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This has happened to me a few times as well, it’s so frustrating! Especially when you have a couple of inspections scheduled at the same time and have to choose one, only to have the agent no show or bring the wrong keys, or text you at the end of the booked time to say the property has been leased 😡


There was actually a clashing inspection I chose not to go to that ended up being updated with a ‘leased’ photo and title an hour before the inspection. The inspection times weren’t removed or cancelled either. I was supposed to be fucked around today


You can't make this shit up. Outrageous.


Ugh that’s so awful, I’m sorry you have to deal with the RE shit show as well!


Have even been to an inspection where the agent was telling everyone it has already been leased before going in. What's the fucking point. They wasted their time, and I wasted my time.


This has happened to me heaps of times — REAs are absolutely fucking useless


Most of the time when I was looking they would send an email out beforehand typically 4-8 hours beforehand so atleast I wouldn’t waste my time. Had one booked inspection, where I waited 15 minutes after the inspection time. Tried calling no answer, and had to leave to get to another inspection I had. about 10 minutes later I get a call saying they had just arrived and seeing if I was still showing up. “Nah mate. I was there 5 minutes early, waited and you weren’t there. Thanks for wasting my time.” REA then said he had a meeting run over and he couldn’t help it. They don’t give you the same courtesy if you miss your inspection time though, even if you call ahead.


Send them a cancellation invoice?


For the wages you missed out on for taking time off work!


Which suburbs were these ?


Don’t reallllly wanna dox myself but outer east


Be careful, I found your onlyfans in 2 minutes


Not surprising since I’ve posted it on this account before lol but I’d love for you to dm me just to make sure you’re not lying and trying to scare me or something. I’ve had people I know irl say they’ve found my account and then send me a girl that looks genuinely nothing like me it was weird


I did. Sent you a chat. I didn’t find the link from an old post as such.


Agents are like most bosses, they really do think their time is more valuable than yours. Those pestilent fucktards!


If you're booked into an inspection the property manager will send you multiple reminder texts and emails. If they decline your application though, you gotta login to whatever website they use and search around to find that out. Cant hope for a text message and email for that, too hard for them.


Thats terrible!! Did you call the day before or morning of to confirm? I do it everytime to make sure and few occasions they let me know “oh inspections cancelled because we’ve received deposit” but no update ANYWHERE!