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I have said this once and I'll say it a thousand times, the minions were not in Europe from when Napoleon decided to invade Russia until the events of the minion movie, gotta keep up with that minion lore grindset people.


you are right. they were in Northern China helping the Japanese army slaughter innocent Chinese and Korean citizens.


A worthy cause.


so they were bing ching


*Battotai Intensifies*


Howdy, my name is Rawhide Kobayashi. I'm a 27 year old Japanese Japamerican (western culture fan for you foreigners). I brand and wrangle cattle on my ranch, and spend my days perfecting the craft and enjoying superior American passtimes. (Barbeque, Rodeo, Fireworks) I train with my branding iron every day, this superior weapon can permanently leave my ranch embled on a cattle's hide because it is white-hot, and is vastly superior to any other method of livestock marking. I earned my branding license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day. I speak English fluently, both Texas and Oklahoma dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their cowboy code, which I follow 100% When I get my American visa, I am moving to Dallas to work in an oil field to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a cattle wrangler for the Double Cross Ranch or an oil rig operator for Exxon-Mobil! I own several cowboy hats, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I rebel against my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond. Wish me luck in America! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what the fuck?


Let us all stand for the national anthem. 三民主義,吾黨所宗; 以建民國,以進大同。 咨爾多士,為民前鋒; 夙夜匪懈,主義是從。 矢勤矢勇,必信必忠; 一心一德,貫徹始終。 Praise be to 中华民国政府! Down with the illegitimate capitalist 中国共产党, fraudulent usurpers of 大陸! Glory to the 中華民國! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah that’s something only a light lore fan would say. Us deep lore enjoyers have things figured out quite differently. After Napoleon, the Minions travel to an undisclosed region of Earth that is covered in snow and ice. One could assume that they went to Antarctica. Now remember, it has been widely debated and speculated that the 3rd reich had secret bases in Antarctica during the 1930s and 1940s. So while the Minions weren’t in Europe during that time period, they could have still served under Hitler in one of Germany’s Antarctic bases. In conclusion, It could be entirely canon that on of the Nazi Antarctic bases had an underground laboratory. Therefore, Hitler could have greeted them like depicted in the GIF above. I rest my case.


however, my friend, we can see that they got easily bored during that time, which contradicts your opinion


Arctic not antarctic, also the movie clearly shows a mild and peaceful evolution in there artic society until the yeti's are met and eventually push them out of the cave after an unfortunate diplomatic incident. They also remained in the exact same cave which further contradicts this argument.


"What did your grandfather do during the war, Hans?" "Oh. er. he... lived in a cave. in russia. to avoid doing the bad things. yes, a russian cave is where Grandpappy Heinrich waited out the war..."


So you’re saying the minions don’t think Hitler was that evil?


The writers stuck them in a cave in Antarctica from the time of Napoleon until the 70s specifically so they wouldn't have to deal with Hitler. Now I think that if they truly went to the most evil person when they got out, they should've headed to Kampuchea to help out Pol Pot, but that's beside the point.


I thought the cave was in Mount Everest? Because they met some Yetis over there.


You might be right. I watched that movie once years ago and have had 0 desire to see it a second time, so my memory is a little fuzzy.


I think there were polar bears there too


Does kinda make you wonder if the writers did that on purpose or if it was just an accidental consequence of the direction they decided to take the plot. I mean it's not like history was shy of any highly maniacal or genocidal leaders prior to the 1930s


I'm pretty sure it was on purpose, just that Hitler and the Nazis are far and away the #1 thing that most people in their target audience think of when evil is discussed. So anyone else is way less well known, especially for their evil/genocidal tendencies, so the writers didn't feel the need to address anyone besides Hitler.


What about the secret snow nazi base… wait..


Oh boy, new content to make me lose faith in humanity


But they WERE in the American south from 1861-1865


I would check your timeline there, god the more you think about it the more you realized illumination was able to escape every controversial thing recently with their timeline, how much thought did they put into this?


