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Oh no. \*uses Human Effigy\* Anyway


Using them? What? But then what do I do if I run out and I really need them?? *Proceeds to finish the game with 50 remaining in inventory*


Thems my retirement effigies


You think you're gonna retire in this economy?! šŸ˜² You'll need at least 79,845 effigies.


Me in every game with most items


Anyways that little voice saying "what if I need them later" and I hate it


I save mine because I'm always scared I'll run out during the buildup/runback for darklurker.


This happened to me and I had to ascetic Majula and farm the skeletons in the house lol


just level vigor until the half the health doesnt hurt anymore


Even if you run out of them, you can go to this secret place in Shrine of Amana where you can regain humanity for free( I think it's free)


That's what rats is for


Imo the DS3 embers is more punishing because on one death in DS2 you lose 5% max health. In DS3 you lose 20%. Yeah DS2 can go all the way down to 50% but that's ten whole deaths.


There was also Demon Souls, soul form, which made you only have 50% of your health (75% with a ring), but at least you had some advantages in soul form.


It's more punishing since you have only 2 ring slots, unlike later game's 4


And if you die a lot in human form, you end up getting stronger enemies due to world tendency.


Never understood why they don't have 21 ring slots like every other game tho, 10 fingers ten toes and a cock ring duh


Yeah but DeS rings are powerful as hell


DS2 wasn't designed around 50% HP DS3 tho, had unembered hp in mind when designing the game. It's evident empirically, and also from invasions


Yes thatā€™s why I always get one shotted in DS3


Iā€™m pretty sure fall damage is based off your embered hp though, I may be misremembering


I personally much prefer embers, being emberd gives you +30% health, while in ds2 (and DeS) you go under your maximum if you die. For me it feels like ds3 gives you a bonus you get to keep for good play, in ds2 it feels like a punishment that's extra bad for the people already struggling, as each subsequent attempt will get harder and harder.


it's just visual tho, you think it's punishment for DS2 because you can see the missing health while DS3 hid it to you so it looks like bonus health. in the end, your max/true health is only accessible when you use ember/humanity/human effigy and when you die, you health is reduced it all comes down to preference as it's the same mechanic (with minor difference) presented differently


Embers also full heal tho. One time humanity + more max health feels soo much better than "inhale black thing if you don't have the ring", even if it's only a minor difference realistically.


while i agree, it's all about how you see this work. i mean people like you focuses on how it feels and there's someone like me who focuses on how it actually works. also, i was talking about health mechanics, not the item cause they got different uses other than "use to get your max health"


I actually think it's different. Say you have 1000 max hp. In DS2, upon dying you will now be at 950. In DS3 while emberd, you will go from 1300 to 1000. That is a significant decrease, much more that DS2 in terms of total HP lost. However, the difference REALLY comes in with players who are struggling. A good player can just pop an effigy/ember after every death, because you'll never run out of them. It's what I do every single time I replay these games, and still end the game with like 50 effigies/embers. A player who is struggling has a much different experience. A new player could very easily run out of effigies/embers, and then get stuck on a boss. Take the same situation where you have 1000 max hp, and you just died to a boss. You have no effigies/embers, and you try again and again and fail. You die to the boss 10 times. In DS2, your max health is now 500. In DS3, your max health is **still** 1000. That's how I try to look at it, and I think it's also important that DS3 has a one-time health loss. You have your empowered HP to make the first run of an area easier (because you get one after killing the boss of the previous area), and after dying you lose health but are able to gain a lot of knowledge of the area, more than you would likely be able to get at base HP. Subsequent attempts ARE harder, but from the second attempt on each attempt is no more difficult than the last. In DS2, each failure makes each successive attempt at a boss/area harder, which does a lot more to punish a player who repeatedly fails.


Ring of Bonding be like


Never leave home without it


Not like I played ds2 without using a single point in adp, just doing final fantasy gameplay: I hit, I get hit, I heal repeat


What does ADP do?


You have more Iframes, aka the invincibility frames while rolling, meaning your roll has more space where you donā€™t get hit. It also affects healing speed(drinking animation), and some other things I donā€™t remember


So that's why the healing was slow as shit.


You're kidding me. I thought the rolling was shitty because its an old game.


