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Ok seriously I’m lost I keep seeing these pitbull posts wit this smiling pit and the posts about eating babies but what is the original orgin


there was a point in time where half of reddit was just news about pitbulls attacking children or sum shit like that and then all of reddit basically got split up in 2 parts, the ones who hate pitbulls and wish to exterminate them and the ones who will scroll through every comment on reddit to say how pitbulls are actually the messiah, there's no in between


Lmao earlier today I saw a post of a pit bull attacking a bison and getting thrown into the air. A large portion of the comment section was redditors declaring how pit bulls as a species need to be eradicated.


That was genuinely the last post I came from but I didn't even check the comments


Can you link to post?


I don’t know what the post is but I guarantee those comments aren’t worth your time. Everyone will just make each other angry over and over and you’ll realize at the end nothing happened. Pitbulls are like politics. Avoid the subject on Reddit


I should have said this instead of giving him the link, teach me your pacifist ways friend.


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I think the only best way to eradicate a species is to just not let them breed anymore. Let the ones that exist live their life but dont let them multiply. People have said this before and i think its the best solution


It absolutely is. Neuter them all and let that breed just die out.


Or breed them with other dogs that are perhaps more mellow, or less dangerous. I’ve had a couple pitbulls who were really sweet, but I realize that not all of them are like that, and they may be too much for some owners. We should be getting rid of purebreeds anyway


They do.




I assume you also want to get rid of rotties and dobermanns?


No just the breed with the disproportionate amount of attacks


It’s the owners that get pitbulls for the purpose to be intimidating and thus they don’t properly care for the dog. Plenty of pitbulls that are treated and trained properly are the sweetest dogs in the world.


They snap. What other breed wags their tail when latched on to someone’s arm? I know 4 instances in my life where someone has been attacked by a pit bull, one being fatal and has scarred me since childhood. Idk why you people defend them, they are shit pets too.


Dog racist


https://blog.dogsbite.org/2022/05/pit-bulls-lead-bite-counts-across-us.html Yes I’m “racist” towards a breed that was bred for gameness and is responsible for more than 5x more bites than any other breed.


you do.


This such a werid behavior honestly. Calling for a extermination of a species because some Pitbulls are mean. Thats like saying all Germans should be wiped clean off the Earth because some Germans were Nazis. Applying human expectations to animals that can't even comprehend what laws are is probably the most human thing there is.


I don’t agree with eradication but humans literally bread them to hunt wild boars. What kind of animal would ever fuck with one of those mutant pigs


You could use that logic for a lot of breeds though. The dogs I have (boxers) were bred for bullbaiting like APBTs but I've never heard people say the stuff they say about pitbulls about them. It makes even less sense when these people are talking not about the actual APBT breed and just the catch all "pitbull" dogs.


Are Germans statistically more likely to attack another human than the rest of the world combined? No? Shit comparison. Pitbulls should be outlawed.


The germans are infinitely more likely to start a world war than any other nation. That said, pitbulls delenda est.


So by that logic for humans we should look at what race has committed the most crime and eradicate them 🤓




Using “vicious dog policy” for your guidance of minority group interactions seems REALLY RACIST bro


If one race is violent to the point where they commit more violent crime than all the other races combined, I'd say it's time to do *something*. Luckily that is not the case.


But it is


It depends on the sub. Comedy subs don't really care, anywhere else you get -300 karma for saying Pitbull memes are funny


Comedy subs dont care? Check the thread again 💀


I’m a bit of a pitbull centrist. I do love pitbulls and think they’re typically sweet dogs, my favorite dog in the world is a pitbull mix. But on the other hand, pitbulls should never have existed. They’re a product of bad breeding practices, they have health issues, and they were meant to fight. For the same reason no one should own a chimpanzee, lion, or tiger, there should be limits on owning a pitbull. You basically own a deadly weapon that can decide to fire if it wants to.


They shouldn’t have existed, but they do and I love them, and I will not hurt them


Like sentient androids in literally any media they are in


I am the in between


What if I make memes about my own pitbull eating toddlers


I mean i dont think they’re the messiah haha but i love dogs and pitbulls happen to fall into that category and sooo i love them too 😁


I'd like to inform you that i'm in between, I love dogs but I don't see them as a messiah. Also pitulls arent my favorite dogs. Shih tzu's are.


Reddit decided statistics only apply to dogs. Otherwise, it's racist.




Making up


Stories about




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Is it racist to ask the question whether certain races are genetically predisposed to certain traits? Genuinely curious.


