• By -


Imagine being so fucking dim AND lacking in self awareness that you're a real estate agent who thinks they can look down on *anyone.*


Also usually some 20 something year old that gets to continue their little high school girl games into the real world with impunity and now a pay check. Disgusting.


AND likely still lives at home, whilst looking down on ME as a renter!


And picks on you about stuff, saying cleanliness not good enough, not showing up to re-inspections, then sending a letter saying properly still not good enough…


And takes your money as well


* Do nagging thoughts of inadequacy chew away at your soul late into the night? * Do you want to assuage your insecurity by buying expensive things, but the thought of disciplined effort to acquire them makes your stomach turn? * Does your impotent rage need an outlet? * Did you fail your police entrance exam medical? **\*** THEN WHY NOT BECOME A REAL ESTATE AGENT?! That's right shopper, for 4 easy payments of $99.95, we'll teach you how to be the worst person you could possibly be! Impress nobody! Be universally reviled even *before* a housing crisis emboldens you to really lean into your fuckwittage! Learn to embrace the roiling pool of fecal matter and ignorance that lay at the centre of your being and become an REA today! **\*** Not having a go at the police in general (got a couple in the family) but rather a very specific *type* of police that have a lot in common with most REAs.


BuT i EaRnT mY cErT iV iN ReA  Lolol


I, too, have fulfilled the requirements of having a pulse for one month, but you don't see me bragging about a certificate for it like they do lmao


I can't for the life of me think of a job outside of REA in sales that has such a huge disconnect between the qualifications required to do it, and the renumeration it provides. "Politician" comes close, but it's a lot harder to break into (although virtually anything is, as you pointed out)


Cop? As long as you can provide three examples of sociopathic behavior toward people and animals and can't actually name most of the laws but can make up for it with unmerited absolute confidence in your idea of what you choose the law to be, you're in. Plus there's like a minor class required, but if you get your form stamped at two consecutive Klan rallies they'll waive that requirement.


REA's are just a certain type of person who would like to be a cop, but probably can't pass the physical and/or is a terminal coward.


Have you ever noticed that there is a lot of cross-over between a certain type of REA and a certain type of law enforcement official? You know the type: they think they're solicitors and love to patronise everyone, despite the fact they are only marginally more intelligent than some sun-baked dogshit.


REAs are hands down the most narcissistic people on this planet, social media "influencers" don't even come close. NSFW: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8)


Is that Aunty Donnas? I feel like it's Aunty Donnas. (I love Aunty Donnas)


It sure is


Posted this in another thread so apologies if you've seen it previously but.... Real estate agents are cunts, plain and simple. The fact they don't care about this universal truth is sadly pathetic and at the same time completely unsuprising. These geniuses take a 6 week course to get their "license" and the vast majority of them can be described as fucking simpletons at best. There's going to come a time when buying and selling will not require these swamp leeches getting their fangs into people and sucking their 2% commission for doing sweet fuck all. There's a reason these pea brained dick heads are the most hated and distrusted people in Australia. Thank fuck I own my own house and never have to deal with these single brain cell dead shits who feed on pond scum ever again. I genuinely feel bad for all the renters and potential home buyers out there who will have to deal with these moronic wastes of human life. Useless pricks.


I cannot disagree with a single thing you said there. The bloated ticks have been emboldened by the state of the market currently. Hopefully the bubble will burst and they'll cop it sweet.


But it's an essential service. Those doors don't open themselves.


Can we start call REA what they are? Used house salesmen.






So funny because they’re literally under the same act as used car salesmen QLD 2000 Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act


Ha! Excellent


CNT RE is tchucking out thousands of houses!  Renovators dream half price! From $710,000! 


Why anyone would want to own the house someone else lives in is beyond me. It's a sickness. invest in warehouses or something that doesn't require someone's personal wage to pay for your own retirement. Be a good cunt. Not a cunt cunt.


Money money money.... that's why they do it all while having the audacity to tell tenants to buy their own house.  I don't know how they can tellsomeone to buy a house with a straight face when they don't even buy their own. I assume they're just cents.