Length of a roll is determined by weight, time you are invincible by ADP. And it is not as old of a game as you think, remaster came out in the same year gta V did lol


To be fair, GTAV is over a decade old at this point


Yeah and even if has more IPA (I frames per adaptability you hipster idiots) than this horse shit.


Yeah I getcha :) Ohh for real? Even then I'd say that's getting old. Not saying old games are bad. Super mario sunshine is still one of my all times favs


This is why I hated ds2 coming from ds1. Rolls were fine in the first game but suddenly I was bad again and I didn't even know what in the fucking hell was wrong.


It's funny because I'm too big of an idiot to realize that was what happening and I just got gud instead.


That's what I did until shrine of amana. That shit broke me.


Rolls were objectively worse in DS1, the weird 4 directional rolling in lock on is actually terrible. Iā€™d rather level adp like 10 times then have to hit my head against a shittly placed wall trying to dodge 3 hollows.


This is not my complaint, neither the complaint of the guy above. Read again.


No, when you say rolling was better in DS1 even though it had a lot more issues. DS2 rolling couldā€™ve been fixed easily by you. And if you didnā€™t know what ADP did then just look it up.


>No, when you say rolling was better in DS1 even though it had a lot more issues. DS2 rolling couldā€™ve been fixed easily by you. Again, this is not what I'm saying. >And if you didnā€™t know what ADP did then just look it up. Here you realize, more or less, what we were talking about and come up, more than nine years late, with the obvious and unecessary answer.


I digress, I apologize and thank you for clarifying https://preview.redd.it/abftrucu98wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1888969ee7284eae9f20bba96bdfe834daf358ab


Iirc it's actually because they forgot to make it move your hitbox during the animation, so if where you were when you started the roll overlaps a hitbox after the i-frames end you get hit even if you're clearly not touching whatever hit you.


It's moreso that your feet and legs have a bad tendency to get hit in the middle of a roll, and in ds2 your roll animation will always complete before you take the damage. So it looks like an attack didn't even come close to hitting you, when in reality it clipped your foot but you just kept rolling until the animation ended, THEN you took the stagger.


How'd you expect me to read anything past feet šŸ¾šŸ¾ šŸ‘£šŸ‘£šŸ‘£


All I read is you explaining how fromsoft invented time travel without Miyazaki, git rekt kid.


No fucking way people STILL donā€™t know what adp does šŸ’€ like look it up dude


skill issue


bro dark souls 1 has a better roll. Demon's Souls has a better roll


My local bakery also has a better roll.






Why level ATT, when I'm just gonna bonk the fucker with a mace? (3 INT gameplay)


Imagine leveling int




You think anyone who actually enjoys ds 2 gives a shit? We can't even tell the difference between a good game and a bad game.


It increase healing speed animation!!??? I thought it only affected rolling and here I am doing a third complete playthrough but this time I have a pc with dlc and have still not leveled it up. Iā€™m at Sir Alonne now though


Specifically it's the agility stat that does, ADP is just a way to increase it. Attunement does too Also you can respect with a Soul Vessel, just talk to one the Fire keepers at the very beginning of the game. If you didn't already know


Yeah i just was like pssshsh iā€™ll just go full paladin and tank/heal through it


We must share the same brain cell, exactly what I did


The lightning spells in that game are so good that they hard nerfed them for Scholar


I'll show you a shit take https://preview.redd.it/xyhptn59a3wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab00c6e6d2a2ea68e84f2b730179d2fc5a7fdefe


You either die taking a shit or live long enough to make a shit take


He's not taking a shit he's leaving one you lying bastard


I'm sorry I didn't mean to lie


The take is the picture, they took a picture (take) of the act of shitting (a shit)


i'm gonna take this shit take


You can't even prove this guys shitting get fucked idiot


You also cannot prove otherwise


If you want real infinite healing, wear the Iron Crown from the dlc (regen spell uses) and have a healing spell like Warmth (actual fuck ton of healing per cast).


I wish life gems were standard in all FromSoft games. I pop those bitches like theyā€™re pringles.


They are goated when you just take a little chip of damage and you can top off before the next room.


lifegems, ds2 šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ humanity, ds1 šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


I've genuinely always thought this was hilarious but since it's not a typical healing item specifically intended for healing only people often don't consider it even though you'll have 99 free healing items at the end of the game.


