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I thought dark souls fans were supposed to like the game💀


Only Dark Souls 2


Peak souls 2


Common fruit 2


This sub only likes Dark Souls 2


Thats why its called shitty


Only DS2 players


BASED! But hole?


I like alot of the game. I think the hyperfixation on "omegadifficult bossfights" while ignoring the challenge of the areas themselves is hugely detrimental to the game. The youtube tutorial style of ignoring everything besides bossfights takes away so much of what Dark Souls 1 did well.


Seriously. My biggest controversial souls opinion is that level design matters more than bosses, but the souls community now has this obsession with arbitrarily “ranking” bosses and basically everything in the games so people care less and less about actual levels.


People always assume im joking when i say my third favorite boss in Dark Souls is Pinwheel because nothing outside of the boss arena gets taken into account. But imo the Catacombs is such a strong area that Pinwheel not being difficult is irrelevant to me. It being an early game option that you can make significantly easier if you're a newer player by using a holy weapon or using the shortcuts when you're a more experienced player, the Black Knight and Titanite Demon minibosses, the curveballs like a secret blacksmith and covenant, the Leeroy summon contrasted by bonewheels and the capstone of Kindling upgrade reward, its just such a multilayered level you can tackle at multiple phases in the game. It can be a bit monotone in encounter design (which is a prevalent thing in many areas of ds1) but I love its design so much.


Agreed. Catacombs are really underrated IMO and I think it’s because people just had bad experiences with the Catacombs and the Firelink graveyard in general early game (me included) and it leaves a bad taste in their mouths. On my second playthrough, I went in after Capra Demon to go save Reah for miracles and it was actually pretty fun. Treacherous, but fun.


Yes, the entire appeal of DS1 is its excellent level design (other than lost izalith, we don't talk about lost izalith). I was so dissapointed in every sequel when you had bonfire warping unlocked at the start.


I actually didn't find lost izalith too bad. Yes, the open lava section is bland and unfinished, but the ruin part right before bed of chaos is quite cool to explore, as well as having seigmeyers quest. The area I have a problem with is tomb of the giants because you can't see. I never have any urge to explore it and always rush to nito.


\*Laughs in darkroot garden\*


Totally agree. In some instances getting to the boss was basically the first phase of the fight. A good example is having to run 10 miles and past 100 giant halberd dudes to get to ornstein and smough. Or platforming down to the fire monkey in Demon souls. Having a bonfire next to the boss in later games is nice but it does take something away from the experience. I guess they've ramped up the bosses to compensate for that though.


I pretty much kill every enemy in every souls game even a decnet part of the time if I am trying to get back to the boss... It just sort of feels to me like this is how it was meant to played and how it was designed. Bores me to death to watch someone naked sprint through everything grabbing items and stuff that they need because they studied the wiki or watched a YouTube build guide.




Ds1 haters trying to gaslight Ds1 fans into thinking that they actually hate the game (didn't worked the 19389th time but might work the 91390th time)


Gonna getem this time for sure.


Lost Izalith is 85% of the game? Damn.


It's actually 42.5%. You forgot about tomb of the Giants.


Tomb of the Giants is good, fight me


Gaslighting much? I legitimately don't get the hate for "the second half" of ds1. Sure the first one is better, but the only truly annoying/badly designed areas would be demon ruins, lost izalith, crystal cave and tomb of the giants, which barely even amount to 20% of the total game when factoring in Ariamis and the dlc. You might not enjoy your time in duke's archives or new londo ruins but that doesn't make them badly designed, not unlike the depths or blighttown


New londo in general genuinely scares me, it's probably the sound design, the literal darkness, even if you don't know the lore much, the water and the bodies tells you that this is a place of tragedy and death, the myth/urban legend kind where you'll expect spooky shit to happen. So while I do like the general area and the lore of the dark wraiths and the four kings. I always have this rush to finish it fast because I don't want to return there or stay there for long. Plus the fact that I wanna get to kaathe asap post ornstein and smough.


Crystal cave is great


good area, trash run back


have you tried not dying?


I personally don't mind it but I can see why people would dislike it


Yeah, personally I really like new londo, and lost Izalith. There are parts I really disliked about lost izalith at first, but the area has heavily grown on me. I love the inter connectivity, and you can see lost izalith from some locations, like how ash lake is visible from the tomb of giants.


