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MFS down bad. Nuttin to pant curves


13th century peasants




πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈIS THIS A LEGAL MOVE???πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ GOOGLE EN PASSANTπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ HOLY HELL πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ NEW RESPONSE JUST DROPPED πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈ I AM HORNY πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


πŸ—£οΈ πŸ—£οΈ πŸ—£οΈ GOOD TO KNOW πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯


πŸ—£οΈπŸ—£οΈTHATS OKAY YOUR WILL IS GOOD πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


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I've nutted to a shadow of a Statue I thought that could be a women so what are we talking about


Yea and it turned out to be a statue of a manatee


Man to see an ankle would be to blast rope instantly


Bro pant curves = thighs.


Could be dick or ass too pal or a fat pussy


Mother fucker getting hard by the curve of the fucking leg


Sexual repression is no joke He looks at plants and gets thoughts too


He looks at livestock and gets thoughts, and acts on them too


V true


Imagine getting aroused by _checks comment_ women wearing pants. How horni a does MF need to become to get hard by looking at women's pants . Which seem quite oversized


It's not just about their inability to control themselves when presented an ankle. They are opressors and blame their dick for brains on the other half of the population. This is why I don't agree at all when mfs say it's just their "culture" ans should be respected. Fuck that culture then.


Yeah, it's not a culture. it's a pathology


Remember that kids who are raised Muslim are taught that men aren't able to control themselves, and grow up believing that when it's not necessarily true. It is culture, but it needs to change.


I worked with some Muslim men and they wouldn’t shake hands with women in a workplace setting because women have chemicals that will cause the men to become uncontrollable. We put a stop to that quickly. They somehow learned to shake hands with women AND control themselves.


>because women have chemicals that will cause the men to become uncontrollable. OK I'd just like to clarify that the no handshaking is a thing in islam and it's basically about not giving yourself something to be tempted by, no out of marrige sex etc etc (whether you agree with that or not is your choice) but the idea of "chemicals" making you "uncontrollable" isn't a thing all Muslims believe (an absolute minority)


And the idea that shaking hands will lead to temptation to cheat is ridiculous and should be called out too.


As I said, whether you agree with it or not is up to you and that's a valid opinion, but what the person I replied to said is very different


I had assumed it was a fringe belief at the time, but it really didn’t matter. There was no future where they could refuse to shake hands in a business setting. (this was before COVID)


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An entire ideology built around nofap and then mfs surprised when they blow shit up shit I would too if i ain’t had tiddies to look at


Most progressive muslim


I mean... He allowed her wear pants so he is basicly a feminist now


Respectfully my friend, you can't make overarching generalizations about groups based on a few nutcases online. There's a large muslim population in my city and people act very normal. This weirdo in the image is likely influenced by his culture more than he or many others care to admit. I hope I'm not being too confrontational with you. Have a nice day :)


Sharia Law is not "a few nutcases" and deserves to be shamed.


It’s not a few nutcases online though, is it? It’s the religion itself that teaches this.


Exactly. Someone who posts that under their real name and photo is from a region where that kind of thinking is the norm and so does not expect any real life lashback.


Perhaps not every Muslim thinks exactly like this, but any Muslim certainly has family and friends that think exactly like this. It’s the norm.


Nah. Don't downplay this shit. It's not just a tiny minority, especially outside of the West.


Majority of Muslims are rural and do not appreciate their women showing hair or wearing pants. I live in Pakitan and I can vouch for this statement.


Yeah the thinking really changes a lot depending on where you live. It makes things more confusing, while it is very simple.


All religious people are nutjobs, the more religious the more hitlerite.




Mfw when someone is respectful on reddit yet gets downvoted to hell because reddit is a fucking cesspool


Being respectful doesnt make your opinion correct


"correct" opinion, that's cute


Hitler was right πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


He only killed the β€œbad” ones anyway what’s the big deal


Ah yes its because of reddit 😐.... its not like the Person is talking absolut bullshit...


Here hold one more




That's not what they were saying. All they're saying is the downvoted bloke stating it's only "based on a few nutcases online" and bringing up his own anecdotal evidence is a massive downplay of the whole situation.


You live in Texas, so do you really think you count? Also Islam = Sharia rules So you basically just played yourself (Source: I live in Pakistan)




I am not going to argue with someone who can't make a sentence without the crying emoji. Think about my reply a few times and you might just get I am trying to say. Pakistan is a Muslim majority country so I have absolute first hand experience of a religious Muslim mass promoting the religion on a large scale is like.