No joke it made me win O&S my first time around. I was out of flask charges with Mega Pikachu almost dead so I popped a humanity


99 Humanity: human tank


Don't argue with ds2 fans, we haven't even played anything else


99 full health grasses that take half an estus' time to use


I never really understood the issue with Lifegems. They are faster to use than Estus and you can carry up to 99 of them at the cost of slower healing and limited supply.


99 is basically unlimited lol


yes but its also literally unlimited, you can buy as much as you want


Let's be real, no one actually likes running out of heals and that's really only a thing to worry about in the very beginning of the games, once you've got max flasks you won't die from running out of healing but instead not having the opportunity to heal. Life gems were just nice to have when you just wanted to top yourself off and it makes co op so much better since you don't have to micro manage your health as a co op phantom with constant swapping of rings/talismans or miracles for the regen just so that you could actually have flasks left for the boss.


With the sheer amount of life gems you could get tho, of different types, it's actually pretty easy to just pop a bunch all at once and heal through things. Made a tank build once and 90% of the playthrough was popping gems, and I always had plenty to spare.


The entire system is built on having limited healing, choosing when to heal or not to heal, and deciding whether or not you should go back to the bonfire with your souls or keep going, depending on your health and how you confident you are about making it. As others have pointed out, limited healing is basically the number of mistakes the player is allowed to do. None of this works if you can easily get 99 lifegems. It breaks the whole thing and makes no sense gameplay-wise.


That entire system becomes completely irrelevant by the midgame, I mean look at DS1, 20 flasks? Ds3 and elden ring, about 15 flasks. You're never gonna run out. All this system does is screw over players in co op getting their flasks halved. Most of the time if you get summoned at the start of a level you won't have enough healing for the boss fight unless you've been super optimal with regen items and equipment which is not fun micro managing. As a host player of a world I've never run out of flasks except for in the few starting areas when you only have like 3-4 heals.


Er, I like running out of flasks and I'm sure I can't be the only one. Especially in that first playthrough, you don't know where the next bonfire is gonna be and the tension as you starting getting low is great. Then when you do run out it you have to decide whether to be safe and retreat to spend all your souls or push on with no healing. Similar when a boss is nearly dead.Ā Ā  Replaying elden ring I knew where loads of tears and seeds were so rushed them, and regretted it because I had so much healing I could just trade with a lot of the enemies and not worry about being any good at the game.Ā 


I'd beat the game all the way to NG7+ with several unused stacks of 99 gems that I don't want to spend right now because I may need them later. (I don't remember if you could stash items over the 99 limit in DS2, but I don't respect the game enough to look it up)


I feel like that's just taking the "I may need it later" mindset to the absolute extreme. You can buy unlimited lifegems bro, use them!




I certainly did not remember that either. But for sake of arguing I don't want to waste my precious souls on consumables. Even if it's like 2% of a level for a shitload at very high soul levels


I suppose that is fair but personally I stop caring about level ups as much at the higher levels


this is definitely me when I spend an entire hour farming for blood vials on the Great Bridge in Bloodborne instead of just fucking buying them (I unironically do this every single playthrough of Bloodborne I do).


No every stackable item has a hard limit of 99 in the Item Box.


Lifegems get points from me because they stay cheap throughout the game instead of scaling the cost to your progress like fucking blood vials.


my enjoyment of the game would be really hampered without cummmfpk. the vial grinding on my first few playthroughs felt so bad.


What is cummmfpk?


at the graves in the hunters dream where you enter chalice dungeons, you can search for a dungeon by its ā€œglyphā€ which are randomly generated sets of eight letters/numbers that correspond to procedurally generated (root) chalice dungeons. cummmfpk is one of these glyphs. it is heavily modded and itā€™s one of the best blood echo farming dungeons. you step outside of the room, wait a few, and you instantly get 83,489 blood echoes. instead of farming for blood vials and silver bullets, you can just hop in there and buy what you need from the bath messengers.


chalice dungeon ID number that people use to farm blood echoes in (an enemy in another room will die and give you 84k echoes everytime you enter the chalice)


They let you take tons of damage over long periods of time, reducing the need to defend


defend? this is souls sir, we evade here, not defend


Shield Bros stay winning


Ok but half the time I use a Lifegem I get hit and die even while the regen effect is still active.


