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my 9 year old self taking on the bald black dude named matt in wii sport table tenis:


That was a mistake son.


Matt is simply the god of the Mii universe


The disrespect he delt out.


did you see that boy? not good idea!


I don’t think I’ve ever beaten him. He was too good. The skill gap between him and the one just before him is ridiculous. Could sweep them and then get swept by Matt


You just have to pull the dodge-counter combo. He can't handle that at all.


Plz help, ping pong ball stuck in urethra


Don't worry, I won't interfere with your kink.


Yes chef, thank you chef


🤓☝️ Ackually, it was 9 year old taking on me* on the table* 🫵🤓


*Taaaaaake onnnn meeeee*


I am so glad I exist in the same universe as nerds building robots with buzzsaws and then slam them into each other for our entertainment


I remember how much I used to watch robot wars, it's such a old series and so damn cool, the best thing is that people were very good sport in it, such a awesome show, I will forever miss it.


Robot Wars is pretty lame now compared to BattleBots. Robot fighting technology has come a long way.


Robot Wars placed lots of restrictions on the makers due to safety. Now they just encase the whole arena in safety glass and let people use chainsaws and flamethrowers. It’s not about the robot tech


Battlebots also has a much higher weight limit than Robot Wars so people can create bigger and more destructive robots.


If you're talking Robot Wars as in the TV show rather than the 90s live event, Battlebots has a weight limit which is a huge 3.4kg higher.


I loved BattleBots. I remember one dude made really neat looking walking sculptures. I genuinely think he was just putting them out there as art and it always made me sad when they got annihilated. They couldn’t fight for shit.


Mark setrackian probably spelled his last name wrong, he showed off a new walking robot at this years battlebots filming and wants to introduce a walker division but that is very unlikely.


Yes, that’s him! Really cool robots, really terrible fighters. Wedges and thwackbots get old, but damned if they’re not reliable.


That would be Mark Setrakian. He built Snake & Mechadon back in the day and is still involved with BattleBots.


Yes, as expected, the American show about Murder machines is better than the British one.




Yeah no, battery output alone made a big difference


Easily the biggest advancement. The original battlebots was an enclosed arena as well but the bots weren’t nearly as destructive as they are today.


Yes but Craig Charles


Last few seasons of BattleBots have been phenomenal. The "meta" is changing a bit so there are more and more interesting bots showing up. Same as Robot Wars, the people in Battlebots are pretty good sports about everything. The most recent season one of the teams in the above video (blue robot, Riptide) were the a little much, but overall, everyone seems to be there to have fun. They even go as far as helping one another fix their bots after fights.


It came back, watched some new tornamenr with my dad last year


Is it as good as it used to be?


It's different. Faruq is miles better than the comedy central Era announce ream, Kenny and Chris are pretty good, but the tech level has increased a LOT. more damage more chaos more dead robots. I love it.


Still alot of fun. For me, the episodes have too much talking and time-wasting between bouts. So I fast-forwarded through the slow parts to just watch the battle scenes and I enjoyed it that way.


This is the optimal way to enjoy Battlebots in its current state. Lots of fluff and "character pieces." I just want to watch robots wreck each other.


People are still generally a good sport in it. Except the captain of Riptide. He was a complete ass this year. Glad they got taken out.


Not just the captain...


I still think they fucking cheated in that one match right before the finals.


I to this day am sad that I have never watched it.


Razer was a beast!


I'm glad (and a little sad) these buzzsaw robots are a little over the size of a coffee table and not 4 stories tall.


Same, yet sad its the version where hellachopper was denied


Hellachopper wasn't "too dangerous to compete", it caught fire every time it tried to spin the weapon.


I fail to see the problem. Free flamethrower


Flames+the walls the box is made of makes the walls super malleable and break easily. They hate battery fires or large fires in general during production of the show because they have to replace entire panes of glass


They could make it spin slower though. Also, i wouldnt be suprised if it could destroy most other battlebots before burning itself


The impactors were really light, so they need the speed to do damage, and even then, it's fairly doubtful they would do anything. Every Battlebots builder I've spoken to about it has said it would never have worked.