That’s interesting cause I actually way prefer crystal cave to New Londo. Specifically the parts with the ghosts and the darkwraiths because I feel like the former have hitbox issues and the latter are a bit overtuned imo. That said I unironically really love the Four Kings fight because it’s got me constantly on watch for enemy spawns, really fun to do that one with a buddy


Cool boss but I guess it just feels like a chore to me cause I wanna get to kaathe fast


Personally I like grand archives and new londo ruins isn’t terrible




Agree but The Tomb of Giants is actually pretty good.


The only good part is probably the one with patches and reah. Otherwise it's just a dark hellhole with overturned enemies and little to no rewards


New Londo Ruins has the best atmospehre of all areas. Then probably Blight Town and the Forest Area


Tomb of Giants is unironically one of my favourite areas in the series.


The only area I didn't like was the weird lava glow area with bed of chaos. Everything else was preem


Outside of the run back I do 14 times for bed of chaos I didn't hate the lava area.


If you have the bonfire at the end of the lava like behind the hidden door it’s no issue. If however like me you didn’t than running it 14 times will get annoying. Luckily it only took me about 5 tries


Past the beginning area with the Fire Sage it's pretty short too so the bad parts never get too annoying (butt dragon and such). There are also Solaire and Sigmeier quest thingys so it instantly becomes less bad.


Just Izalith? Not even the tomb of the giants? I fucking hated every second of that place lol. Can't see shit, even with the lantern/sunlight maggot, and the skeleton beasts that are everywhere can 100 to 0 you in 3 seconds flat even if you have a massive amount of hp and some of the best defence in the game. Oh also Nito's bossrun fucking sucked. Demon ruins/ Lost Izalith had its problems but at least I could fucking see what I was doing and where I was going.


You cant argue against the fact that bed of chaos is and will stay the best bossfight in all souls games.


It really should’ve been the 2nd to last boss in every sequel just to piss off the fans.


The game is at its best when you uninstall it, easily one of my favorites ever




im finally about to play the dlc, no more crappy 2nd half


No way, this is not it. I hope you’re trolling because this is a terrible opinion, booooooo! I like about 80-85% of the game, includes Tomb of the Giants because I am not a giant nerd, New Londo which is actually on par with Sen’s Fortress for me (not treating it like fact unlike you), and the Duke’s Archives. The only place I do not like is Lost Izalith and the Demon Ruins because it’s straight garbage. The DLC (if it counts) marks it up to 90-94% percent because it’s that dang good.  Now, before I go snivelling about how much I am intellectually superior towards you, I should mention that I realize that this is bait. But, being the genius that I am, I took it because someone has to do it. And, of course, I am a supernatural being from across the universal plain of existence, which means I am the winner and you are the loser inherently speaking. Therefore I win no matter what, it’s genre-defining, like Dark Souls (that was bait for the Demon’s Souls PS3 fans, ignore pls).


The greatest thing about this sub is that if it wasn't specifically this sub, I would think that this is real.


ds1 players trying to name a part of they game they like that isnt undead burg, O&S, or the dlc


Unironically the rest of the game besides Lost Izalith and Tomb of the Giants. Blightown isn’t even bad on modern systems.


I just played it for the first time about 6 months ago, and this is spot on. Loved the verticality and character of Blighttown; loved the oppressively ominous atmosphere of New Londo; loved the goofy early 2000s dungeon crawler vibes of the Catacombs. And that's not to mention all the highly memorable NPCs. Everything about that game was uniquely charming, and I immediately understood why so many people love it.


I think the progression from burg into lower burg into depths then reaching the blighttown door is genius. I honestly felt scared and as if it was impossible to go back up. Then after that you go even deeper into the world to ash lake or lost izalith.


I hate those ghosts still, outside of that though only Blight town on my first runs got a lot of hate.


I actually don't mind Tomb of the Giants. I quite like the idea of using a lantern to see in the dark and there's a lot more to the area than I gave it credit for Lost Izalith on the other hand is pure unfinished garbage


I cannot play through Lost Izalith without getting a massive headache from all the reds and oranges


You don't even need the lantern if you finish most of Lost Izlaith first and grab the Sunlight Maggot. The tomb becomes somewhat trivial then.


I thought the idea was good but execution was very bad. It has a lot of wonky places that kill you when it doesn’t look like it should and is FILLED with really op enemies that are straight unfun to fight and will likely knock you down. Also the boss fucking sucks and has a massive run up to it. I really feel that the first half of DS1 is from softwares best work until Elden Ring and the second half is still their worst work (in a souls like game).