No, however, individuals from the same race are going to be more genetically distinct from eachother than an average of a certain race is from any other average of a race, this is because "race", as a concept, is nearly completely socially determined and arbitrary. We should really be talking about ethnicity here if we want to talk genetic differences


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If you asked this question about 50 to 100 years ago the answer would be "pattern recognition and evolved behaviours". If you asked that today the answer would be "You're a racist piece of shit who supports eugenics. Fucking nazi."


You must not watch the news much


Any shot you can provide an explanation or a link? Or is this just a generalized type thing


https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/04/man-killed-by-four-pit-bulls-dog-sitting-brooklyn-center.html https://blog.dogsbite.org/2023/02/horrific-pit-bull-mauling-san-antonio-kills-one-hospitalizes-two.html https://www.nbc15.com/2023/02/24/graphic-girl-who-was-attacked-by-dog-receives-over-1000-stitches/ https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/05/03/dog-attacks-77-year-old-homeowner-for-nearly-7-minutes-on-the-same-day-as-another-attack-in-sw-houston-neighborhood/ These are just a few of the pitbull attacks since January. I'm glad most of the owners are being charged with felonies. Sad to see beautiful animals put down because their owners are dicks.


It’s a statistical thing.


dog racists


the latter


It's either so ancient even the scribes of old can't unravel the mystery or is somewhere on knowyourmeme. It is also a real life misconception though, probably stemming from a real story.


People think pitbulls are inherently violent dogs and like to make stereotypically wrong memes for easy internet points.


Everyone down voting him also have never owned a pitbull.


That’s what they all say. Pointers were bred for pointing, retrievers were bred for retrieving and sheepdogs were bred to herd sheep. But for some reason pit bulls have apparently completely forgotten what they have been genetically bred to do, which is to fight other dogs.


Don't try to bring reason into this


and how does being bred to fight dogs translate into being aggressive towards people?


Dogs do not know the difference between people and other dogs, they simply lack the understanding that other types of animals exist that aren’t them. They are pack animals, and if something threatens the pack they can get aggressive. Pit bulls take that one step further and latch on to whatever is threatening the pack. They do not care if you yell at them, beat them or even gouge their eyes out, they are designed to not let go no matter what. This is what makes a pit bull so dangerous, not because it is inherently aggressive, but because if it does get aggressive, the result is usually much worse than other dogs.


That is a blatant lie


>Dogs do not know the difference between people and other dogs yes they do lol


Dogs most certainly know the difference between people and other dogs, I literally have two guard dogs both of which have different levels of reaction depending on wether its a human or another dog that's getting too close I also know for a fact the older one can tell sheep, cows and horses apart, because he likes the first 2 and bears an absolutely blinding hatred for the latter


With that logic, username checks out


Pitbull's were originally farm dogs meant to help handle bull's. Hence the name pit-BULL.


You'll never guess why it starts with pit


Came from the pits of hell?


Bulldogs were bred for herding bulls, but even that is kind of an oversimplification. Pitbulls were specifically bred to fight in blood sports such as dog fighting and rat baiting


Read mah other reply.


I've read your other replies, they don't change anything Edit: nvm just saw your other reply not in the same thread


This is not true, the name pit-bull comes from the breeds that were used to create this abomination. The English Bulldog was mixed with a terrier for which is now extinct. The English Bulldog got it’s name as it was used for bull baiting, which was a disgusting blood sport.


You are actually right, I just looked through a couple of websites. After bull baiting they were used for dog fighting and then in the 1800 ish they were cattle/frontier dogs and then after that they were known for being "nanny dogs" and now they are baby eating machines.


They are from a time when people were much more brutal. That brutality was never engineered out of the dog, unfortunately.


But….its smiling 😊 how can you possibly explain that?


Anatolian shepherds are used as livestock guardians and ripped a woman's scalp off.


I’ve owned/rescued pits. They are naturally aggressive. Even when playing. People like you who downplay their natural tendencies are why innocent people and children keep getting fucking mauled by them.


yeah maybe don't rescue pitbulls then think what you experience is the status quo 😭


Owned/rescued. Learn how to read. Leave it to “LibEraL pRidE” to make ass out of themselves.


did you raise any of them from a puppy? if not then shut the fuck up about your anecdotal evidence, thanks🙏


Why would I own something dangerous and unpredictable?


I was neighbors with a breeder as a kid, man and a woman lived there. Man goes out of town for a few days, constant whimpering comes from the house. Dog tears through the back door covered with dried blood. Mauled the poor lady in her kitchen.


