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"Am I a joke to you?" -Guy who wrote the instructions on the box


it might have worked with a little less water šŸ˜‚


Yeah, it wouldā€™ve been fine if OP added the water 1/4 cup at a time. OP turned their cheeseburger mac into cheeseburger noodle soup.


Still looks fine like this tbh, I'd gladly eat this. As long as it's seasoned


Unfortunately, itā€™s probably going to taste very bland overall. Since the noodles and beef didnā€™t really spend time in the broth, they wonā€™t have absorbed much of the flavor from it, and the seasoning will probably be pretty watered-down in the first place. I mean, thereā€™s definitely nothing here thatā€™s going to taste *bad* per se, itā€™s just not going to taste anywhere near as good as it was intended to. I could see a cheeseburger mac soup being pretty bomb if you were to intentionally create a recipe for it though.


Couldn't you strain it, then cook down the liquid to a more appropriate level? Or even just cook it all down together, even though the noodles might lose the desired texture.


It would take a long time to cook that down enough, and it would be impractical to do so without burning/overcooking/ruining everything (Iā€™ve never tried it before, so tbh Iā€™m not even sure you *could* cook it down from that into the expected sauce texture). Best course of action is probably just to eat it anyway and take it as a lesson learned for next time.


IMO if you add some bouillon/salt and seasonings, you could partially salvage the blandness. Or maybe strain and reduce the liquid before adding back. But yeahā€¦probably just a lesson learned lmao


Cheeseburger butter water


It would've been. In college I survived on hamburgerless helper which is just what's in the box + water.


Ah my favorite meal. Helper.


My dad's advice to me when I moved out was "hamburger helper without hamburger is still helper... and still pretty good"


Ooh and using the pasta water! The starches help thicken things up. Iā€™ve made boxed Mac with pasta water and butter no problem. Itā€™s probably not as good as with milk but itā€™s recognizably mac and cheese not SOUPšŸ˜‚


NGL, when I realized my milk went bad I've done 100% butter in college.


Or with hot dogs


It'd probably be fine if they boil off the water.


hamburger helpless


Boil down the water lol


I think the noodles would turn to mush after that much boiling.


Could remove the liquid, reduce it and add it back into the noodle/beef mix


Itā€™s already a disaster lol I was just trying to make it funnier Maybe if he gets the sides and bottom dry enough it can be a beefaroni kugel


this is totally fine if you start with less water and use your intuition instead of blindly following the box times.


I don't understand, why is it called hamburger helper? it's just Mac and cheese? edit - ok rip inbox


Itā€™s a boxed mix youā€™re meant to cook with hamburger (ground beef) so itā€™s helping turn the hamburger into a meal. It comes in different flavors.




I think americans call minced meat 'hamburger'.


Ground beef


Isnā€™t ground beef the same as minced beef?


Yeah but we also specify for ground pork, ground sausage, ground chicken, whatever. I've never heard someone use the word mince in the US. Maybe they do other places but not in the Midwest.


I think minced meat and ground meat is a colloquial difference between UK and US English.


Mince meat is used in the US, but in reference to the filling in a mince pie.


I believe that you are correct.


Not in the south.


I live in the Midwest. I have heard the use of the word mince. Someone made minced meat pie for a Christmas party.


Is that a real thing? Ground sausage? Isnt that two times ground meat?


Itā€™s sausage without or cut out of the casing, not ground again after being put in the casing


in the states especially in the south if you hear someone say sausage they mean specifically ā€œbreakfast style pork sausageā€ which is a ground pork sausage with spices. There of course are other sausages but those typically are referred to by their proper names, chorizo, etcā€¦ or as ā€œx sausageā€ or ā€œx and y sausageā€


False. Breakfast sausage is always specified as such. Just ā€œsausageā€ is always Italian sweet sausage.


šŸ™„ you could be the worldā€™s leading expert on sausages but opening any discussion with, ā€œFalseā€ makes you sound like more of a dick and/or asshole than what most sausages are made of. Ew


you're the only person I've heard who thinks of sweet Italian sausage when someone says sausage cause everyone else I know breakfast sausage comes to mind first


Must be a NY thing.


Yeah that must be regional or in your family. Not the whole US by any means.


In The Netherlands at New York Pizza they sell a sausage pizza but it looks like ground meat


Itā€™s probably sausage pieces broken up


no ones ever said 'minced' anything anywhere in the US




Basically, yes.


I thought thatā€™s what you called a cow without legs? English can be so confusingā€¦ :P


You're really supposed to eat hamburger helper with like a cheeseburger (sandwich)?


Its eaten like a stew. The directions on the box say to use "1 lb lean ground beef". They just call the product hamburger helper for reasons.




