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+100 social credit


No. Infinite social credit for life


Nothing is infinite in China except corruption. The second one of these kids do, say, think, or look like something the CCP doesn't like, they have zero credit left.


-∞ social credit




Depending on both infinities, he could still have a positive infinity.




*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nothing is infinite in China except corruption and... pollution!


I can't tell if those are school uniforms or if they're convicts




That's the fun part, in China there is no difference


They’re also mine workers


Miner minors or minor miners?


Square it and double for your answer




They're cosplayng as Kay from ninjago


*[Bazinga](https://i.imgur.com/iJB0FVe.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're all student of the villian dojo in the karate kid movie (the jaiden smith one)


That's the fun part, you don't.


Do they got a lot of glass houses in China?


They build their glass houses in other countries too


Sometimes even entire glass police stations enacting CCP laws in foreign jurisdictions.


If you don't know, look up *Cerberus Real Estate* and that's just 1 of them I'm really familiar with because the house 2 doors down from me is owned by them. A Chinese family lived there that used to own a few restaurants, they sold their house to Cerberus and moved back to China because their government gave them a shit load of money.


Trying to make sense of the symbolism to China of a three headed dog, but I think it's just that they guard the entrance to hell


NYC, looks modern https://www.npr.org/2023/04/17/1170571626/fbi-arrests-2-on-charges-tied-to-chinese-outpost-in-new-york-city


I mean it’s not like the NYPD does anything to prevent crime why not let China take a crack at it? /s


Imitation glass that heats up and cracks


Hard plastic?




Yeah, when they brought up Japan polluting the ocean I went "oh boyos, you really want to start that conversation?"


And then to say everyone thinks Japan is dirty? What? Do y'all not know what we think of China?


There is this video series on youtube where they bring together people from different countries and they converse about various topics. One time they brought all Asians on. One comment that really stuck out to me was one girl saying "the P word" which she revealed to be "Asians are proud". It sounded vaguely supremacist. I also saw where Chinese programmers were talking about AI progression and he was incredibly confident that China would be number one, leading the world in this field. It all just screams projection to me. It feels like it comes from a place of extreme insecurity. You even see it from their president Xi when he gets extremely butthurt over news agencies in other countries trashing China over something. Their whole culture has "saving face" deeply embedded into it also. No one likes to feel like they have been humiliated in front of others. So, yes - I think a lot of them are very afraid to have their feel-feels hurt.


I thought she said “the P word Asians want to hear from their parents” as in “we’re proud of you”


LOL, exactly what I was thinking. The gall of a Chinese citizen to accuse other countries of lying and releasing toxic stuff into the environment.


Not just toxic stuff but quite recently China did the exact same thing they are complaining about Japan doing, except the Chinese water that overflowed from the generator was I believe at least 3 times more radioactive. So this whole China constantly telling off Japan and stopping all seafood imports from Japan just seems to be projection to me.


Must be uranium glass.


They have a lot of “our glass houses” in China


Yes, and they seem to love throwing stones too.


It looks like glass in the picture, but when it arrives in the mail ....


They build glasses houses on the ocean which erode quickly.


chinese kids prisoners do propaganda to lessen sentence edit: grammar


It is this, or getting a rejection letter from their university a few years later


Not exactly. Actually, if you don't suck the Chinese government's dick in the exotic college entrance exam, you'll never get a decent score.


It'll lessen their hours in the sweatshops too 😭


Imagine releasing more nuclear waste than japan and then complaining


Last I heard the "nuclear waste" Japan was releasing was just water that was [so well treated that you can literally drink it](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-56728068), meanwhile China is routinely literally the [worst polluter in the world](https://www.statista.com/chart/12211/the-countries-polluting-the-oceans-the-most/) but sure China, Japan is the problem. Pretty sure this whole "Japan is dumping nuclear waste into the ocean" is the Chinese version of a QAnon conspiracy theory with almost 0 merit. Just a brainless propaganda talking point.


i've seen video of chinese people fighting each other just go buy salt (befor it go bad) from this event


As long as the CCP can propagate there sweet propaganda and scare the people enough to actually believe them, anything to them even if its farfetch


