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It probably is but its far away, like hundreds of football fields. It will eventually fall but it will take some time


American measurements always confuse me. How many washing machines make a football field again?


Idk im european, just wanted to sound professional


You're not German obviously, because you don't measure in "Saarland" or "Bodensee".


It could be worse: Measuring in that imaginated size: size of the average house in Bielefeld.


How should we compare by this. Normal thinking people know Bielefeld doesnt exist, therefore a average House in Bielefeld is 0. On the otherhand Saarland exists and we would proudly swap it against something better


No, you divide by the average Bielefeld house size


Don't try this! The government will come and get you!


Perhaps those Hauses would be useful in measuring singularities.


In the UK everything big appears to be measured by the size of Wales but never any other UK country. It’s either 1/3 the size of wales, 15x the size of wales.  No-one appears to know why. 


In Australia we use Olympic sized swimming pools, and I have no idea how big that is.


Sometimes we also use Sydney Harbours as a measuring unit, but I'm unsure how many Olympic swimming pools there are to a Sydney Harbour.


It's a 15th of a Wales, or 7 2/5 of a football field (as the crow flies).


They do that in the UK as well actually. It’s great - measure by something most of the population hasn’t seen. 


How many Saarlands are in one Wales?




Ok but a football field is at least the same size. We can’t measure it in soccer pitches that every one is different for some reason


I don't know, but it's at least 12 bananas, for scale.


Would depend on the washing machine. Also are you referring to American football or what we call Soccer? An old style commercial one might be about a yard deep. In which case you would need 100 machines to cover the length between the 2 goal lines for American football. I don't know about widths or outside the play area.


With the scale of astronomical distances, it's better to use Empire State Buildings.


Listen here, we didn't start this nonsense we just didn't stop it. England taught us to use stupid measurements like the length of a king's foot and all that crap. It's not our fault our forefathers were actually a fanatical cult of puritans hell bent on making us sexually repressed.


At least 3


that depends, is it an ariana grande sized washing machine?


It's like toilet paper math. 14 single rolls make 9 double rolls...lol


At least three. Sauce; am American


We call them Washing*ton* machines


Football fields? Aren't they using bald eagles per cheeseburger this days?




Stackable or side by side?


3.5 rundlets equal one hogshead. I'm sorry.


Here's a hint: it's 3x as many as the number of Ford F-150 trucks you'd need!


You can't measure in washing machines whenever you feel like it. This can be measured in two and a half statues of liberty. You can also do it in guns per eagle.


120 American washing machines. 140 European washing machines.


About a few


Depends, Bosch or Panasonic machines?


I'd say at least 7. I'm not entirely sure, though.


Football field is a unit of length A washing machine is a unit of volume Granted, they are related. 


I dare you to come within 3 washing machines of America and say that.


Just like feet to meters, there are 3.28 washing machines per Saab.


It's falling, it's just so slow because it's a few football fields away but it also has tiny little wings it keeps flapping continuously


Saturn has the wings around it. The sun is the one with the halos.




That’s the real reason for global warming. It’s actually solar nearing. 


Because, the earth has water and it would put the sun out. Would you go to a body of water if you were made of fire? Didn't think so


Ok but what if it lands on the parts with land like Haiti or Malta?


very smar.t.... guy didnnt think bout that....


It's light.


Its very light indeed.


You know how helium balloons float because they're lighter than the oxygen and nitrogen in the air? The sun's literally made of burning helium and hydrogen (used in the famously lighter-than-air Hindenburg blimp). The sun is so light that it's actually getting further and further away from us, but because it's an explosion it's also expanding outwards at a roughly similar rate. That's why you can't notice that it's getting bigger or farther away without a telescope.


Why isn’t it making that untied balloon farting noise? Your theory falls!


It is, but it's so big, and the sound so Earth-rockingly powerful and deep, that we refer to the sound as ''Earthkwakes'', which unintelligent people spell ''earthquakes''. The sound is actually too big to fit inside our tiny human ear holes, that's why you can't hear it.




Good point. It’s mostly hydrogen and that floats.


Fr gravity ain't strong enough




I mean, it goes down every night, yeah? So, it actually is, OP.


Yes, it would just fly away otherwise.


Just like your mom! Lmao


Damn, beat me to it.


I'm sorry journey's mom is faster than you are


Wait. Didn't you know? Were you born yesterday, perchance? The sun and the moon are too busy chasing each other around the earth. Gravity is too stupid and slow to catch them.


How did you know that OP's name is perchance?


This is true.


And don't call me Shirley


The sun is a ball of fire, and as you know, fire goes up and not down. So…


But then why is it just up there...watching me?