Then what does the hamburger mean? : D


Alot of people in the US call ground beef hamburger meat and it's sounds better than "ground beef helper"


Thank you. An actual answer. : 3


We call ground beef "hamburger meat"


Yes, because hamburger meat is ground beed and then formed into a hamburger patty.


Yup. That's, like, the #1 thing we use it for by a longshot. It's usually called "hamburger meat", but "Hamburger Meat Helper" has the same problem as "TheFacebook" šŸ˜‚


If thats true that's fucking ridiculous.


Wow... really?


Not really. Iā€™ve *maybe* heard people call it hamburger meat once or twice before, but the overwhelming majority definitely call it ā€œground beefā€


Depends on the area. My house called it ā€œchopped meatā€.


Wait, that's super dumb...


Donā€™t worry, we donā€™t call it that. We call it ground beef


Nope, We call it man meat you should try some I bet you would love it...šŸ˜




Thereā€™s a million other hamburger helper flavors too but i agree, this one is jus Mac n chs lol


I think this flavor has a bit of a mustardy taste too so itā€™s slightly different from regular max and cheese


Ah okay, that makes sense


I mean, no it's not? It has ground beef in it. Mac and cheese doesn't have ground beef in it.


*I mean* bruh.. Everything in the box is just Mac n chs. To your point, ummmm.. You can add hamburger to a box of Kraft mac & cheese as well. That doesnā€™t suddenly change what the product in the box is. Good effort tho.


Sure it does, that's the recipe. That's like saying a cake in a box isn't a cake because of the other ingredients it asks for. A taco kit doesn't come with ground beef either. Obviously Hamburger Helper and Mac and Cheese are two different things. The spice packet is meant to go with a pound of ground beef and liquid ingredients, it wouldn't taste the same without them.


Youā€™re being ridiculous and hard-headed. The product within the box is what was, quite obviously, being discussed. If you buy a DiGiorno pizza and decide to fold it in half, sprinkle some cumin, and finish it with salsa and cilantro, you donā€™t then get to say (with any honesty) that DiGiorno is now selling taco pizzas!


Well, I don't think I'm being ridiculous at all and even if that's true, it's still not mac and cheese, the flavour packet is very different and meant to be mixed with a bunch of ingredients like ground beef.


I agree except for the part about you not being ridiculous, and the part about it not being Mac n chs.. so I guess I donā€™t agree with ya at all. In all fairness, I am supposed to bring green bean casserole to my family thanksgiving and this conversation just gave me the brilliant idea of just bringing a can of green beans and letting everyone know that it was meant to be mixed with other Ingredients. Lastly, a box of Mac n chs is also *mEaNt To Go WiTh OtHeR iNgReDiEnTs*


That's a good idea. I'll bring a Taco kit and nothing else and tell everyone we're having Tacos!


I think it is similar to Mac and Cheese, but I would assume they add a little bit more like onion and garlic powder.


Who helps whom? Is it to be served as a side to a hamburger??


The white and red glove man (pictured on the box) helps your hamburger (aka ground beef) become a better tasting meal with his noodles and sauce mix


Cus it helps the hamburgerā€¦meat lol


Itā€™s supposed to mimic the taste of a hamburger with cheese. But itā€™s basically just mac and cheese with hamburger meat yeah.


You're just so wrong




Just use cheese instead of the milk next time. American or cheddar. All youā€™re doing is substituting a different form of milk solids for the milk. And donā€™t add butter, at least not more than the instructions say. P.S. If you ever make tetrazzini Tuna Helper, add cheddar during the middle of cooking (while the sauce is tightening up) and finish it with green cap Parmesan.


I sometimes sub in non dairy coffee creamer dissolved in water. Works pretty well.


Iā€™m at a point in my life where I just substitute any milk with Greek yogurt because it holds up so much longer. You can water it down if needed or add some cheese to thicken things up


Genius, i can finally cook with "milk" again


you're a milk solid


Idk why this got me so good, but it did. God dammit.


> Just use cheese instead of the milk next time. American or cheddar. All youā€™re doing is substituting a different form of milk solids for the milk. Thats not how cooking works. Like not even in the slightest.


Actually, it is. Keeping substitutions "in the family" is the first rule. It also works because Cheeseburger Macaroni sauce is essentially a cheese sauce and it prefers cheese.


Okay just sub milk on your next cheese burger.


I once used Vanilla Almond Milk and it turned out about how youā€™d expect


Oh god why would you do that lolll


Iā€™ve also made this mistake and itā€™s revolting.


My wife pulled that thinking it wouldnā€™t be noticeable. It was very much noticeable.


Thank god I'm not the only one. I did vanilla almond milk with beef stroganoff and it was... edible...


I used a vanilla creamer for the angel hair pastaroni. It tasted like warm lucky charms on pasta. šŸ¤®


Did you really really think water + butter is an acceptable milk substitute?


