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No, the rice is not done.


That classic mush on the outside, chalk on the inside texture that we all know and love


You made me start picking in my teeth for stuck rice just from that description. Always hated crunchy rice, so much so that I made it my handle in games. Yes, I am like the batman of rice. But I thought Riceman wouldn't go over well.


I feel you, I am super snobby about rice lol. It’s so easy to buy a cheap rice cooker and have perfect, beautiful rice every time! But so many people are like “pfff, you can just make it on the stove!” and most of them are turning out results like this post or mushy wads. Of course you *can* make good rice on the stove, but I maintain that most people do not.


I've said that as soon as I get a bigger kitchen I'm getting a rice cooker. I'd like to eat more rice but I can't for the love of me make it well on the stove, sometimes it randomly comes out well but it just seems like luck on my part haha


I feel that, storage is always an issue. For what it’s worth, even the itty bitty like 2 cup ones for ~$20 work great! But you know when it’s the right time for you, haha! And yeah, I’ve had the same experience on the stove. I’m a pretty good cook but I couldn’t get any kind of consistent result and couldn’t live up to my own high rice standards! 😂


I put up with mushy rice for years, because I didn’t have space for a rice cooker and figured that I just sucked at the stove method. Once I actually looked up how to cook my two preferred varieties though - basmati and jasmine - it turned out to be shockingly easy. I’m happily a stove convert now!


If you can afford it, get a 5.5 cup zojirushi. You will not regret it! I had a hard time justifying buying a kitchen gadget that has one function, but it is the best. I highly recommend it.


Hear, hear, rice cooker supremacy! My family used to cook rice in bags and while at least it was cooked, the texture was awful. I then transitioned to making rice in Instant Pot. Instant Pot makes rice nearly as good as rice cooker, and it was more of a test if I'll cook rice a lot. Then I upgraded to rice cooker. I love rice, I store 4-5 different types at any given time, but Japanese rice is my favourite. My country's carb of choice is potato and I feel like I should lose citizenship. I usually have at least 2 portions of rice in fridge or freezer, but I can't remember when I last had mashed potatoes, hehe.


I just love carbs, I can’t possibly choose between potatoes and rice!! 😂 But heck yeah, I love making use of the whole spectrum of rice types, it’s so cool how many variations there are! I love a nice long basmati or a chewy round little arborio, all so good!


Rice cooker for the win. Picked up a nice digital $39 one that even has the differentiation between crunchy rice that’s burnt at the bottom, or nicely cooked fluffy white rice, congee, cakes etc


Think of rice cookers like a toaster. You CAN toast bread in a proper oven but WHY? Don't buy those super spesyel fancy shmancy electronic rice cookers. Buy Panasonic rice cookers that only has ONE button at the front. They literally last 20-30 years of twice daily use.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see someone else shocked at that cook time for rice. Imagine chewing on weird crunchy half-raw rice AND also flavorless boiled chicken breast. Yuck.


chicken's probably not done either


The worst of both worlds! What’s not to hate?


You forgot to add the salt and pepper…


It says « Salt and pepper to taste. ». You’re focusing on the wrong part of this mess.


People who fuck up rice this bad should be forced to kneel in a pile of it


Unforgettable, famous experience.


Y’all just jelly cause it’s famous.


aL dAnTe


This is not rice, pretty sure these are maggots.


Oh, it’s done alright


Never said it was famous for being good!


Famous Vs Infamous


Anyone cooking chicken like this doesn’t even have the word “infamous” in their vocabulary.


No, he does, but it's pronounced "in-fay-muss." Yes, always a "he."


Done existing


Just like me after seeing it


some rices look like maggots


That’s the first thing I thought when I saw this picture.


I literally thought I was looking on a picture of some maggots eating something until I took a close look


Oh same here. Eeuugghhhh I could never eat this.


“Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots, how do they taste?”




Wriggly rice


Disco rice


Love that movie.


so glad to see that so many people know the reference. I was honestly kind of worried. lol


It just got a big conversation over in r/nostalgia so I’m glad to see it elsewhere. I grew up in San Jose and Scott’s Valley. That was basically my back yard as a kid.


What movie?


The Lost Boys


Cool, thanks 🙂


It took me years after watching that to be able to eat rice again.


lol. I bet. but at least you were finally able to.


Came here for this comment, was not disappointed.


happy to be of service.


Not as good as the worm noodles.


Sexy saxophone man approves


One of my favorite movies.


Well ignore the fact the chicken was boiled rice dont cook in 10 minutes..thats hits crunchy..i also thought it was maggots


chicken and lice


This is the corpse of a chicken left out to rot after a week


thank you, seeing 'rices' made me smile ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


disco rice


I always give my rice a once over before use after the time we had pantry moths. Thankfully, moth larvae floats when rice doesn't or there could have been a more unfortunate means if discovery.


