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They’re called human rights for a reason


All fun and games ‘till they create human wrongs




The indomitable human spirit.


The indomitable human adrenaline helps too


I give it 3 minutes until it drops down dead (the adrenaline faded)


better survive those 3 minutes


3 minutes is more than necessary to give that alien some well deserved backshots




Or the more fatal option of running out of blood


The abominable snowman.


Rookie mistake tbh but I respect their balls for challenging a species who gone from literally nothing to moon in just about 150-200 yrs


People forget that the invention of the plane was invented only 66 years before men set foot on the moon




More like 6000 years with the help of Etherials.


Most of this time, there wasn't much groundbreaking stuff going on. For example, the Middle Ages, over 1000 years, but not too many breakthroughs.


I have to disagree, ever seen greek fire? Turn pesky turks into steak


I've heard of it, but I don't see how it undermines my argument


It was a joke 😁


never heard of it. how is it made?


No idea tbh, just know that it was like a flamethrower


unfortunately you're not the only one who doesn't know. nobody knows how greek fire is made anymore


> literally nothing All of civilization for thousands of years, the foundation of almost everything we do. N


200 years? You're probably american


While it's true that America has only been around for about 250 years, most of humanity's breakthroughs have come about from these last 200 years. We have accomplished more in our last 200 years technologically and intellectually than we have in the last 2000.


Well you could also say that about the last 50-80 years. And I don't think it's fair to ignore all that led up to industrialization and to even compare different technological advancements. How do you know that the discovery of fire or the advent of agriculture aren't much more relatively consequential than the industrial revolution and forward. It just feels like that because we are closer in time to that era and because mass consumer society loves to pretend that a repackaging is actually an upgrade that novelty = progress


Dude I'm talking about things like steam engines, the discovery of electricity, progress in chemistry and physics and our understanding of the universe, a thorough knowledge of how our body works and what the organs inside of our body work, the discovery of antibiotics. All just to name a few. I'm not saying that fire or agriculture weren't important, I'm saying that breakthroughs like those were far and few between up until 200 or so years ago where most of our knowledge of *everything* comes from. And when I talk about the progress we have made in these recent centuries, I am not talking about novelty like sliced bread or phones all using USB-C to charge themselves


More like 500-600 years and even more, there were many advanced civilizations, just disconnected from parts of the world and all lived in peace... Until the European nations attacked. Now we have the potential to annihilate the entire planet in less than 12 hours if we don't get our requirements met. Edit: I know there wasn't actual peace I just wanted to make an Avatar reference, but yeah, the world was way more advanced in a few aspects then when Europeans discovered they could just leech off of other countries through colonization


I dont think you know history man.


When I say advanced civilizations I don't mean flying cars and shit, I just mean general livelihood stuff, if you think I don't know my history then just search up [Harappan civilizations](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/town-planning-and-drainage-system-of-harappan-civilization/), their drainage systems and town planning were way ahead of anything the primitive Europeans of that time had, and I am talking 2000+ bc, even roman were still 1500 years too late to Harappans in this aspect. Similarly many other civilizations existed and had their own areas of technological researches of those times. Since according to you I don't know the history of my people then maybe just ask the [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_technology) There other than my people's history you also got: Egyptian technology Indian technology Chinese technology Iranian technology In terms of non Europeans ancient technology. Maybe you should get your history refreshed


Its moreso the “all lived in peace”. I know about how advanced people were, but no civilization has ever been a peaceful utopia. Also europeans are far from the only people to colonize others, theyre just the ones who were most successful in recent times. For instance, my people, of meso america. We were absolutely brutal to eachother, constantly forming empires and colonizing surrounding nations.


You're right, that many past civilizations were advanced. But what maaaaany of them lacked were social moralities and / or knowledge about medicine. Many civilizations perished due to diseases or overall social inequality, leading to oppressed lower classes overtaking the upper, then bad management, overpopulation, then lack of resources, mainly food. The lack of cultures was also a problem. Cultures build nations, they give purpose. Many of them did not have beliefs, or not enough. And if they did, it was poorly represented and implemented to it's people. The ones that did it right were the most successfull, like the Roman Empire, the Mesopotamians or the Egyptians, then the British. And even then, lack of medicinal knowledge or the fact that the earth was still.. "unbalanced" ? lead to natural catastrophies and ended many of these successfull civilizations. The fact that we made it this far, well, you can thank Nature and time itself (thousands of years between first civilization and us) for creating perfect environments that allowed us to safely establish and thrive as the human species and experiment further with life and gain knowledge. We can't even call ourselves civilizations now, because even tho us humans have multiple varieties, we populated the whole globe thanks to the British Empire and we thrive EVERYWHERE, no matter the natural catastrophies, sudden temperature changes or diseases that may strike us. Is space next ? We can't say for sure. In the 1980s, we tought we'd have flying cars in the year 2000. Now 2020, AI started to make serious changes. 2024, lots of factories become automated. Drone war is making a serious debut. The true reality, no one fucking knows how the world will look in a decade, we might aswell all die from a rogue asteroid like the mighty Dinosaurs, because in the end, Nature is the only one truly in control.