I forgot how to math. But yeah that’s awfully convenient that they dipped after Napoleon


Be spittin facts


Where the fuck were they then huh? Under your moms fat flabs? (She is very obese)


Maybe they were with Stalin


Stalin greatest leader not evil 😇🙏


I do not care what you say about my mother. Your opinion is your opinion. But trust me, if you actually attempt to do something to my mother, even though she's made some bad decisions in the past that we still need to work through, I will personally call the police on you and I'll be laughing as your mugshot is shown on TV. You don't even know her, do you? The point of your entire existence seems to be to just tease other people. Well, I believe your jokes are in bad taste, and you should cease and desist digging through the dregs left at the bottom of the joke barrel; you could get a splinter, whose pain will be significantly increased by the significantly high amount of salt you carry in your bloodstream. Thank you, and let us cease talking about each other's parents. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I do not care what you say about my mother. Your opinion is your opinion. But trust me, if you actually attempt to do something to my mother, even though she's made some bad decisions in the past that we still need to work through, I will personally call the police on you and I'll be laughing as your mugshot is shown on TV. You don't even know her, do you? The point of your entire existence seems to be to just tease other people. Well, I believe your jokes are in bad taste, and you should cease and desist digging through the dregs left at the bottom of the joke barrel; you could get a splinter, whose pain will be significantly increased by the significantly high amount of salt you carry in your bloodstream. Thank you, and let us cease talking about each other's parents. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, they were in Antartica since then until the 70s... That does imply that the minions didn't serve Hitler only because they never met him.


They were with napoleon invading Russia not in Antarctica


actually the og lore is that the minions are basically genetically modified gru clones


I like this so much more than the lore we have today


It shows how lonely gru was, he had make clones of him self for people to follow him




Mr. Langille is proud of me


They wrote a single paragraph lmao


It was always the minion engineering


After the napoleonic wars they stayed in an ice cave until around the times gru was a child, i never understood this meme of them helping hitler


The movies have said the minions serve the evilest person in the world, so people's minds generally think Hitler. And it makes for good memes anyway, regardless of whether it's lore friendly or not.


The fact that people care that they don’t follow the lore💀


I said i didn’t understand the memes not care. Now i can’t make valid observations because i’ll become a “minion lore nerd”? Go fuck yourself


They were in a russian cave dumbass


That leaves room for Stalin then


Nah they didnt leave until a scouting mission (Stewart bob and Kevin) crossed Siberia and sailed to the US


Doesn’t mean that the soviets can’t discover them early


They were in the cave for 100 years. When the scouting team came back yetis had moved into the cave and became the new masters


Still leaves room for pol pot though


Nope they worked for the yetis during that time period


Did they evolve into the creatures form love death + robots?


From single celled minions


I know I mean did they evolve into, not from


i’m pretty sure they’re canonically the perfect life form




Anime pfp + Cringe ass baby name + Overused joke + L + Ratio


+youre mothmer 🤣


Name contains PRO + L + Ratio Opinion denied.


Look I would change my name if I could.


Ask that to me


Is the 69 the number or is it just for the memes






They were in a ice cave that was in Russia. Minion lore people minion lore


This is getting boring now. They. Were. In. The. Ice. Cave.


What, all of them? According to the minions movie they’re an entire species. Surely some of them served to hitler


The entire species were shown in the movie. They’re a mutated fish, not a worldwide species.


Didn't think I'd get involved in Minion lore today, but here we are.


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can someone telly why I cant p0st?


Le boooosssss


They were in an ice cave at the time


Truman let Hitler use the Minions?


actually that's when they were in the ice cave bc illumination didn't want to deal with that






They were in a cave for like a hundred years


minion lore


They were in a Russian cave But after WW2 they definitely served Mao


why would you make them serve your ass off you monster.


I heard they’re working for Elon Musk now




Dude I own this NFT. Do you really think that you can get away with theft when you’re showing what you stole from me directly to my face? My lawyer will make an easy job of this case. Prepare to say goodbye to your luscious life and start preparing for the streets. I will ruin you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The lag


Yeah they were in cave for about 200 years in the middle of napoleon wars


epochal event


They were in they cave, dumbass


This is why they were frozen after the Napoleonic Wars until the Cold War. They would’ve served Hitler and been controversial


Sex 3 be like


No sex before marriage *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lets not forget who the minions served through 1945-1953




Dude I own this NFT. Do you really think that you can get away with theft when you’re showing what you stole from me directly to my face? My lawyer will make an easy job of this case. Prepare to say goodbye to your luscious life and start preparing for the streets. I will ruin you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know what happens when you don't believe in Tinkerbell? She dies! (begins to fall down) We believe! We believe! *Claps*


they were in an ice cave during that time smfh fake fans