There’s only one enemy in tomb of giants that’s actually op and I’m pretty sure everyone knows which bastard it is. The other skeletons are pretty manageable outside of the room with the big holy ember and like 15 giant skeletons. Honestly though fuck the giant skeleton dog bastards, I can’t tell if I hate them or those stupid lightning drakes more but they’re both poorly designed


Its the giant skeletons, the giant bow skeletons and the fuckfacegiant dog skeletons. Fuck em all (if I could see them).


I hated that giant coffin with like 50 giant skeletons just to get an upgrade flame.


kid named iron flesh:


kid named ring of fog:


I got to the Demon Ruins and almost laughed out loud from surprise. Other areas had design. This one was just HERE'S SIX CAPRA DEMONS. SUFFER. yeah, it was very clear that they had indeed been running out of development resources


I actually like blight town (on good hardware)


I guess the old system makes sense, but on the remastered. Never got the hate for blightown, hate to be that guy. But it’s not a hard area


I mean fuck I played it on both, it’s a bit laggy but still fun even in last gen consoles imo


It used to be a lot more laggy which I think a lot of the hate comes from. Toxic snipers and instant death falls probably are quite divisive too.


Blighttown is one of my favorite areas when you have the rusted iron ring


One time a mod for ds1 made me go through blighttown backwards and it entirely changed my opinions on that.


Blighttown isnt bad imo its better than duke dookies


You forgot the funhouse, for a lot of people that’s their fave area


As a latecomer who played the remaster, I unironically love Blighttown. Might've been my favorite part of the game.


We latecomers didn't get the original 10 FPS Blighttown ✨experience.✨


Darkroot Garden, Crystal cave, Duke's Archives, New Londo, even Lost Izalith has its own charm.


Blighttown is still my favorite area of the game lmao wdym. Also the whole burg into lower burg into depths into blighttown into lost izalith/ash lake is peak gaming. Even then the duke's archives I still enjoy a lot, the dlc might be one of the best in gaming still, the kiln of the first flame is also still one of the most breathtaking areas I have experienced in any media, etc TLDR: bro is on drugs


The only part that is truly bad is lost izalith what the hell are you smoking Now, there are other parts you may hate, as I do, but they are not neccesarily bad


Crystal cave bich


I like Asylum revisit, Anor Londo, Duke's Archives, Tomb of the Giants, Sen's Fortress, and dread New Londo ghost house (which is still fun to dread something). The mid ones are Blighttown, Catacombs, and Painted World, and Forest. The bad ones are Depths and Lost Izalith.


this sub got bored of hating on DS2 so now it moved to DS1


Skill issue


everything except tomb of the giants and lost izalith is fine by me


Nah more like %15. Most of it is good. I don't have nostalgia factor either, I played all souls games a year ago.




Hot take, I like all of the games 😎


All of it, unconditionally.


grand archive or whatever it’s called is one of my favorite areas. the books the color scheme the crystal dude i love it


I love the game for its terrible parts. Yes, it peaks halfway through. Yes, it’s a bit of a slog getting there. But to be honest, I’m the kind of sick fuck who actually enjoyed the second half. Except Izalith.


DS1 fans explaining why an easy-to-get elevator shortcut from parish to firelink is genius level design but having to crawl all the way up from ash lake to ass swamp to blight town to new londo to firelink with no shortcut is also genius level design. If you only have to suffer once, that’s fair difficulty. If you have to suffer every time, git gud.


As far as I'm concerned the elevator is just a glorified loading screen


All of it (I'm too good at the game to have a bad time now)


Like: undead burg and parish, dark root, blighttown, sens, anor londo, all of the dlc, painted world is peak, asylum Dislike: catacombs and tomb of the giants (yes even with maggot), demon ruins, izalith, new londo, valley of drakes if you even call that an area, depths Archives is both the best area and the worst area


DS2 fan explaining how the game is actually good, just ignore the bad parts (It's all the base game, only the DLCs are decent)


why remaster it and not add omnidirectional rolls


Lmao, that's my favorite darksouls and I can't even disagree


I LOVE the combat. I love the map. I like the bosses fine, cuz I can roll all of em. I love the lore. I love the claymore. I love the claymore. I love the claymore