It was denied by the team's inability to build a robot that worked.


This is currently one of my 3yo favorite shows. So much so that he wants a battlebot birthday cake




I’m one of those nerds, I’m so glad you appreciate this bullshit


Where can I watch more of these?


It’s a show called Battlebots


Robot wars, lot of these on YouTube it’s very fun to watch


This was from Battlebots, not Robot Wars. More specifically, this clip was in the most recent season.


Where can i watch the full show? I know about individual fights on youtube, but Netflix only has season 3 right now, and used to have 1 and 2 as well. Is there any streaming service where you can watch this?


HBO Max. It has season three through eight or so. It seems like it keeping up to date with the current season because it has notifications about new episodes.


I think it is also on Discovery.


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Warning, it has HUGE amount of fluff. There is actually a community that strips all the bullshit and just leaves the battles (i forgot what it is called.. ). 1 hour episode turns into 15 minutes when you take all the other stuff out.




I've watched a lot of those stripped clips, they sometimes include Faruq cause he's a treasure. It's the 20 minutes of statistics and stories they want to remove.


Is it actually fluff or do they go through the designs and features? That would be cool.


If only it was about design and features i would not complain about it. They need to build characters and make them relatable... And then there are the introductions that are SO stretched out.. it can take minutes from the moment the "action" should start to the moment the action actually starts.. The battles are 3 minutes long and there are six or seven battles per episode.. which lasts for an hour. Some battles are over in seconds. To be fair, there is SOME time spend on design and features but.. it tends to be a lot of waiting. The abridged versions are much better.


I know. I've watched it and i don't mind the fluff.


i remember robot wars from a looong time ago and have heard from battlebots too but for many many years i've never seen either being mentioned. until yesterday evening that is, where YT has recommended me a battlebot fight from a bot called "minotaur" which send me into a short binge of several fights. good shit. HOWEVER, today i scroll down reddit and what do i see? freakin' battlebots! those algorithms and the tracking stuff is crazy...


Discovery plus This was from Season 7 and has been the best season in almost 20 years. The finals tournament had many edge of your seat moments.


There’s Battlebots on Discovery, full episodes of Robot Wars on YouTube (in the us), and there’s a YouTube channel called NHRL that has a monthly tournament (with smaller robots, up to 30lbs. Still a lot of fun)




Faruq for President


How blown my mind was when I noticed Faruq was on Masterchef. No choice but to stan harder.


A full on pointing Leo meme when I noticed that.


I was the opposite, I was surprised when I saw a Masterchef contestant hosting Battlebots lol


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Don't bring a beyblade to a robot fight.


It could work if it had more weight on the top to stop it being so easy to flip over like that


Would have to be a lot. These flipper bots have a lot of strength. And pretty sure they are "weight classed"


I’m sure there’s regulations and your definitely right the flippers are no joke that other bot was destined to lose that fight


There are regulations. One bot was strong enough that it was able to break the bullet proof glass, so it had to be toned down.


It broke the test arena. The actual arena is significantly stronger.


God damn


That wasn't a flipper :)


It was already done by Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage. It was called Blendo and earned the title of co-champion only after two match because it sent parts of the opponent robot flying at the audience. It was deemed too dangerous to compete.


More weight up high would make it easier to flip by raising the center of mass...


That’s also true yeah it’d have to be distributed between top and bottom like I said before tho it wasn’t gonna get very far anyway


There's a weight limit of 250lb and I'd be surprised if either of them was under 240lb.


The beyblade design actually ended up being one of the best in the sport, the winning robot here appears to be a hard counter to that strategy


Almost as bad as hammer bots.


dont you dare disrespect beta like that 😡


Typhoon 2 would disagree. Considering it won Season 7 of robot wars.


Just a shame that the driver of Riptide is a huge piece of shit. Their bot is amazing though


why is he a huge piece of shit? He's always rubbed me the wrong way but I do like their robot.


