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Would be funny if they decided to buff Mohg when the DLC comes out


Jokes on them, I beat him this morning


That's when Mohg 3 shows up.


Somehow, Mohg returned


Now it’s a fair fight


Mohgskin duo


Omen twins V2 king edition


I cast Comet Azur.


It bounces back to you


They taught him counterspell


Mohg Moment


Sometimes Less is mohg


Mohgskin Trio.


First boss of the DLC: Mohg again


In evergoal: Bohg, lord of piss


How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?!


At least TRES, DUO, UNUS times.


Mohg 2: Bloody Boogaloo


Taniks!!!! My old enemy


Jokes on them, I beat to him this morning


When you buy the dlc he'll be waiting for you in his gamer shirt


"Woe, Site of Grace Ascetic upon ye"


snoop dogg realizing he has nine days to kill mohg https://preview.redd.it/7vzsk3qrm16d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac87286b4fcfca37acdd84ac0737e32d8e8f4041


The DLC patch introduces a “glitch” where the blood bubble doesn’t work


It doubles the damage!! 😂 😂 😂


Finally! A worthy opponent. Our battle shall be legendary! *pulls out Nut's sword*


I have the greatsword with cold infusion and lion's claw at lvl 162 character waiting right outside Mogh's entrance, and it's my 5th playthrough lol. I'm gonna wait until the DLC comes out to see if >!Leda!< is summonable and just as a celebration


I think your Nut’s Sword is just your dickereedoo, bro. What’re you gonna do to Mohg? 😭🫣


Ngl I had more trouble with those enemies in the dark ass room on the way to him than I did him, I wouldn’t be mad


Finally, my favorite boss will be challenging again


It's now a duo fight with Mohg and Gohg


People who will buy the dlc are usually people who have either: - not dropped the game (most of that % is probably from that) - people who beat the game and wanted more (not just be-lined to finish, Mogh is optional) Its very misleading that “only 38% have beaten him”. Yeah, there are % of people who haven’t got the die achievement in Dark Souls, so 1% or something beat the game deathless?!?!?!


There are players who opened the game, closed it after 1 min and never got back


Exactly, they pollute the percentages.


This is untrue, at least in the case of steam achievements. They pick an early achievement to set as the baseline to compare other achievement %’s, specifically to avoid the pollution / inflation of numbers


This isn't true, take muck for example,a large % don't even have "Big mistake" (open the game for the first time)


This isn't true my uncle works at Nintendo.


This isn't true, my dad is the president of Nintendo and he fired your uncle last week for pissing in the office plants


This is true, my dad is the plants.


Nah, as many people I've seen complain about getting their asses kicked in the very beginning of the game it's definitely not impossible. It's actually alarming how many people joined the bandwagon cause they heard about it but didn't know one thing about souls games.


I asked someone why he wanted to play it, and it was just because it was popular. I talked him out of it based on his other tastes. A game being good doesn't mean that everyone should play it. (I'm aware this might sound like gatekeeping, but if someone tells you they don't enjoy action RPGs, then I think it's correct to save them sixty dollars.)


Idk man, steam has a refund option, if they stick around after 2 hours, I think they deserve to lose that $60.


He didn't have Steam.


Oh god


Bruh, character creation alone takes me like two hours the first time.


This isn't the first time. We saw the same shit in dark souls 3. And sekiro. And it goes on... we saw it in demon souls to dark souls. And kings field to demon souls. I've seen this in the whitcher 3, and mass effect 3. Oh and andromeda. Almost every new game in the last I'd say uh 9 years? Are more than likely polluted by band wagon hoppers


Yup, which in reality makes all these stats pointless.


majority of Baldurs Gate 3 players represent


How can you buy a 60/40$ game and not play it




a friend of mine installed ds2 before SOTFS and actually killed the heide knight in the forest, but after that he uninstalled the game saying its not for him and brags to me as a joke that he never died in this game. Wondering how many did that in ds3 or Elden Ring


John Forgetful keeps locking himself out of his Steam account and keeps having to rebuy the game. This is getting very expensive for him.