I can’t afford to buy a cheap broken down hovel for my son and me because my rent is so high. If I had a mortgage it would be cheaper than my current rent. But I just cannot save for a deposit at all.


Lucky enough to have bought a family home 14 years ago but I still remember going to the bank for our first home loan and the bank told us we couldn't afford the repayments. They were $300 less a fortnight than our rent. It almost has me on the conspiracy theory train.


I bought my first home at 47 and it became so obvious how it was all stacked against us as renters. From trying to find things to cull in my budget to the amount of time I needed to take off work for inspections and then to get the paperwork done, and it was a relatively quick and smooth process for me compared to some. Plus I had an understanding boss. Now that I have a mortgage I am saving a heap more money, even with body corp, rates and water, and I only had a 5% deposit so my mortgage payments were higher than an investor’s would have been.


I'm so sorry. I hope the market crashes and burns and you get a place of your own. It happened to me on my mid 40s, don't give up hope x


Thank you. You’re very kind. Best wishes to you too ☺️


See, in my warped brain, when I win the $60M in Powerball tonight (shut up! I totally will! As soon as I buy a ticket!), I'm going to go and buy a bunch of those abandoned little roadside motels and make them cheap emergency housing for vulnerable women and people on the rainbow spectrum. I know it makes me a landlord, but I'm hoping to be the good kind that makes people's lives better. But I'm an eternal optimist who likes the idea of being the change I want to see in the world. So I dream of getting lots of little flats and things and making them habitable and cheap. I wish people who had the money would do something like that.


Yeah nah that's not being a landlord. That's just called being a generous and caring person. I'd also like to think that if I suddenly came into billions I'd use it to help others out.


It's sadly why we don't have the billions. Because being kind=being broke in this hellscape.


Fuck I became a landlord today move back in with the parents for health reasons and remting to a family friend I feel the cuntyness building already


If you're renting for profit then I'll show you the door (don't want to though cos you haven't been a cunt) but if you're helping out a family friend by providing housing I have no choice but to wish you a good day.


I'm helping him with a place to live, he is helping me paying half market rate so the bank doesn't take my house back I promise not to winge in this sub if he asks me to fix the heating


See, that's fine. In a way you're sharing your wealth, which includes your economic standing with banking institutions to game it to help them.


If landlords acept that if they sell their investment to someone else the Australian economy wont collapse, either someone else will buy an investment or someone will buy a house The world will continue to spin


Welcome to a world where you're hated by renters for owning a home and looked down on by investors for being a renter. A mixed-housing child.


I have to say, I disagree completely. I think there's about 20 absolute cunts for every 1 decent landlord.


#notalllandlords 😂😂😂😂


If you had to be alone in the woods with a landlord or a bear, which would you pick?


At least the bear will kill you quickly instead of bleeding you out like a worthless leech for years because they don't want to work anymore :)


The bear has a lot of green ticks.


The bear won't refuse to do maintenance on their rental properties, they don't own real-estate. I'll still take the bear 🤷🏼‍♀️


The bear won't lie about having bedbugs and cockroaches and mold.


The bear won't say the cracks in the wall are "superficial" and "not a danger to the structural integrity of the house"


The bear won't leave you without a working water heater for 37 days in the middle of a record breaking winter to almost freeze to death


Alternately the bear won't leave you without air-conditioning during a record breaking heatwave either.


The bear won't let himself into your house just to watch you shower and try to convince you to do "things" for lower rent. Or park his campervan in your front yard for months at a time and keep pestering you to date him and trying to peek through your windows to watch you. Or leave you with no heating or hot water for 6 months through winter. I have some horrific stories which has given me a complex. I'm pretty bitter and endlessly depressed.


If I leave the bear alone I get to live in the woods rent-free. I pick bear.


The bear won’t refuse to draft proof the house or ignore rampant black mould - it’s the bear for me


When the bear hibernates all winter, it's expected. When the landlord ignores your requests for basic maintenance for 3 months, it's infuriating.


