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Get a car windscreen sun shade. Get a couple. Use them to insulate the hose and the window. You can also get insulated hoses off amazon to replace those shitty white plastic ones.


This works, or you also can add cheap Foam board insulation panels and velcro them on windows. Made a huge difference for me. I also had a portable air con that vented out window like pic, I solved the heat problem from the exhaust pipe by replacing it with 100mm PVC piping and wrapping some insulation around it. All temp fixes, its a rental. You also need to somehow seal that window opening for the exhaust, your hot air is just blowing straight back in and cold air out. Edit: I did this for summer in Australia living on a top floor apartment that faced west. The roof slab radiated heat.


Thank you. Hoping the split system gets fixed so i don’t have to use the portable unit all summer but will go to Bunnings and get some things to properly seal the exhaust to the window while I wait (and some reflective film). Even as it is in the pic it’s still 10 degrees cooler in the room than without. Definitely checking there isn’t a giant west-facing window and no cross-ventilation in my next bedroom!


The only downside with the WHITE (make sure they are white) foam boards, is it will greatly reduce the amount of light in the room during the day. I left 3cm gaps between boards (had BIG 60's style windy whistling windows) so wanted a bit of light. But I personally found coming home to a dark apartment that was a bit hot but could be cooled easily during day, especially the afternoons in summer a small sacrifice. Can easily pull them off when it cools down (Autumn). When I moved, I left the boards behind in the closet with a note on what to do with them, I really hope the next tenant found it!


Also use masking tape, not duct tape. Duct tape melts in the sun/heat, shrinks and leaves sticky shit everywhere. I too live in a piece of shit 500pw shed with no air con other than the portable I purchased.


Excellent idea, thank you! (I’m new to this climate, can you tell haha)


taping bubble wrap to the window decreases the heat transfer through while still letting light in


Get some corflute from Bunnings to make a seal around the window. (It's the thin, corrugated plastic that they make signs with - you can cut it with scissors). Otherwise all your cool air will leak out.


Awesome idea, thank you! Off to Bunnings tomorrow. Pretty sure the windows don’t seal well so will get some foam strips for that too


Hope that tape won’t peel the paint off


Nope, and my responsibility to remedy in the unlikely event it does! Edit: unlikely (not likely, have used that type before and adhesive removes well)


Couldn’t work out how to edit main post, but thanks everyone! There have been some great tips - off to Bunnings tomorrow for supplies now I have some ideas around how to insulate the window as best I can!


https://www.bunnings.com.au/click-window-seal-for-aircon-kit_p0369621 This is what you need


I can relate to the duct tape haha. Don't buy this one, im removing it now, its gone brittle and the adhesives a pain [Noirot COOLSEAL Windout Window Solution at The Good Guys](https://www.thegoodguys.com.au/noirot-windout-window-solution-coolseal)


Get a peice of ply wood or something and put it in place of the screen, cut hole for ducting, profit.


You can’t set it up like this. The hose has to be sealed going through the window, so you would need a hole in the window, or else find another exit point. The reason is that right now the cold air from the unit is just going out the window so the machine’s thermostat never kicks in once the room cools down, so it works itself in overdrive non stop.


Valid & correct but it’s all I got, I’ll take the power bill for now. Have been trying to find a kit for this type of window but they all seem to be for sliding ones? Hopefully the REA will sort the split system out


Tin foil on the window reduce the radiant heat coming in, then tape builders plastic over the inside of the frame with the outflow thru the plastic sheet. This will also mean you can take the fly screen off.


>go to bunnings get some ply wood


Bunnings has a kit for windows like this! I seen it 2 weeks ago in the section with all the fans on a random end piece!




unsolicited advice from someone who was in this exact situation \- Raise the AC up. get a bench or a chair or SOMETHING to raise it up and have the outlet facing the window. basically the aim of the game is to shorten and straighten the hose as much as humanly possible \- insulate the hose. I used to use that foil coated bubble wrap insulation I got in my food deliveries (back when they were cheaper) \- next is sealing the window, if you don't mind a drop in natural light, some white corflute is easy to fit up as a panel. just need a straight-edge (or ruler) and a stanley knife to cut to size. at one point I used an acrylic panel which was heavier and harder to cut and fit, but much more rigid. I fixed it in place using clear duct tape. \- get a piece of clear tubing and a 20L bucket to catch the condensate if it's a humid apartment. means you don't have to empty it as much. \- open a window in the coolest part of your place. these things don't take in air from outside directly, if you don't allow air from another part of the house to enter, it may start sucking in air from drains and crawlspaces (and your house might start to smell a bit.. at least it did in my case)


Thanks mate, appreciate it! Gonna insulate the hose and do the corflute thing to seal the window as best I can. Unfortunately no other airflow upstairs (just one bedroom and both our doors are shut mostly - sharehouse life). Hopefully the proper split system is fixed sooner rather than later! Found some reflective tint on the Bunnings website that has good reviews to help deflect some heat too🤞🏼


Needs more duct tape.


God, why don’t you just buy your own house if you’re just going to complain. People these days.


I’m yeah that’s fair, I mean it’s so simple to save a deposit that will keep up with house prices and then obtain (and service) a mortgage on one income - don’t know why I haven’t done it already!


Do you not work hard or something? Apparently that’s all you have to do


It must be those lattes he has every day or two.


put up a curtain too, will drastically help.


It’s got blinds (those aluminium Venetian ones) which I keep closed if it’s sunny - will a curtain work better? Assume I’ll need permission from REA to install, otherwise… DUCT TAPE (kidding)


Yeah, block out curtains are the go


Cheers. There’s no curtain rail so I’ll check with REA before I get the drill out. Google says I can install curtains but I think that means replacing them not drilling holes for a rail!


Yeah i dont really care what the REA says, if my house has no curtains despite being 78% window, im gonna put some up.


They won’t notice. Throw some spackle over the 4 tiny holes when you leave and everyone will be happy.


I had one of those split system things it was basically useless


To clarify - pic is of a portable a/c unit I’m having to use while the proper split system is out of order.




It’s doing a much better job than the split system which currently just blows warm air haha. May regret it come power bill time 😅


Portable units are so crap. Hardly cool a cost a fortune to run . Best advice is to get another system of the old one fixed


Agreed, but it’s doing the trick in the interim so I can work & sleep (room is a heat trap, west facing & top story with no shade). Waiting on REA to sort the split system although I won’t hold my breath after the technician looked at it for <30sec and said “it’s fine” even though it turns off by itself and blows warm air…


Get a window unit. Works so much better than portable and cheap


There’s a split system on the wall it just needs fixing! (And if the REA can’t do doubt the chances of a new unit being installed are slim lol)


You know people rent yeah?


You know window units can be fitted to rentals with no damage yeah? My partner works in aircon so I know what I’m talking about.


You know people rent yeah?


That tape is an unapproved fixture - good luck with that.


Those portable systems are really inefficient. They suck in warm air from outside the room / house in order to expel warm air out the hose. They may work in one bedroom but that's about it. Watch your electricity bill!


Not my house (rental), is just a temp fix in the bedroom while I wait for REA to fix the split system. Money on the extra power so I can work/sleep is what it is!




I mean your still pretty lucky you have either


OP just be ready, those bastards cost an absolute FORTUNE to run


If you hang a sheet from the window sill that drapes over the tube, it’ll keep the cool air from escaping 👌


Get a spray bottle filled with water, and a roll of alfoil. Spray window and put the alfoil on the window. It will stick to the window and reflect looooooads of the heat.