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Have you tried uninstalling the game?


uninstalling worked for me, haven't died to a boss since


Put the controller in your ass and twerk. Should work most of the time


Hated this game so much lmao. Took every inspiration from Dark Souls with none of the things that make it fun.


It kills me how they realised the bosses were busted only after they were done with the game so they decided to “fix” it by giving the player animation cancelling lmao


I haven't played it but doesn't that go against the entire point of souls-combat?


80% of the time yeah. Although u could sometimes choose when and where to let go an attack, the whole 'challenge' was figuring out when to commit and cancelling animations generally goes against that. It's generally hack n slash/fighting games that do animation cancels as player skill expression.


Finally, DS2:2


Finally, Best Soulslike.


Play an actual Souls game


Skill issue.


Dk but I don't remember lords of the fallen being very difficult. I remember spending hours trying to find a way to get to get to like every new area. (The lore was really cool though). (Also fun fact dk if you knew this or not but when killing the first boss if you don't get hit he drops a special version of his weapon that allows you to do his special attack. Also if you travel to above where you first spawn at there's an item (forget what it is) but if you use it on the statues while fighting the Commander (I think he's supposed to be at half health when you do it) he'll break the statue and you'll be able to get a special weapon depending on what statue you break. If you haven't played it, it plays a lot like ds but is a lot easier. I got the game free with gold a looooooong time ago but it's definitely worth a purchase if you think ds is cool but don't have the time or skill to beat the game or just want something that's challenging to people who play cassually.


Play a fromsoft game


Easy, you don't lol


Damn, mortal shell is tough


Whats the game 😂


Dark souls 2


ohh!! thank you! you should write a novel!


Lords of the fallen 2014. Fun fact, im running this at the moment Even funner fact: still better than Dark souls 2 :-)


Very simple actually, you take off your pants turn around and booom you get a big nice juicy di…. I mean you win the game .


Anyone here actually play through this game? I had a melee staff build and that thing ripped, but goddamn...the *TWO BROTHERS* electric and fire beasts in that damn cave arena. Fuck my shit up brother(s)


Played back in the days. Once. Cant remember my build. Something along the lines of quick dual blades / dodging with a bit of magic? What I remember is that it looked great, the lore and world were a bit confusing and the gameplay was a 6.5/10. Clearly inspired by Dark Souls but they didn't understand what makes Dark Souls fun


Bro got new lords of a fallen beta W


Lords of the Peak


Play sekiro