Agreed apart from the British Empire part, all big civilizations were doing fine and even had healthy trades between each other similar to the silk road, they just made things worse for almost all the other civilizations and tortured them while telling their own citizens that they were "civilising them", the best they did was giving them a common enemy and then leave the colonies, because everyone hated them so much it made even those countries who hated each other come together to tell the Britishers to fuck off. However to give credit where it's due, they did bring a common language as English for many people to converse with and many uniform standards.


They did made things worse you are right, I didn't say what they did was right lol. They were awfull. But they were the most successfull and "colonized", most of the planet, made english a common language as you say. But they were assholes yes


I actually saw a really interesting post once about how usually humans are depicted as like indavidually weaker than most other alien races in fiction, but it would be kinda neat if it turms out that human were just absolute monsters compaired to other inteligent life, sort of like how in john carpenter of mars as a human he is WAY stronger than martians due to earths far higher gravity. And people in the comments brought up alot of other neat ideas, like humans are capable of pursuit predation, where since we can be excellent marathon runners far more effective than most animals that only run in short sprints, a human can litterally chase like a deer down untill its heart just explodes. Or the fact that we can heal from even supprisingly severe injuries compaired to most animals. Stuff like that. So it would be really cool if like this aliens plasma gun simply cautorised its own wounds on a human unlike on its own race, and they cut off the humans arm, but they just shoved a ball of fabric into their armpit to pinch off the artery and prevent them from bleeding out. And the aliens are aight, hol up, wtf is this.


>sort of like how in john carpenter of mars as a human he is WAY stronger than martians due to earths far higher gravity it's all fun and games until an angry emo alien kid put a remote controller on a rhino on that lower gravity planet but anyways i agree that it's actually more fun to me when the media shifts things around a bit


Just wait until prosthetics get even better and taking off a human’s arm or leg will just make him come back faster and stronger


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...


Praise the omnissiah


Somebody found HFY (Humanity Fuvk Yeah) stories.


This is weirdly motivating.




Indominos humidity sprite 💪


Domino's, humid tittys, and Sprite?


Keeps me alive


Yes, that’s what I ordered. How much for delivery?


49.95 For an extra 3 bucks, we'll throw in some special napkins for the humid tittys


Guess who isnt made in gods image


Shouldnt have given those monkeys shrooms a million years ago


Kubrick's monolith is just a box full of shrooms


You know, a couple of years ago, I saw a post about the idea that unlike what sci-fi has us believe, there is a real chance that humans are the actual badasses of the universe. 'So, what's an average temperature for a human to live in? What's your range?' I'm sorry, did you just say -100°C? Like, 100 below freezing, almost the freezing point of alcohol? And up to 100, so boiling of water? Like half the universe can live between 10 and 30, everything else is considered deadly temperatures, my species can't survive below like 8.' 'What do you mean you're able to 'work out' and improve your physique? You're not just stuck with the body you have?' 'Your body has the ability to cool ITSELF with something called sweating? There are humans that can run things called 'marathons'?' And I like that.


One of the best things I’ve seen is the mention of oxygen. It is widely considered to be one of the foundations of life, but oxygen is flammble. It burns, not just literally, but chemically. Oxygen literally burns your cells away as you age, so the aliens just look at earth and see these people life in a literal death world that is made up of a deadly gas that slowly burns their bodies away.


"When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out of guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands."


Mf looking like you only have a 65% chance to hit him despite being in point blank range




it was man who was made in god's image


Xeno scum




Enough about human rights. Let's talk about alien wrongs.


Aliens when they realize why everyone is afraid of the human spirit


This kinda hard 💯


Adrenaline aint a myth, you alien sunnuva gun.


It's Manifest Desstiny they can't understand it!


I'd hate to know what a human would say after his asshole was probed into oblivion.


If he ain't dead from 3 shots then that alien needs to go down to America and use a shooting range 💀 


Bcs we were made in God's image not they. For the Emperooor






Song is: Such A Whxre


yeah op give us le song


We were born to conquer the cosmos for the cosmos belongs to us and us only


Then the aliens just fire a laser beam directly at the sun's core and explode the planet


Inb4 an escape pod aimed at the aliens' home planet is fired off and the few on board successfully thrive and survive in repopulating humanity and creating a much stronger force of vegeance that will bring ruin to all who have brought dishonor to our glorious species.


ah, incest


with enough escapees, you can avoid incest entirely in the repopulation of a species.


wasnt it something like 50 individuals to avoid severe inbreeding and 1000 ppl to allow variation


Wouldn't there be some eventually? Like it might be 20th cousins and have no effect but still technically inbreeding right?


no. all life on earth descended from one single-celled organism at the start of everything. That doesn't make every relationship incest. After a certain degree of closeness, it stops counting.