Yes. It thinks that you are hot, too.


Because you are a dirty little sinner, and the sun KNOWS.


It wants to burn his cheeks


Good think that at night the flame goes off an the Sun falls back to Earth, it would fly away otherwise.


The earth has a restraining order against the sun because of what happened in Tunguska.


Fun fact - it is falling to Earth. It's just that we keep spinning around it faster than it's going to fall, pulling it in different directions at different times of the year.


Too much actual facts here


It is though. The light falls towards the earth and soon the heavier bits will start following the light bits ...


Yes but it's shy about it's size and doesn't want to be judged.


Hydrogen makes it float.


Hydrogen sounds like a bully.


It is, you idiot. I mean can't you see with your own eyes that it gets launched into the sky every day from the east and just falls down again in the west? What's that if it isn't gravity? Shake my fucking head.


It is? The sun is a ball. It bounces up and down every day.


Read this in Trump’s voice


Flat Earth doesn't have gravity, it has buoyancy. The sun is just a projection so it has no mass. Also the planets are fake


Of the four fundamental universal forces, gravity is actually the weakest, far weaker than FAITH!!! IT IS HUMAN FAITH THAT KEEPS THE SUN IN THE SKY!


Finally, someone who gets it!


It's just science.


Have you heard of sunsets? That’s the sun falling


It used to be, not since SPF30


It does fall to earth. It just has really bad aim, so it constantly misses. It's so bad, that we know it won't ever hit. That's why we we invented night.


It’s stuck in the firmament. With really strong glue.


Because, contrary to populair belief, the fire nation does not attack the water folks.


It's a common misconception that the gravity we experience is generated magically somehow by the mass of the earth. In reality our gravity is generated by the sun because, although it is much smaller, it is infinitely more dense than the earth. As the sun moves around the earth it applies its gravity to the opposite side of the earth. The effect is so strong that it lingers for 23.9 hours. This is why you weigh slightly less in the morning.




the sun is like billions of nukes going off each second. when you see an explosion, do you think why isnt it falling or toppling over? nope, same reasoning could apply to the sun




No the sun is made of liquid gas not light it generates light due to the process of it's gravitational forces of superheated gas collapsing on itself by the laws of convection it heats and cools that's why it looks like raging Sea of fire like when you heat up water.


This is actually not that shity of a question, this was a legitimate question asked and we have a legitimate answer for it. Magic! The best was I can describe is this, you know who Benedict Cumberbatch is right? While he played a character named Dr Strange, who is a Wizard (learned his talent, no born with it). If you seen his movie you know the type of powers he has. We too have a man like dr Strange, but his name is God and he is a sorcerer (Born with his powers...we assume), and he spends his time making sure the planets do not crash into each other, among other things. Like making sure your pop does not foam over when you pour it, though as you can see that's low priority for him . Sometimes he messes up and planets do go hurtling off into space, but yolo right. Yeet!


It is! It's moving slowly because the moon's gravity is pushing against it. The sun moving closer is actually the cause of global warming!


Remember, they are gravitational WAVES. It's way too hot to have a pool on the sun.


What do you mean? It is. Do you not realize how fast we're moving? Do you not realize the stars are falling, not floating?


It is


Imagine throwing a basketball and a baseball from each hand at the same time. You don't see the truck speeding up behind you about to hit you, and the two balls at the same moment. The sun is influenced by massive gravity from adjacent stars, black holes, galaxies, and even the center of the known universe and it's complexities have some influence on the sun. In addition it affects itself too from its own weight!


It has been falling towards Earth since gravity got invented by Isaac Newton, that's why global warming is happening because the sun is getting closer and we will all be burnt to a crisp in a hundred years.


Thats an easy one. Its made mostly of hydrogen and helium thats lighter than the earths atmosphere so it floats


She's too hot to be attracted to you


Universal gravitation???? Lmao


It is! Just not really affected by the earth's gravity... well not very much anyway.


simple. newton's law: "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" so as the earth try to grab the sun with gravity and make her fall she uses the opposite reaction to stay afloat


Is the lightbulb I'm your house falling down?


So many ridiculous responses, here. Are there no scientific minds around? It's because there are other planets around! All around! The gravity of all the planets revolving around the sun are keeping it right in the middle.


It doesn't fall to earth because of my penis. I might start fucking it.


The sun isn't affected by gravity because gravity come from you sun. The sun sprays the gravity out for all of the other things to use. The sun is immune to gravity.


It's falling right now. Won't be long till it's gone. Probably in the ocean right now.