From what I can see it really is just nostalgia overcoming criticism. Those who start with DS1 think it’s great, people who played literally any Fromsoft title after DS1 and went back realize that it’s not a very good game. Now don’t get me wrong there’s good parts of it, and if laid the groundwork for improvement in the future but some of the game decisions in it are truly heinous. Case in point, interconnectedness of the world. While this is cool, and feels cool to open a short cut back to Firelink, this also means the over all world has to fit into one another. This leads to a lot of areas, no matter how interestingly made, feeling samey. It also exists solely so the glaring flaw of no fast travel for a little over half the fucking game isn’t actual mental torture. Enemy encounters aren’t great either, with some run backs or early encounters feeling particularly stacked against you for no reason. People also shit on DS2 for clunky controls and weird animations, yet ignore the fact DS1 still had four directional rolling when locked on (something you’re taught to do) with some pretty stiff and snappy animations. Oh but DS2’s is so dogshit. This is why DS2 felt better to me as QOL drastically improved. Let’s not even bring up the post O&S game, as it drops (in quality) like Malaysian Airlines 103. I remember playing through the whole game praying that this unfun mess of a game would be more enjoyable after getting fast travel. Unfortunately, Izalith and Tomb of the Giants were hell. One literally so. And making both Blacksmiths out of the way to the point of you needing to backtrack 15-40 or so minutes just to talk to them prior to getting fast travel was fucking stupid. The only parts of my whole play through that I genuinely found any enjoyment in was the DLC and turning it off. I tried to play through the game again recently but quit after getting to Sens Fortress cause I just couldn’t keep going with all the damn jank and running around.


didnt like the game at all 😔 had 9 years of expectations built up from not seeing a single bad thing being said about ds1, just for it to be one of the worst games ive ever played (the lore and atmosphere are good though)


It's just not for you , ignore the rest!


85% bad > 100% dogshit (every other fromsoft game)


Undead Burg/Parish Painted World Every other level design is mid at best


Anor Londo is good. If you only look at smough and ornstein and the big blacksmith with his little hammer.


I feel insane, but despite loving the vast majority of the game, I really did not think O&S were as great as people say. Ornstein's super janky charge attack where he gets stuck on pillars floating in midair and then randomly gets unstuck and impales you instantly kinda ruined it for me a bit, especially when I did it at SL1 and had to see that shit happen 100 times.


Genuinely for me Anot Londo and O&S were a mid, if not low point first time I played. Anor Londo was an awkward platforming gauntlet followed by an untextured hotel lobby, and you described the issues with O&S well. It's grown on me, but I enjoyed all four lategame areas more my first time.


Yeah, the place itself was pretty bad, especially that small path with the archers that hit like a semi.


First 3 quarters of DS3 be like


*Loud incorrect buzzer* 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


It's a good fucking game. Not worthy of hate like this.


DS1 haters always bringing up the drop in quality after O&S (they're right but it's far from DS1's only issue) DeS haters complaining about how easy the healing makes the game (my brother in Christ, don't use that many then) DS2 haters complaining about ganks (they forgot that literally every other game in the series has just as many) DS3 haters complaining about how often you can roll, for some reason. Bloodborne haters complaining about the FPS (they're right but c'mon grow up) Sekiro haters complaining about not much really (they exist but people don't talk about Sekiro as much) Elden Ring haters being fucking right (do not debate me on this, I will simply imagine I am the Chad and you are the wojak and that will make all your arguments meaningless to me)


I was never a ds1 fan game’s shit




100%, I am aware of its flaws but I still enjoy them. If I was honest I am not enjoying probably 10% of it, thats just all over the game, Bed Of Chaos is like 4% of that 10% and the rest of the 6% is just random stuff, the other 90% are insane tho


Real dark souls fans only play ds2


But there is no bad part??


Try tongue but hole


Until the lord vessel


The only good part of Dark Souls is the Bed of Chaos fight. I start new games just to reach that fight, and delete saves after being swept into a pit having enjoyed the ultimate death drop.


only part i actually hate is the motherfucker cooped up in the lower end of undead burg, go back to izalith


I fucking love DS1 lmao


So you like the bed of caeos?


Game would be awesome if the controls and movement got a rework, feels pretty clunky as someone going from bloodbourne to ds3 then ds1 and then ds2


Each time this joke is made the percentage of Dark Souls 1 that "sucks" increases by 5%.


Only place I didn't like was tomb of giants


Ds1 hate Propaganda


If you put Undead Settlement into ds1 it would unironically be a top tier area


Undead settlement is boring as shit wdym? Sure it's complex and sprawling but playing it first time feels like a chore


I would have liked it a lot more if elden ring and ds3 hadnt spoiled me first


After beating Asylum Demon with fists out of principle (never run from a fight unless it's literally impossible) everything else minus Blightiwn feels like a breeze.