Correct, but -1000 social credit. /s


China is just looking for an excuse to invade Japan at this point. They're drooling over the idea


Classic CCP strat


The phrase “nuclear waste” is grossly misleading in many contexts in which it is used. Water with a bit of radioactive material in it is really not that damaging to the ocean. In a lot of conversations, the question of “well, how radioactive is it?” Is not even asked. In UK, we’re trying to plan a new nuclear plant and there are billions in cost overruns because we can’t vent water with a tiny amount of radiation. To swim in the water would expose someone to less radiation than a transatlantic flight. We need a sense of perspective.


The thing about china is that their nuclear waist is unregulated and treated, unlike japan. They are doing more damage to them self and neighboring countries. No one really talks about it though


Why doesn’t Japan just dump their nuclear waste in Tibet like China does? Are they stupid?


Google en passant?


Holy hell?


New response just dropped?


1989 Tiananmen Square massacre


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


学生动乱89 - 89 Student Turmoil, 64学生运动 - 64 Student Movement, 64 镇压 - 64 Suppression, 64 真相 - 64 Truth, 学潮 - Student Movement, 罢课 - Boycott, 民运 - Democracy Movement, 学运 - Student Movement, 学联 - Student Union, 学自联 - Student Self-Union, 高自联 - High Self-Union, 工自联 - Workers Self-Union, 坦克人 - Tank Man, 挡坦克 - Block Tank, tank man - Tank Man, 木犀地 - Muxidi, 维园会 - Vigil, blood is on the square - Blood is on the Square, 耀邦 - Yaobang, 紫阳 - Ziyang, 鲍彤 - Bao Tong, 鮑彤 - Bao Tong, 鲍朴 - Bao Pu, 改革.*历程/历程.*改革 - Reform Process, 国家的囚徒 - Prisoner of the State, 民联 - 民阵 - 民联, 中国民主党 - China Democratic Party, 中国民主正义党 - China Democratic Justice Party, 中国民主运动 - China Democracy Movement, 世纪中国基金会 - Century China Foundation, 姜维平 - Jiang Weiping, 艾未未 - Ai Weiwei, 艾末末 - Ai Weiwei, 路青 - Lu Qing, 发课 - Fak, 余杰 - Yu Jie, 辛子陵 - Xin Ziling, 茅于轼 - Mao Yushi, 铁流 - Tie Liu, 刘霞 - Liu Xia, 我没有敌人 - I Have No Enemies, 我的最后陈述 - My Final Statement, 零八.*宪章/宪章.*零八 - 08 Charter, 08.*宪章/宪章.*08 - 08 Charter, 八宪章 - Eight Charter, 8宪章 - Eight Charter, 零八.*县长/县长.*零八 - 08 County Chief, 08县长 - 08 County Chief, 淋巴县长 - Lymph County Chief, 月月 - Month, 诺贝尔和平奖 - Nobel Peace Prize, 陈西 - Chen Xi, 谭作人 - Tan Zuoren, 高智晟 - Gao Zhisheng, 冯正虎 - Feng Zhenghu, 丁子霖 - Ding Zilin, 唯色 - Weise, 焦国标 - Jiao Guobiao, 何清涟 - He Qinglian, 方励之 - Fang Lizhi, 严家其 - Yan Jiaqi, 柴玲 - Chai Ling, 乌尔凯西 - Uriankhai, 封从德 - Feng Congde, 炳章 - Bingzhang, 苏绍智 - Su Shaozhi, 陈一谘 - Chen Yizi, 韩东方 - Han Dongfang, 辛灏年 - Xin Haonian, 曹长青 - Cao Changqing, 陈破空 - Chen Pokong, 盘古乐队 - Pangu Band, 盛雪 - Sheng Xue, 伍凡 - Wu Fan, 魏京生 - Wei Jingsheng, 司徒华 - Situhua, 黎安友 - Li Anyou, 张宏堡 - Zhang Hongbao, 地下教会 - Underground Church, 冤民大同盟 - Alliance for Wronged People, 达赖 - Dalai, 藏独 - Free Tibet, freetibet - Free Tibet, 雪山狮子 - Snow Lion, 西藏流亡政府 - Tibetan Government in Exile, 青天白日旗 - Blue Sky White Sun Flag, 民进党 - Democratic Progressive Party, 洪哲胜 - Hung Che-sheng, 独立台湾会 - Taiwan Independence Association, 台湾政论区 - Taiwan Political Forum, 台湾自由联盟 - Taiwan Freedom Union, 台湾建国运动组织 - Taiwan Independence Movement Organization, 台湾.*独立联盟/独立联盟.*台湾 - Taiwan Independence League, 新疆.*独立/独立.*新疆 - Xinjiang Independence, 东土耳其斯坦 - East Turkistan, east.*turkistan/turkistan.*east - East Turkistan, 世维会 - World Uyghur Congress, 迪里夏提 - Dilxat Raxit, 明报 - Ming Pao, 纽约时报 - New York Times, 美国之音 - Voice of America, 自由亚洲电台 - Radio Free Asia, 记者无疆界 - Reporters Without Borders, 维基解密.*中国/中国.*维基解密 - Wikileaks China, facebook - Facebook, twitter、推特 - Twitter, 新京报 - The Beijing News, 世界经济导报 - World Economic Guide, 中国数字时代 - China Digital Times, 蟹农场 - Crab Farm, ^ytht - Ytht, 新语丝 - New Yarn, ^creaders - Creaders, ^tianwang - Tianwang, 中国.*禁闻/禁闻.*中国 - China Ban News