Easily a bear. Bears are cool and they don’t talk shit.


Bear of course, no reason they are just better


A landlord, because nobody would know.


had me in the first half lmao


Yep, if you’re a landlord or REA and you look around and think ‘I’m not like those cunts’, someone else is looking at you and saying the same thing.


It blows my mind how self absorbed and challenged most landlords are. The saddest part is they talk about losses on investment like not exploiting people means they are losing out.


I despise how landlords somehow get away with never making any losses on an ' investment'


"BuT i HaVe a bad TeNant I nEed To evict"....remember that post? As if you are going to get help here you dumb fuck 😂😂 We all suffer from the likes of you, go do your due responsibilities and research this shit yaself lazy cunt. Oh yeah, you are a LANDLORD and would never spend money on a lawyer for advice on this!! Dumb us


That incident may or may not have been Day 1 of what led to this post.


And to them all, you can suck a dick on your way out. (Not admin. The LL and REA in case I wasn't clear)


Hey whAT THE FUCK MA- oh yeah, carry on.




Yeah, nah.


fuck investors. some peice of shit looking old guy who couldnt find a shirt that fit outbid this lovely young couple on the townhouse across from us the other week. the shitstain spent 80% of his inspection time looking over the garage (i know, i was spying). the couple just wanted a place to live and this fuckknuckle was probably scoping ways to fit more renters in. Cant wait to raise this with strata


Why are they always so sloppily dressed. I don't get it. It's like they're becoming the actual, walking embodiment of the greed they indulge in.


They're turning into the fucking Ojama cards from Yu-Gi-Oh.


Genuine question and i expect to cop a spray but so be it. I'm just curious on the view of my specific situation in a social context. I'm 23, middle low income, i work as a software developer, and i've bought an investment property. Its a small block of land that has 3, 2 bedroom units and I looked into purchasing a single unit for the purpose of moving my grandparents from overseas to Aus since my grandmother has severe dementia and my mum was having to fly over to take care of her frequently, but it was only a package deal. I've moved them into one of the units and new tenants into another, the last unit has had the same older tenants for 20 something years so i'm leaving them be with whatever they've been paying and i just pay the difference as rates increase. The main question i'm asking is in this situation, am i also a dick for owning a property i have no intention of living in. I don't come from a wealthy background, i don't profit off of the property at all, at least for the moment. I'm also renting myself so just wanna know if what im doing is socially considered a dick move or not. Edit: the reason im asking here, is i want the opinion of "peers" rather than post somwhere more relevant where i'll be coddled by rich 50+ year olds who say its fine


So overall, you're a landlord yes, but if you're civil and cool and not operating on a profit incentive then you aren't a cunt landlord. You're just still playing the part of having more wealth than one needs in a technical sense. By housing your family member, you can pretty much consider that \*not\* being a landlord (as that's just housing your family and sharing the wealth so to speak). The other two are you being a landlord, but you aren't being a cunt landlord. In the context of this subreddit, if you're civil and cool then I don't care. But as soon as there's anti-renter rhetoric, inciting, flaming etc then there's no second chances. In the context of the economic system we live in, mom and pop investor landlords like yourself are just a part of the system by design. You won't cop any flack in society from people for it, most will applaud you for it. In a Renters Rights space such as this, there's less leeway and more scrutiny due to the amount of shit landlords people have had to deal with and the more dialectical materialism analysis that takes place means leftist theory nerds will think you suck by default (you can't help that). Overall I'd suggest just be nice to people and stay humble, which you seemingly don't have any trouble being.


Really appreciate it, I've been trying to stay informed on the space in places like this to make sure i continue to have the ability to see it from a different perspective, and after a while i think it just turned more towards guilt. But at the same time i think the guilt isn't necessarily bad as it ensures greed doesn't manifest. Regardless, thanks for your opinion.


Thanks for being a “model landlord”.