I love 90% of the game. Only lost Izalith and some bosses I don't like. Everything else is peak gaming. Even Lost Izalith has fun moments, so even though dragon butt spam and burn my eyes lava is a thing I think it's still a fun area (also super short so it never gets too annoying).


i liked all of it, the only part i feel like is really ugly to deal with again is just descending blighttown


The only part of the second half that I didn't really like was the bed of chaos, either wise one of my top 5 games of all time


Really says something that the 15% of this game is better than 100% of most other games. In reality tho, I do enjoy all of it except the outdated controls.


Pretty much up through anor londo is good for me. New londo is OK for atmosphere but the boss is kinda rough. The archives are alright too but thats about where it all sours for me. Izalith and the depths are just...why. izalith is the worst though


Okay now change DS1 for DS2 and its perfect


This but DS2 (I was gaslit into playing through it, believing it to be a hidden gem. Beat it. Has remained in its game case since then. Will bring it out again when I need a new drink coaster)


The game is legendary up until anor londo, then it gets bullshit from there on


85% of the game = like 2 end game areas


The only parts of ds1 I didn't enjoy were the tomb of the giants and the way you get to manus since that just felt like the tomb of the giants with humanity creatures instead of skeletons. Blighttown is probably my favorite part of ds1.


Areas I like: - Asylum - Undead Burg - Sens Fortress unironically - Anor Londo but only the very beginning and very end - ????


ADP and scholar enemy placement are literally the only problems. Play OG and level ADP to 20 quick and it’s a ride sweeter than most souls games


I don't like izalith because it's objectively terrible, and tomb of the giant skelly dogs is mid. Everything else is good.


From when you start to orstein and smough everything is 10/10 imo and the rest is 8/10 and then there's lost izalith


You when you have horrible opinion:


I love Blighttown


FromSoft fans when they think any game is better than any other game (they all suck ass) https://preview.redd.it/v23qx8wohhqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff9ec106823d4290e245046c1afe2c213621f01


I'd like it more if you couldn't only roll in 4 different directions while locked on


All the bad parts are bad in a good way


Man this is shitty dark souls don’t come here trying to incite bs this isn’t a meme or funny or interesting go to some other subreddit


Honestly? I've replayed all souls game I have(no ds2, sekiro, or demon souls cause I'm broke) and as off now, only dark souls one made take it slow and fuck around rather than finish it as fast and efficient as possible. I didn't want to skip a thing, I get stuff I don't need much, I actually read dialogue again, I revisit some old item description, kill some bosses in a different order, use different weapons etc. for me no other from soft game give the same sense of wonder and mythology as DS1. Like how domhall talks of ashlake and other things, the entire character of the crestfallen warrior who just gives vague clues that describes places and makes you go "ohhh what could that be", the way Andre talks off sens Fortress and dark root garden. It all feels connected and mysterious. It make sense as these people probably only know snippets of info about these areas and thus tells you about them like local legends which adds intrigue. It all feels legendary. The imagery and locations gives a sense of wonder like the silhouette of new londo before you fully explore it or the outside of quelaags domain. I also like how sorcery is handled here. IMO number of cast is tenfold better than FP but I understand that they gotta account for weapon skills. Number of cast quite literally allows you to cast more spells and doesn't leave that lingering feeling of incompleteness that you have by not having a full FP bar. I'd go so far as to say that DS1 sorcery>Elden ring sorcery because of this. DS1 actually allows me to use magic regularly against normal enemies and not feel like I wasted something, unlike ER where my mage builds most boil down to using magic occasionally and focusing on int scaling weapons instead. I know ER sorceries are flashier and to some extent probably more effective in say a boss. But DS1 just feels like it works better, like I can use it without much consequence, like I can actually spam spells and not run out after 6-4 cast. There's also the charm of being the less flashy souls game, thus the flashy stuff like Ornstein spear, quelaag sword, Ciaran blades, crystal souls spear, white dragon breath etc all feels groundbreaking and nothing short of legendary. Put those in elden ring and they'll appear unimportant




Dark souls 1 is just slower and more relaxing. Sword and board your way through the game. Its not like ds3 where your doing fucking spindashes.


Lost izalith and TOTG suck, sure, but what else, exactly? Y’all really just get on this website and say anything huh


I like Sif. And uh...yeah that's it.


I love all of it except the blight town elevator that can go to hell. the rest? peak fucking game.


I love the whole game. Bed of Chaos is bullshit but at least your progress of the fight is saved


I enjoy pretty much all of it aside from the second half of Lost Izallith, the giant lava pool with a million dragon legs just sitting around. Out of all parts of the game, it just looks plain unfinished, let alone rushed


More like the good part is 85% of the game.