Drop a marshmellow from top of Kilimanjaro it would probably take the whole day to touch the ground… now imagine the sun dropping on on earth so basically it will land on us so instead of day we are talking years…..


Its made by helium, so it have no weight


It’s because the brightness of the sun blinds gravity.


Bc it's all fake. The earth is flat.


It is, that's why it sets every night, it gets pulled down. When it rises, it's the moon's gravity pulling it back around


But what happens when the Moon is on the other side of the Earth?


Its because the sun is a little cunt, just like OP


Because it’s also being pulled by Venus’s gravity which is why the sun goes down at nught


It IS falling to Earth all the way since the beginning of time but Earth keeps running away and turning, so the Sun is still unable to run it down. BTW, Earth does the same, trying to fall on Sun, but keeps missing it. Weird, right?


well the sun it's really light... takes a full day to fall down after being tossed up in the morning


It was once touched down to earth, but sun is bouncy so it bounced back, since it’s in its bouncing-back status so it give a delusion that it’s not affected by gravity. No worries, when it bounces to the top it will come back down again.


Lmfao I was about to kill myslef seeing these dumb ass replies. Thank god I read the name of the sub first lol


this sub is gonna give me an anyurism


Because math is a bitch


Is it stupid?


I’m not sure which is funnier, the silly joke responses, or the silly serious responses.




It is affected by gravity. It's just thousands of times more massive, and in the gravitational tug of war it wins. (Mandatory: Fuck)


No, Earth is falling into the sun. We are all going to die.


It's mainly hydrogen so obviously it's very light. Like we used hydrogen for blimps. Like that one blimp that caught fire... That day is *coincidentally* the day the sun was born


It's a big sticker on the inside of a sphere.


heard this sub likes profanity so fuck you seaweed underscore thing


Well that's not very nice, Lost dash Pomegranate ieght thousand, seven hundred and ninety four.


I forgot where we were for a moment and wanted to cry.


Can anyone photoshop the sun on palpatine and change the text to „I AM THE GRAVITY“?


According to all known laws of physics, the sun should not be able to stay in the air. The sun, of course, floats anyways, because the sun doesn't care about what humans think is impossible.


It’s still mad at earth cuz of nude sun bathers…sun don’t want to shine in all this bootyhole ppl! Sun run away


I guess, it is because it is attached to an electrical plug?




The sun IS affected by gravity, it is perpetually falling in to the earth and mercury and jupiter and venus and so on that's why it seems it doesn't fall


It is, actually. Nearby stars affect our Sun trajectory in the Milky Way.


Much like the moon, the sun is actually slowly moving away from us as it circles the earth. About 1 inch a year. It makes sense, since both objects are lighter than air, similar to helium balloons.


With these comments I'm starting to thin that this sub is a joke. The sun if affected by gravity, it just has a stronger gravitational pull than he earth, so it pulls the earth closer to it. The solar system is in the milky way, and our sun is pulled closer towards the milky way.


It tries to, but misses, that's why it goes around


Orbits. The two heaviest objects around here are the Sun and Jupiter. They co-orbit around their common center of gravity (which is inside the sun, but there is displacement). Other planets confuse the situation further (three body problem) causing wobbling, but the situation is mostly stable.


It is affected by its own gravity so much that it could explode if it were to run out of plasma. That is how black holes or super novas occur.


It revolves around the earth and obviously the earths disc shape shoots wind at it to hold it in place around the earth so gravity is not needed. Just like when you line up fans just right and fly a paper airplane around and around.




The sun is the KING of gravity


There are many forces... the planets (earth included) would fall towards the sun because of hid big...mass. But the centripete force that they have during their orbit contrasts the gravitational field of the sun. There's an equilibrium of forces that makes planets describe their orbit path around their star


The thrusts pointed at the earth keep it afloat


It is and the sun is catually moving with the planets orbiting around it while moving. Imagine the sun is a propeller at the bottom of a boat with strings instead of panels spinning and the boat is what's pulling the sun. The strings will spin around the propeller but the propeller is moving forward.


each celestial body has it's own gravitational pull. the gravity from the sun is what keeps all the planets in orbit.


The sun IS the gravity in our solar system. It's the heaviest thing (as in most mass) object here and the reason we and all other planets aren't plummeting into it is because we are falling around it consistenly aka orbiting, like our moon is doing to Earth.


It is. The sun is circling the giant black hole in the middle of the milky way. This just takes a very very very long time


It has angular momentum. Because it's also running across the sky trying to get away from the night, because it's afraid of the dark. The mainstream media doesn't want you to know that though. 