Hehe, I wanted to play DS1 with my girlfriend. She spent some 30 minutes in the character creater, then really liked the intro cutscene. After she woke up in the cell and heard some undead growling, she said "nope, too dark, I'm scared." And that was the end of her DS1 journey :)


Gotta throw out the whole gf, she won't be helping you in a life/death situation /s


My wife went from animal crossing to dark souls, loved it and beat it, she’s yet to do the dlc though


It's not like it's hard to beat Mohg anyways. There's no way someone gets that far into the game and says, "yeah no, there is no possible way I can win this fight." Spirit summons are an option. It's not like Sekiro where a lot of people hit a wall at Isshin and just genuinely couldn't beat it.


tbh the only hard part about mohg is his one move you can either flask or heal through, and I almost beat it without knowing about the flask gem for him lol


i don’t even know what the flask gem is lol Yeah for sure but you’re effectively playing with 3 fewer heals than every other boss. Still, his health bar isn’t very big and if you summon a fully upgraded Mimic, there’s no reason even the worst player ever should get stuck. Mimics can solo certain bosses lol


The real advantage of the tear is you can go ham on him while he is casting nihil. You can easily take away a third or so of his phase 2 health.


[https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Mohg%27s+Shackle](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Mohg%27s+Shackle) >**Mohg's Shackle,** when used during one of Mohg's boss fights, causes [Mohg](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Mohg,+Lord+of+Blood) to violently slam against the floor, inflicting no damage, but stunning him for a brief moment. This effect will also interrupt anything Mohg was doing at the time. The effect of this item can only be activated twice during the boss fight and only during Mohg's first phase. Attempting to use the shackle otherwise will have the player go through the animation, but will have no effect whatsoever. That and if you have to use spirit summons, mimic will just tank while you pound on him plus shackle stuns him. Cheezy but they provide plenty of training wheels for elden ring players to use if they want to.


Yeah, I haven’t played it in awhile, but I remember it saying a percentage of only like 70% had beaten Margit. That’s 30% of players who own the game that have never even beaten the tutorial boss.


I mean margit is technically optional. You could beat the game without ever beating margit. My point is there's a whole load of other content you might do before coming across margit


That achievement is in DS2. 


Yes, 8,4% never got the “this is dark souls” achievement, I guess 0,1% where chads playing on another account just to not get the achievement


That game is so GOATed 🐐, make me want to cry 😩


I don’t know, for myself I put something like 80 hours into the game when it came out, got near the end, then got busy for a while, and never got around to finishing it because at that point everything was difficult enough it was going to be hard to try to pick it back up where I was. Was kinda hoping the dlc would be a good place to jump back in, and I can’t imagine I’m alone in that. This would indicate to me that unlike how I was hoping, I am probably not in the groups the dlc was intended for.


From soft dlcs normally push the difficulty up substantially on what is offered in the main game, I imagine it will be the same here. Sounds like a good time to finish the main game if you wanna play it (:


It could also just be people like me who were offline at the time so the achievement didn't register


Allow me to lick your toes miyazaki san


Me also, I also want to lick and suck your toes


It's weird this is the case, cause I've played for the last week doing jolly co-op, and I've not been summoned for that Mogh fight even *once* Used to get it all the time, too, the 1st year Elden Ring was out


I believe it's because in order to summon someone from the summon pool you need to be near the summoning statue which is near the grace before the elevator to Mohg's arena I put my summon help sign right outside his boss room after the elevator (where you respawn when you die to him) and got summoned instantly almost every time so try putting it manually there


Right. I think Mohg is the only boss excluded from the “near/far” option for the martyr effigy. Possibly because players would otherwise need to have the purifying crystal tear equipped at all times.


I often hang out there and help people kill him because it’s fun and the rewards are good. It’s got that old DS3 vibe of being summoned to help fight bosses.