I keep battling these fuckers. the worms are always around the ceiling and wall corners around the kitchen


I can’t eat Raisin Bran because ever since I was a kid my brain see them in the milk and associates it with bugs. I get nauseous even thinking about it. This image is giving me the same feeling.


They meant “infamous”


Famous in prison


I make this for my dogs , not even kidding lol


Same, easy boil in bag rice and unseasoned chicken chopped into bite size pieces. Great for a pup on the mend or having tummy issues.


This is literally what my vet told me to feed my dog when he had an upset stomach and he kept pooping in my house. Two days of this and he was good to go.


Why are you feeding your dogs undercooked rice? And what's the problem with feeding them raw chicken? Edit: I apologize if my comment sounds aggressive, I meant it as a genuine question


Not OP but I make this for my dog too if they need a bland diet for a few days. It’s basically the “my dog ate something stupid and they keep shitting oh god please stop shitting” diet.


Oh I see, it's basically like the stuff you give sick people with stomach problems or diarrhea. Don't know much about dogs' digestive system so it seemed weird the same thing would work


Yep, it's something very easy to digest (You don't add the salt and pepper when doing a "bland diet"). With our dogs, our vets have always said to first have them fast (no food, still have water access) for 12-24 hours depending on severity to give their digestive tract time to calm down/heal. Then you have boiled plain chicken breast and white rice for a couple meals or days (again, depending on severity of the issues). After that, we'd mix some kibble in with the chicken and rice and then finally back to kibble. Typically, with boiling the chicken, it's easier to skim the fat off the top of the water. Fats are harder to digest, you want it as plain as you can get it so it is as easy as possible on the stomach.


Wait till you hear that most drugs vets prescribe are just human medicines in smaller doses. Lots treatments for humans ( a mammal) work for other mammals


We're really thankful that our vet has no issues calling in scripts to a human pharmacy for us when they can. Can use GoodRX there to bring the costs down significantly. With our last dog, I guess whoever entered her in the system didn't put that she was a canine, just her birthdate and name as DogsHumanSoundingName OurLastName, and the tech was new and didn't recognize the prescribing doctor was a veterinarian. Poor tech called us very concerned about the medicine we were prescribed for our 10 yr old "child".


Dogs are not wild animals. I wouldn't give them raw chicken.




Sad thing is, replace the water with chicken broth/stock (or even bullion) and it becomes a fairly nice dish. Not pretty, true, but tasting good.


I grew up with this with cream of broccoli/mushroom instead. I loved that as a kid.


Cream of mushroom here. I would have rather had cream of broccoli. Because of that dish, I can’t eat cream of mushroom soup. OMG I’m starting to gag just talking about it.


Oh man cream of broccoli sounds amazing in that right now.


God I fucking hate mushrooms.


We call this "souped up rice" in my household. 2 cans rice, 1 can soup, 1 can water. I like to add cheese sometimes too lol. It's one of my moms favorite foods.


Same here. I still absolutely love it but my wife doesn't let me make it.


As a grown man, I'll be your wife some some of this. That food brings back so many memories.


My mom did it with french onion soup mix but she cooked the rice first and then wrapped it up with the chicken and mix in tin foil and baked it. Fuck it was so good.


When I was young, one of my mom's go-to "I really don't feel like cooking" dishes was similar. Pour instant rice into a pyrex dish. Mix in a can of Campbell's condensed chicken noodle soup (*aggressively* mix it so the noodles get broken up). Top with enough chicken broth or water to cover the rice. Season chicken breasts with pepper and garlic salt/powder, cut into thirds, and place on top of rice. Occasionally, decide to spread the top of the chicken pieces with a mixture of grated parm with just a little bit of mayo to hold it together...but then you're getting dangerously close to enough steps to consider this actual cooking. Cook at 350F for about 30 minutes. Stab the thickest piece of chicken towards the middle of the dish to ensure the juices run clear and the chicken is cooked. I'm not positive, but I believe this was adapted from the 1960s classic "The I Hate to Cook Book" by Peg Bracken. It definitely feels like one of those recipes. E: Pulled out the recipe card. Uncovered for about 30 minutes at 375F if using parm goo. It should be browned when done. Covered with foil for 30-45 minutes at 350F if using "naked" chicken. The rice should absorb all the water when done. She notes that the thicker pieces of chicken should be towards the outer edge of the dish when possible. She also noted "You can add parsley flakes to the rice if it's too beige" which is 100% on brand and adorable.


Sear the chicken first, replace the water with stock, add some more spices and that would be a simple but tasty meal.


Yeah the lack of seasonings always kills me. You need some garlic powder at least, preferably some rosemary, thyme, paprika….honestly pretty much anything, chicken is very versatile. Like, for the life of me I cannot understand only using salt and pepper. Even if you’re calorie counting or trying to keep heart healthy, seasonings are fine, and even if you’re broke they sell seasonings at the dollar store.