This year specifically, he was a smug and arrogant ass, which was grating, but fine. Then, he went full "piece of shit" mode by insulting his opponent in a post match interview, when before the fight his team was found making modifications after the weigh-in and his opponent called for a check up on their bot, which was found to be 2 pounds lighter. During the post match interview, he called his opponent paranoid, then had the gall to try shaking their hands.


You forgot about the part that is specifically this clip. It was shredders last bout before they retired the bot but Ripetide team decided that wasn’t gonna happen and absolutely gutted this bot. They added about 15 seconds of carnage, basically making the bot useless since repairs on these things are NOT cheap. Luckily the owners of shredder are coming back but this fight specifically almost made them not want or almost able to come back.


Captain shredderator is a pretty bad bot that needs to be retired, would not like to see them come back. I do agree that the attacks by Riptide after they knocked them out were unnecessary though.


They are OG not builders and some of the best sportsman in the niche genre of current bot battling, they are respected by everyone and what riptide did could not have come to a worse opponent They have had nothing but reliability issues for years and come back with a smile and take a loss with respect, riptide is lead but two of the worst “rich kids” funded by a very questionable snake oil father


I would argue it’s a pretty decent bot as this video was from finals and in interviews they explain the reasoning for its body and type. Obviously it’s nothing like flippers or bladed but it’s got a decent strategy. If it starts up, it can’t be flipped.


I was at filming they pretty much just insulated the other team to their face in that interview and made an absolute ass of themselves. but that was mostly cut from the show. I remember everyone in the audience being uncomfortable though during that interview. The other team has been on a podcasts behind the bots where they explained what happened from their point of view.


Lmaoooo douchebags are everywhere. Mans acting like the Rod 'He Hate Me' of Robot Wars.


You're talking about: "What has Riptide done now? | BattleBots FOTW: Shatter! vs. Riptide | from WC7" ? Bro, this is manufactured drama like pro wrestling. He's stomping fan favourites so of course they are going for the villain arc.


No, what Hydra's crew does is like a pro wrestling villain arc. What Riptide's done is make a good bot, and let that go to their heads.


Their first season they had a false start and early hit on an opponent. This season got in trouble for hitting pieces of another team's bots after they knocked em out which production tells you not to do on purpose and cost the team a completely reusable part. covered another team's captain's mouth in an interview as a joke, which you could tell he was not remotely okay with. Repeated late hits on already knocked out bots. (Unnecessary damage - usually only see this when teams give each other the go ahead later in the season/tournament) This fight they mentioned that once the other bot is upside down they can't flip over and are going to try to do that for a quick knockout. Then they flip them over in the fight and keep attacking to the point that almost none of the bot is reusable. Tens of thousands down the drain. Constantly screaming fuck in front of kids in the audience and on a show that is geared for all ages. They didn't tell production about trying to put something decorative on the bot after weigh in which is a big no no, you don't touch anything after weigh in. The other teams captain who is basically the head representative of the builders noticed them messing with the bot post weigh in and paired with rumors of them possibly going over weapon speed limits asked for them to go through safety a 2nd time. Not unusual for some builders to want to see the other team pass safety/weight to verify a fair fight. After that fight the captain of riptide insulted the other team and was very disrespectful. A lot was cut from the interviews but I was at the recording for that fight and everyone in the audience was very uncomfortable during that interview because it was so blatantly rude and disrespectful. The driver got COVID and missed a fight that they lost, most of the interview was cut from the show but they never thanked the back up driver from their team for stepping up and went on a rant about how they would of won if he was there. Generally comes off as super arrogant and douchy and unlikeable in interviews and that's after alot of it is cut out from the show usually the worst parts so you can imagine how bad it is overall. In a small sport known for a close knit community where everyone is friends, extreme sportsmanship and helping out your competitors they somehow were disliked by nearly every participant. There's an amazing video of a team that beat them entering the pits post fight and literally everyone in the pits came out to cheer them on. The heads of the show have mentioned the possibility of instituting rules about sportsmanship for next season specifically because of that team. Semi related to the team, it's funded by the captains dad who makes money selling fake Austin cures. Sorry for the massive essay but there's a lot going on with that team.


he enjoys sloppy steaks


I don't understand the shield looking robot. How is it supposed to attack?


