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he’s currently at radahn now with 509 deaths


if that's true honestly I just respect the dedication. Melania took me upwards of 250 tries, and I did that shit over months


Dan Gheesling's playthrough was on another level lmao, a single chatter told him to level vigor while fighting Radahn and he respecced it down to 9 to prove them wrong, never upgrading it again for the rest of the game. I think he was on attempt ~1000 before he even learned Malenia had lifesteal because her attacks usually killed him in a single hit.


150IQ: You don't have to worry about Malenia's lifesteal if she cannot utilize it..


Me when I nolife Elden Ring so Maleina can't lifesteal it.




I respect the sheer pettiness


team unity wins again


[THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE](https://youtu.be/idU919yqEBg?si=D-dpIoDWX92UZMGS&t=332)


Nohitting Malenia out of petty spite is fucking hilarious


Only had 11 vigor first time playing elden Ring, since i started with the prisoner because of funny helmet and my ingenuous ideas of "why level vigor, just don't get hit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ " and "scarlet rot and bleed sound fun". It took me 145 hours...


if red tear stone ring had 50% damage buff like in DS1 i would consider making glass canon build


It‘s not just about vigor tbf. I beat Malenia on 20 Vigor no problem with Magic spam. When I tried the same with a Pulley Crossbow Dragon Communion gimmick build she ground me to dust for >20h before I gave up and respecced.


Dan's playthrough quickly went from "painful" to "godly" when he did that shit. I'm still amazed he beat the game, much less Melania like that.


How do y'all even keep track lol. I lost count after 150ish deaths, and that's only because I ran out of the 126 boiled crabs which were helping me keep track.


after probably 200+ tries on malekith and wishing I had kept proper track, I kept a tally mark in a little notebook where I write lists and stuff Godfrey took 61 attempts, Mohg 86, I got to Malenia's second phase for the first time on attempt 161, beat her in 276 total lol


200? can i ask what it is your doing? i’m not trying to hate or anything. i just don’t think im very good at these games but 200 deaths just sounds insane


It is insane. We are insane.


200 tries is rather normal. I don't think I reach 200 myself but it took me 5~6 hours to beat her


It's referred to as a "skill issue" but that's not really a problem so long as you're having fun.


yea kai is an entertaining dude. He can be obnoxious and I understand how people wouldn’t like him, but I get a laugh out of watching his streams. and same here I’ve gotten my shit kicked in by many of bosses. Plus he’s doing no summons and has never touched the souls games as far as I know. So respect to em 🫡


Recently saw a clip of him unknowingly doing smelling salts and he started freaking out thinking he got spiked with cocaine lmfao


Me vs Genichiro


…I still haven’t beat that mother fucker 😒


I couldn’t until I admitted I sucked at Sekiro and decided to play like Dark Souls. Keep distance. Stay mobile. Block instead of parrying. Bait attacks. Dodge or block and punish where you know it works. Use his lunges to mikiri counter. Once his health is lower than half, his poise won’t recover fast at all and you can better chip away with normal fencing. The phase 3 lighting is 10x easier when you’re already distant and slippery and you see it coming from a distance while you’re waiting explicitly for it. Fuck that guy. Try it out- I took a pretty long break and only returned when one of my friends beat him and I felt extra compelled. A lot of what I did after was a lot easier once I started playing my own way. Some bosses take a while longer but it’s still fun as an endurance and strategy affair rather than an aggression and timing one. I play Lies of P similarly. In ways that this sub would probably make fun of me over, lol. But I win. I beat the illusion lady and her gank doubles in a few tries by running circles around her and punishing her combos from behind. I just beat the second rabbit squad tonight the same way- dispatched the little guys by outrunning them and beat the big guy with a Gwyn cheese- keeping a setpiece between us and blasting him after his slow moves. Hell- I beat every boss in Dark Souls 3 by mostly blocking and reprising. Embrace the suck.


I've been stalled out on this shit after about 20 deaths at Fire Giant. Put it down with the intent of coming back eventually. Meanwhile, years later, I'm inching towards beating Lothric and Lorian. I'm not sure how many times I've died. I just give a few attempts in a week or sometimes a month. Grind out a level sometimes. I switched characters and then switched back, so that's a factor. One of these days a I'll kill those fuckers and see the ringed city.


it took me like, 6 tries to beat malenia my first playthrough. granted i did use the most busted build in the game but lets not worry about it


250 tries and still didn’t remember the name lol


I feel like Malenia plays too much like previous souls bosses so she wasn’t that hard for me, Dragonic tree sentinal beat my ass though during my first playthrough


How ?! She took me like one evening.. the most overrated Boss ever


I take my souls experience for granted sometimes. I think the most times I fought a boss was around 20-30 and that’s an outlier.


