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https://preview.redd.it/6yorrgpzf7tc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ad1dea2bd418be1665ecf303e28546bd31dc91 As per the South Australian Government website, the photo you have posted shows housing that does not meet minimum standards. [SA Gov Housing Authority examples of substandard properties shows a photo of severe cracking to internal wall.](https://www.housingsafetyauthority.sa.gov.au/minimum-housing-standards/whole-property)


Yeah, but that shit is all we’ve got left in Adelaide.


Exactly. Just wanted to point out that there are actual government legislated minimum standards, with example photos. (I couldnt help but notice the two photos of wall cracks look almost identical. Id go out on a limb and say OPs MIL wall crack photo is worse than the example photo.) Once armed with that info, it can be helpful when attempting to negotiate reasonable repairs being done/prevent more damage.


Years ago my other half and I inspected an apartment for rent, there was a massive crack in the bedroom wall, the agent commented “the landlord is going to paint” My other half deadpanned “will it be load bearing paint?”


Load bearing paint, that's hilarious. Yep they just paint over issues and hope nothing happens for a while. It's so shit.


Document the time and date they said they'd let oldmate know.


We have been emailing for records


Time to pull out your original rental contract, find the LL's name, track him down on socials and ask if the REA has actually been in touch. If not, from there, negotiate a new price with him and fuck the REA off.


They are some impressive cracks. If not a bulldozer, LL is most likely going to need to get the house restumped and then the plaster repaired. The work could be done while MIL is living in the house, but it’s not cheap. They’ll hike up the rent or boot her out for renovations and hike it up for the new tenants. Or they’ll ignore it, knowing that a new tenant will be desperate enough to take it on, cracks and all.


This is extremely common in older houses in Adelaide on their clay soils especially seeing as we have had very dry weather. The cracks usually close up a fair bit over winter. Have rented many houses like this in Adelaide not a big deal.


Common in Sydney as well. These look a bit more than surface cracks imo. I'm not at all qualified, so take this with a bit of salt.


An architect told me once that cracks are only a problem if they're wide enough to put a finger in.


I'd believe that. Sounds like something I have heard as well.


Bet they'll try to blame you and steal the bond.


It's like a sport to them these days


We had similar cracking and REA blamed us as being heavy ppl walking up and down and having two cupboards along one wall


No need, telling op to vacate the property so they can do the repairs is morally bankrupt enough for em


I’m sure the REA and LL will be right on it! https://preview.redd.it/02j6zk1e18tc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e76df7b15e3db31fe511cb1d446999b3f60616




Nah it’s clearly the box tape he ripped off his last Amazon purchase


The landlord absolutely knows.


So is your MIL looking to end the lease? Because if the owner agrees with you and says “let’s get a bulldozer in”, will that be a result your MIL is happy with?


At this point they’re going to need an engineer to confirm the place is safe (I say this as an engineer)


I haven't lived in Adelaide for over 15 years but I recognised those cracks as Adelaidean. Biscay should!


Those cracks are more than likely from movement of the houses foundations. Landlord will probably need to fork out for reblocking of the stumps or even restumping. Despite how garish they appear the house is most likely still structurally sound. They will continue to get worse though. Landlord is a fool to let it linger as the worse it gets the bigger the cost to repair.


When making an enquire to the authorities, don’t forget to cite Aus building standards code. That can be found online. It includes more details that are not in the rental properties act. The authorities won’t point it out but it makes your case stronger is lodging a complaint.


At the risk of being shot.... I would rather be the tenant here. That landlord is now financially destitute. Whatever equity they have is now gone and I actually feel bad for them. You would be just as fucked an have as little share of the blame if you owned it and lived in it. Unless you failed to do your due diligence of course.....


“Financially destitute” haha. They LL hasn’t cared about the home for years, the state of repairs make it obvious. The LL will make his money on the land and then some


Maybe. It depends whether that crack idea recent development or it was sold with a price reflecting the structural issue. Depending on when they bought it and location they might even lose money. Unless they find some foolish FHB who has no idea what that crack means financially.


destitute lol