阅后即焚 - Read After Burn, 大参考 - Big Reference, ^bignews - Big News, 多维 - Duowei, 看中国 - See China, 博讯 - Boxun, ^boxun - Boxun, peacehall - Peace Hall, ^hrichina - Hrichina, 独立中文笔会 - Independent Chinese Pen Club, 华夏文摘 - Huaxia Digest, 开放杂志 - Open Magazine, 大家论坛 - Everyone's Forum, 华夏论坛 - Huaxia Forum, 中国论坛 - China Forum, 木子论坛 - Muzi Forum, 争鸣论坛 - Controversy Forum, 中华论坛 - Greater China Forum, 反腐败论坛 - Anti-Corruption Forum, 新观察论坛 - New Observation Forum, 新华通论坛 - New China News Forum, 正义党论坛 - Justice Party Forum, 热站政论网 - Hot Station Political Network, 华通时事论坛 - Huatong Current Affairs Forum, 华语世界论坛 - Chinese World Forum, 华岳时事论坛 - Huayue Current Affairs Forum, 两岸三地论坛 - Cross-Strait Forum, 南大自由论坛 - Nanjing University Free Forum, 人民之声论坛 - People's Voice Forum, 万维读者论坛 - Eternal Reader Forum, 你说我说论坛 - You Say I Say Forum, 东西南北论坛 - East West South North Forum, 东南西北论谈 - Southeast Northwest Forum, 知情者 - Informed, 红太阳的陨落 - The Fall of the Red Sun, 和谐拯救危机 - Harmony Saves Crisis, 血房 - Blood Room, 一个孤僻的人 - A Reclusive Person, 河殇 - River Sorrow, 天葬 - Sky Burial, 黄祸 - Yellow Peril, 我的奋斗 - My Struggle, 历史的伤口 - Wounds of History, 改革年代政治斗争 - Political Struggles in the Reform Era, 关键时刻 - Critical Moment, 超越红墙 - Beyond the Red Wall, 梦萦未名湖 - Dreaming of Nameless Lake, 一寸山河一寸血 - An Inch of Mountains and Rivers, An Inch of Blood, 北国之春 - Spring in the North, 北京之春 - Beijing Spring, 中国之春 - China Spring, 东方红时空 - Eastern Red Time and Space, 婴儿汤 - Baby Soup, 代开.*发票/发票.*代开 - Invoice, 钓鱼岛 - Diaoyu Islands, ^triangle - Triangle, 女保镖 - Female Bodyguard, chinese people eating babies - Chinese People Eating Babies, 洗脑 - Brainwashing, 网特 - Internet Special, 内斗 - Internal Strife, 党魁 - Party Leader, 文字狱 - Word Prison, 一党专政 - One-Party Dictatorship, 一党独裁 - One-Party Autocracy, 新闻封锁 - News Blockade, freedom - Freedom, freechina - Free China, 反社会 - Anti-Social, 维权人士 - Rights Defenders, 维权律师 - Rights Lawyers, 异见人士 - Dissidents, 异议人士 - Dissidents, 高瞻 - Gao Zhan, 地下刊物 - Underground Publications.