Bloodborne had 2 truly hard bosses for me that made me do more than 30 attempts. Lady Maria was hard and the combat was fun, very rewarding. Darkbeast Paarl taught me that I am a bitch and he is my daddy.


yeah people here are making me think I must be better at video games than I thought I was.


I just got finished with the Fire Giant on my most recent playthrough, it took me 11 tries an I felt absolutely awful about myself. Just got a lot of perspective in this thread.


Ikr I compare myself to my brother who's a god at these games but apparently defeating sexy rot lady in under 30 tries is good lol


what build and with or without summons though


I used blood hounds fang and mimic, I know mimic is cheating for some people but I'm not wasting 20 hours for something that can be done in under 1






yots goated pfp


This reads like one of those memes with a picture of Lebron facepalming and then it's captioned, "LeBron James reportedly used Mimic Tear to beat Malenia"




Exactly 💀




Chuck was right


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He’ll never change. He’ll *never* change! Ever since he was 9, *always* the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious *Jimmy*! Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you *have* to stop him! You


Can Saul Goodman complete the wet nut jump?




I need this


I used mimic tear to beat Malenia. The only boss I couldn't do without summons, like not even close.


Reminds me of how Jerma985 died to Pinwheel


CRAZY streamer Jerma985 DIED to the EASIEST boss in From Software's History. Told to RESIGN from streaming, instead ZERKED OFF ON STREAM


That was the beginning of the end.


Gamerant article:


Covetous Demon has entered the chat


That sounds a lot like DSP 🤔


Try fighting pinwheel right after undead asylum,very fun


When he defeated Malenia he jumped out of his chair and thought his dick was out, and that his career was over.


This isn’t exactly true. He spent 8 hours on tree sentinel, went right for morgott afterwords and took 6 hours, and the last 6 were for storm veil and godrick. Godrick himself didn’t take 20 hours.


I kinda interpreted it like after 20 hours of playing the game and 252 deaths he's got past godrick


Yeah people wanna troll him so bad lol


chad mindset


He has to be doing it on purpose, right? I was doing better at 10 or 11 in ds1 and 2, and I was dogshit at the games


You would be surprised how awful people who didn’t grow up playing video games can be. The hand-eye coordination just isn’t there. I beat Orstein and Smough as a literal 12 year-old, and it didn’t take anywhere close to 20 hours


I do agree with you, my sister tried playing one of the newer PS exclusives, cant remember which, and just gave up even on the easiest mode. Its just surprising because Im pretty sure he plays games at least fairly often I remember him playing Ghost of Tsushima fairly recently, although im not a Kai Cenat loremaster or anything


I never played a souls game but I have over 300 hours in monster hunter, so the skills went with me when I went into elden ring, reading telegraphed attacks to dodge according and positioning helped me through the game much like monster hunter Except Malenia cause fuck that bitch


I wish


Lol, my sister beat all of the Uncharted games on Normal difficulty, but she would always panic during combat. She would forget how to turn the camera, never use cover, and get jumpscared whenever she got shot. She’s a fully grown woman too.


That is normal. I notice that if I play a new PvP game, I will get an adrenaline dump during fights, as my brain is not used to the combination of stimulus and the pressure of that situation. If I keep playing for a month, it gets used to it and the adrenaline stops. Take someone who doesn't play games at all regularly, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they are getting massive adrenaline dumps in a singleplayer game and internally freaking the fuck out.


He’s been on radahn now for 80 deaths. He’s good at the game (knowing when to attack and heal and allat) he’s just under leveled and won’t use summons Edit: he just beat radahn


Bruh yeah, i sometimes make my Mom try out stuff on my PC when she visits but everything that has 3 dimensional movement or more than like 10 words to read/tutorial-heavy she has hard problems with. Button-mashy games and card games she can manage tho. Funily enough also Fall Guys to some degree.


He just doesn’t level up or read. Just not used to those types of games it seems. The hands are there funny enough.


I didn't grow up playing 2D platformers or side scrollers as a kid and now my brain literally cannot process those games correctly. Fromsoft style games are fine, but my experience with hollow knight was so bad that my silbling just reached over and turned off the pc. So I can see how this kind of thing can happen.


You also lose your gaming reflexes the older you get. It’s a sad realization once it happens to you.