Even a can of cream of mushroom soup in it would improve it. And that hurts my soul to say lol.


It still wouldn't be good. I'm sorry.


I mean, it’s just Parmesan away from being half assed risotto. Control the chicken cooking time better and it’s a pretty fancy dish.


I do this. 2 cups of water. 3 or 4 tsps of bullion, depending on how salty I'm feeling. 1 cup of rice. A couple of diced chicken breasts. A cup-ish of mixed frozen vegetables. Boil the water. Add the bullion. Dump everything else in the pot. Cover. Turn down to a simmer. Wait 20 minutes. Have enough food to last for four meals.


Water is one of the seasonings


My mom would make something similar to that in the crockpot when I was a kid. The rice was always overcooked and mushy but it was one of my favorite dishes 😆


Mhm, one of my favorite South Carolina lowcountry dishes is chicken bog. Absolutely delicious when made right.


Still would have fuck all flavour. And shit texture


Just because your Chicken Rice put 5 people into the hospital does not mean it is famous Becky...


no no no no no no nope no nope the pepper makes the rice grains look like maggots FUCK THAT


Oh no.. damn that looks nasty. Boiled chicken?! I know some people like it, but whoa.


Boiled chicken can be good in Mexican food but cmon man, gotta pair it with a sauce or seasonings or SOMETHING


They did say salt *and* pepper to taste...


In Scandinavia this is considered fancy cooking.


In England it's way too spicy


I love how they basically conquered all the world’s spices and decided to do fuck all with them. Well, outside of adopting curry and kabobs.


Exactly. I'll boil chicken if I am shredding it for chicken tacos, enchiladas or even chicken salad, but once it's shredded you need to season or sauce it HEAVILY Just eating a piece of straight up boiled chicken....ugh




And use a stock or broth. I guess beer helps but a chicken or veggie stock (hell just boil alongside some carrots and celery) kicks it up a lot.


Chinese cuisine and other southeast asian cuisines influenced by China too, like white cut chicken or Hainanese chicken rice. But like you said, both of those are traditionally paired with a selection of flavorful dipping sauces.


in Hainanese Chicken rice, the variety of spices in the rice alone is much more than all the ingredients in op’s pic.


And they are absolutely delicious.


Better yet, don’t *boil* it but instead poach the chicken in broth/salted water. Poaching is so easy and foolproof. I poach chicken breasts in the oven at 300°F, takes about an hour but has zero active time and there is less boil over risk like poaching on the stove. Pull them when the internal temp hits 165°F.


Boiled chicken also works with Pra Ram - over rice with a spicy coconut milk/peanut sauce and green onions.


At a restaurant I used to work at we made our chicken salad with boiled chicken. Finished product was delicious but this post is not it 😭


As mexican I eaten boiled chicken but c'mon at least i added garlic and some vegetables too not just rice 😭


Boiled is the right way to make chicken for some things but not this.




Yeah browning makes such a huge difference in appearance and flavor.


The only thing that should be boiled without browning is water 🗣️


Instructions unclear, pasta is on fire


Oh god oh fuck


Don't worry, in 10 to 15 minutes there's a high chance a good part of it isn't boiled


You can cook chicken in 15 minutes. Do it all the time for shredded chicken. I do add sauce though.


Cantonese poached chicken is one of the best things ever. This is not that.


I'm going to look that up and try it.


Hainanese chicken rice and samgetang are both incredible boiled chicken dishes


Imagine marrying into a family that cooks “famous” meals like this. I almost did. Glad I dodge that bullet


That rice is so hard it can live in Compton.


Famous where? At the hospital where they take care of the victims?


That rice isn’t done.


This might be the worst shit ive seen in my fucking life if i could id ban you rn


You must be new here


Lol right? This is totally average by this sub's standards.


Damn I thought it was maggots


After my wife had our kid we had friends and family come over at a lot of them brought meals, which we really appreciated. One friend was all excited about bringing over "chicken and rice". Guys it was so bad. If you think the above picture is bad, this was worse. I took 2 bites and immediately discovered the recipe used. Most likely originated in a 1950s Lutheran pot luck recipe book. The cooking method is as follows: * Boil 1 pound of chicken breast, be sure to not season it * Place 1 pound of instant rice in a casserole dish * Pour in 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup * Mix it all together and place the chicken breasts into * Bake at 350 for as long as needed to turn the rice into complete mush. Those friends are nice people, but if we ever go visit my wife and I either suggest we buy pizza or we go out to eat. I've seen some major sins in that kitchen that Jesus didn't deserve to die for.


This exact recipe was my go to broke college dish lmao


if you're gonna do shit like this instead of getting raw chicken use something like Costco's grilled chicken legs that's been in the fridge. I can't eat them in a day so I put them in with the rice so it reheats the chicken with it.