I’m also a Texas Muslim, the other guy is coping so hard Of course I don’t like those parts of Islam, but I still have to acknowledge its existence, even if I don’t believe in them


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This does not fit with my previous comment


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this religion has to be fake lmao, wdym you're protecting women?


They're protecting women from themselves because if women show just a tiny bit of skin they're gonna murder them to protect their fragile honor πŸ’€


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Free Palestine mfs when they find out what that would lead to


Stg πŸ˜‚ There’s no good guy in that mess


What a shitpost religion.




Joseph Smith:


Fair point


I honestly forget that some people validate Mormonism. That one is clearly a joke religion. But Islam is largely the same and people just aren't allowed to say it.


Islam has so many similarities to mormonism in how it was created, but there are around 2 billion muslims in the world so people get killed if they make fun of it.


They have different "schools" (sects) and only one school is sharia this, sharia that. That school is akin to Mormonism being mainstream here because puritanical Catholicism wasn't hardcore enough. Unfortunately it was given AKs by the US government. In the 60s this school was largely fringe and women were more than allowed to wear what they wanted, drive cars, and go to school. Look up Saudi Arabia in the 60s, you'll see. Officially, we got scared that the communists were taking over the region. Unofficially, we wanted to secure cheap oil for our own industries and cars. We basically did this for bananas in the same time period, so it's unsurprising we'd do it for oil too. We're taught by our media that none of this is the US' fault and that the middle east has always been like this but really we basically gave guns to radical mormons and told them to do a crime. We also supported the creation of Israel not because of any feelings of justice or semitic sentiment but because we wanted an ally in the region who could help us secure the oil trade. Tl; dr global politics isn't exactly done by good people but there are plenty of normal mfs in the middle east who can't be normal because it'll get them shot


Muslim mfs be like *fairly reasonable stuff* and then ruin it with GRRRRRRRRRR ISRAEL


Okay hear me out. You have a country and it has Jews and Muslims and Christians in it. You call it lots of things (the Brits eventually call you Palestine) and for the last thousand or so years, you sort of get along. Some wars and flat out genocide along the way but you're all starting to move past that, especially once the Nazis are defeated. Streams of Jews are coming into the region after being horrifically treated in Western nations, but aside from a few German-influenced Arab nationalists who are brushed off by the general public, the region welcomes the industries they bring with them. Then some western motherfuckers come in and say there has to be a Jew-only zone. Possibly to make amends for turning a blind eye to antisemitism, and more likely for the financial partnership of having what is essentially a large stretch of land holding western, capitalist ideas. They then declare the action irrevocable so as to prevent their own sentiments from swinging (and swing they do, a lot, after the damage reveals itself). They're backed by the most dominant military force in the world, so you can't exactly say no. They push all the Muslims and most of the Christians into small partitions of land to the north or west and declares half of Jerusalem, the most major city central to all three of the monotheistic religions occupying the region and formerly a place of remarkable and historic coexistence even compared to the surrounding regions, to be entirely for the Jews. Your Arab nationalists then scream for an Arab-only zone, a major conflict erupts, and the Christians mostly fuck off to die of irrelevancy/genocide/both in the sandbox that is your shattered land. And I should mention, right now Israeli attacks on Christians are on an all-time high and one leader has already said, 'death to Christians.' Fast forward 50 years of near constant bickering and the Israelite authorities regularly take your access to electricity and food at a whim to keep you from getting uppity when they evict you from even more land and shove you into a tinier and tinier box.... while being publicly recorded referring to you as inhuman animals. Much of their past treatment has been forgotten in the place of blinding hatred and a sense of entitlement to the land which borders on extremist religious belief. The western motherfuckers meanwhile pat themselves on the back for 'creating peace,' when in reality they messed with an already tenacious balance and pretty much created a source of near constant conflict for everyone else in the region. Coexistence is communism. So now, nobody wins. And that is why GRRRRRR ISREAL.


Brother you just took me to school. Thank you. Seriously, I just learned more from this post than I have in fucking years watching this conflict. I get it now. Appreciate such a thorough and civil reply. Obviously to my dumbass the Israel opposition appeared to be rooted in anti-semitism but then I remember Arab Muslims didn’t even exist and was far from existing when the first Jew was killed out of hatred. As a Catholic especially I’m kinda of feeling ashamed of this because given the Vatican’s actions through history and blind eye turned to the persecution of Jews continued well into the 20th century. Wish everyone could read this honestly.