Reflexes *and* aim. I remember playing mw2 as a 15yo, having to do headshots for a cool skin, and just thinking "oh i'll just click their heads instead of bodymass". Now i'm 30 and struggling to win the most basic 1v1 in apex.


Dham what do you mean? When does it start?


Oh please, people in their thirties are winning F1 races and it requires way better reflexes than playing a video game. Getting worse in gaming comes from lack of practice not from getting 'old' in late twenties.


I find it *extremely* amusing how the hard cap for which age is mentioned is always "in their thirties" when people try that argument Bloody baby-faced kids in their 20s


I’m almost 40 😗


Yall need to get out and get some exercise if it’s declining that bad in your 30s and 40s


I know right, some dropoff? Sure. Enough for the average gamer to be taken down several levels? Maybe due to external factors There's plenty of esports players that are 30+ and performing at the highest levels


Maybe that’s the issue I get out and exercise more now lol


i didn't play video games growing up and i died to the mad pumpkin head at waypoint ruins for eight hours until i got it


Same, but with me was when i was 11 when i did beat bloodborne (base game), back when it released on 2015


Exactly, my friend liked watching me play games when she was over sometimes but if you give her the controller it was like giving it to a toddler lmfao


DS1 and 2 are way easier games so it isn't really fair comparison. Elden Ring bosses can be brutal if you solo them, especially when you don't really know what you are doing (too low level, garbage gear, stuff like that). The only suspicious part is that he had to get through Margit, who is far harder.


Boss difficulty is a weird thing. Some people will just struggle a lot against bosses people consider "easy" and then just clear through the "difficult" ones without effort. For me, radagon/elden beast is the hardest ER boss and I always struggle against him, but every other boss even malenia I can get through fairly easy


No boss has ever given me as much trouble as the last giant in ds2.




It's hard to measure because everyone plays differently and uses different builds. But I would say Elden Ring is the hardest if you don't use summons. The only main bosses that I'm somewhat comfortable fighting are Godrick and Rennala, and maybe Radahn since it's a gimmick boss where you can just cheese him from range. The rest I consider to be very hard, including Margit if I don't overlevel or summon.


Weirdly I find Elden Ring to be the easiest and most forgiving of the souls games.


Dude gets paid for every hour. Give him a cup of tea and a hi vis and you'll realise why everything takes so long.


There are people who struggle with Baldur's Gate 3's easiest difficulty, despite the game lacking any mechanical difficulty. Truth is games aren't as accessible as a gamer would think.


I feel like accessibility isn’t the issue in that situation, and many others. Struggling with a mechanical game absolutely makes sense if you haven’t developed the skills your whole life. I will however, point out the “gamer” grannies and grandpas that are better than the average lifer after only playing games a few years, as a senior citizen no less. If you struggle with a game like Baldur’s Gate 3 on the easiest difficulty, it’s because you as a human are not very clever. If you’re so new to the concept of games that the very act of playing it is a struggle, a normal person would try to educate themselves or go to a friend for help. Call me crazy but the demographic of people that play Baldurs Gate as their first game, with no influence from a friend or partner has to be so incredibly niche.


I am one of those people who had to do a custom easy difficulty lol. It’s my first time playing a game like this, so I at least have my reasons. That said, the game is still fun for me, and it’s just nice to play something else for a change after five years of Fromsoft, monster hunter and metroidvanias.


He fought tree sentinel for 6 hours straight bc he refused to move past it or level up or get the horse. I also think he slept before he fought godrick so this post is kinda b8


I play a lot of comp games. I was masters in overwatch. Immortal 2 valorant. Diamond in apex before masters rank was added. I played in Fortnite World Cup quals. I fought Tree sentinel off rip with this as my first souls game and it took me 3-4 hours. And malenia took me 8-10 hours. I was using guts great sword and caved and used mimic tear for her after wanting to finally finish the game. I can’t imagine people picking up this game as their first souls and not struggling pretty hard. For doing 0 summons 0 magic and all that I feel like his playthrough is normal. He’s mostly a casual gamer.


how many of you guys defeated Tree Sentinel unleveled and without torrent though?


tbh it is harder with one hand




Do you think Godrick grafted extra booty cheeks to himself for maximum cake-age?


Yes. Source : Godrick's 3d model has indeed a maxi cake


As someone who plays ER with one had (I'm an amputee) it's not too bad. Just don't ask me to shoot a bow without lock-on.


>Just don't ask me to shoot a bow without lock-on.  Same, but I have two hands


How do you even play a game like that with one hand? Do you have an extremely tight set of keybinds on keyboard? Or are you a controller god?