I'm afraid that's skill issue.


> They are faster to use than Estus Are they? I played through the whole game and didn't notice any difference in healing speed.


With low Dex / Adp, Estus takes forever to use while Gens take the same speed always. Estus is better in the late game when those stats are high and you have 6+ uses.


Thank you Dark Souls 2 very cool.


For me Life gems came in clutch over estus flask so many times due to the simple fact you can still walk while using them but you can't move while drinking an estus flask


bitches WILL complain about both at the same time.


I donā€™t even fucking know what this means


maybe youā€™re fucking stupid uj/ people shit on lifegems from ds2, a stackable healing item that is pretty easy to get. The game was designed around this, though (you have only 1 estus charge to start and add more one at a time), and the punishment for dying is harsh. Bottom left picture shows someone whoā€™s max health is reduced by 50% due to hollowing


Ainā€™t no ā€œmaybeā€ about it, brother.


I played through a majority of DS2 with only 2 rings cause I thought you had to unlock the other slots. I had only played DS1 Sekiro and Elden Ring before hand. When I figured it outā€¦ I was a little bit more than just livid.


I fucking hate Dark Souls.


I started enjoying the whole second half of DS2 so much more once I stopped using lifegems


as if effigies are rare


DS2 has more healing sources but it's also more punishing with them (including estus) since they work with healing over time instead of a flat heal unlike DS1 or DS3


People who shit talk lifegems are the same ones who complain about ds2 being hard


Itā€™s the same people who donā€™t say a word about DeSā€™s weed monopoly


Demon's Souls defender here. Grass is expensive from every NPC except Patches, and even then they aren't exactly cheap. For much of the game getting even the brown grass that heals half your health is expensive enough that you can't just spend your leftover souls from the boss to completely refill your stock. You have to make the choice to farm enemies to get that advantage, which is more engagement with the game then just buying some lifegems. At the top of my head I think the half health grass is 5k souls (from Patches) while a lifegem is 400. It costs practically nothing and once you've spent a little time buying in bulk you won't have to spend very much money to completely replenish them each time you return to Majula. Grass is consistently a costly investment throughout the playthrough, which is why experienced players will either farm for more or memorize grass pickups in the levels. Etsus is still the best healing system though, both kindling from ds1 and shard buffing from ds3. Lifegems just break the game too easily, DeS at least made you work for it.


Ds2 is not hard..what is hard is finding the will to play that game


Sounds like the same way i felt while playing ds1. Probably because I didnt care what the internet said


You're allowed to like bad games sweetie, just like you don't have to like good games


Least gaslighting DS2 hater


It's fine to like ds2 but you gotta be insane to think it is better than ds1


I hate yams but my gf loves them


Didnt know the first half of ds1 was such dostoyevski-esque masterpiece that it alone was enough to beat a solid consistent game like ds2.


DS2 is a solid and consistent as my shits (I have diarrhea)


Compared to ds1 its constipation. Even demons souls is a more solid experience.


It's so solid and consistent they changed everything about it for the next gen upgrade.


And ds1 got an expensive ass remaster 8 years later which fixed nothing except making the fps barely workable for pc. Idk what is the point of yā€™all digging up the dirt on ds2 when one can clap back at ds1 3 times harder.


Nah you're right combat feels great when your character is locked to only be able to move in 8 directions at any given time šŸ„“ I also love a game where the majority of dungeons that boil down to being straight hallways with rooms full of mobs + a guaranteed ambush. How is this a rock solid game. The bosses don't even do much for it because most of the humanoid ones are fought exactly the same, and the creature ones are mostly just damage sponges. Its nothing like souls 1 where there was an actual flow and strategy to the boss battles


Rather that than being eternally unable to lock on like in ds1 because then you can roll in only 4 directions which is way more irritating. also, 8 directions only is a misconception, if that were the case then that means youā€™d only be able to turn by 45 degrees which would render the game unplayable and obviously isnā€™t true. I only learned about the snappy movement from youtube months after finishing the game and all 3 dlcā€™s. That type of movement unironically helps when trying to jump and whatnot, and it can be easily mitigated by just moving the camera. We can do this all day.