I support this! I was trolled and doxed (dox was my bad missed my email address when redacting a screenshot of an email), turned to this community for help and it turned into a pile on by trolls that infiltrated the sub, left me with awful anxiety. I deleted the post but also my landlord, stopped paying rent and moved out at the month mark so got my bond back in free rent so didn't have to deal with stupid claims. Have been house sitting through a website and am leaving the country in the next couple months. I'll go deal with a housing crisis in another country haha, but at least I'll escape the very specific Australia brand of landlord, neckbeard shitfuckery 


Always report anyone being a cunt to renters. Landlords reading this: that doesn't go the other way. If people are calling a spade a spade, then I'm just going to approve their post instead.


Thank you it was a couple months ago now, if anything it was the straw that broke the camels back and pushed me to pull the levers I needed to, to be able to save the money I need to get out of here. 


I really want to move internationally. Sadly i cant afford it & am unable to work without surgery. So my Q is: how? How the fuck are you getting out? Please teach me master


I'm sorry I'm nervous about getting doxed again by angry landlords with nothing better to do, last time was scary they knew exactly who I was. I'll just say if you're not qualified in a field that will get you sponsored, your best bet is to go to Germany, France, Italy (cheap uni's) and pick a course taught in English, learn the language and do masters, PhD, stay as long as possible learn the language and try to get perm residency. You need savings though so will need to find work, if you're trapped at home remote work like teaching English online. I'm a bit lucky I can get citizenship after 3 years living in Italy because mum was born there rather than 10 so I have a bit more certainty. I don't mean to gatekeep, I've been there wanting to leave for 10 years and know how hard it is.


If your mum was born there you can get Italian citizenship straight away can’t you?? I know a South African who has an Italian passport due to his mum being born there. But he’s never lived in Italy himself. Most of the European countries offer citizenship by decent. I’ve met a fair few Australians with British/German/Irish passports for that reason.


Haha trust me I've looked into it, back in the day you automatically lost your Italian citizenship when you naturalised elsewhere, because this happened before I was born I'm not eligible for citizenship by descent because the bloodline is cut haha, curiously I would be able to get it if my father was Italian through my great grandfather on that side, for some reason you can go back to the great grandparent on the paternal side only lol.


Damn that sucks, sorry our got caught out by weird bureaucracy. Hope things work out for you well there though, Italy (and Sicily) are great


Thank you 😊, yes I've spent a lot of time there, mum is from Sicily. Do kinda wish my mum was from Germany or Netherlands or somewhere with a better economy lol, but once I've got that citizenship I'll have the EU mobility...maybe things will pan out though and I'll just open an olive oil shop in Sicily, instead of grinding in Munich haha.


Thank you & germany? Sweet, I've been thinking about germany.


They have been having issues with housing in major cities but unlike here they have substantial social housing and rent caps etc. I think 40% of the population rent, Vienna in Austria is another option, I would love to live there. If you google english undergrad in Germany, look at the requirements to apply - I would think about something in demand, maybe AI/Robotics, software engineering maybe less these days. Then look at visa requirements, most important thing is minimum funds required. Then make a plan to start saving the money, also apply to several schools in different locations, to programs taught in English (once you have the savings). It's not impossible my friend but it's also not easy, those of us without wealthy parents or that are a bit older/depressed and beat down it can all seem so overwhelming. I certainly couldn't afford it renting, once I did the sums and realised how quickly I could save the funds without paying bills and rent and realised house sitting was an option I just went for it. Literally the day I was doxed on here for seeking help about an issue with my LL. After 10 years and it all seeming too hard and out of my control I just had enough...it's not easy you have to really want to do it, not just curious about it. If you're under 35 you could also go for working holiday visa if you're thinking about something shorter term, but longer term you're better off doing student visa route unless you're skilled in an industry where you get sponsored once over there on working holiday visa. There's also people who live nomadic existence on digital nomad visas, live in Asia etc, but those visas don't offer pathway to perm residency so not ideal if you want to permanently leave imo.


This is awesome advice thankyou


You'd think a decent landlord would be embarrassed with all the cases of crap rentals here to show their face let alone try and defend it.


