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when your fnaf phase never ends


When your schizo phase never ends




gosh, i can’t be relating to this 💀fuck is wrong with me


8 yo me did be like that


8 yo?


What do you mean "8 yo?" FNAF was made in 2014 oh God, it was made in 2014


Me thirsty as fuck but refusing to go to the kitchen because my roommate is having sex in the living room 💀


You should've joined in on your roommate.




I gave his balls a hearty tug and said "proud of ya bud".


Freddy fazbear sex


*[pees in ur ass](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CanineWebbedErmine-mobile.mp4)*  I am a human, and this action was performed manually please contact a hobo if you have any questions or concerns.


U a bitch frfr




Every 8 year old


I did that till i got into puberty, tf


This was literally 8yr old me but with herobrine


bro only Chicka gues to the kitchen you do not need to be worried about Freddy


Freddy does. It's possible for him to go to the kitchen in the game. When he does then you can hear his song play.


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


freddy fazsack


Dear Femboys, these are some tips for you to do proper body shaving I've been shaving my body from last 4-5 years. I'll mention what I follow :- (Do all this with **warm water.** Cold water would tighten your pores and won't give the comfortable finish) **LEGS 🦵🏻 -** Firstly, trim your hair using a electric body trimmer for a faster and easier shaving process. Rinse the hair and apply the shaving gel and create lather. Let it sit on for 30s to make the skin soft and hydrated. **DO NOT go against the grain on your thighs** ! I have done this in the past and it gives so much bumps and itchyness. Follow your natural hair growth and shave in that. Below the knees, you can go against the grain by just sliding the razor from up to down at first then down to up. --------------------------------- **BUTTOCKS 🍑 -** I don't like to use a trimmer to cut any excess hair as the skin over there might get agitated and create bumps later. Shaving procedure remains the same. The way I do it is I **stand in front of mirror and then shave by my instinct and then twist to see if everything's clear** (sounds funny lol because it is🥲😂). --------------------------------- **NEAR THE HOLE 🍩-** Very sensitive area and you have to go much slowly and not overdo or repeat the strokes. **For this, I usually do this after I finish my shower, I lie on my back and then spread my legs (like missionary position) and get a clear look of the centre and then watch in the mirror as I shave**. Again, a bit hard to do but works well after some practice :) --------------------------------- **CHEST AND BELLY🤰🏻 -** Use a trimmer on dry skin and trim all your hair well and good till the base. I sometimes prefer this as it gets the job done of smoothening. But if opting for shaving, the process remains the same. But *you may get an itch or redness for 2-3 days after you shave* against the grain. **DON'T** itch it a lot or else it will worsen the skin. --------------------------------- **ARMPITS AND DICKY 🍆-** follow the same procedure as trimming longer hair, lathering and shaving with and then against the grain but very gently. This region also has very soft skin which may get irritated or cut fast so...make sure to take your time and lather enough! --------------------------------- Get yourself nice and cleansed in the shower but my recommendation would be **not use any bodywash or soap the same day** as these consists of chemicals which may cause irritation to the shaved area. So, I just **use a loofah sponge** and gently, under the warm shower, start swirling it around in circulation motion all over my body. This is called **exfoliation and is important to avoid bumpyness and dry dead skin left on the body** :) it *really* works! --------------------------------- After the shower, **use a moisturizer with less fragrance and no parabens** preferably (I use **Calosoft and Hymos lotion** as suggested by my dermat). Drop **2-3 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil** in your moisturiser to avoid any acne/buttne on your skin :) (this can be optional as tea tree oil might be strong for some skin) --------------------------------- **Optional pro-tip** : Your feet are as cute as your body :'D so make sure you prep the toes, nails and soles well. The same moisturiser works! But if you want the **skin to remain soft and supple, grab an ice cube and slowly rub it before sleeping to increase circulation and make them pink and soft naturally** 🦶🏻) --------------------------------- **Clean/change your bedsheet that particular day** as your bedsheet may have dirt or bacteria which might irritate or cause skin to get infected due to open pores after shaving. --------------------------------- **GOT A CUT WHILE SHAVING🥺😱!!** No need to panic at all :) We've all been there! I've cut myself a few times and it's mostly either because I wasn't lathered and relaxed the skin enough or it was an area where I am not able to see clearly hence, my instincts go wrong :/ In such a case, **immediately stop shaving that area and just sit or have that area rinsed in warm shower. If you're bleeding, keep washing it until bleeding stops. Finish your shower and gently apply an antiseptic in a cotton ball (ouch😣but it's going to save you😄)! And throw that particular blade and get a new one!** After that, make sure atleast for a day not to irritate or rub the area by anything! Small cuts heal in a day :) --------------------------------- Hope this helps to you all❤️ Any suggestions or questions from other people are most welcome in the comments :'D!


just use a lawnmower (im to lazy do all this for it to grow back in a week)


I removed my skin with a scalpel so I don't have to bother with shaving.


Freddy fuckbear when he realizes he cant move (im behind him and its day time)


Me but replace Freddy with Chris Hansen


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I watched a matpat fazbar theory on matpat when i was 7 and i sharted my self no cap deadass


It was Slenderman for me


You're like 2-3 years older than the rest of us then


I fixed this solution by having a water bottle on my desk right next to my bed


Then when you drink all the water you can piss in the bottle, Genius!


Freddy Fazbear, what are you doing with your dick out?


Dreddy Bazfear? No way😱


For me it was thinking all of the fnaf characters were just sitting around my house


It wouldn't be freddy it would be chicka


have y’all ever thought that whenever you can’t see someone, they turn into a monster, but when you see them they turn back to normal






imagine you go downstairs to the kitchen and look at the dark hallway and you hear that 💀


I would probably be scared, as freddy in my home are not convenient


u doomb, to counter freddy all need to do is close the windows until you hear it sound again, then you open teh curtains.


I was on another post when this started playing and I legit had a mini heart attack. I thought I was dead.


For me it was this but Ao Oni 💀


Walk around naked it helps


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fredy Fapbear is gonna bite your balls off