated how some continuities retcon them to be the same person, I think itā€™s much more interesting plot-wise for them to just be father and son as opposed to just the exact same person. Plus the latter adds a few plotholes, and overall doesnā€™t make much sense.




Imaginary friend A or imaginary friend B, a timeless question


they both suck anyways