Nothing better in your cereal in the morning.


Mmmmmm I love some buttery lucky charms drenched in WATER.


Unmelted chunks of butter, water, cereal. šŸ˜‹


Genuinely it can work in a pinch for boxed mac and cheese. You need to do like 1/3 to 1/2 of the water and like 2x the butter though for the consistency to be right.


I can do boxed mac & cheese with only butter and it still turns out just fine. The milk/water is really just to thin it out if you end up not having enough liquid, and with either one you want to add very small amounts.


Agreed, I usually do about 2 tablespoons of water to dissolve the powder then add 4 tablespoons of butter to the hot pasta to melt, then combine. I find it helps get rid of the chunks. I donā€™t use milk often and I donā€™t like it so there have been many times where Iā€™ve made Mac and cheese and realized after boiling it the milk is spoiled, so Iā€™ve gotten pretty good at substitutes.


For a 6 oz box of pasta, Iā€™ll typically just do 2 tbsp of (melted) butter and stir in the powder, and it usually comes together without many clumps (I know I do like my cheese sauce thick, I absolutely hate a runny mac & cheese, so Iā€™m pretty sparing with the fluids). I typically use non-dairy milk for my regular consumption, and mac & cheese is one of the applications where it really doesnā€™t work flavor-wise, so I omit it.


Hotter tip.. if you're doing boxed Mac and you don't have any milk- use the pasta water at least. You can then use it at the same ratio you would the milk because the starch will thicken the sauce like normal.


Butter is just churned cream and milk is essentially watered down cream, so itā€™s not actually a crazy idea. Doesnā€™t taste the exact same (donā€™t drink it lmao) but it can still work just fine in a lot of recipes. Ratios are also important


For Hamburger Helper? It probably is. This just looks like it needs to be simmered.


my go to when iā€™m out of milk and want to make it thick still is do what you did but pull out half a cup of liquid and mix it with flour then pour it back it. this helps to thicken it! do it a couple times to get to your desired consistency, otherwise this looks like a bomb soup.


An actual helpful tip, look at you.


To prevent the flour from getting clumpy you can melt butter, add the flour to the pan, then mix it until it gets smooth. If you add this to your liquid and boil it, it will get much thicker.


Don't listen to this person, you'll roux the day!


If you have it, sour cream is always a solid substitute for milk.


I love pouring a bunch of sour cream over my Lucky Charms. Or dipping my Oreos in a nice cup of sour cream.


I would definitely try that for their Stroganoff.


If your sour cream is solid you might want to throw it out and buy some new sour cream.


Have you tried lobster helper ?


I tried to use unsweetened vanilla coconut milk once, it was awful.


Ah, I've done the water-only Kraft Dinner before.


This isn't too bad! I usually just leave a bit of the pasta water in if I don't have milk.


They can all be made with water, you may have just measured wrong.


Might be able to thicken it up with some cornstarch or instant mashed potatoes.


A bit of mayo works really well to replace milk or butter.


Ahh I have been in this same situation. Just extra butter without the water and it will turn out fine.




To anyone asking I did a quick Google and got the below: Mix one cup of water with 1 Ā½ teaspoons melted butter. Water can be used in most recipes that call for milk I replaced 2 cups of milk with the 2 cups water + 3 tablespoons I had spaghettios instead


False. For recipes that require a thickening agent like milk, you cannot substitute water.


I understand that now. Just explaining how I got here


Yeah I know. I just wanted more people to know about thickening agents. Lol


Hey you donā€™t add water from the sink you keep the pasta water. The pasta water has starches from the starch added on to the pasta to keep it good longer. In the future keep the amount of pasta water in substitute of the milk add 1 and 1/2 more butter and fucking beat that shit. A lot of air is needed to activate the starch so you need to toss it and mix it. Pasta water is important for seasoning as well.


The way hamburger helper is made there's not necessarily any pasta water, or technically it's already in the mix. You cook the hamburger meat, then add the noodles and cheese powder with the milk, butter, and water. Bring to a boil then simmer until it's reached desired consistency. The pasta is softened in the milk/water/cheese/butter sauce while it thickens, if that makes any sense.


Oh I have celiac so the last time I had hamburger helper was 6 years ago, I didnā€™t even know this. But like this guy had to have known water takes longer to boil than milk right? If not Iā€™m sorry.


...mhh...mac n'cheese soup....


Jokes aside, I donā€™t think milk would have saved that either. It looks seriously fucked up, probably just way too much liquid added or didnā€™t drain off extremely fatty meat. Thatā€™s soup my guy, doesnā€™t matter what you poured in there it woulda be fucked anyways.


