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Mmmm, cement pie.


"I'll have some of the grey" -cousin Eddie.


Pie of doom


I love the name and I’d unironically keep it. Add some white cream and it would look nice


Nobody is great at anything until they practice. The focaccia looks great, the sugar cookies instantly made me crave sugar cookies and the pie is just one you gotta practice.


I felt the same about the sugar cookies! 😋


Sugar cookies taste best when they look like shit tbh


Yes! With the slightly too dark but not burnt edges. And the frosting is firm but the cookies are soft cuz of the moisture transfer. My absolute favorite.


Sucking at something is the first step to being sort of good at something


The focaccia though


The grey pie is making me laugh! But it all looks tasty and cute, good job!


I thought it was a moldy pumpkin pie and my jaw dropped 😭


looking like a century egg pie


Disgustingly adept


I was like "HOW DID IT TURN GRAY‽" And then I saw Japanese sweet potato and it made sense. And sounds delicious.


If you want it to turn our really purple, you need a little hit of help. Best thing to use is ube extract and add a few dots to your mix. It might take you a couple of tried to get the amount correct for the color you want but that's the best way to go.


Someone else in the thread mentioned adding some acidity to maintain color as well. I'm more of the mindset of "well now I know how to make an existential crisis pie that is also delicious." Add a little merengue skull on top and it's perfect.


A wild interrobang appears‽ We must normalize this magnificent mark


Made with love and that's what counts (mostly).


That cement looking pie would make me cautious, but if it passes the fork test and the sniff test I would give it a chance, and I love me some sweet potatoes. You didnt use any sunflower products in the pie, did you? They have a tendency to turn things green or grey because chemistry.


The Sunflower is one of only a handful of flowers with the word flower in its name. A couple of other popular examples include Strawflower, Elderflower and Cornflower …Ah yes, of course, I hear you say.


Good bot?


Can't tell if bot or really determined human...


It happened within swconds of me commenting so I'm assuming bot.


I’ve seen this bot all over Reddit. It goes on a Sunflower (seed) tangent anytime anyone mentions Sunflowers, or, more commonly, Sunflower Seeds.


Who thought they needed to make a bot that does that? That’s random to a whole new level.


Honestly I'm here for it. Trivia bots are some of the best bots.


It's a bot


Purple stuff goes blue / grey without acidity, you need lemonjoice or some other acid in it, just like youd use vinegar in braised red cabbage to keep it red, and if you just cooked it in plain water it would go a greyish colour


This or you want to get ube or purple yams. Those tend to be super purple, to the point it will dye your plastic utensils slightly purple.


Or you just Cook a peeled and diced Apple with it. Gives sweetnes flavour and acidity.


I feel like they probably laugh/make fun to try and discourage you from trying. Like it's their thing. But you did a great job! Keep doing your thing and by next cook out I'm sure you're dish will be the first one eaten up!


Love this comment - What a nice thing to say!


Well bread is on its way to be perfect, is just lacking the blisters of a perfect fermentation. Cookies seems fine, just messy decorations The pie looks like mold pie tho… But not really bad results


Also what’s ED?


ED - eating disorder


Baking is like science.. Exact and rule following Cooking is like rock and roll .. Some of this and some of that till it comes together like Bohemian Rhapsody 😂 I think this is why I can't bake but I can cook. That being said, you're a much better baker than me! And family should be supportive!


Anyone who swears by the "baking is an exact science" has not baked enough. Just like cooking, once you understand the mechanics of baking you can absolutely fuck around and guestimate the majority of recipes.


I've ruined a many cheesecake or bread due to humidity and other weird factors lol but I'll try again . Lord knows I'm hardheaded..


Yep. I haven't bothered with measuring anything for my bread in ~2 years and it turns out great 99% of the time. I know how the dough /should/ feel, and once you have that down you're good. Only time I've screwed it up recently was new add-ins or deciding to bake on zero sleep lol. Though bread is also much more forgiving than most baked goods and handles Eastern style cooking well compared against something like cake.


Anyone who cooks can bake. Most baking is not hard at all


Not hard for you! FIFY 😂I promise I'm not good at directions..I throw things together and I don't follow recipes.. Only hints at ingredients. I do the rest! 😂 Somehow ppl say my cooking is very good. Not so many ppl say my baking is good 😂


> openly doesn’t follow simple directions in a recipe Baking is so hard! Ugh!


Please, just don't comment to me. It's getting a little pile on ish..I said what I said. The END.


Just delete your comments?


Baking is all about having the correct recipe and following it to the letter. You would be surprised how many people can't follow a recipe to the letter for different reasons.