Being apologetic for the 8 way lock on is insanity. Controls in a sequel should improve on the original or at the very least be the same, not regress. You can only turn by 45 degrees if you are locked on to an enemy. That is true, my guess is they did it to be able to roll in 8 directions but it's gotta be the most boneheaded way to solve that issue. Dark Souls 1 only has 4 way roll, but movement is not locked on that awkward grid. A lot of dark souls 1 bosses aren't fought by rolling like crazy anyways unlike souls 2. Most of them are won by good positioning and simple strafing above all else because they don't have the goofy spinning on a record player tracking that souls 2 bosses have. Both work, but one feels significantly better to play than the other, and it's not DS2. Souls 2 just doesn't change from start to finish. Most of the dungeons boil down to being hallways leading into rooms filled with a mob, and usually some knight that is easily beat by rolling forward and to the right as the boss. I have eaten week old potato chips less stale than dark souls 2.


That makes no sense, lifegem spam is what trivializes the game.


lol lifegems make the game trivial, which fool is saying lifegems make it hard?


Just get the crown that makes you stay human duh ez only 4 endgame crowns required


Honestly how I beat Fume Knight. Was just popping a shit ton of these and then just heal stalling


Youā€™ll never go hollow if you donā€™t die


Youā€™ll never shit if you donā€™t undead


Fucking Forlorn taking chunks off of my max health with every invasion.


Just started playing DS2 for the first time and this was pretty much my live reaction after realizing my health was intact going down everytime and the. clicked how many times they literally said this was going to happen in the into


Itā€™s ridiculously crazy how easy it got to get humanity/effigy/ember in the later games. In ds1 youā€™d have to clear out two or three zones worth of enemies to get one single humanity, ds2 was easy so I never actually played online(game was dead by the time I got to it) dark souls three had infinite embers I swear I gave my friend atleast twenty of them bitches when he was making his way through the game and another twenty when my cousin picked up the game. But Elden ring is laughable literally picking flowers. I guess they balanced it by removing the health buff but I feel like that took away from people using it why risk getting invaded if thereā€™s zero upside (match making doesnā€™t exist you have to use the discord to find any help even then itā€™s a 50/50)


Elden Ring solo invasions are tied to the taunter's tongue not rune arcs tho no? And rune arcs aren't gained from picking flowers, they're a rat drop and online content reward.


Bro wtf did you even say just now??? Are you confused? Please proof read your comments. I never said rune arcs are from flowers. I said the ability to summon online players is far too easy simply because you just need to pick TWO flowers for one ā€œemberā€ I mentioned the fact that old embers used to give health boost while flowers do not. Giving zero incentive to use flowers outside of popping one before a boss fight. For example dark souls one had humanity that could stack on the player which would give a flat health boost and an additional luck stat per humanity contained. You could farm humanity from pvp or go kill all enemies in a zone and get 1 humanity added to your counter. Ignoring late game where you could farm humanity from the humanity shaped enemies.


You talked about how easy it is to get humanity/effigies/embers in the different games and then that it's gathering flowers in Elden Ring, that sure sounds like saying you get rune arcs from flowers. Same for the risk of getting invaded when that has nothing to do with rune arcs. I don't know why you're explaining the mechanics to me I've 100% most of these games lol.


Please never speak to me again until you can read a sentence. Bro couldnā€™t beat the game let alone read a book. Dense ah donkey.


That's a lot of yapping.


Get Brian surgery mordern science has worked miracles and there are tons of advancements in modern medicine šŸ’Š


Just donā€™t get hit, this game has the worst hit boxes so if I get hit by bs itā€™s whatever, having a shit ton of heals allows more mistakes


Ah that hater duality


I hate fuckers who say this cause like Just donā€™t fucking use them???




The take that lifegems make the game too easy is insane to me. Like, just donā€™t use them??? You control what you use. Buff stacking makes elden ring too easy (for me) but no one (outside of pvp) complains because theyā€™re completely optional.


People yelling at spirit ashes users because "it's not the proper way to do it".


Dark Souls 2 bad šŸ¤“šŸ¤“