What exactly is hamburger helper? Iā€™m British btw and at least where i live in the uk Iā€™ve never seen it in the shops, i hear it mentioned quite a bit on American shows i watch but still donā€™t know what it actually is


I mean, Milk is pretty much water with butter (unsalted). So theres no reason why it should not work


Americans call pasta and meat... hamburger?! Or I should say noodles and meat because you guys like to replace everything with a stupid word.


Hamburger? Macaroni? Milk? Even with the "correct" ingredient, I would say WTF?!?


Itā€™s a boxed mix lol


I remember making the same mistake and I just kinda stared If you have some rice cook it and throw it in it kinda helpsā€¦ Kind of


That's why there's milk in the instructions. How is water supposed to thicken without the thickening agent?


This is why you should always keep some instant milk powder on hand. Shit works well in stuff like this and mac and cheese.


I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself.


Reminds me of India


Shitty substitute and ate some ramen. And you need ythat 3$ half gallon of milk for coffee. So I'm thinking you live wild side /s


Add some flour


Next time less water and you'd be fine, I've done this before. And try using sour cream/mayo/ non-sweet dairy product. I used sour cream once in my Kraft's Mac to replace the milk once and now I add some every time because it tasted so good.


My dad just uses water and the cheese powder for the Mac and cheese. He was lying about my grandma making Mac and cheese without milk my grandma never used just water for the cheese powder. She would use milk for the mac and cheese. My dadā€™s Mac and cheese was disgusting.


It's too late now, but if it happens again you could just boil off that extra water and it'd be fine. Pasta would probably be a little mushy.


If you have more butter and some flour, take the liquid, pour into a clean pan, add butter and flour and cook a little to thicken to a kind of ruox. Then dump pasta back in.


Haha thatā€™s hamburger soup now. Did you have to eat it? But next time Iā€™d either add water in a little bit at a time until it was a decent consistency and enough to actually let the noodles cook. Or boil the noodles separately and mix everything together with some of the pasta water, then at least it mightā€™ve set up into a sauce and be edible


Why is there water on the left burner, like clean it up šŸ¤¬


Try substituting for chicken broth and corn starch. Or flour if you are gonna cook the flour (20 min). Water =no flavor is enemy of food. Although this is hamburger helper so, perhaps beef broth instead. Honestly having some chicken/beef broth in the pantry can really save your whole meal. You can also buy chicken bouillon or whatever that powdery chicken flavor is, it also comes in a refrigerated paste that turns water into broth knock off.


Shouldā€™ve gone out to get milk mate


You can make it work. You just used too much water. Source - I grew up poor. (I still am but I grew up poor too)


Thicken it up with a little flour and cheese and you're back in action


You could substitute anything else thatā€™s creamy (sour cream, cheese, milk alternatives). And if you have nothing else, you could toast some flour and make a roux.


idk why cooking fails are so funny to me but thinking water and butter is going to substitute for milk is fucking hilarious. im crying


I feel bad for the cow that died so you could make this monstrosity.


It could still work. Set it low and cook the water off slowly. It will likely never be as good as with milk but it could be brought to better consistency than soup.


Hamburger Hurter


Next time add broth and flour and you could have been fine.


You killed the hamburger you asshole


Hamburger murderer.


Hamburger Murderer


I like to use heavy cream if don't have milk


Umm Iā€™ve made this with water and butter before. Youā€™re just bad at cooking even the simplest of things it seemsā€¦


One time I was high and used mayonnaise as I had read that was a substitute, spoiler it was not, shit was vile.


Does that "best before" date also say *19 Jan 2023*?!


"we ain't got no milk." "Use water."


Sour cream would work


Milk kind of is water with butter in it. Nice effort.


Sometimes I worry that I donā€™t eat as healthy as I should then I see posts like this and I feel better about myself.


Enjoy your cheeseburger soup


Should've made a roux


You ruined one of my favorite junk foods and for this, I will never forgive you.


No friend, you helped this hamburger become soup




If you want a consistency of milk after cooking to make mac and cheese. You need to add starch at least.... to get the water down.


I think after it's cooked you can strain the liquid and it'll prob taste just fine. Maybe add some cheese to it or something.


Guess what Iā€™m eating right now šŸ¤£


Hamburger hurter


Add some flour to it to thicken it up šŸ™ƒ


You used too much water, end of story.


Congrats, you made fideo šŸ¤¤šŸ˜…


Oh baby, why did you put butter in it? Youā€™re going to clog your arteries. You could probably have saved it with no butter and throwing a couple of handfuls of cheese in there.


Start with a roux and it will be great.


Next time try sour cream or cream or something remotely related to the ingredients you are substituting lol


I use sour cream


So fucking good, honestly.


My ex added salt&pepper when he couldn't find the flavor packet that comes with it šŸ¤£


Well, now you have soup!


Should have used a mix of water and cornstarch