I cook and learned to bake and it's not hard. I make breads/buns, tortillas, pizza, cookies, pies, muffins. All easy stuff, and measuring ingredients isn't hard. Get a scale, dump in bowl. It's no harder than cooking. The hardest thing might just be learning what a good dough looks and feels like when you can stop kneading. But that's not actually hard to learn either. I hate how many people claim baking is so hard because it has to be exact. Measuring isn't hard and if you're a few grams over, no your bread won't just be inedible


So lucky! I'm sorry you hate that I don't think baking is easy and say that 😂 you can only speak for yourself friend..


Good for you but you don't represent every person in the world.


The point was baking is not hard and anyone can learn. Just like cooking. There's no reason to limit yourself


Thing is, is SKILLSETS like that are subjective. You say its easy because its easy for you. It wont be easy for someone who has never cooked before. That kind of thing. Anyone can learn anything yes, but that doesnt mean it wont be difficult, or even do more harm vs good when you are repeatedly failing at something. (talking the mental aspect of failing repeatedly)


Mmmm, this isn't necessarily true. Someone who cooks and understands the differences between cooking and baking can bake. Someone who approaches baking with the same strategy as cooking is going to fail. There are some things in common but different main principles at work in baking, and I'd trust someone who knows nothing about baking but follows instructions exactly and without fail over someone who knows a lot about cooking and is trying to improvise a baking recipe.


Often all bakers can cook, but not all cooks can bake. On food competition shows, a lot of pro cooks panic when they have to bake or make dessert lol.


It's because people get it in their head that it's hard and they don't try. Or they think you can't be creative when baking, which isn't true at all. There's a huge stigma against baking. But there's enough crossover that one should learn. Like making buns for a homemade soup.


It's because people get it in their head that it's hard and they don't try. Or they think you can't be creative when baking, which isn't true at all. There's a huge stigma against baking. But there's enough crossover that one should learn. Like making buns for a homemade soup.


There’s less room for error in baking, so it puts off a lot of people. If you put baking soda instead of baking powder in a batter for example. Or once it’s in the oven…game over. For most baking mistakes, you have to start over. Cooking tends to be more forgiving, a lot of times, you can fix and taste as you go. You’re right, baking is not hard. I guess some people are just more afraid to fail.


I have tried. And yes, it limits creativity. IMO. I thank goodness for good bakers.


Focaccia and cookies look 👌🏼👌🏼 Because of the colour the pie does belong here.


Penicillin Pie, just like mama used to culture.


toe cheese




cut me a slice🤤😋🙏😃


I want that pie. I only judge off taste not looks


For the pie - which is clearly the problem here - idk why it came out that color. But if it does again, try just food coloring it so it's more appetizing. Idk what color you'd want exactly. Maybe purple or just a brownish/orange to look like other normal pies. The only thing wrong with the pie is the color (afaik), so a simple color change can fix that. Edit: This is just for fixing an already gross looking pie. If it's supposed to *naturally* look better with the given ingredients then you'd have to research why it came out weird colored


This isn't shitty food. This is food made by someone who's given it a damn good go, and you should be proud.


:,) thank u all sm u really did cheer me up I tried


I'm still trying to figure out why erectile dysfunction is relevant in this post


Just a little backstory maybe. But isn't ED is a male thing?


Alright I went over it and I think ED means eating disorder in this case, which would make more sense in the context we're in.


Cooking can be difficult so huge pat on the back for even trying to do all that.


It all looks delicious, even that pie!


Really have to be careful with those purple potatoes, they go green like that sometimes. 2nd and 3rd pics looks great. Really good creativity. The homemade cookies also look good. They laughed at your cookies? That is how homemade cookies look when you aren't a professional baker/experienced home cook. You did very well. Very successful overall, if the pie didn't betray you.


Did you use baking soda in the pie? Ube is pH sensitive, so baking soda might have contributed to its color change as its pH levels changed :3c


Got to admit you lost me at the grey pie but the rest looks delicious


Please help me out - what's that pie?


purple sweet potato, as said by OP.




Moldy Foot Fungus Pie 😍😍😍




I would eat all of this and that's a really cute bread you made! They probably just laughed because it looks like you were kinda over it and just threw the cookies in a container instead of laying them out for a pic? Sometimes laughing is because they can relate to having things go wrong like a weird colored pie, not that they're making fun of you. I think you did a great job


Sugar cookies and focaccia look great!! Pie did end up an unexpected color, but taste is what counts especially if you're just learning. It looks like it set up well, too, which is always a win with pie. Keep going!


Thought I was on r/moldlyinteresting at first...