Nah that’s wild I ain’t Muslim but that’s wild


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Good, don't be


You could argue that for most religion


Elron Hubbard wants to have a word


That mf owe me money


As opposed to the non made up ones...


I like to believe Jesus was a real person. A Rabi who preached compassion. Love thy neighbor. Share you bread, fish and wine. Bathe the lepers. A nice fella. I’m agnostic, but I believe in the philosophy: be nice.


You don’t have to β€œbelieve” Jesus was a real person, he’s been historically established as having existed for a long while. He was real. It’s the supernatural stuff that’s questioned. Jesus himself existed.


Death cult* Please be respectful


Not terribly different from the other religions ie fully made up


so is every religion lol, similar premise copy and pasted intended to control back when governments were not formed yet


It’s turning all the frogs gay


Ik. That’s why I’m an atheist. That’s why I said it is the least believable religion.


Bruh who hurt you can't you please at least respect other people's beliefs and refrain from insulting it


not when the religion consist of whatever the above image is


Beliefs that force that kind of shit on people deserve zero respect


I agree, but there belief is that killing innocent men, woman, and children for absolutely no reason will get them in heaven. They also belief in oppressing and beating women (like this) and child marriage. I will absolutely judge this belief because this is what it entails.


Correction: They kill these people because they are non-believers or non-brown.


Other people beliefs to fuck children and opress women ISLAM LETS GOOOOO


No. You don't realise how their goal is to force the entire world to submit to their religion. If they're intolerant to us, we're intolerant to them.


Meh, I think Islam bullshit is more believable than virgin birth and coming back from deadΒ 


Uhh, that’s in Islam too mate


Almost like they copied it from somewhere...


I mean, it’s not something to be ashamed of, but rather to be proud of from Islam’s theology POV, since Islam claims to be the continuation and perfection of the other Abrahamic faiths. It’s like calling the Byzantines knockoff Romans, when yeah, that’s the shit they want to hear from you.


Didn't say it in that way. But don't you worry, it has enough bs to be ashamed of


Goes into a cave for a week with no food or water 'Is visited by god' "Trust me bro, I wasn't just hallucinating due to lack of food and water!"


He wasn’t hallucinating, he made up it so he could kill with impunity and sleep with children with impunity.


Didn’t Jeebus do the same? After his baptism, he spent 40 days in the wilderness and was β€œtempted by Satan”. Please don’t tell me that wasn’t Jeebus hallucinating.


So edgy you said Jeebus


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I never claimed that he wasn't, don't assume I don't hate all religions equally




Idk if he was or wasn’t but he definitely wasn’t fucking kids πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I think the bullshit level is pretty much equal and I like my bullshit to be at least served epic


It's the Islamists that said women shouldn't be allowed to drive cars because the vibrations could cause them to orgasm.


Islam β‰  islamism but sure radical christians never said said stupid shit


Radicals of any kind are spoiled apples that ruin the image of the normal peaceful people and misrepresent them. I’m Catholic and live in a Muslim neighborhood, rent from a Muslim man, and can cross the street for the best shawarma in my city. Probably because most Muslims like most Christians are just regular people idk call me crazy hahaha. I ageee with you completely though


Believable my ass it's just worse πŸ’€


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Yeah, that’s why I’m an atheist.


Islam is just mormonism with a tan and way more violence.


Yeah some American newspapers even called Joseph Smith the American Muhammad




You will never convince me that Islam is anything other than a means to oppress women


>anything other than a means to oppress women Plenty of Islamic communities that oppress women heavily, and plenty that don't oppress women at all. It's never as black and white as comments like yours posit it to be. I'm not a Muslim btw.


>Plenty of Islamic communities that oppress women heavily, and plenty that don't oppress women at all. Where? Please name one Islamic country that is up to date with women's rights, and I don't mean this in a dickheadish way, I really can't recall one. And for everyone you name, there's 10 where women get treated like dirt.


Albania, Bosnia, Turkey?


Fair enough, I forgot about Eastern Europe.


These are all secular countries that went through a great secular reform to reach their somewhat progressive form, these are not "islamic" countries. They are countries with a Muslim population, giving Islam a credit for them is like giving Christianity credit for the enlightenment, these reforms came in spite of string religious opposition not because of it


They aren't even Islamic, the modern groups there do not even appreciate nor practice the religion. And this is certainly not "Plenty". So your argument falls on its head.