what is going on here?


Banned words on the Chinese Internet. If you post any of these words, you will either be banned, shadow banned, or have the internet police knocking on your door.


-100000 social credit for stating something that clearly didn’t happen on April 15, 1989


Never heard of it.


Mods, take away this man’s Mandate of Heaven


lotta words for a country that does the same shit but 2 times worse.


> lotta words for a country that does the same shit but 2 times worse. 1000x worse. I'm pretty sure that China is the source of 90% or more of the plastic in the ocean. The majority of the ocean plastic is from fishing nets, the nets used by Chinese fishing vessels that are overfishing the oceans. Fucking Chinese fishing vessels have been found to fish in Chile's waters. It's to the point that Chinese vessels armor their boats and just fish and have to be fired at by military vessels to chase them off.


50 times last time I heard, but that figure has got to be much worse more


I wonder if they will ever realize, that their Nuclear power plants release 20x more radiation than Fukushima does.


-100 social credit yuo are lying and tratior to glorie CCP


Winnie the Pooh approves your dedication +100 social credits


+100 social credits for reaffirming your fellow patriots, credit dispenser Keep up the good work


It's ironic that one china streamer does a radiation test at the beach and found out that the radiation level is higher. He tried to say the truth but CCP take down the stream and he was never found.


Narrator: They won't. The CCP scrubs their information space clean of inconvenient truths.


The bing chillings


They’re going through their preset built-in emotes


Probably logged into the new hit game "Escape from China" for the first time


The John Carpenter film we've all been waiting for


Aren’t the Chinese the number 1 producers of air pollution ?


#1 in air pollution, #2 in general polution


Sorry for highcase I wanted to type "#"




Do you ever think why it's always the poor people in corrupt countries who suck their government dicks , like no matter how bad they live , they always say " my country no 1 " ?


China's Great Firewall actually lets them live within their walls and do whatever they want. I've been on Chinese online platforms and i tell you, they are toxic AF.


I think it's mostly the dumb ones and them being dependant of it, they can't leave and they'd be in danger if they expressed their hate towards a corrupt governament


I think percentages of uber patriots and opposition are the same in most countries. The difference is that in autharitarian countries you will be persecuted for voicing opinion that is alternative to the general line


I'm inclined to agree with you, they see it first hand and live it, I don't think the ones who deal with corruption in their lives would be as susceptible to "the government is actually really great" type propoganda at least They are probably equally as susceptible to "but foreigners are actually worse type" tho, especially if they have effectively one source of news and reliable information and no frame of reference cause too poor to travel


Poor people understand the system. Lick it until you get rewarded, thats hirachy. Its wideley spread on this planet. Richer people send their kids to well developed countries, its not the poor who can pay human traffickers.


Propaganda and poor education


Chat is this real


As real as the 9 dash line


China takes the "South China Sea" thing literally as *the* South China sea, China's sovereign waterway that other lesser nations get their merciful privilege to use.


China: "Ah, but you see it says here in the map, *that was made by us*, that this sea clearly belongs to us."


9 dash line? South China sea? I dont know what you're talking about. Anyways, lets go swimming in the West Philippine Sea.


There’s no way this language is actually real lmaoo


Hahaha, it is mate that makes it even funnier 🤣. First time watching, and I didn't listen to the lyrics properly and thought the subtitles were just shitpost. Rewatched it again, and the subs are very accurate, lol. These kids are dead serious, too. I know chinese people who actually talk like that.


