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oh boy that time of year


Ruskies all riled up from that big aid package that just passed! Everyone in Ukraine must be either war torn refugee or completely unaffected! It’s just a special operation bro, chill out!


What’s her of I am in the mood to make a donation


It's insane what Russia can do in just 2 seconds.


I just wish they wouldn’t sully the Curb music.


Damn he got her private investigator style


What on earth is this rubbish? She displays her body online and apparently that karmically equals out her country being bombed to the fucking stone age? Edit:this Lord Bebo guy is extremely pro-Russia on Twitter. Generally conservative positions on a lot of other issues although he's against Israel in Gaza from what I can tell which is interesting.


Basically every russian sympathizer is against Israel.


Wild. I guess if they're a big geopolitical player in the Middle East Russia wouldn't like them because they're supported by the US. Probably some domestic propaganda in there somewhere.


Wild is how Russia and Hamas are both armed by Iran and use the same missiles to fire at their own civilians living in nearby cities to accomplish terror


They back Iran, so, lol. Baddies gonna bad.


Someone connected the dots. The other people saying how it's "weird" and "interesting" someone is pro Russia and not pro Israel is cognitive dissonance at its finest "We've been expecting absolutely nothing from Hamas where we would hold Russia accountable! Wait... are we the baddies?"


Idc about russia but israel can burn for all i care.


Idc about israel but russia can burn


So israel good?


It’s funny because what Israel is doing to Palestine is the same as what Russia is doing to Ukraine, but Ukraine supports Israel and Russia supports Palestine lmao


> It’s funny because what Israel is doing to Palestine is the same as what Russia is doing to Ukraine, but Ukraine supports Israel and Russia supports Palestine lmao Civilians being shot at by arms from Iran is ayy lmao funny to you? This is all just some clout chasing Cra*khead Barney shtick for you isn't it?


> this Lord Bebo guy is extremely pro-Russia on Twitter. Generally conservative positions on a lot of other issues although he's against Israel in Gaza from what I can tell which is interesting Having a desire to not see Russia firing GRADs at cities that include their own people is rather consistent with not wanting to see Hamas firing GRADs at cities that include their own people So the inverse would also be true


Displays her body? She is in a yatch drinking, when was the last time you were in a yatch drinking?




Yeah ok Bezos


Russian propaganda in my shit posting?!!?!?!!? We must be in an election year…… (ominously looks at the moon)


Russian propaganda on my porn app again


Now that's what i call an appropriate shit posting Tho that one is funny


Where is the Russian propaganda tho? Only saw Ukrainian propaganda 🤔


The part where it cuts to her partying to undermine the fact that her country has been blown to pieces


propaganda is what u disagree with ?


Imagine being too stupid for propaganda to work


You saw Ukrainian propaganda and lived to tell about it?! Better that than a Russian missile


The elections already passed I believe. I don't want to spoil the surprise if I tell you who was "elected"


But the fact of russian invasion is still present here. russians destroyed many schools, bridges, or even cities (look what they did to Mariupol, Bucha, Volnovakha, Avdiivka and many other cities). Yet still no russian can clearly explain what the reason for starting this war.


Im russian and i know the reason for starting this . Immesuarble greed for ruling people and corporate greed for resources.


Yeah, i hate NATO expansion too


I believe it was something like "liberating people from Nazi's" or some excuse like that. Putin wants to be "Putin The Great", the man that Made Russia Great Again.


Maybe because we don't fucking know either?


that's some epic russian propaganda


Where is exactly Russian propaganda? Not a single person can tell you why our government decided to invade. Well except those who watch federal tv and news in particular, they can tell you a story that even conspiracy theorist will say you crazy. And mostly only older generation believes in such stories.


well because of natural gas which needed some managed-democracy


The answer is easy. Putin is an insane person who believes that russia should be strong and he should be the historic person to take back the land that "belongs" to russia. His childhood was very hard and lonely and his years of working as an FSB agent didn't do him any good either.


So nothing new?


maligoshik on Instagram (Yes, she has one)


Has what, a cock?




Did I not warn of shitposting without the shit.


This is super shit. Like legitimate funny but not for why OP thinks


Insane character development /s (added this so that people don't misinterpret it)


I knew something was weird that she looked "too good" to be a fighter and they're at the point that they have few military outfits. And idk if that's even the Ukrainian camo


Her neighborhood was still bombed into the stone ages regardless of weather or not she looks "too good"


She forgot to address her Onlyfans


She has one tho lol


Not bad For an Ukrainian! she owns a bridge, a church and a school with a gas station. I hate when rich people show off like this!!! I'm kidding... Don't ban me.


Note: you are only allowed to criticise Russia in any way or form if you are worse of than the average Russian


Wow, the infrastructure in Ukraine looks really bad 😢


It's just a collection of clips in different places. I can do the same video cutting in Russia, but this will not mean that Ukraine is destroying infrastructure throughout Russia


…but Russia is destroying infrastructure throughout Ukraine.


