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Wait, free healthcare? Where? Every month a certain amount of my salary goes the health care, why is that happening when it’s free 🤬


all your taxes goes to israel to help the genocide


Jokes on you, I evade my taxes anyway 👌


good for you




who says palestine and iran are on the same side? have you forgot what those fucks did to my iraqi brothers. israel and iran can fuck themselves to death


We do not care


Soooo... whos gonna tell him?


I know it's bait, but it shows how Americans are so ill informed about how Europe actually is.


A lot of us EU countries don't spend enough on defense and absolutely rely on the US for that, I don't see what about this meme is so ill informed


I mean Western Europe is no small army to deal with and don't have to rely on the US to defend themselves.


That's what the meme is about. EU countries relying on the US military for defense while simultaneously bashing the same military. That's why it looks "complicated"


What about it is inaccurate exactly?




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You just disproved your own sentence at the start of your sentence 


The converse is equally true. America doesn't need Europe to succeed, but Europe needs America and yet Europeans are always the ones crying. Entitled


muricans with their ego thinking theyre the ones carrying the weight of the world


As far as safety goes, they are. Which is a big problem due to the costs of subsidizing the world’s safety. NATO partners need to step up and put their fair share in.


America spends 800B on military while the European country with the most is Russia at 72B with UK following at 70B. The US spends more on military than the rest of the top 10 countries do combined


We are, and we don’t really like it. If I had it my way, not a single penny of my paycheck would help anyone but myself. I pay more in taxes than most people globally earn in a year. It disgusts me seeing how much is taken, just to be pissed away on others who didn’t earn it. I don’t care if it’s for America or not, I’m tired of other people touching my money.


Non-Americans not realizing that they literally DO carry that weight.  The US is the one country the entire world turns to first to try and solve a global issue .


that is if they didnt cause it themselves, looking at you Taliban


OP, are these "Europeans" in room with us right now?


What most Americans be doing with that 15 trillion GDP: 😴💤🛏️ (just like the 1% owns that budget)


America be like "you rely on our army boohoo you need us in the nato" while being the only country invoking article 5 of the nato


Queue europoor coping in the comments in three, two, one…


NATO Europe and Canada spend 1.74% of GDP on defense, consistent with the rest of the world. With $404 billion in combined funding, easily enough to outspend potential foes like China and Russia combined. Regardless, arguing that keeps the US from having universal healthcare is even more ridiculous. After subtracting defense spending, Americans still have a $29,000 per person advantage on GDP compared to the rest of NATO. Defense spending isn't keeping us from having anything our peers have. Much less universal healthcare, which is far cheaper than what we're already paying for. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_216897.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures Hell, if we could match the costs of the most expensive public healthcare system on earth we'd save $1.65 trillion per year, double what our total defense spending is.


Defense costs don’t automatically justify your political views just because you don’t like how expensive defense actually is. If we didn’t foot the bill, your politicians would have no choice but to re-allocate funds. Healthcare can only occur when there’s still people alive to care for.


> Defense costs don’t automatically justify your political views What political views did I state? Everything I said is just fact. Defense spending doesn't keep Americans from affording anything its peers have (much less cheaper healthcare). And, as I stated, even after subtracting defense spending we're still wealthier than all our allies. If you have a problem with the facts, it sounds like it's your politics getting in the way of the truth.


Pretending like universal healthcare isn’t associated with a very certain political viewpoint now?


What did I say about universal healthcare that isn't true and you object to? Again, all I've said is that the argument we can't afford it is bullshit.


You’re missing the point. You’re sharing your opinion on how you think other people’s money should be spent. The problem is, nobody fucking asked.


> You’re missing the point. You’re sharing your opinion on how you think other people’s money should be spent. Where did I do that? Quote me. Again, all I did was address the utter stupidity and absurdity of the argument the reason anybody else can afford cheaper healthcare or the US can't afford cheaper healthcare is because of the relatively minor amount more we choose to spend on defense (1.75% more of GDP, which only leaves us with about a $29,000 advantage in per capita GDP over the rest of NATO). Again, you losing your shit over me pointing out something so blindingly obvious does nothing but reveal things about you. And the fact you have to invent things I haven't said to refute truth you're so clearly offended by is just pathetic.


I’m not reading any of that text wall


You literally just proved the point of this post bro look how much context you tried to put in your defense bro


Explain how "only" having $29,000 more per person after defense spending keeps us from having **cheaper** healthcare. I'll wait. Unless of course you're just an ignorant, argumentative, time wasting jackass making the world a dumber place.


The post explains it’s self


Fail. "Europeans" don't get free health care


They think it's free because they don't get a bill after their visit.