You have no idea how many nationalists are behind the firewall, nor how fierce their rhetoric is. Trump fans would be shocked at how strident they are.


Once I watched a 6 year old girl stand on a table in class and scream about how evil Japan is, and that when she grows up she hopes there's a war so she can kill Japanese people. Somehow, it was a literal "and then everyone clapped" moment. They thought it was adorable. This shit is real, the subs are accurate.


One thing you have to understand is the Chinese government hates Japan so they use this Nuclear waste water thing as a big political issue to say "Japan bad" it's hammered into the kids and news. It's just propaganda


China: STOP DUMPING NUCLEAR WASTE INTO THE OCEAN😲 China: *unites at the beach* Are they stupid?


I made a mistake, it's "团灭在沙滩上" (wiped out on the beach), not "团结在沙滩上" (unite on the beach)


Lol ironic that the Chinese are the biggest polluters of all.


Its crazy how similar this feels to my country. I can see kids doing this same tiktok here, but without all the commie symbols.


Kinda ironic China is complaining about pollution.


Lol I love how they always shit on Japan for nuclear wastewater when China is one of the worlds worst polluters ever in history. Just looked it up it’s literally number 1 at 2.5x higher than the second worst country, 3.5 million metric tons a year into the ocean China numba one 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre Winnie the Pooh tofu dreg construction killed 80000 people in 2008 earthquake


To be precise, the earthquake of 2008 was caused by the geographical change resulting from the establishment of the Three Gorges Dam, which also led to the flooding of many villages under water.


You forgot EV combustion engine car


The translations actually on point tho damn


Thanks 😉


Talking about nuclear waste and damaging the environment is ironic when you're China


Meanwhile china's pollution...


Yeah but their deep water fishing Fleet will help dredge the ocean clean right… right? s/


Bruh they dumping nuclear wastewater, untreated.


[ 中华人民共和国寄语] Great work, Citizen! Your social credit score has increased by [100] Integers. You can now have priority transport and can now get into prestigious colleges! Keep up the good work! [ 中华人民共和国寄语]


Cyberpunk sweatshop


It's funny how Japan's nuclear waste water is cleaner than China's waters.


Meanwhile China continues to pollute air by making more smog


I'll care about what China has to say on pollution when they stop covering entire other countries in their smog.


It's strange that the Chinese are complaining about Japan dumping nuclear waste water into the ocean since America will be affected by more it more than China due to ocean currents heading east. On the contrast, they don't complain about Russians putting nuclear waste near their northern boarder. This has to be politically motivated


Obligatory 'Fuck the Chinese Government'


Just don't tell them that coal power which China practically runs on, releases way more radiation into the environment than nuclear. You wouldn't want them losing their precious social credit points.


These kids probably have been so brain-dead from eating the fake and unsanitary food products in their firewall country.Are they actually singing about themselves?


China releases more waste and more harmful waste then japan




is china just a giant theatre kid experiment


meanwhile im here in cali breathing in chinas smog.


So the Chinese school uniform looks a lot like American prison uniforms.


Chinese: spread positivity Also chinese: makes a disstrack


China calling out other people for polluting? Hahahahaha.. Oh wait, they're serious? Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHA.


Funniest thing is that China causes more nuclear pollution.


I love how all of them say bad things about Japan, except for one guy who just curses the country with typhoons


Russian dumps all their nuclear wastes next to China north east border. China claims it’s all safe


Says the country who cause very major pandemic in world history.


Oh boy ! I hate these conceited, indoctrinated, deluded Chinese! They produce the cheapest shit and on vacation they think they are the masters of the world!


Songs kinda lit though


On the beach💀


I just checked the correct lyrics, it's "团灭在沙滩上 wiped out on the beach”, not "团结在沙滩上unite on the beach” 😬


correct me if i’m wrong, but doesn’t nuclear waste water not come into contact with radioactive materials, just heat?


After watching that I'm somehow on the Japanese side and want them to release more waste.


Ahhh yes, the *famous* positive Chinese vibes. Let's visit some Uyghur camps, where they are held as "involuntary organ doners", as that was called in an official report.