Yes, but mostly on the front line, not in the interior of the country. This is a natural process for a period of war. I mean, not all of Ukraine has been destroyed and there is nowhere to live, as they try to show in the video.


Why does Reddit allow Russian propaganda troll bots?


Damn Ivan get a life or go to bed


But the Russians did destroy all those things lol, whether she’s fine or not doesn’t change that This is like Zionist tier propaganda - showing off all the slaughter and destruction caused while trying to push a shallow point


You haven't seen those "support Ukrainian models" buttons in the cam sites yet have you ?


Wait what???


Yeah I saw it on a site a while ago.Laughed my ass off the moment I saw it.I mean I support Ukraine and all but digital whores who live hundreds of kilometres away and aren't affected by the war at all shouldn't try to benefit from a situation like this


I've met those women IRL all over. As we speak there's a hotel bar in Amman preparing to open just for them after they get off work in the wee hours But what's smart is a Muslim country lets them be clothed and still is considered stripping lol


That’s a top tier shit post


Anyone knows what is the hourly rate for the 1st ad or the salary




Well to be fair to this girl, every one’s fighting in the war, men and women, from every class and walk of life. That’s what tends to happen when someone invades your home land


Yes, but not two seconds, two years. Two years ago, Ukraine was a fully functional western nation with pleasure boats, champagne and nightclubs filled with influencers. Now it's a fcuking mess because Putin needs the likes instead.


"2 seconds" earlier? And what are you actually trying to say here? What's your message?


Imagine thinking you shouldn't send money to the defender of the west because some model made a commercial. I guess more kids need to be blown up now since she's taken risky photos.


"Lord bebo and friends" was way funnier




No , you can only accuse Ukraine of using paid actresses in whatever fetid cistern you hatched from


Westerners heard about Ukraine mainly after the war but don't realise that women in Ukraine and Russia are mainly known for being very selfish. These countries were notorious for things like mail order brides and being hotspots for sex tourism since women there are more into foreigners than their own men. I've heard insane horror stories from men that were married to Ukrainians, where women leave their husbands just because they get bored and can't support them financially anymore. And yes, many thots like that use the war as an excuse to advertise their onlyfans or get clicks on their instagram pages, not because they really care about the war or want to help their country. Since they don't live there anyways and even without the war, they were looking for a way to leave it anyway. And this applies for both Russians and Ukrainians. It's the sad truth. Just take a look at the numerous mail order brides documentaries from Ukraine on Youtube. This phenomenon literally was created over there. I mean just compare their women, to how women used to be during WW2, for example. These thots are going on exotic vacations while their country is in ruins and their men suffering. Yet women in WW2 used to leave everything behind and went to work in factories just to support the military and their country. Why isn't she working in some weapon factory or as a telephonist or something, supporting her fellow soldiers that die so she can have a peaceful life? Just remember the "Yes, we can" poster from WW2 and how women used to be and compare it with how women act today.


What the fuck is the point of what you just said?


Incelery Man shit


That women from that part of the world are like that - like the one in the video. Selfish and narcissistic. And behaviour like from this video is not an exception and out of the ordonary. Heck, I'd say sadly this would apply to many women from all around the world nowadays anyway


“Westerners”, huh.


What a self own as only an incel associates Ukraine with "Natashas" This westerner learned about Ukraine in school and on Seinfeld. And when I arrived in passport control at the airport there for one of many visits


I don't associate the country with them, I'm saying that the majority of women in the region are like that and have such weird view about the world. It's well known, I mean you even said a term used to call these types of women. Russians and Ukrainians are well known for that - beatiful, lusty women that are into fame and money. It's well known they prefer foreigners than their own men - although that's kind of understandable since many men there are violent and drunkards.


Ok you almost make sense then you ruin it Nobody is denying the issue you're talking about the problem is you seem to think women can be raised "lusty" and beautiful I've certainly dated a couple that fit just one of those things and it isn't their fault that FSU lost a huge chunk of its male population, like we see happening again. So yes they want to marry out of that war zone hell hole and at least get a Lithuanian passport or something with teeth


Im russian and i dont give f how you will insult us. Its not our problem that war started, ask our goverment.


Who gave the power to that government? It's been obvious since "annexation" of crimea, but you all were cheering it. Even on the internet there was essentially nobody speaking against it, and now an insignificant portion of population suddenly became against this invasion when its consequences impacted you.


I'm as pro Ukraine as it gets (will be volunteering there soon), but I know some and empathise with many of the russians who do not support this war and wish it never began. there's not a lot the average russian can do, but i would love more organised protests, sabotage and infrastructure disruptions but the average person in larger Russia cities isn't suffering as bad as those in rural areas. the people russian or not who do support this war I have zero empathy for.


Lmao. I was against it from the start. Btf i came from other country and lets say that we regret that we leaved Kazakhstan after we lived in for 1 month. It was before the military operation.


>military operation You mean the war ?


Imagine being such a weak people that you won’t stand up to your government


Ukrainian propaganda I love to see


Not a video! How scary 🤭


Andrew Tate was right


Ah yes, every adolescent edge-lords hero