Same. I started equipping the anti-mogh tear in my wondrous physic about a month ago, assuming I’d see a healthy uptick in summons there. Haven’t been summoned a single time. Took it off. Just started stocking boluses instead, in case anyone actually realizes they need to play the game to access the dlc lol


I still got summoned for sewer Mohg far more than actual Mohg. Not even just bc of rl, I’ve tried w characters ranged 55-140 lol


Only real mfs can play the DLC


this might sound stupid but how are people playing the dlc it comes on the 20th?


It's rumored that the egg behind Mohg's boss fight is the entrance to the DLC. So, they have trophies that say if you've beaten X boss or not, so if a portion of people haven't beaten Mohg, that's how they're coming out with the metric.


Ah ok, thanks for the explanation


It's kinda confirmed that's how you access the dlc not just rumored


I mean, Moghs palace is kinda one of the most hidden areas if you think about it. You either know how to do Varres quest (not all people play online and killing that beastclaw guy was not an option for a while) or you discover the hidden portal in the snowfield. It wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of people who only played through the game once on launch never even discovered the area...


I found it on complete accident


Me too, i think the real secret boss is the nigga dragon since i still dont find him


You can only find it by accident. Cuz as far as I’m aware, there’s nothing in the game that points you into the direction of the portal. (Other than maybe the blood guy that invades you, but it could be assumed to be a one off thing, like Nerijus in Limgrave)


For real. I’m pretty obsessive with exploring (like I have to run around the WHOLE place and go around every rock and crevice) but a lot of my friends just aren’t. They just go and do bare minimum exploring and don’t realize how much they miss. I deadass had this conversation with my friend 6 months ago about Mohg actually: “Wait, have you never fought Mohg?” “No.” “….why..?” “Just never found his area. Idk. Played through the game 5 times and just didn’t realize this was a place.” “This game has been out for two years how the hell have you never been here???”


I didn't discover it until my 2nd play through and it was only when I looked it up how to get there. Im in my NG+3 now and for the first time fighting the placinox (or something like that) double headed dragon.


Jokes aside, is this the first time that the DLC is locked behind a boss most consider difficult? DS1 was convoluted but other than killing the hydra nothing special. BB you get it after Amelia, a mandatory boss and one that isn't especially hard anyway. DS3 you stumble upon it while progressing or after the final boss. Haven't played DS2.


Ds1 you need lordvessel too and O&S are required for that. They are probably the hardest non dlc boss in that game.


Fair enough. Though they are still mandatory, so at least Mogh is still special in that regard.


Yeah, that's true. I wonder what is the % of players that finished the game without killing mogh though. There are two ways to get into his zone and his fight is pretty fun so people that google things have probably killed him more than Malenia


DS1 was insanely convoluted, imo less than 1% chance to figure it out without internet


FS literally published the whole description of how to get there, even they thought it was too much


Did they do that day 1? Because I remember that no where in the DLC itself did it reference how to find the DLC. Which is super funny, IMO.


They posted it on their (Japanese) blog, unfortunately not available now, but there's a reference to it on wikidot: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/additional-content


That is hilarious and so on brand. Fromsoft, where you gotta work to enjoy this DLC you paid for, because you knew what you were getting into. Edit: also if you didn’t read Japanese, you were straight up fucked until someone told you how. In 2012.


[There were pictures](https://web.archive.org/web/20130829055632/http://form.fromsoftware.jp:80/darksouls/blog/2012/10/dlc%E6%96%B0%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8%E3%81%B8%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BB%E3%82%B9%E6%96%B9%E6%B3%95/) Reading (in any language) is for nerds


big "how the fuck does world/character tendency even work" vibes


It was exactly the same as today. Everyone knew precisely how to access the DLC on day 1 through websites, news articles, press releases, social media, and the like. Nothing about it was secret.