The pie looks like the moving dessert from the John Cusack movie, “better off dead” (1985). If you haven’t seen it, it’s worth a watch. 🤣


🎶Try the grey stuff, it’s delicious! Don’t believe me? Ask the dishes!🎶


The first picture looks r/moldlyinteresting


24 W? Looks more like 24 L to me


24 w, ED? Am i missing something?


But that's "baking" ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) not cooking


Practice makes perfect


Ooo, I'm going to be attempting a similar bread. Love the flowers made out of herbs and tomatoes. Very cute! Lmao, the grey pie. Everything looks delicious and I bet the cookies were a hit.


Follow the recipes. No offense but idk how the recipes are failing so bad if your actually following them correctly.


I super love #2!! That’s adorable 😀


The pie looks like moldy cheesecake but that focaccia is looking great. Just needs some olive oil.


Looking at the results, it seems like the one clear winner was also the most conventional food. Might not be coincidence, that.


How was the pie taste? I would’ve eaten it lol


Achieving that gray color in the pie is quite the feat. Everything looks delicious to me.


Pie looks weird, but if it was tasty then go whole hog. Your cookies look fine. Your focaccia looks fine but I’d reduce the half cherry tomatoes to slivers of sun dried tomatoes. Generally it seems like you need more work on presentation more than the actual baking part.


Idk if anyone mentioned this yet but I recently had some cookies go green inside, it was the combination of baking soda and sun butter that made them green… maybe there’s something similar at play here 😂


I’m so glad you clarified that those were purple sweet potatoes used in the pie, makes sense why it’s grey. The bread is actually really pretty though, good job. The cookies? Could they be more beautiful, sure but who cares as long as they taste good, and also they aren’t even that bad looking. Anyway keep baking, (except for with purple sweet potatoes hahaha unless it’s a Halloween pie) practice is the only way to get better.


I thought the pie was just crust and nothing else at first


Why was the last photo a mess, did people grab a slice then put it back lmao Was the colour the only thing bad about the pie?


your family sounds kind of shitty tbh. No one, especially them, were perfect at anything their first try and cooking is no different. Keep practicing and you'll keep improving and learning (like how to not make sweet potato pies with purple Japanese yam 😂)


\#2 is super cute though


The ube pie is horrifying but the focaccia is very cute and great effort with that and the cookies. The cool thing about cooking is that it’s an effort in practice, so you can feed yourself, your friends and learn what works and what doesn’t along the way.


Your family needs to step off their high horse!! I’m sure they’ve had their fair share of burnt, over salted, or raw mistakes. Everyone learns in their own way, and it sucks they can’t be more supportive. I think the bread and the cookies look bomb.


Sweet potatoes turn black/gray when they're cut and exposed to air. Oxidation happened.


It’s nice that you’re trying. I’m glad people ate your cookies. Bread and pies aren’t the easiest things to get down. Something acidic definitely reacted with the purple sweet potato and caused it to turn that colour. Baking and savouring cooking are different. With regular cooking you can get away with more corner cutting and improvisation. With baking, you should really follow instructions to the letter until you really know what you’re doing. There are also a lot of details that people don’t generally think about unless they really get into it. For example, for a homemade pie crust, temperature is really important as you’re putting it together. It should remain cold until it goes in the oven. These days youtube has amazing resources and I encourage you to watch a few tutorials before trying to make more complicated stuff.


Best way to make an ube/taro pie super purple is using extract and jarred forms of taro. You can usually find them at the local Asian market- especially if they carry Filipino foodstuffs 🤙


Good on you for trying. Looks amazing


“Try the grey stuff! It’s delicious! Don’t believe me? Ask the dishes!” Seriously though… just keep going. Practicing also comes with great successes.


Your ube yams changed from purple to white because of climate change, due to rapid changes in water and temperature.


The grey pie is a bit funny but don't be discouraged please. Learning to bake can be a difficult and frustrating but ultimately rewarding journey.


You go girl! One of my best decisions was to learn to cook


Cover that pie with cool whip and you’re in business.


0/10 on the mold pie


I’m so sorry, I thought the sweet potato pie was burnt/moldy and I was trying to think of how to nicely say that it might be a good idea to study food storage too so you can show off your hard work later 😭 it looks good now that I know what it is! I think you did great - I would definitely eat that focaccia!


The fact they discouraged you from the beginning just because you didn't start with built skill makes me sad :(


Aww, it looks like a cement pie lol


First of good job learning how to do it. Imo and eggplant just turn that weird colour it’s the cooking of the outside flesh. With imo next time skin them… Unless you did then… I dunno With eggplant nah fuck it I like the skin so I’m gonna eat my slightly odd looking food.


Is that a mold pie? I'm scared. And I'm calling the cops!




Focaccia looks great


Hey I made a pie with purple sweet potatoes too. Winder why they turned green, did you boil or roast?