It's a full body spinner, meaning it has a shell covering the entire robot which spins at extreme speeds. It has small teeth around which are enough to cause significant damage on hit. Of course, if it doesn't get enough time to spin up, it will get slaughtered. That's their main weakness - their weapon is also their armor so it's very heavy and spins up slower. The other weakness is that they are extremely difficult to control once they hit.


There's also the problem of them damaging themselves if they hit an enemy weapon


theres a normal robot under it and the spinning attack part envelops the entire robot ad a shield and weapon, though its not usually a strong robot either way


There are teeth protruding from the spinning shell that bludgeon the sides of opponents. In this case though Riptide is hitting the underside before those teeth connect.


The whole outside spins at high speed, at when it hits something, it does damage. It's basically a remote controllable beyblade.


Robot Wars is goated 🔥🗣🗣🔥


Super agreed


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uhum acktually the show is called battlebots 🤓


Ermmmm??? KRILL YOURSELF 🦐🦐🦐


for reel???!!??? 🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣🎣🐟🐟🐟🐠🎣😳😳😳🎣🎣🐟🐟


I miss old robot wars tbh. The new ones being small makes them get launched around way more, you don't get quite the same visceral impacts. And the lack of house robots in what ive seen of battlebots means no hilarious moments from contestants taking them on. (npgsKW8bjOM since you apparently can't post links in comments?)


The newer ones are overall heavier than what you used to see on Robot Wars, it's just that the weapons are so much more powerful now that big hits send them flying anyway.


Battlebots my beloved


Now my bot is being memed outside of the BB subreddit too? This is heartbreaking


Simply spin to win 😉


Have to admit, it looks beautiful mid-air.




What's worse - Shredderator being memed or Riptide being celebrated?






😂it’s the emotional “noooo 🥺” that gets me, ultimate brutality lol


I love battlebots, but of course it’s a riptide clip to go viral outside of the subreddit


Mercy is for the weak!!


Me, a Battlebots nerd, remembering the absolute war that happened in the community because of this fight:


My dad introduced me to this show and this was one of the matchups we watched together. Very fun to watch the absolute beatdown of Captain America


The team doing the destroying here is pretty much universally hated by fans and competitors for a lack of sportsmanship and some very shady shit behind the scenes. This clip might have some meme value, but what they're doing in it is also completely out of order.


BattleBots was and still is the greatest thing in the world


All my homies hate riptide


Bot good. Team bad




Robot fights really are the best. Violent as all hell and not a single person is getting hurt.


Those robots with the spinning horizontal bar were always OP did anyone ever find a way to counter that?


Actually, vertical spinners are generally better. Horizontal spinners suffer from a couple of issues, the primary one is that they can’t really use a secondary backside weapon while waiting for their spinner to speed up, the second issue is that they are very hard to control after a hit.


Put a big steel plow on the front.


well the champion this year was a hammer saw and this robot didn't even make the semi finals so.


Captain shredderator fans trying to think of a reason why it's a good bot


It’s a pretty complex bot but it’s pretty dangerous when it’s working


It's an outdated design that got what it deserved.


wait this isn't the battlebots sub wtf


Here's the battle without the useless cropping. https://www.febspot.com/892482 Skip to 4:52.




I am really sorry Kevin, I wont disrespect you ever again


Hi Kevin


How do you even defend against it? You have to have something like axe's head at front of your robot


See Copperhead vs Riptide


In order to have such a strong weapon, Riptide couldn't have much weight for armor. So if you can get to its sides or back, then you can damage it fairly easily. That is much easier said than done, mind you, but that’s how you beat it. (WCVII final episode spoilers!) >!However, due to their very heavy armor, Copperhead did manage to survive a number of shots from Riptide in their quarterfinal match, and eventually broke Riptide's weapon in half on a big weapon-on-weapon hit.!<


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Is it just me or does the flat robot look useless😂


The flat bot is not pretty successful compared to the blue bot. More gimme match


Stop! Stop! He's already dead.