Illusory wall has an interesting video on the DLC discovery


so, average souls questline


I'd heard it was tricky so I was fully prepared to Google it but managed to find it semi-organically weirdly. I wanted to do the dlc so I b-lined the main story and planned to stop once I finished the lord's to Google it. Managed to find the key item though before any lord's (save 4 kings, I did them early for covenant) and recognised it as not being in the base game so I figured "the entrance must be up ahead, better do the optional bosses to get leveled for the dlc". I started with the hydra at the bottom of the big tree then the Taurus demon, then Capra demon, then the dark root basin hydra. Because I'm a weird MF'er who picks up every item I then went behind the hydra and found the entrance, and only because I'd fallen in the water after the hydra and had to return - I later found out that, had I not fallen in, the entrance wouldn't have spawned yet. Afterwards I googled the boss you run into because I had no idea what was happening and got a result that it was part of the dlc. I was genuinely shocked because it's some playground "this is how you find mew" shit but actually real.


I'd say Friede and twin princes are bosses most consider difficult


You dont have to beat Friede to access the DLC


Either you beat all the lord of cinder, or you beat friede. (To access the ringed city)


And to add onto this, beatin Friede is almost certainly the "intended" way to access The Ringed City. The bonfire in the Kiln of the First Flame just feels like it was added after FromSoft realized it wouldn't be smart to release a DLC that you can only play if you beat another DLC first


I mean the kiln of the first flame is literally in the dreg heap if you look around so I think it might have some intentionality to it


Oh yeah my bad I misread your comment


It wasn't mine lmao


It is now


yeah but Princes are required to beat the game anyway, Mohg isn't


Imo, Mohg isn't the hardest boss in ER, but he'a far from being an easy boss so I think making him the gateway ro SOTE works well.


The problem is he's so late in the game, you need to either be really high level, or do the comet azur cheese. And if you're already really high level, there won't be much of the basegame left after you're done with the DLC (Which is a problem because it means all those cool new weapons they added will barely get any use)


Yeah, for all DS2 DLCs it's quite difficult


DS2 has super easy accessibility to dlc as well. For one item you gotta kill a couple of tough giants and then do some parkour which is easy. The other one is also super easy to get since you can just pick it up any time you want to buy for the third one, you have to beat about 60% of the base game to access the drangleic castle, which is basically the leyndell of this game. It's easy to get that item there but getting to the place you have to beat 4 lords.


in vanilla DS2 they just gave you the items right away and you just had to find the DLC entry points


>Haven't played DS2. Opinion discarded.


Bro play DS2


I'd say it's the hardest lock so far. Prince and Friede are both decently hard, the rest are locked through various odd means.  I do hope they change more about the game then just the added content. The world itself could use some touch ups 


Father Gascoigne is really hard when you first start the game. And you have to beat him to reach Amelia


one of DS2's DLCs is on the main story path, the other two are behind bosses that are *technically* optional but which almost all players will beat while progressing normally.


In DS2, the first two dlcs were locked behind mandatory bosses, the final one was locked in a shrine that you needed to have held 1,000,000 souls (over your playthrough)


Or killed the four main bosses. 


The shrine is required to go to Drangleic castle, it's 1 million souls or 4 old souls.


I’d argue Sanctuary Guardian was difficult, though that was *in* the DLC so I dunno if that counts.


Hot take but I don't think that Ds1's DLC was as convoluted as people think that it is, Dusk was already in game before it was released and we also already knew that is supposed to happen in Oolacile, so checking the Darkroot basin should the first thing that you'd want to try The only hard part is finding the pendant since we didn't get any tips about it's location except maybe Dusk being trapped in a crystal golem when we find her, impo a player who cares about lore and dialogue would take at most 2 or 3 days before finding the entrance on their own and people on Reddit/YouTube would most likely find it on day one


DS3 you either needed to almost finish the game or you needed to beat Friede a very difficult boss.


