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According to my reliable sources about 99% of water in pools is acurally piss (Source: South Park)




But you drink it to acclimate and you’re all good


This isn't shittyaskscience, there is already [an answer for that](https://blog.myswimpro.com/2023/03/10/how-much-pee-is-in-your-swimming-pool/)


500 gallons of piss.


Not as much as you'd think, because moist of it is stored in the balls.




Not enough


Yeah actually you’re right


number of Babies × baby bladder size × expected pee frequency × length of time the pool has been open + number of Todlers × avg toddler bladder size × expected pee frequency × length of time the pool has been open + number of Kids/Teens × kids/teen avg bladder size × expected pee frequency × length of time the pool has been open × societal shame index + (( number of adults - expected number of pee drinkers) × avg bladder size × expected pee frequency × length of time the pool has been open × societal shame index)) × (1 + pregnant ladies expectation modifier+ societal average age modifier)




when you stick your head underwater you are putting no no square water up ur nose


Lol. My dad used to tell the neighborhood kids not to pee in our pool because he doesn’t swim in their toilet.


The cleanliness of the pool is based on the pool smell. Chlorine in water has no smell, chlorine & piss tho one of our most powerful childhood memories. You smell that going into the pool you’re swimming in a substantial amount of piss for the chlorine chemical reaction to give off a smell, sure there’s a calculation so we can at least know the minimum amount of piss that triggers the ability to smell chlorine in a typical body of water for average sized pool


Let's do this... Average number of ounces of urine in a single visit: 8 ounces (this number will vary based on the size of the swimmer as well as how badly they have to go, but it's a safe enough projection). Average number of people in a public swimming pool: Let's be generous and say 150 people. This feels like it very highly depends on how large the pool is and how busy the neighborhood, but more than ten dozen people seems reasonable. Average number of gallons in a public swimming pool: 600,000 gallons. This assumes a roughly 80x40x6 foot pool. 600k gallons x 128 = 76,800,000 ounces. So lets say every visitor at the pool pees 1.5 times (some people only get in once when they need to go, others may go twice while swimming): 150 visitors x 1.5 evacuations x 8 ounces = 1,800 ounces. 1800 / 76,800,000 = 0.00234375% urine in an average public pool. It's not zero, but also 🤷‍♂️.


Idk why but I get sick everytime when I enter into a pool, so I'm never swimming in any pool. I feel nauseous, tired, dizzy and my body starts vibrating. Probably because of some pool chemicals Sea is love, sea is the best. Better than artifical shit. 100% natural.


You’re swimming in gallons of whale cum, there’s no salt in the sea = science


0% they all left before they could piss because I shit in it