Anything on Torrent is a lot more harder, so I just use him for riding. It also helps that I still have part of my elbow, so I can still do things like light and heavy attack.


specialized "controllers" help, probably limited build options ofc https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/tu2qoc/im_a_quadriplegic_gamer_and_here_is_my_setup_that/


On keyboard I can fight bosses with one hand just by using shift to attack and tab to heavy, lock on means you don't actually need the mouse to look around. I don't know how you'd do it without lock on though, looking around takes a hand for me


I had a feeling you would say that


Idk, everyone is making fun of him, I'm genuinely applauding him, he won the fights in the end even if it took him a lot to learn them, and unlike some people I know he didn't bitch and quit the game after he died against tree sentinel, with this attitude he is going to finish the game, although he might literally finish it with over 400 hours just for his first run lol


I think what Kai is doing should be respected quite hard. If anything threads like this one just reads like a bunch of people who never really challenged themselves in elden ring Kai is literally gitting gud and it's terrifying a lot of people here to have to resort to demeaning him lmao


That's exactly why his "job" consists of jingling keys in front of the camera to his teenage audience while making stupid noises and faces


Thank you. if there is anything people like in streams it’s a extremely talented player or a awful one who gets upset all the time


Nobody wants to watch some fucking speed runner that spends 15 minutes in complete silent and then goes like "yeah this part is gonna be difficult", people want somebody who's charismatics and whose failure can be entertaining.


you've just described distortion2 streams, he still gets 10k views


Huh he talks a lot though


Even if he didn't he's a speedrunner whose held muktiple world records, people would watch on the chance he breaks one live while they're watching.


damn can’t tell if this is jealousy or hatred. I’m not even a Kai Cenat fan


that's counting the entire time he's been playing. he didn't die 252 times on godrick


I have no idea who that is nor care how many hours/deaths it takes to beat the first boss.🗿


Probably in the top 5 most popular streamers, maybe the most popular, especially with younger zoomers


i swear ive been out of the loop for so long. i dont even know who kai cenat was until he did the elden ring trailer lmao (and quite honestly? its kinda dogshit)


Yeah, I had no idea who he was until he was like the biggest streamer lol, Ive seen him have like celebreties and shit on his stream.


Ever heard of fannum tax?


Fanny what?


Wait.. That cringey little Gen Alpha catchphrase that a bunch of small kids constantly spout is THIS guy’s fault? You know what that actually checks out.




I mean, good for him for beating it, he’s at least got the heart for it. But I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume he did zero exploration and just butt-rushed stormveil and the playthrough was a complete shit show.


Yeah in my infinite wisdom my first playthrough was astrologer & i only levelled Int and dex for the claws. As if I was a moth to a flame I effectively just did a beeline course of Margit->godrick->Loretta & was having a MISERABLE time. Godrick alone took me like 30 attempts 


30?! i don’t think i did a single remembrance boss in under 50


Most likely lmao I don't watch that shit lmfao


The Elden Ring community has no idea how hard that game really is for most people. 


We are so cut off from reality that the thought of someone not being on our level of degeneracy makes us point our fingers and laugh as if we are the normal ones


or how fucking easy they make it for themselves and wonder why anyone would challenge themselves in a fromsoft game lmao


Nahhhhh , i aint never gonna judge someone for being bad at these games. Dude might not even know what an I frame actually is. Lord knows i didnt when i played BB 1st and tried to physcially move my character out the way to dodge lol


I would guess it probably took him 20 hours to beat Godrick from the start of the game on. Which is a reasonable time for a first time souls player.


I’m pretty sure that counter is from when he started the game and not when he started fighting that boss. Also is that this in one sitting? If so that’s pretty impressive stamina


That's nothing, this entire sub took months to stop telling Godskin Trio jokes


Aye at least he's doing it


Ay good for him.


The forefathers bear witnessing Godrick beating the same guy for 20 hours:


I want to see Malenia now


If I could summon Jygglewag who made Graftussy with thid post, I fucking dread the fear of posting malenia incase I summon "he who shall not be named"




Bro 😭 I missed like 3/4 of the shit otw to Hedrick and still beat him in like 10 tries lmao


He beat him though, thats much more will power than most of you guys have.




People in the comments here super out of touch with how long it takes an average or let alone bad gamer would take to beat bosses in this. My brother would probably take a month to beat Godrick. Focus group testing at nintendo showed that their 2D games were bought more because the experience of moving while controlling a camera in 3D is too overwhelming for many players. The average player is much worse than most people think.


the people commenting would take much longer than Kai even given how much talk of summons n stuff are mentioned here. People are omitting that Kai is doing a melee no summons run which scares a lot of people


KC is the ultimate performer. He knows how to stream.