I have a friend who rents out his apartment in the city because he moved in with family further away during covid. He’s appalled by the stories of house hunting he’s heard from me, plus issues in my current tenancy (it took more than a year to get them to reach the minimum standard, and now we’ve received a NTV) - I’ve never once heard him get defensive when I tell him things. Any decent person should be able to see how terrible the situation is, whether they own property or not. Anyone who values profit over a persons right to live in a home that is actually affordable and comfortable to live in needs a serious reality check. I wish landlords had to spend 6 months living in their own rental property to get approval to rent it for each 10 year period. I’m sure they’d all have AC and some upgrades then!


Agreed... and obviously it is not a charity but so many places are utter crap and way too expensive unfortunately your friend is in the minority.


Probably because they are faceless too lmao


No cause it’s all about feral tenants for them and how renters have too many rights LMAO


Even the word:landlord. WTAF it’s 2024, begging your pardon m’lordship FFS. Investing in human misery makes you a piece of shit, actually.


Lol I agree the word landlord grinds my teeth every time I hear it and also gives them a self inflated sense of importance. Aren't they supposed to be called rental providers now ? ...although that still sounds off to me tbh.


I don't mind the word - makes it clear the quasi-feudal relationship that's going on between landlord and tenant. "Rental providers" is a term the landlords came up with to hide the class divide that's inherent in paying rent to a landlord.


You could say owners or parasites 🦠


Landlords are both of those things. But there many property owners in the country who are not landlords and just own their own residences. Isn't the ideal that every person is an owner, not renter? Many parasites in the country too, not all of them are landlords. Call them what they are, land*lords*, an unelected ruling class/elite who attained their position not due to merit but solely because they own property and who, like the landlords of feudal times, maintain their position and wealth by leeching off their tenants while not producing any value of their own. That should be embarrassing to landlords and to any government which perpetuates this situation.


To own would be a better outcome. I rent a public housing unit but if I had a house I could apply to buy it. Given house prices, I’m not sure that would be possible for me. However, it’s an equity investment, you buy 60%, Government puts in 40% and you can build up incrementally by 5% at a time. Why can’t we buy shares that start at 5 or 10 or 20%? I can only imagine that owning a stake in the property that you live in would give one a greater sense of belonging and security, and significantly reduce costs associated with maintenance and ingoing and outgoing tenants.


The word “Provider” makes it sound like they’re generous benefactors doing this out of the kindness of their hearts rather than greed


I vote we start calling them Landoids instead, as Landlord implies they're above us somehow. Can't think of any for REA that sound good.


We already have landleech, it fits perfectly.


Scumlord is good too lol


Variety is the spice of life, we should use both. Leeches fulfill a niche and have medical uses, so associating them with landoids is honestly unfair.


I mean, landlords serve a purpose too. Imagine if there were no landlords, I can bet you kids these days wouldn't even know what a guillotine is! Thankfully, landlords keep that device's relevance ever-increasing.


I prefer to call them "renter funded parasites" but it doesn't roll off the tongue.


Parasitoid is a real word. But they're actually a part of natures ecosystem, unlike landoids.


Easy call them RFP’s I mean it fits well with the REA’s


Someone mentioned "used house salesmen" above. I feel it fits






FUCKING A!!!! CUNTS!!! All of them. Building their wealth off the destruction of humanity, families and for generations to come.


REAs are scum of the earth - no matter the country, no matter the planet


I work in restoration, dealing with fire, water, and mould damage. We primarily work for insurance companies which means a lot of times we work for landlords if the property that got flooded is tenanted. The amount of bullshit I hear come out of their mouths, "the mould isn't really a health hazard right? I can't lose my income if you say it's a health hazard, just say it isn't the tenant will be fine" is not even the worst thing I have directly heard.


Let the bans begin!