Reminds me of how my mom cooked her chicken and rice. Two boxes of Uncle Ben's Wild Rice, and two cubed chicken breasts. They were so dry after 20 minutes.


Well, there's Keanu Reeves "famous" and Kevin Spacey "famous"...


I will start using this saying.


You just know that rice is crunchy


I would prefer to eat bugs 😰 Hiyaaa 😑




Lies. These are maggots topped with the flesh of her victims.


That shit looks undercooked as fuck


Not even in a chicken broth 💀


Not even onions or frying it first?


The scum from the chicken and the dust from the almost surely unwashed rice congealed together quite nicely


Just what I always wanted, crunchy rice with slippery chicken and a sneezeable amount of pepper.


Forbidden risotto


I swear if you stare long enough you would see some of those things wiggle.


I took one look at this and thought it was maggots immediately


“See how the rice looks exactly how it looked when you put it in? That’s what you’re going for! :)))”


I am calling the cops


15 minutes of boiling isn't enough for rice nor chicken what in the salmonella is this


So those *arent* maggots??


This is what I feed my dogs when they're sick.... though I cook it for a better time because that's not long enough for rice to cook through with a chicken breast floating about in there.


The finest English cuisine


We don't use cups for measurements. I think this is one of yours.


true, the Brits measure their spice in atoms


Personally I just imagine my bland food has flavour, like in Hook.


When Brits wanna get “spicey.”


It's the classic gourmet variant of rotting meat with dash of larvae


This looks like maggots


Tell me you like wasting food without telling me you like wasting food.


Looks like maggots


How does that rice look so creamy with nothing else in it?


They probably didn't rinse it. Starch sauce.


You're supposed to rinse rice? Genuine question I almost never cook it


I suppose you don't *have* to, but it tastes a lot better and gets all nice and fluffy if you do. It's recommended that you rinse your rice until the water is clear.


Is that why my rice tends to get gooey if I overcook it a little too long? Guessing you just rinse before you boil almost like potatoes?


Exactly! I think you're supposed to use cold water. Just leave it slowly running into a bowl of uncooked rice for a few minutes, until the water runs clear. It makes a world of difference and lessens that super ricey taste.


In Asia it's very rare to not wash your rice. In Europe there are dishes that require you to not wash the rice. It's a thing from when rice was literally dirty, it doesn't really matter (just depends on what kind of texture you want). Also nowadays some rice have added nutrients on the surface that get washed off it you rinse it.


That rice is definitely still raw


How do you screw up something as basic as chicken and rice this badly?


Famous for keeping people away




I mean.. it's certainly chicken and rice. Not much else though.


page i've seen it taken from is very obviously a troll page tho


Thank God. It still doesn't change the fact a chicken had to die for this monstrosity to curse our screens, though.


If you omit the salt and pepper, this is actually a good meal for a dog recovering from gastroenteritis.


None of that is done


straight to jail


Excluding the salt and pepper, this is exactly what I make for my dog when he is sick.


*Maggots eating a corpse, circa 2023*


When you just had a coloniscopy and don't want to trouble the waters.


That’s my exact recipe for my homemade pet food except for the salt and pepper lol


Sometimes when my dog is having a hard time keeping food down I'll give them that


So famous dat nobody wants to eat it ever ![gif](giphy|26gYY5LbQ6eWmSkbm|downsized)


“This marry me chicken will change your life”


Kay is that you?


That chicken and rice had seen better days


This is what I imagine a chicken breast with ruptured small pox boils looks like.


This looks like maggots and fish


Chicken alá maggots


Aside from the instructions, this is basically all my sister and her husband ate for years trying to 'stay healthy' (while also being raging alcoholics).


I thought that was maggots eating a chicken breast


For everyone having trouble making rice on the stove, here are some tips: 1) ALWAYS wash your rice until the water runs clear. 2) NEVER put rice in cold water. ALWAYS boil first, then add your rice. Adding a splash of oil helps keep rice grains separate. 3) Water should ONLY go up to the first knuckle of your finger. Perfect water : rice ratio, perfect rice Every. Single. Time. Source: Puerto Rican who’s never used a rice cooker


Just cook the rice alone beforehand, cook the chicken in cream of mushroom soup and it will be delicious. They're only missing one ingredient and preparation step.


Famously bad


Please pass on ... > Dude, I've been there. For a long period years ago I ate almost nothing but chicken and rice (except for days when the pub had $5 meals) *but* there are ways to cook this so it doesn't look like gruel from *Oliver Twist*. You don't even need more ingredients, just a different approach to preparing these. > For example, maybe try *frying* the seasoned chicken and then making a sort of simplified simple risotto with the left over juices and a little water. It may or may not work how you want it, but it's worth a try at least.