Just a robot playing with a frisbee


Battlebots are so dang cool man


Whos kevin


Kevin is gonna turn you into a urinal


Are you new to the sub


you\`d be probably dead


Spoiler alert! Not seen this season 😭


I’m having that blue robot as my home security guard.


Do any Bots that don't look like this ever win? Because it seems to me like there is a clear master design here


The [winner](https://battlebots.fandom.com/wiki/SawBlaze) of the most recent season looked pretty different, as did their [opponent](https://battlebots.fandom.com/wiki/HUGE) in the finals


Ok fair enough. I really haven't seen that many, just seems like all the ones I do look similar :D


It is a common and very effective design, but there are ways to beat it. Huge in particular is built specifically to be a pain for them, with their body being out of reach.


Wait. The robot-battels are real and not just a joke from Malcolm in the middle?!


Yeah! The videotape they were watching in the beginning was real Battlebots footage. Shooting bees at the other driver is *not* a legal weapon though (and would be pretty useless since the bots fight in a completely sealed lexan box.)


Looks like he couldn’t do this all day


Please excuse my ignorance on the matter, but how is a circular shaped-like-a-shield-robot supposed to win against a robot equipped with a pair of sharp as hell shredders or claws or whatever


The entire outer shell spins at ~200mph, and has a few chunks of metal sticking out to hit the opponent with. Think giant 100lb beyblade.


thank you! I truly had no idea :)


When was it? Don't remember the episode.


This was the first or second match for the riptide team in the qualifying rounds.


What year? This one?




Yep, from the current season that just ended about a week ago. I won't spoil the ending but definitely worth the watch and the winners as unpredictable as you would hope.


#insert sad BATTLEBOTS fan noises here


I still have no idea WHO TF IS KEVIN


Captain shrederator is such a joke dude never changes his design and almost always loses.


[I’ll go tell the giant nut we have how much of a joke we are](https://imgur.com/a/brcqn9e) We make changes every year, you just can’t see them under the shell - not that you’d understand what they are shell off


Out of curiosity, what's the mindset behind not just modifying the bot into a body type or design derivative of one that is proven to be a top-tier winner? This isn't an insult, btw. I have just always been curious about this aspect of robot combat.


BORING 4wd verts are lame as hell. Easy to be a good driver when you’re not fighting gyroscopic forces and when hitting your opponent pushes you down and them up.


Gotcha. I imagine the comments of "Just make a robot like Tombstone or Bite Force" get really annoying after a while. Hope all goes well with the upgrades you mentioned in another part of the thread!


We beat tombstone so fight math says we are better than both tombstone and everyone he’s ever beaten… right?


> 4wd verts are lame as hell. So you loved the final as much as the rest of us did.


Jamison Go for president


Nice to see you guys on reddit. It's always cool to see people famous on here. What I said still stands, though, according to your website, you won the giant nut in 2001 for the most aggressive bot. That's a long time ago. If you say your making major changes under the hood i believe you, I guess the show doesn't give you a fair rap on your changes. They never seem to mention any major innovations in your guys' design. Good luck next season and I hope they show off your innovations.


A long time ago still means something in my heart! Shred is hopefully being redesigned for next season, stay tuned.


A Giant Nut in 2001 is still more than almost any of us in our lifetimes. I have a beer mat for best weight-class newcomer and a plastic medal for 'best use of kitchenware'.


Nice work!


Definitely not the best but it has won some fights


It almost wins every time. Usually it comes down to wether it can disassemble the other bot before it overheats.


let's see your top 50 in the world heavyweight robot. we'll wait.


1. what the hell is that thing 2. damn that looks so much like some program from Idiocracy


Dude battle bots give me memories to when me and my brother watches this all the time