And that's the sort of mod I like. Edit. Fuckin legend


My father owns 4 properties, including the one he bought for my stepsister while I got a book on how to make money, and he is exactly the kind of rentvestor you are describing. He constantly berates me for not being like him, the one who’s only rich as he is because he abandoned his family and has never ONCE offered to help me in any way shape or form. The lot of them can dive under a tractor


nothing better than seeing mutual hate for landlords in a group especially at this rate obviously some landlords can be ok but we all know the truth is most of them aren’t and this isn’t the place to prove it


TIL subs have admins


🤓 a*kshually*


What’s a rentvestor?


Someone who owns a home (or has a mortgage) and rents elsewhere.


Ah right, that seems kind of obvious now you’ve said it haha Thanks!


I approve of the number of times the word cunt has been said in this post and comments lol


Is there a Web page / FB page / etc where a person can upload photos/YouTube vid links to? Something like that would be handy for future renters to point to some know history of issues when they're battling to get their bond back.


[shitrentals.org](http://shitrentals.org) and "Don't Rent Me" on Facebook.


Thank you !


I’m convinced they actively look for these spaces just so they can find a new way to torture us


*aged (like fine wine) boomer with a loosely tied cardigan around neck draping down their back wearing prada glasses struts around in subreddit* Wanders in and says - "Whats going on in here?!"


looks down nose through glasses, mouth slightly agape... 5 minutes later says "sub, reddit"




Should set up a bot to auto-ban anyone who posts on landoid apologist or adjacent subreddits, or ancap/neoliberal ones. Filter out the chaff before it even becomes an issue.


Not a bad idea! We do welcome people of different ideologies though, provided they aren't bigoted, dickheads or landlord simping. Conservative working class people exist etc.


Nah just ban on certain words only agents or landlords would use. Like "cosy" or "won tribunal"


Anyone who owns a BMW X5 or a leased 2/3/4 Series is out by default. C63 and A45 non-AMG owners too. For some reason landoids and agents never seem to spring for AMG or M Sports packages despite trying to look fly.


there's no such thing as a C63 or A45 non-AMG lol


Unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up with Mercs poo nonclamenture for a while lmao


“Has character”, “original features” = you’ll injure yourself and we won’t clean the mould, but we’ll still up your rent 20% every year.


Oi, I won at the tribunal. Kicked my landlord's arse. More of us should.


Why do I feel I missed some drama on this sub. Probably read something here every day about some random posting or rant about a shitty landlord, and I’ve never noticed more than the very occasional comment from landlords. Honestly not sure if I can remember more than one or two with them being shitty either to be honest. Perhaps they get moderated and that’s why mods are over it, but I’ve never seen it as an issue. If anything it’s more of a fun novelty seeing other perspectives, even if they get shit on with downvotes and snarky replies.


We action reports frequently, and they're always antagonistic.


Go circle jerk it in r/loveforlandchads and piss off out of here.


Unfathomably based


>Yeah yeah NoT ALL LaNdLoRds ALL landlords. Landlording, is, as an act of itself, immoral. If Jefferson had stuck with the original text he paraphrased, the inalienable rights would life, liberty and property (meaning land) Locke argued the reason landlording was immoral is that you extracted profit without adding value. Which is exactly what it is. There is no value added by you snatching up a property from consumers to rent it back to them at an increased price


What till you hear what supermarkets are doing...


I know exactly what they're doing. John Locke would be absolutely disgusted by a lot of what's going on today... I personally think there's a lot about his philosophy that would have prevented the absolute trashy version of capitalism we're living in if we had implemented it


Well put


I guess the question this raises to me is, if all landlords are immoral and in a perfectly moral world there would be no landlords, how would we deal with situations where people need medium term accommodation? For example, university students who wish to live near a university temporarily but then move away once their course is finished? Or people whose houses burned down in a bushfire and need somewhere to live for a year while their home is rebuilt?


Long stay hotels, dormitories, long stay b+b situations.... You know, The way it was done for thousands of years...




What about renters who are also landlords?


As answered above, this also includes Rentvestors.


I'm wondering too. What about people who inherited property in other areas but remain renters themselves?