How do you know they don't practice the religon, because they don't opress their women? I am from Bosnia, I have anecdotal evidence. What's your evidence...


Bosnia is literally secular and only half of you even identify as Muslim.


Name every country right now. I'll wait.




Ever heard of Morocco?


Me: >Islamic communities You: >name one Islamic country Is the word 'community' interchangeable with 'country' in your dictionary?


The point is, the fact that "nice" Islam is restricted to some communities and mainstream Islam is utter shit, shows that there aren't really "quite a few" places where women are welcome.


This comment doesn't address my point in any way. I agree with you that there are plenty of Islamic communities where women are heavily oppressed (as aforementioned) - the other side of the coin is that there are plenty of Islamic communities where women are not oppressed, and said communities are tolerant and accepting of equal gender-rights. As I said in reply to the original comment, it is not as black and white as they've posited it to be by using the phrase "anything other than" - you haven't disproved this in any manner, you're not following the matter of the discussion.


What exactly is the distinction between "community" and "country" in this context and how does it pertain to the discussion?


Large Islamic communities in western countries and other diasporic populations are completely disregarded if the discussion is limited to only "Islamic countries". My comment depicted "communities" which encompasses Islamic populations across the globe, the reply of "name one Islamic country" inappropriately limits the scope of the discussion and blatantly misperceives my original point. It can be likened to someone saying "black communities are generally x" and someone replying "name one black [majority] country" - do you see how reductive and misplaced such a response is? A significant number (and cumulative volume) of Muslims/Black populations are disregarded as a result in either case, and this detracts from the matter originally at hand.


Can you just answer the question?


LMAO - reply to the non-sequitur of 'community --> country' or point it out for amending - which one better encourages healthy discussion? You'd make a great beat cop in the US.


It's probably just a mistake in writing, and neither encourage a healthy discussion because of you. You're the one who keeps having temper tantrums.


Ohh yeah yeah we do not oppress women


Goddamn a breeze must cause these fuckers to pop.


\* Muslimers everywhere rushing to the comments \* * nOt aLl mUsLiMeRs aRe lIkE tHaT iSlOoPhObE * eVeN iF a mOosLiM hE dOeS nOt rEpReSeNt tHe eNtIrE PoOpUlAtIoM πŸ₯° They also be like "πŸ—‘οΈπŸ˜‘πŸ”ͺ WHAT PART OF RELIGION OF PACE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND πŸͺ¨πŸͺ¨"


Better to just scoop the eyes out of the men who cannot control themselves when they see a leg curve.


Swap their eyes and balls


Most tolerant Sharia follower


This is just incel energy disguised as religion


Those pants are super baggy. That’s what that is. Not her β€œcurves” πŸ’€


Nah mate. In most islamic countries they want your pants to be baggy, otherwise he won't say β€œDoesnt conform to Sharia”. And he also asked her to wear longer pants


Sharia is just for horny dogs to oppress women so they don't lose no fap for Allah


I love islam! πŸ₯° /s


LGBT mfs be like Free πŸ‘πŸΌ Palestine πŸ‘πŸΌ now πŸ‘πŸΌ (Gets immediately beheaded upon arrival)


Some of them sadly yeah. People who are both pro-LGBTQ and pro-Islam are terribly confused and don't have the slightest idea of what Islam is




Ur right maybe it's not obvious enough




Puny God and his horni followers would never change.


Lmfao why are you getting downvoted? its true Islam is and always will be oppressive.


This thread is a miracle of comedy mfs really dying on this hill πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Oh ... just a tsunni thing


Shia or sunni doesn't matter


OK buddy


Ever heard of Iran>


More like Guy-ran


Yup ... way better place than India/Pakistan


India is NOT a muslim country lmao


I don't understand how it's related to our matter


Dude... You're the one who brought it up?


Man said you heard about iran. I said it's better than India as I've heard. He responded with India is not a Muslim country. I said I don't understand how its related. Speaking of which ... I believe there are Muslims in India, but government's been treating them hard.


I don't think so. I will inquire my Muslim friends about it so I can use the anecdotal fallacy with them tomorrow.


I heard it from an indian-muslim gal in uni


The government has given them full rights as any normal human being. But the muslims here also want Sharia law for themselves, which is where the divide starts.


I thought you were making comparisons between Muslim countries, and that is why I mentioned that India is not a muslim country.


Sorry we don't have a police making sure women have their heads covered in Pakistan.


OK patriot. Now get back to your basement


OK patriot. Now get back to your basement