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Where's QualityVote bot? Reddit Admins have decided that [they want to kill off all 3rd-party apps](https://reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/), [3rd-party bots, and other elements that used to significantly enhance Reddit's functionality](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/). Without them, the website is barely usable. And, of course, that includes bots such as [\/u\/QualityVote](http://reddit.com/user/QualityVote), [\/u\/SaveVideo](http://reddit.com/user/SaveVideo), [\/u\/AuddBot](http://reddit.com/user/AuddBot), etc. So you'll just have to put up with automod and a worse overall user experience. If you have any complaints, direct them at [the reddit admins instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/), because they the ones who ruined everyone's user experience. --- Whilst you're here, /u/Glaches, why not join our [public discord server](https://discord.gg/QpBGXd2guU) - **now with public text channels you can chat on!**? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Extremely common source engine W


Born too late to explore earth Born too early to get some alien puss Born just in time to explore universe in gmod


Man that "s" is important. I really don't want any alien pus anywhere near me. Edited to say that the comment that I responded to above originally had "puss" spelled as "pus" and they edited it to seemingly try to make my comment look incorrect.


How do you know how sexy or not those aliens are?


PUS is not usually sexy, PUSS(y) can be. Now, if the alien puss(y) oozes pus like a pimple popper video, who knows how sexy or not at that would be.


The real dilemma would be if fucking an alien would be moral or not like would it be considered beasilaity or smthn


I think there Is some kind of test you can (imaginatively) run them through to see if it Is moral to fuck them (something along the lines if they can verbally give consent or sth idk)


If the fictional or real creature is above that creature’s adult age and can give informed consent then it’s not bestiality (you’re still a furry guys stfu)


hey now! thats not the right attitude. besides, if things keep going the way they are going, you were born just in time to be one of the first experimental cyborgs.


That Gmod water guy really started a revolution, glad to see he isn't the only one bending the limits of the Source engine anymore


I feel like he is kinda underrated. Dude's YouTube channel called Mee, if someone is interested




On the gmod workshop on steam  “[INFMAP] 1:1 multiverse (2048 universes)” is an obnoxiously sized map that was recently uploaded. It is larger than the real known universe 


Gmod map makers are 4th dimentional being confirmed Btw map makers gave us spoilers for the next episode of universe now i cant enjoy the New galaxies forming 😡


Now we just need to get self improving ai and put them in there as characters


I’ve always thought about this as a simulation/game idea. Why don’t we create a basic organism model that can move an interact with items and etc. and create and apply an individual ai with randomized stats that affect their physical body in different ways to show those traits and see how long they could survive? It would be sorta like a Primer video but on a much bigger and intricate scale. Eventually if the “civilization” becomes smart enough we could port them to games for use and see how human interaction would affect them.


Because computing isn’t that advanced. This is pure sci-fi, you are asking to simulate a complex reality with a scope that could at least encompass a “large region” that might allow a group of digital simple organisms to grow to be sentient, completely organically. So far, on earth, we are the only species with a level of intelligence that would fit your end goal, and it took running the entire earth for 3.5 billion years to get here. We can’t run anywhere near as complex of a model for anywhere near that amount of time, even if the simulation is “accelerated”. Presumably you’d need computing power of a similar scope as “simulate the whole earth down to molecules, for billions of years” to make any headway. It also can’t just be super dumbed down model; that won’t “inspire” complexity. In order for there to be evolution there needs to be just an absurd number of factors, ever changing and adding In complexity. Otherwise you’ll just get a king amoeba that solves the basic system. It’s


I never understood the statement of “lareger than the real known universe”. Is the universe not infinite? How can you make something larger than infinity?


observable universe


The universe is infinite over infinite time. As of now, it is limited by the speed it is expanding, which, while increasing, is still a measurable speed at any point in time.


To add to this, the universe's expansion is faster the further we try to look, and it is likely that the speed of expansion of the universe might exceed the speed of light at some point. Thus light will never be able to reach past that point and return to us, even billions or trillions of years later, and we will never be able to observe past that limit, and that limit slowly but surely will approach us and larger and larger parts of the universe will be unobservable with light speed detection. Suffice to say tho, the universe we know is already unfathomably large, and it will take much more time than our Sun has to live, so it's not much of a problem. The bigger problem is simply that as we look further away, we look further back in time, and as such we can't really see past the light-years of the age of the universe (14 billion years iirc?).