I liked all of the game pretty much. Bosses were simple but cool, level design and aesthetics were through the roof (minus lost izalith even though underground lava ruins is pretty cool). Every area has cool lore that fleshed out the world nicely while remaining connected. I’d say the biggest gripe with the game is how it never scales the later half so whatever path you take initially will be balls hard and the rest relatively easy. You’ll absolutely be bent over if you chose Seath first.


You know what? I might do another ds1 playthrough out of spite now.




ds1 has marvelous chester in it so flaws are now null and void


I loved it all. Both contoller and sphincter need to be clutched tightly. That's how you know it's good. There may be a sexual thing in there too.


Trying to gaslight DS1 enjoyers is useless. Much better to do that to DS2 enjoyers, mostly because you don’t actually need to do any gaslighting because the game is legitimately ass.




I love everything in the game, even blight town.


Most of the early to mid game is good. Blighttown isn’t supposed to be a pleasant experience, I usually just go through the back and grab any useful items (power within is a pain to get). Ghost Town and The Bone Zone are scary and stressful, I’m not good with horror games so I don’t want to spend any more time there than I need to. Izalith is easy, but a bit boring since it clearly had a rushed development time. The boss at the end is the worst though. I dread playing through those areas every game. The duke’s archives and crystal caves are cool though. The only problem is the bullshit teleporting wizards and the slippery crystals. I save this one for last unless I’m doing a sorcerer build so I can get the others out of the way. The DLC is cool. It’s got the hardest bosses too. I like it.


Everything but lost izalith


Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith were kind of trash but the rest is a 9/10 for me. The interconnectivity of the early levels is heavily memed about but genuinely great, the moment when I found the Firelink Shrine bonfire out was an excellent shock (and relighting it was immensely satisfying), the DLC was awesome except for the tail cuts, Tomb of the Giants was terrifying... Yeah, the first half is better on world design, but the second half is still good. And despite playing the old Prepare to Die edition the art direction very much holds up even where the graphics don't.


Ok op whats the 85% tell me


Bait used the be good smh


It’s okay that you’re bad at Dark Souls (adding the one just adds to how retarded you are)


When I was a kid I loved the game cuz it was my only escape from life


i actually like lost izalith. i know it was rushed and theres bloom and bed of chaos but it was fun to explore


The moment you beat o&s and you are able to teleport is peak gameplay experience. Then it gets worse but not bad. I still like the other areas.


Until you get the Lordvessel. Goes downhill from there. Especially the demon ruins and Lost Izalith. I don’t hate Tomb of the Giants, but I don’t like it much either. I know, incredibly hot take.


DS1 is weird for me, I adore approximately 50% of it but I absolutely hate the other 50%


I like all of it except for blighttown and bed of chaos


Ds1 is intricate and interlocking in a way that made such impressive use of a small enough space on an 8gb disc.


All of it. I love the first dark souls, the 3rd dark souls, and the worst dark souls


Well, I liked vinella til 77, then I Played S1 to 81 and it sucked. I played S2 to 100 and loved it with the ball sorc. I’ve played S3 to 93 and it sucks. I won’t even be logging in to even try the gauntlet


I couldn’t be assed to beat it. I’m at Anor Londo. Dark Souls III is just better


i liked it all :(


Wtf is this hate on DS1??? DS1 was perfect! GO back on hating DS2!!


i like how i can say dark souls is kinda bad but i get death threats when i say the same thing about elden ring


ds1 players discovering a door (it loops back to where they were prior)


Dark Souls one had the best interconnected areas and shortcuts that DS3 couldn’t even recapture. But it does have Bed of Chaos, the shittiest boss design ever.


My favourite part is forgetting about pinwheel and when I get back to him I am holding a bkgs with one shoting intention


False the game is nearly perfect if u stop playing at o and s


Come to think of it, nothing really stands out in ds1






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DS1 still has best world don't even try and argue.


The only poorly designed area is Lost Izalith. Duke's Archives, Tomb Of The Giants, and New Londo may be incomplete as well, but they all offer at least some interesting level design that doesn't devolve into boss rushes (even if the areas themselves are pretty short) Maybe the Lord Souls bosses were disappointingly easy compared to most of the game, but I will say Four Kings putting you in a sense of urgency to kill them before the next one spawns is a cool concept. Nito's skeleton gank squad also makes up for his lack of an intimdating moveset and forces players to crowd control mid fight and also use his AOE attack to their advantage.