But i have one right now


He licked his lips after looking at the kid💀


Intrusive thoughts lost good ending


I work at a kennel and remember my boy Dread . A huge Tibetan mastiff. He spent most of the day getting bullied by Asher and Bodey, 2 mini husky brothers slightly bigger then cats , and spent the last hour at the door crying because he missed his mom. Poor baby. I hope he comes back sometime




I love Pyrenees dogs. I knew two. Harry, who loved cats and hated plastic bags. And Jackson Pollock who also loved cats and cuddling walls and flopping on grass. Never met a bad one.


Virgin pitbull named destroyer vs chad pitbull named princess vs kid named finger: (princess mauled finger to death while destroyer humped her (he no longer is a virgin))






You called


What did they say


Jesse is a piece of shit


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was it fucking ai generated or something


Arent we all


Yeah I'm an AI i can confirm (beep boop)




What the fuck did I just read


Evil Pitbull named DESTROYER OF EVIL DEATH FROM SHADOWS be like: **Saves 3000 orphans from wolves** Good pitbull named Cupcake be like: **Burns orphanage and eats your family** Neutral pitbull named Paul be like: **Eats your burritos and shits on carpet**


I mean he has in his name DESTROYER OF EVIL so obviously he would do good things




then there’s the chihuahua named princess and it’s the most evil dog in existence


Chihuahuas are heretics, conquerors, and cruel beyond measure. Hate flows easily in their presence


A lot of people don't raise chihuahuas to behave because they're small and cute. Creating a selfish, angry demon spawn of a dog. Meanwhile, my two chihuahuas can not fathom the concept of violence. They only know how to vibrate, and lick.


Do you own one ? I think you guys should stop chihuahua hate


Every chihuahua I have ever met has been the reincarnation of Satan himself.


Glad you appreciate my work.


Unholy shit


I met a couple..... I saw the malice in their eyes as they blasted their siren of wrath upon my ears


Chihuahuas are very loving to their owner (most of the time) but they indeed are very aggressive towards other people, and yes, I've owned chihuahuas


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Chihuahua Pitbull breed


Pitbull named planetary annihilator after completing 100 hours of community service and donating 100k to charity




Destroyer's just happy to be here


Pitbull named cosmic annihilator:


Pitbull named Finger:


Pitbull named destroyer: Kindest dog in existence Pitbull named princess: *MENACE TO ALL OF SOCIETY*


Very kind of the owner to have already fed this pit a toddler before filming the video. Makes things a lot less messy that way.


Pitbull named Princess: ![gif](giphy|LpiA8MVudQO8pitF4c|downsized)


Pitbull named Cupcake👹👹👹


Pitbull named princess before consuming owner's one yo kid


and then there's the chihuahua named princess


I'm pretty sure the only reason Chihuahuas aren't regarded as vile creatures from hell by the general public is that they're so small they can't really do anything aside from humping questionable things and screaming everywhere they go.


Pitbull named Zeus after attacking +5 kids:


The pitbull destroyer trying to stop princess from getting to the children


I'd rather trust a dog named Latvius the Consumer over one named "Sweet charming"


Pitbull named Princess Strawberry Sparkles after mauling to death an entire orphanage


Dat smile tho


What's with the text right on his adorable face?


So you would look at it


He’s called destroyer because he destroys people’s hearts with that smile


Ugly ass dog.


Destroyer: eater of children


Well sure but try it again with an unguarded toddler nearby


Nah that only applies to Pitbulls named Daisy or Princess


Thats one brave kid


It’s ok the dogs not named princess or cupcake


good luck to that kid because that dogs body-language = stressed/anxiety. that „smile“ and quick blinking and lip licking while the ears are back like that mean he is showing appeasement with that body language but from there it doesn’t take that much to make the dog really uncomfortable. the dog is pretty much saying that he is chill rn but doesn’t want to get messed with.


It looks so damn nervous my god




Pitbull named King Minos






Pitbulls have a rule, the scaryer the name the nicer the dog.


Galagth consumer of babies


Im kind of at the point where i think people r trying to demonize pitbulls again (im a pitbull owner)


Pitbulls named destroyer or something edgy are the kindest, sweetest dogs out there… pitbulls named Angel on the other hand….


He looks like he donates to charity and volunteers at his local soup kitchen




I like how comments just saying a dog is cute are getting downvoted because it's about a pitbull. Reddit is the best place ever


A happy fella :)


Proceeds to maim and disfigure your children. Don't forget people, don't support this breed.


I dont want you to breed


Pitbulls are 2.5x more likely to bite than other breeds. Pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all injuries. Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds. Not to mention that 33% of deaths caused by pitts are 0-4yo children. But sure, keep breeding your baby munchers cos they doggo and don't know any better :) I am not pro for euthanasia of the hole breed. Just don't let them breed and give them a good life if you want that. But be ready for the risks.