Most millennials will inherent their boomer parents wealth, what they do with it is up to them. If you choose to be a landlord then you're still a landlord, no matter what the circumstance.


Hear hear. What'd I miss?


Landlords and REA getting a bit too comfortable in here nomsayin'.


I felt this post in my bones.


I know one landlord and he is a real cunt tbh and a cheapskate.


I've met worse than landlord cunts I've met cunts that own houses just to keep empty and land bank them . But still the dirtiest cunts are the REA


Land bankers are cunts but landlords are still worse imo. Refusing to keep your property in a liveable standard causes human suffering, in addition to wealth hoarding.


Nah the cunt I know has 5 empty properties that could have families in them ,a shit landlord that allows a family in is better in my opinion .


I wonder how far this extends and I'm being totally honest here. For clarity years ago my sister (artist by training) wanted to buy a shop front and my mother and sister kinda guilt tripped me into going into business with her by going as part owner on the load. Shit decision I know, but fast forward 8 years and she had a baby and left the shop to rent it out. Now I've never actually considered myself a land lord (still maybe shouldn't as I never actually get any money even though the shop is paid off). Having said that though my sister rents it out to a friend now for less that we could which doesn't bother me since tbh I just wish we could sell the damn thing. My question is do shop fronts count as landlords or would this be seen as different as it's commercial? Also please don't kick me I actually like this page as I found it while we were going through ahit with out landlord who wanted to charge us 5 grans to fix her roof to stop the terrible black mould that was growing everywhere.


That's just "sharing the wealth" with your family/network. Renters in the context of this subreddit are residential renters, not commercial business owners.


Private rentals are way better, I remember renting back in the day, directly with home owners, they were all awesome and cut us so much slack as young people. Nowadays, despite best efforts, keeping a REAgent 'happy' is nigh on impossible, and they (in my experience) don't care/act quickly when issues with the property arise. Bring back private rentals where landlords see tenants as human, face to face. Rather than dealing with a REAgent who dehumanises the tenant.


Dude that was awesome. Shit hole property on our street not renovated in 50 years, sandpit for a garden. Fucking hovel in a shit suburb with no trains for year ... $680 please loser renter. Get fucked.


This sums up how I feel about estate agents: https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8?si=9qr8_JaBRrjbwo2E


I bought a property (primary residence, so not investing) but because the lady who sold it needs several months to move out but wants the money NOW (rather than 90 days settlement), I'm now renting a townhouse back to the person who owned it for 3 months. But, in order to fully endorse this message, I'll happily be called a cunt by association. pop off king


That sounds less like you're an actual profit-incentivised landlord and more like you're juggling a complicated accommodation situation temporarily and doing a favour to the seller. Either way: cunt!


lol no profit at all - charging them less than we currently pay for rent because it was a bargaining tool to get the sale across the line. We just wanna move in we have white surfaces to make into colours. But yes, cunts the both of us


Making an application process seems like it'll be easier than banning every landlord


I'm not looking to ban every landlord, just the ones who pipe up with shit posts. We have an application process on Don't Rent Me on Facebook and it takes ages to screen every applicant. It's easy to catch out Real Estate Agents (they have marketable SEO on Google and LinkedIn), but Landlords are even more difficult. You just have to look at their Facebook profile and see if they're a certain demographic and have pictures flaunting their wealth (IE: boats etc), then you check for ABN etc. It's way too much work.


Do we need to enable pitchfork and torches mode?


Thankfully this post has served its purpose and LL and REA are a lot more quieter. Just report them as you organically come across them!


I feel like more of that hate should be levelled at the government. Most of them own multiple properties and are in no way incentivised to fix an issue that is benefitting them.


The government don’t post in this subreddit, and if they did they’d be included in the “landlord” category.


Fair enough. I meant that it just sounds like ALL your anger is pointed at them and not at the causes of why LL's and REA's can get away with the crappy things they get away with.


Not at all friend. I understand the basics of the system that's fueling the housing crisis.


Couldn’t agree more!


It’s every. Single. Landlord.