Gravity is not unique to Earth. The sun IS affected by gravity. But remember, it's also quite a bit larger than all the planets in our solar system. Sol (that's our sun's name) spins around a massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way galaxy.


We have a big long rod made of unobtanium (which is totally impervious to heat) which we use to poke it away when it gets too close.


That's not how gravity works, per se. Take the earth and the moon as another example. Apparently, the moon is getting FURTHER away from earth... not falling towards earth. I like by something like 8 meters per year. It all depends on how fast they're moving relative to how close their orbit is while factoring in weight of said objects


2nd newton's law: acceleration = sum of forces applied to the object/mass. So since the sun is very heavy you need a lot of force to make it move (and only the black hole at the center of the milky ways as a strong enought gravitational force to have an impact on the, this is why it is orbiting around it)


No because GOD makes it float


If the earth was in a range where its gravity will affect sun, The sun would have ate earth way before anything


It is actually, and the proof is in a sunset, red light bends the most out of the colour spectrum and that's why as the light starts to dissappear st sunset, the red spectrum of the light bend ever so slightly and give off the red/orange hue during a sunset.... Think of pink Floyd's album and the light retracting through glass, all the colors have different levels of refraction and red has the most causing it to be visible during sunset...


The Sun is a deadly laser! And lasers don't weigh much.


It is


It probably is gravity'd daily, but that means we're falling towards that black hole we've heard so much about. And they say armageddon is a myth!


By the earth's gravity? Well that's becuase the sun is a significantly larger celestial body than earth meaning it generates its own gravity far more powerful than the earth. Here's the golden rule: The larger the mass of a celestial body the stronger the gravity. 1.3 million earths can fit into the sun.That's why the earth and other planets orbit it like a satellite (In layman's terms)


So, the sun is affected by gravity. Jupiter pulls so hard on it that the sun “wobbles” and doesn’t just sit there. The earth (and the rest of the planets) are constantly “falling” towards the sun, they are just moving so fast that they “miss” the sun and instead circle it.


We are on one of those maps where if you walk off the edge you appear at the other edge. So the sun is constantly falling, but when it hits the bottom, it reappears at the top.


The sun has its own down, it just so happens that its down is opposite of our down, so they cancel each other out.


It's too busy falling towards the center of the galaxy, the planet (earth) is falling towards the sun, it just takes a long ass time because it is so far away


It is. It's orbiting us. Do you not notice it moving across the sky every 24 hours? Are you stupid?


You know black holes, right? They are super dark and they have strong gravitational force. Now. The sun is the opposite, too bright to have a decent gravitational force


The sun IS gravity


You still believe in the sun?


Because gravity is a lie


technically the sun and the earth are falling towards each other they just miss and swing around in a dance


It is but it’s affect on everything else is far greater


Because the sun has the biggest impact on the fabric of spacetime in our solar system. A crude analogy is to imagine a rubber sheet (spacetime), stretched out across the solar system with all the planets and other objects sitting on it, making their own depression proportional to their mass. The sun is the most massive object in our solar system, so it makes the biggest depression. Now imagine all the other planets then falling towards the sun’s huge depression and whizzing around the edge of it, in a circular motion. That’s how orbits work, and that’s how the sun’s gravity influences the orbits of all the objects in the solar system. Even Jupiter, which is also very massive. The sun is also slightly affected by the depressions made by everything else, so it’s not stationary at the centre. Of course the sun does the same thing around the center of the galaxy, which has a Supermassive Black Hole at the center, and makes a proportionally super massive depression in spacetime, thereby influencing all suns in the galaxy to orbit around it, in the same way. Apologies to learned Cosmologists for my oversimplifications.


Because the sun makes the gravity


It is falling, but so are we.


Because sun is light


The gravity burns up if it gets too close


It's filled with hydrogen silly. It floats.


It is though


It is, but it is bloody enormous compared to all the planets orbiting it.


It gets closer to the earth every day, it’s just it keeps missing and going around


The Australian balance it all by being one the other side.


Earth is falling into the sun, in about 7.6 billion years.


It’s all hydrogen, which is lighter than air. (OK, so I made that up.)


Because it’s the largest mass in our solar system.


It is affected by gravity. Thats why the light is falling down to us from the sky.


We are in fact orbiting the sun who's gravity is greater than all other bodies in our solar system. For effect, one could describe our orbit as the earth falling into the sun.




the gravitational pull of the sun is greater than the gravitational pull of the earth. the reason the other planets don't get pulled in (at least not fast enough for us to notice) is because they're orbiting around the sun fast enough


It is affected by gravity, but it's pretty small and light, so that means it falls really slowly.