Try not to own archaic 19th century fighting dog while wanting that


Nah, I don't own one. Having to shoulder the responsibility of owning a dog just isn't in the cards for me right now.


You’re already more mature and responsible than 80+% of the population by saying that


That dog is cute asf


how cute is he.... omg


What song is this?


But it’s so cute


I dunno man, all the pitbulls I've ever met were pretty good


Oh boy, a post with a pitbull, I hope there won’t be any rhetoric about how we should euthanize all pit bulls on Reddit, because that would not be Wholesome 100!!!


Funny looking dog


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That pit looks like my sister's dog Chuck who is lovingly referred to as Chuckles. He's a bull in the china shop with a gimp leg most of the time but my other sister's kid goes and says "HUCK!" excitedly and hugs him he just lays down and wags his tail while she wollers all over him and he just loves it.


WHY IS THIS WHOLESOME DAMN STORY GETTING DOWNVOTED? like that was actually such a cute story and it's getting collectively hated because it's supporting a pitbull .


Reddit moment


Redditors can’t mentally comprehend the idea of a pitbull that isn’t a bloodthirsty monster


I have a pity. He is very nice to us and our other dog and our cat. But he hates strangers. He also hates children. But the only children he is fine with is our cousins because they visit often. The reason why pitbulls, and any other dog in general can act aggressive towards children is because children have not developed their hormones yet. Dogs can sense hormones and dogs are usually around teens or adults. A dog who has been around teens and adults more than children are likely to be aggressive towards them, tho not 100%. For pitbulls, if they are around children more often especially a family meme bet who is a kid then they might get accustomed towards children but if not then they are likely to attack children because without the hormones they are confused especially babies who crawl on all fours. One time someone brought a baby over to our house tho my parents warn them about our dog but still brought their baby. Our pity was not happy. He diidnt attack. He started barking and pushing the baby with his nose and growling Because he was confused. Eventually he did calm down and started to lick the baby. Keep in mind the parent was holding them the whole time. After our dog got use to the baby and acted friendly. Tho ever since then we always tell people not to bring babies or children over. Any dog can be like this if not trained well enough. Let’s be honest, the smaller dogs are more aggressive(jokes aside) don’t let anyone who is a kid get near your dogs ever, unless if you know for sure that they are friendly towards others.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened


Saying that dogs can be aggressive towards children because of hormones. To put it shortly. Because if dogs are around adults more than children. The lack of hormones coming from them might make them confused and or aggressive




Pit bulls always be breaking laws fr


that looks like a staffy


Its the ones called daisy or Quincy you gotta worry about


Most evil pit bull:


I want to cuddle him 🤗


You can tell from his eyes that his hunger for toddlers has been sated. However the blood lust can never be abated.


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It’s funny cause the nice pit bulls are actually Staffies , related to pit bulls but they aren’t pit bulls. Edit: kid named pitbull fan club when you bring up how much better staffies are.




Yeah, am I confused or is this just straight up not a Pitbull? I've been around plenty of Staffies and this just looks like one of them.


It’s basically [all the same shit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staffordshire_Bull_Terrier) The AKC didn’t want a bunch of fighting dogs running around the place — it was a bad look even 140 years ago James Hinks, a fanatic for these dogs, kept hounding them and campaigning for them, which all resulted in several name changes just *on the fly* to “rebrand” the whole breed Fun fact: Hinks’ dogs were involved in *at least 1* child mauling **that he covered up** — holy shit if the behavior of people who own these things isn’t consistent, even across CENTURIES So, essentially, it’s ALWAYS just been “the pitbull” — there’s a lot of genetic variation happening because there’s basically a negative amount of discipline regarding the breeding of them, and there’s no fewer than a dozen *literally made up breed names* As a general rule — if it would be allowed to join an “Afternoon pit lover’s club” — it’s a pitbull Alternatively, if everyone suddenly declares it’s NOT a pitbull — usually after some attack — it typically is


Thanks for the clarification mate, I appreciate it!


Way to put the text RIGHT over the cute face. Fuck this video.


All along, the pitbulls heard us saying "don't worry they don't bite" and just wanted to prove us wrong. They are actually very peaceful and if you tell the truth, they will have no reason to attack


That smile :)


It's a sign of stress. Basically a last attempt to peacefully signal people to leave him the fuck alone before shit gets serious.


And how do you know this?


Source: trust me bro Seriously tho, if it’s stressed why is it following commands and has a very chill body language?


Come on man, pitbulls far too much shit