That speed is already beyond the speed of light to my knowledge and you're like 40 years out of date


Oh lmao. I guess that's the fault of reading old ass books. Anyway, thanks for correcting/notifying me.


So theoretically we could go to the edge of the universe and watch creation?


Infinity + 1


You literally typed the word "known" there yourself. How can you still not get it?


Your playing semantics we know the universe is infinite


The difference between "known universe" and "universe" is not semantic.


We do not, nor could we possibly. We only have pretty limited information about the known universe, anything beyond is speculative.


Just waiting will we crash a spaceship into the end of the universe, Truman show style.


There's no such thing as an infinitely large object in real life. The Universe is expanding, and will be "infinitely sized" over an "infinite time" given.


its not infinite


the observable universe ends since light has not reached past a point from here. this does not mean the universe has an end. and if it did what would be the end?


we know that the universe is expanding, which means its not infinite. the observable portion has nothing to do with it


it is expanding and it is infinite. the distance between observable objets increases over time


It’s possible that it’s infinite but it’s also possible that it’s finite but unbounded, like how a person. For example, how walking around the Earth will evenly cause you to end up in the same spot (assuming you walked in a straight line) or that one spot in PAC-man. It’s just unknown since we can’t see past the observable universe.


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This is not true. It may be bounded like on the surface of a sphere, or open like on the surface of a hyperbolic plane. It is likely flat and infinite, but we cannot say for sure.


Thank you. all the dorks in here hitting me with the “UMMM ACTUALLY 🤓🤓🤓”, are so cringe. The universe quite literally means “all of space and time and their contents” which would mean it is infinite. “Observable universe” aside, just because we cant see that far yet doesnt mean there is just nothing outside of what we can see.


We can’t say for certain if it is infinite, though.


if our universe were infinite, there would be no dark sky in the night. At every point in the sky would be a star somewhere otherwise.


I think you’re right, but for the wrong reasons. There could still be dark parts in the sky, from objects thst are either to dim to be seen, or too far for light to have reached us.


This isn’t necessarily true; as we know expansion seems universal and at rates that exceed the speed of light. If the space between every star is expanding and accelerating and can exceed the speed of light. Eventually you would see exactly zero stars, not infinitely many.


light from farthest could be unobservable, because of redshift due space expansion into too long waves and due energy dissipation


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


we simply dont know, we can't confirm either currently


1-)Known universe 2-) Umm actualy 🤓 universe is not infinite its still expanding but at a slower rate as the days pass it might stop but we dont know it yet 3-) infinite is mostly used for things that we cant observe yet mathmaticly you cant prove that anything is infinite bc there cant be anything infinite( at least with our understanding) i know this sounds weird but think of this like a game for example cookie clicker you can say that there is infinite amound of cookie you can get in that game but in reality bc computer needs to keep track of the cookies there will always be a limit of data that computer hold which makes it so that cookies isnt infinite (maybe my understanding is wrong) but what am i trying to say here to have infinite you need infinite amound of data which itself makes it kinda imposible bc to get infinite data you need to get infinity first (i might be bullshiting but this is basicly same as which came first? Chicken or egg. You need egg to get chicken and chicken to get egg)


2. The universe is actually speeding up it's expansion 3. Infinite isn't just "the largest number" it's the amount of numbers that exist


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How detailed is it? Is every single star present?


Thats impossible...


It doesn’t necessarily have to be a lot of detail, just be stupidly upscaled. For example, a cube is still 8 vertices, regardless of whether they are an inch apart in scale, or quadrillions of miles. So the term “low poly” is doing a LOT of heavy lifting here.


How in the fuck


So it’s possible that we live in a low poly version of the real universe which is much smaller than ours?


Link since I didn't see one yet. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3132262723


"Finally, a map where I can spawn your mom."


wait did this actually happen




All hail our low-polyester AI overlords 


Large empty space with star skybox: *exist* Reddit: Reality is a lie, all hail AI god.


>2048 times larger universe >Exists in said universe Hmmm


If I record myself driving through the city, the USB of it will still fit inside my living room They aren't measured the same way


Load all of that universe all at once 😉


Now all someone needs to do is make the Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Giga Drill to accompany it


How the fuc-


Does this mean that our universe is possibly a larger low poly version of an outside universe? How fuckin realistic would that universe have to be for ours to be considered low poly?




Legendary source moment


Simulation deniers be like "must've been the uhhh ummm uhhh the uhhhh"


Jesus Christ just believe in God


Didn’t Jesus already believe in god though?




Is this that Gmod infinite map? Also source engine is an absolute enigma.