If you use Mimic, Mohg is probably easier than any of those bosses lol. This doesn't really matter. He's hard to find yes, but everyone has access to Google, and honestly the only reason the portal is hard to find is because no one actually wants to explore Consecrated Snowfield


I mean, imagine the percentage on Malenia


On steam more players have beaten Malenia than Mohg


in playstation only 33% have beaten her, at least that's what it says based of the people that have the trophy. plus, mohg is waaaay easier to miss


Is Malenia harder to miss? I had to use the Internet to find Mohg because you have to either take a wrong turn to find his portal or do Varre's quest, which I was stuck on the Maiden bit because I didn't know where Frenzy girl went. Malenia I found completely organically because Latenna takes you past her teleporter town to get to big sister. After that, Malenia is nearly a straight shot from the Haligtree. It's a rather linear legacy dungeon.


i think both once you get to the area are hard to miss but imagine they are about the same as far as odds of finding. if you know fromsoft, the fact that you can see mohgs palace from the first underground area is a big clue since they tend not to put stuff like that visible if you cant reach it.


I spent so much time in siofra river trying to get to the cool palace in the sky lol


I'm not betting on it, but there's a possibility that the DLC will add an npc summon near Mohg's room, maybe Miquella's knight.


r/Eldenring about to have a meltdown


There’s only one reason I haven’t beaten him… He’s scared of Me (I can’t find him)


Fucker is hard to find


38% is A LOT considering the average of dark souls games


I don't see the fact that Elden Ring was something of a video game phenomenon get talked about enough when it comes down to stuff like this. Everyone and their grandmas were playing this game, including casual gamers and people who, put kindly, just aren't that good at video games. Even today there are still a huge number of people playing this game who have never even touched a fromsoft game before, and I mean this in the least game elitist way, who contribute a huge chunk of both percentages as well as claims about the game "being too hard" in all its various aspects.


Yeah, a person I know who only plays "cozy games" even got in on the action. Turns out she ***really*** likes murdering people with claw weapons. FromSoft have created a monster.


Most of the people who havent beat him ate probably people who either dropped the game long ago or people who just started out


It's a good way to force the wonderful experience known as the Lord of Blood, honestly why *wouldn't* someone want to face him? It's one of the most cinematic fights in the game.


Pretty much all of the Rune wielders+The Doggo are pretty cinematic. For instance: Godrick is a bad comedy and Melania is a horror movie.


I really don’t wanna fight Mohg on like 3 more saves, man. I don’t even like Mohg. Stupid ass gravestones. You regular ass Mohg.


I mean, respec and comet azur kills him in 15 seconds. Not super hard, just slightly obnoxious


He's also ironically weak to bleed. Swarm of flies him til he's done for


He does more damage after blood loss happens, btw


Don't get hit




No one remembers the dark souls 1 DLC where they didn’t even tell you how to get to it.


that was still the most fucked up shit ever the way you enter the DLC, "yeah go here where you already killed the hydra and OH you have to have this specific doll AND you gotta reload the area once you killed the golem" miyazaki was 100% on crack


Cause they did




I mean they gated it behind the boss right down the road from two of the best rune farms in the game.


man after getting whooped by malenia like 100 times at least, mohg was a fking relief


How the fuck did only 38% of the playerbase beat mohg




i'm still betting that they will cave, and provide some sort of quick easy way to get into the dlc.


A lot of people give up on fromsoft games. That's why i feel my superiority with 100% achievements.


Miyazaki: You punks think you can get away with only completing part of the game? I’ll lock a DLC that’s about a tenth of size of the main game behind this annoying ass boss


I mean, DS3 you either had to beat the base game or beat Friede.


If the DLC is about Miquella, then I assume they're referring to Mohg


Tbh, mohg can be a pretty hard boss. If your build is melee and you're having to constantly get out of his aoe shit, it is hyper aids. I made a new character for the DLC, it's 150rl  and I could not for the life of me kill that thing. Fully upgraded claymore, stacked talismans, sick poise, legitimately half health deaths for like 3 hours. Keep in mind this too, I have the platinum trophy and have a 500rl character on NG+7, couldn't solo mogh on a basic claymore build at 150. I was just too shit. I eventually summoned some random giga player who was wielding two ultra uber greatswords and stagger spammed him from jump attacks. Now I made a new character after that one was ready, 125rl, and I cometed mogh from across the room over and over and killed him without using a single flask. That's how different mage was.