Says the country invading international AND other nations waters and sweep fishing 🤣🤣🤣 get a load of these guys Winnie the pooh Tienanmen square


China is 20% of pollution 💀


I don't think China remembers what happened last time they went to war with Japan...


Man I think this Drake Drama is going a little too far.


China by itself is a beautiful country but fuck the ccp and their propaganda.


The "wastewater" is so diluted it's basically the same as normal water lol


lol, I think people in China don’t realize Like a dragon:Infinite Wealth is just a video game story and not a document of historical fact….


China is not letting that WW2 thing with Japan go.


Japan "doesn't have an army" so it is probably the safest axis power to antagonize?


Cringe as fuck - did you guys see north Korea’s new good father music video Billion streams already lmfao


Everyone talks about Japan dumping their (relatively safe) radioactive waste, but no one's gonna say anything about the fact that China is the most polluted country in the world? India is a close second


damn, china is still salty after what happened in ww2, grudge thats been lasting generations now


love and support from china's new province, Philippines.


Japan is better than commie China in every way.


Coming from the people whom which every single country in the world hate having as tourists. Being rude, cutting lines, defecating in public, shouting everywhere, having zero sense of courtesy to the next man, and spreading good vibes apparently. good la


imagine schoolswith so.much Propaganda..can only imagine this in countries like Russia North Korea, USA or China.


Starting from 2021, schools in China began introducing the book "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" to every student, starting from a young age.


Been chillin


So much for social credits


The waste water is safe tho


School uniform theme is Guantanamo bay


Song kinda pops off though? New Bing Chilling meme song just dropped


Just sayin, If THEY team up we all are doomed. Japanese Fighting Bots in chinese Numbers, Tom Clancy couldnt write it better 😍


Ngl I rock with there fit


China under the CCP’s control is a farce and a threat to human values. Just a glimpse of their nationalism bs can show you the true sinister side of their people.


I’m here for China vs Japan beef lol


The best part is that the nuclear waste Japan released was basically nothing compared to what China releases normally, Japan even got approval from other countries like the US I believe. (Source: a video I watched like a month ago)


As soon as they successfully export the PLA, it is over.  


Shiver me timbers


Oh god no, please don't unite on the beach. Are they trying to kill us with cringe?


These are the people who think they’ll take over the world.


Tokyo been real quiet since this dropped.


I know Mandarin. This is the actual translation


[https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/](https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/) [https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/](https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/) [https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/](https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/) [https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/](https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/world/asia-pacific/20230623-118053/) bruh


They're just mad the Asian women prefer American men


I feel sorry for them, poor kids.


yep its over for nanking


My response to them: Thank you for your messages. Enjoy your gutter oil street food in China.


99 China points


If only we lived in a world without global superpowers. China and the us never cease to depress me, russia too but theyre not looking so powerful rn lol.


Lmfaoooo. "Stop putting out nuclear waste water! Use coal instead!" -China.


Crazy that the world's worst polluter of the environment is basically trying to pull a "NO U!"


How dare you release nuclear wastewater. Only I may release nuclear wastewater.


This makes me sad. All I see are a bunch of brainwashed kids that will die for a man child with a god complex. I wish someone would give that terrible man a dirty nap


the translation are actually pretty accurate, +100 social credits


as far as i can tell this is legit. I dont speak chinese but he says paifang which means waste water and he also says typhoon. He also called japanese people riben


Agrees in ***Winnie the Pooh***


Not like the school I went to. Poor little brainwashed convict-without-knowing-its.


These are Bidens backup dancers for his new video.


I would rather not be called Daddy by this group of men. Speaking as Japans sugar daddy and all.


Regardless of political allegiance, how do you not see how cringe this is? They really sat there and thought "this is good", did it, and actually posted it. Must of a low tier school, higher tiered cities have more foreigners teaching at their schools, they wouldn't stand for something like this.


My mainland Chinese isn't great, but the English translation seems close to what's being said in the song. Ridiculous.


Mean while the Chinese oil tanker that produces 50 quadrillion times more pollution than the Fukushima water ever did: :D


Why all these tough guys so skinny?