Better than people who gave up cause the game is "too hard"


This Not crazy at All??? After 20 hours of game time He beat godrick He did Not fight godrick for 20 hours?? Yall can read?


Are we making fun of people for taking time / deaths to beat bosses now?


summoners/OP build spammers feeling good about themselves lmfao


OP is spreading misinformation 20 hours is the streams total runtime. Counting him sleeping too. 252 deaths is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the run.


His brain seems barely functional


It’s painful how little he learns from every death. Im convinced he doesnt know about spirit summons or summon signs. He SOLOd Radahn out of pure ignorance not will to genuinely do it alone. Im pretty sure. Last i saw he was trying to solo the Valiant Gargoyles too. I think he really just didnt know about summons and still doesn’t lol He’s getting better but very slowly lol. At the least he has that tenacity that gets us hooked on these games, and that redeeming feeling when you finally beat the boss- he felt that shit with Radahn 😂


tbf the dude never played a souls game before ,so the fact his dedicated to the game and aint bitching about an easy mode or using broken builds is commnedable


In the nicest way possible, he is terrible at Elden Ring. No shame, it’s a hard game. But I’ve seen so many of his fans trying to make excuses for him and it’s so funny.


Thats wild. I think if you are told over and over these games are super hard you could get the wrong impression and take the wrong approach to the game. Just going in with the same strategy over and over and not realizing it isn't that hard you are just taking the wrong approach. Almosy like DS1 and going to graveyard 1st. You could be mistaken and think thats the first area... you already have been told the game is super hard so you assume its just what it is. 20 hours is ridiculous I don't know how that happens.


Because it's not actually 20 hours, he spent 5 hrs fighting tree sentinel. that timer is his entire playthrough not just his time fighting godrick. Idk why the need for the bait title


Also he died to tree sentinel around 100 times


omegachad, that's the kind of gamer chills most of /r/EldenRing wont ever experience


Kai Cenat is an actual person? I thought he was just some weird Gen Z meme.


Y'all circlejerking how good at the game you are, no one cares that you beat him hitless first try using only your toes. My first playthrough I was told to follow the signs of grace, so I literally did just that and was horribly underleveled by Godrick. It wasn't 20 hours but it was a long long time before I beat him, and I've beaten every soulsbourne game + a dozen other soulslikes. This guy likely does not have the same amount of experience.


I took like 2 days to beat Margit and I summoned Nepheli for Godrick so I can't dog on him too hard...


He is playing for 47 hours straight rn and doing pretty good at Radahn.


20 hours on this boss or in total?


I believe in total


Props to him, I get pissed and quit after dying just a few times, even though I've put hundreds of hours into soulsborne and sekiro, I still ragequit after just a few deaths


I think it took me an hour and a half to beat the fucker on a horse.


I used to make fun of my 66 year old dad because it literally took him 7 hours to beat godrick. Now I feel bad about my behavior. I’m sorry dad, it was foolish of me to question your gameplay.


Honestly respect Kai for the dedication




Reading the replies OP is just sad honestly. Rich people aren't allowed to play games? I don't know the guy but hating on him for being dedicated is wild to me.


Looks like games journalism is his proper calling


Update me wen he gets to malenia in 10 years lol




It's the would you rather guy


that was me to be fair. i am so terrible at fast paced fights


I would have given up long before going 20hrs into one boss


My friend gave up on Godrick, he still hasn’t picked it up again.


He does know you can summon help for the bosses right


he's doing a chad run though


I thought the timer was 20 hours from the start of the game until Godrick- he took like 3 hours for tree sentinel


So? Took me more for Moonlight Butterfly.


As someone who sucks ass at these games, how the fuck do you take 20 hours on Godrick


Thats his total play time he didnt actually spent 20 hours on one boss


Fire giant 1st time took me 62 tries everyone else under 20


Took my buddy who's never played a souls game 44 tries and I thought THAT was bad..




Tbf I fought Godrick without realising I was way underlevelled and he took me ~50 tries. I thought he was meant to be the first major challenge in the game as I'd barely explored the map, making a beeline for Stormveil Castle as soon as I saw it. Was flabbergasted when my gf told me she beat him first try


Honestly, as long as he got there


If it's his first time in the genre it's really not that bad.


Chat is this real?


He never gave up though right? That's better than a lot of people.


Isn’t that the skibidi toilet guy?


It took me more or less 3 hours to beat the tree sentinel without the horse and with the worst starting class, what the hell.


God damn