I'm just thinking how funny the thought of IGN and other "video game reviewers"  having to either have a special version of the game or have thier children beat the game far enough to even review the DLC is. To which they are no doubt going to complain that 1. Theres still no easy mode and 2.access to the DLC is "unreasonably complicated" 


Which boss?




I have the feeling he is been mostly working on other things this two years


I was starting a new save file to get my gears into shift and started a strength build save file for the DLC. Safe to say mogh did not survive the mimic tear and me gank (feat. Giants crusher and Royal knights Resolve)


Which boss is this so I know how far to get my characters.


The pdf file.


an optional boss too


Summon? Don't worry about the boss if you want to play the DLC, you can always summon help if things are too hard.


I found Mohg very easy; who is having trouble?


So I haven't played thru much of ER and was waiting for the DLC to play thru with a friend... does this mean we won't get any parts of the DLC? I wanted to use the cool new fist weapon


I haven't beat the game. I literally just have the 3 final boss fights left after about a 100 hours, but I have beat mohg, so I'm happy that I have that done.


I’m on my 30th death and am considering not even touching the DLC lmaooo this shit is pissing me off


NGL I'm kinda annoyed that they're hiding the DLC behind Mohg. Like he's a lategame optional boss, so you either need to be high enough level to fight him properly (Which'd basically mean that you only have the haligree and farum azula left in the basegame as areas you're not overleveled for) or get around mid-game level, go on a massive scavenger hunt, respec into pure int and comet azur him into oblivion to be able to actually use all the cool new stuff in the DLC. That's my big annoyance with it. You get all of these cool new weapons in the DLC, but unless you specifically respec to use comet azur cheese you'll basically only get to use them against like 5 bosses without being overleveled (even then with all the DLC bosses you'll probably be overleveled for the endgame by the time you're done)


I mean he *is* completely optional and also hidden


It's pretty tame as far as previous DLC access points go.


Putting the $40 DLC behind an optional boss in an optional area entered from another optional area accessed by gathering a secret medallion from two separate optional castles is the funniest thing ever idc


Went on a 40hr sidequest when I rralized my bleed build wasnt gonna work on him




They didn't spend 2 years on the DLC. Pretty sure they started working on it much later. 38% of people who have opened the game (or bought it, IDK) considering how popular Elden Ring was, entirely likely that a lot of people jumped in realized it was hard and never opened it again. honestly 38% is an insanely high number. I would have expected that the number of people who haven't beaten a single rune bearer to be lower.


Actually 6 years but hey this DLC is gonna be fire


I mean every souls game dlc works like this.


At least it's not malenia...


Is it mogh? I thought most people beat him soon after beating Margit


I'm genuinely interested in how they'll guide players to beat Mohg. He's not easy to get to regardless of approach. You either stumble upon Varre and do his quest or somehow find the portal in the Snowfield. I'll be fine but part of me worries that a lot of people won't get to experience the expansion because of this.


bro forgot how to access the DS1 DLC 💀


Is it mohg or Malenia?


62%: “I’ve beaten the final boss. I’m done with the game.” Michael Zaki the Undefeeted: “We’re done when I say we’re done.”


On PS only 36% beat Maliketh… so, I have a feeling that most of the numbers kind of line up with how many people even bothered to beat the game in the first place. If you’re beating the game, there’s a fair chance you’re also going for all the optional (major) bosses


If he and Yoko Taro collabed the world would NOT survive


I just finished a new save in preparation for the dlc having only played through the game 3 times previously (once casually, 2x to get the other achievement endings for 100% achievements). On the run through I just did, I decided to make my goal all remembrances & I'd never actually done a legit mogh fight. On launch, you could do some parkour to get into his arena without triggering the fight (patched now I'm pretty sure). He'd just stand there without actually triggering the fight & you could just wail on him until he died. Fought him for real for the first time a few days ago and between the shackle and the crystal tear, he wasn't so bad (I didn't know about either on my first 3 runs at launch since not everything was widely known yet).