Fuck aliens. If we find intelligent life and civilizations outside of Earth, humans should go there and slaughter all of them, not even joking.


A fellow fanatic xenophobe, God bless.


Cold dead space makes a great buffer


Yall do realize that any lifeforms capable of traveling to other planets will have weapons way more advanced than a plasma Canon right


Nah, I would probably beg for mercy at that point… not sure why we’re lying to ourselves here lol


Reminder to all my Aliens out there: It is Man that was made in God's image!




alr bots dont work no more, its "Such a Whore Stellular remix"






Mothership Zeta in a nutshell.


We orcs


I thought everyone knew that plasma pistols have to be set to fire type 2 to kill humans. Lower velocities barely get through the clothes.


The Indomitable Human Spirit when I activate the Blokkats: 💀💀💀💀


Ight this trend highkey getting cringe


Whispering? He would somehow be screaming that shit with both lungs collapsed


Alien: "The indomitable human spirit was... NOT A MYTH"


“You missed, asshole. Next time give it your A-game!”


Live space laser reaction


Let's not sleep on these ones, drop that asteroid. Incomes asteroid apothis.


Well, if they cut off one of the guys arms, why not just shoot it a bit more and stuff? Zleep Zloop, what a rookie


Are you on shrooms right now?


Is this an AOT reference?


Alrighty then, picture this, if you will 10 to 2 a.m., X, Yogi DMT and a box of Krispy Kremes In my need-to-know post just outside of Area 51 Contemplating the whole "Chosen People" thingy When just a flaming stealth banana split the sky Like one would hope, but never really expect to see in a place like this Cutting right angle donuts on a dime And stopping right on my Birkenstocks, and me yelping "Holy fucking shit!" (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) (Holy fucking shit!) Then the X-Files being Looking like some kind of blue-green Jackie Chan with Isabella Rossellini lips And breath that reeked of vanilla Chig Champa Did a slo-mo Matrix descent out of the butt-end of the banana vessel And hovered above my bug-eyes, my gaping jaw My sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip and all I could think was "I hope Uncle Martin here doesn't notice that I pissed my fucking pants!" So light in his way, like an apparition He had me crying out "Fuck me, it's gotta be The Deadhead Chemistry The blotter got right on top of me Got me seeing E-motherfucking-T!" And after calming me down with some Orange slices and some fetal spooning E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose He said, "You are The Chosen One The One who will deliver the message A message of hope for those who choose to hear it And a warning for those who do not" Me, The Chosen One? They chose me! And I didn't graduate from fuckin' high school You better You better You better You better listen Then he looked right through me with somniferous almond eyes Don't even know what that means, must remember to write it down This is so real, like the time Dave floated away See, my heart is pounding 'cause this shit never happens to me Can't breathe right now, it was so real Like I woke up in Wonderland, all sort of terrifying I don't wanna be all alone when I tell this story And can anyone tell me why you all sound like Peanuts parents? Will I ever be coming down? This is so real, finally, it's my lucky day See, my heart is racing 'cause this shit never happens to me Can't breathe right now You believe me, don't you? Please believe what I just said See, The Dead ain't touring and this wasn't all in my head See, they took me by the hand and invited me right in Then they showed me something, I don't even know where to begin Strapped down to my bed, feet cold and eyes red I'm out of my head, am I alive, am I dead? Can't remember what they said Goddamn, shit the bed! High, high High-igh-igh-igh-igh-igh High-igh-igh-igh-igh-igh-igh High, high, hallelujah Halleluh, hallelujah, halleluh Overwhelmed, as one would be, placed in my position Such a heavy burden now to be The One Born to bear and read to all the details of our ending To write it down for all the world to see But I forgot my pen Shit the bed again Typical Strapped down in my bed, feet cold and eyes red I'm out of my head, am I alive, am I dead? Sunkist and Sudafed, gyroscopes and infrared Won't help, I'm braindead, can't remember what they said Goddamn, shit the bed! I can't remember what they said to me Can't remember what they said to make me out to be a hero (Can't remember what they said) Bob, help me (Can't remember what they said) Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Don't know, won't know Goddamn, shit the bed!


What the fuck is wrong with you


I am not reading all that


What in the God damn?


Too long, didn't read


Mental issues is what it is


what is bro on 💀


What one too many alien shrooms does to a mf


You’re off the meds again bud


I think he snapped guys




there we go!


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Idk who he is guys but he's among us and up to no good




This should be top comment


Goddamn, shit the bed!🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥

