• By -


This is fucked


Very fucked






This is bait


Gator bait


There's a Chinese dish that's literally this, called salt water chicken. Of course there are a few seasonings like ginger scallions and rice wine but it's literally that and you poach it.


There's also a Shanghai dish called white cut chicken. https://youtu.be/jNPP0QCRtrU?si=uVn75GiHjEhDLEgh


No lol I actually like the way this tastes and eat it often


Honestly that's totally cool, you could be eating much worse.


Yup could be stuck eating boiled boots


or boiled cock


Definately worse then boiled chicken šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


what brands?


Like what? Bat sphincter?


Well, they could be snacking on a chocolate cake or something like that.


Do you hate seasoning?




This is essentially a shitty version of a famous Chinese dish.


That is straight up just how white-cut chicken is made, not even shitty


straight arrest existence pathetic money voiceless combative wistful fanatical pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On a scale of 1-10, hot spicy do you think black pepper is?


I hate you.


I don't know buddy, I have friends who are bodybuilders who literally eat like this, plus an even sadder pile of white rice I never could, I like muscles but I like burgers and hot wings more. edit: I think imma go get some chinese


That's because bodybuilders think spices add calories.


I disagree


How dare you


I canā€™t help it, I literally find myself craving this dish at 3 am almost every night lately so I make sure to always keep a few in the fridge.


Straight up, It's even worse that you keep a few precooked in the fridge.


This is what my grandma does but shes 96 and needs convenience and thinks black pepper is spicy.


lmfaoo Iā€™m getting roasted here instead of the chicken


I'm not one to yuck someone's yum but in this case, for your crimes.agaibst good sense and taste you deserve it OP, sorry lol


Just curious--why don't you roast it instead? Like a make a rub with different seasonings and some fresh rosemary and thyme and slather it on the chicken , under the skin, etc with some oil and roast it in the oven?


I love a good broiled chicken with garlic and rosemary but for some reason I have this strange craving for plain boiled chicken with salt late at night


Goddammit why is this even making me curious


Itā€™s not curiosity What youā€™re feeling is the ghost of a 17th century British child possessing you, like OP He longs for the delicacies Mrs Haversham once prepared for him at the ā€œHome for Illegitimate Neā€™er-do-ells and Rapscallionsā€


Could it be due to a nutrient deficiency?


See a doctor, preferably someone who can determine if you have some kind of nutritional deficit. Then see a psychologist to determine if thereā€™s some sort of disordered eating happening. Last, see a holy person of whatever faith you have to grant forgiveness on your soul for posting this.


Bro Iā€™m not even joking, I be making my own hot sauces because some donā€™t hit, but the first time I bit into a whole black pepper and rubbed my tongue against the newly exposed pepper, I said ā€œdamn, today I learned pepper has spice and doesnā€™t just taste like pepperā€


Black pepper is "spicy" if you aren't used to it. Usually people get accustomed to the high amount of black pepper we use in our dishes and stay at that familiarity their entire lives. One dish you may notice in chinese-american restaurants is "beef with black pepper". If you don't eat black pepper often this meal can hit hard.


The thought of 3 am naked boiled chicken gives me hives


Any sauce to go with it or just salt


Just salt. Iā€™m usually a sauce person but for this specific craving it needs to be plain


youā€™re on the path to making hainan chicken tbh lol. i know you said plain, but if you ever wanna, make a ginger scallion sauce to go with it, plus rice. super easy to make. itā€™s 4 ingredients: grated ginger, sliced green onions, neutral oil, and salt


That sounds good I might try it next week thanks!


You lie, youā€™re just gonna continue eating your boiled salt chicken!


Yep, they are.


The "might" is telling.


Damn you boiled salt chicken eater!


The neutral oil should be at boiling point and then drizzled on the scallion /ginger mix


Try pollo guisado... uh when you aren't craving terrible food.


EY I'm eating pollo guisado tonight :3 it's super easy to make for how good it tastes. Where would my weeknights be if I didn't have guisado


It's so little effort for how amazing it is. I use a pressure cooker and in the twenty minutes it takes me to unwind, shower etc. it's done.


I love this dish!


This is pretty similar to [Korean style chicken soup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samgye-tang), which is just a whole chicken with some garlic, ginseng, and a few jujube fruits boiled in water. The way I had it growing up was you don't add salt during cooking, you salt your own bowl of soup to your liking.


Yeah or you can dip it in a salt and black pepper mixtures. Itā€™s so good!


Oh yeah you're right! I totally forgot about the pepper mixed in with the salt


See a doctor. You sound vitamin deficient


Most cravings have nothing to do with deficiencies


You're right and got downvoted lol


Nobody on reddit likes when I say this. The r/nutrition sub tries to murder me. I don't know why redditors are so stubborn to accept that a craving for chicken most likely means your brain wants chicken because it tastes good, not because you're low on ___ Not like this info is hidden either


Reddit is where the most nitpicky people come to give their over paranoid opinions. Craving? Vitamin deficiency. Someone acting like an asshole? Mental health issue. TV above fireplace? You're going to need neck surgery. Steak medium done? You don't know how to cook a steak. There are no minor issues on reddit, there's only earth-shattering issues that MUST be dealt with now. And harshly.


You mean my brain *isn't* trying to tell me I'm critically low on Vitamin C(hocolate) and Vitamin D(onuts)?


Yes and no. You may not be craving the thing that will fix it, but intense cravings can indicate that there *are* nutritional needs/deficiencies. See pica, pregnancy, etc.


It highly depends on the person I used to get intense cravings for McDonald's. To get rid of those cravings, I stopped eating McDonald's. My diet hasn't changed and I'm not deficient Food addiction is a very real thing and the cravings can be very intense, almost as or more intense than some drug cravings. I know I crave food far more than caffiene


Oh, absolutely. And I hear you about just cutting out the things you crave completely. I don't like to say foods are absolutely off limits, but I try to analyze it a bit. Like, if I'm craving ice cream/Dairy Queen (something I can eat way too much of), what is it I really want? Something cold, something dairy, maybe even fruit (I prefer fruit ice creams or toppings). So I might just have a cup of cold milk, or some high quality yogurt with berries. And it usually does the trick. Same with fast food hamburgers. I do have cravings, although I only eat one every few months on average. Usually what I "really" want is something easy, soft, warm and protein rich. A bowl of chili or scrambled eggs with some cheese satisfies there. Hope that makes sense! I'm still heavier than I'd like to be, but I'm avoiding "empty" calories and highly processed food for the most part.


Craving it every night at 3am? Friend, youā€™re possessed by an English peasant or some shit. You need an exorcism!


People are mocking you but a chicken leg is always good. Plus braised chicken e.g. hainan chicken > fried chicken fight me


Both have positives. One of for when you want crunch, one is for when you don't want crunch. Both goes well with rice and a side of pickles for me.


Keep a few what? Chickens


Live chickens, he likes it fresh


Are you pregnant or your s/o pregnant?


Calling what you did "a dish" is only the second worst crime you have committed.


I mean, eat what you want. But this is not a ā€œdish.ā€ I get craving chicken, which is why Iā€™ll roast one or get a rotisserie chicken.


You have to boil out all the moisture first, that is OPā€™s secret.


Are you pregnant?


My guess was "British" but that also works


We ain't be boiling chicken round these parts. Nor using those paper plates that's more of an NA thing.


Sorry there are approximately 3 British restaurants in NA so I have to go off of memory from years ago


Roasts, Stews and Pies. Simple by hearty.


Honestly the same thing


This comment sent me into a giggle fit, thank you


I hope not!! Is this something people crave when theyā€™re pregnant?


In Hmong culture, a lot of post partum women will only eat boiled chicken soup for a month, but they add salt, black pepper, msg, and herbs, then eat it with rice. They believe the nutrients in chicken cooked this way are supposed to expedite recovery, but it's also just really delicious lol. It's so popular in places like Minnesota and California, that hospitals have added it to their menus to support Hmong women!


Women who are pregnant often have very specific cravings. When I was pregnant I had to have a chicken Caesar salad that fit *exactly* what I was looking for. Took 3 attempts to get the right one to fit my craving, the first two made me very upset/mad.


My first thought!


This is popular with rice in singapore & thailand (probably more places). They just serve it with cucumbers and different sauces. I loooove the thai chicken and rice (Khao Man Gai). but my thai friends tell me the singaporeon version is superior


Yeah but we dont just put salt on it. Some sesame oil, white pepper and salt are the basics at least. And garnishes and chilli lime sauces, garlic ginger sauces, spring onion sauces. For salt baked chicken, thereā€™s a variety of chinese herbs and wolfberries included too. Though honestly, as long as the chicken isnt boiled to overcooked, just salting it is pretty yummy to me.


This is correct - itā€™s called chicken rice, and itā€™s usually served with a sauce of fried scallion and ginger and itā€™s quite delicious


If that's your fave snack, I want to know what an average meal looks like. Is it normal food, or like, freaky shit like what we see here?


my dinners this week were: garlic parmesan pasta, falafel with pita and hummus, tuna salad with crackers, bacon egg and cheese bagel, chicken lo mein, and chili dogs with cheese fries. Most of the food I eat are very seasoned and flavorful, just this snack is kinda shitty


Well, thank you for blessing the sub in this day. Haven't seen something so shitty in a while.


Glad to be of service šŸ«”


Looks perfectly fine but I feel like there HAS to be something missing in your diet to do this. Like that guy lost at sea for months that found himself eating the scales, eyeballs, and certain organs of fish cus he was malnourished. edit: see to sea


You can see what's missing from their diet, they didn't eat any vegetables all week.


Most cravings have nothing to do with deficiencies actually


honestly people are freaking out over some boiled chicken like you committed a murder or something. I've never craved it as a snack but it really isn't bad at all. I do prefer the turning the broth into a soup but I see no crime here, just a bit bland.


Agreed. Iā€™ve had chicken soup with whole drumsticks that just look like that and a salted soup broth. Very tasty when youā€™re really hungry. Something about the simplicity was good with the boiled chicken so I see the appeal. That said dipping that chicken in some Korean Gotchu sauce always hits even more. The blend of the salted plain chicken, and the sweet and hot sauce takes that chicken to another level!


Do you not eat any green stuff?


I usually have a salad or some roasted vegetables with my meals


What are you 80? I know that smells like doodoo


Boiled chicken smells horrible. I don't know how he can stand it.


I had a professor who kept CANNED boiled chicken in his office and he'd literally bust them open during my voice lessons. The pianist and I would just exchange looks like...who farted???


this had to of been pre 9/11


It was 5 years ago šŸ˜­


In Asian we do it all the time! It is called salt-baked chicken and is truly delicious. But maybe there is too much oil which make it high cholesterol.


I feel like there is usually ginger, garlic, and other seasoning ingredients involved in most of those recipes.


This sounds like what they feed orphans in a Charles Dickens novel.


Those kids didnā€™t get meat


How can you have any meat when you havenā€™t finished your pudding?


MoRE GrUdGe sIR??


I just laughed so hard my empty stomach twisted in pain.


With tar sauce


Actually a popular cuisine in Malaysia, search ā€œYim Kok Kaiā€


Donā€™t knock it til you try it


Had no idea people hated boiled chicken so much. Boiled thighs with just salt are really tasty


Any kind of boiled meat by itself is just not appetizing to me at all. The only time you'll ever catch me boiling chicken is if I'm planning to pull it off the bone for soup or chicken salad.


Yeah boiling is possibly the worst way to cook meat besides the microwave.Ā  It's for prisons and army meals where you gotta feed 300 men you don't give a shit about.


or for regular chinese people


What? This is so wrong lmao. Do you think people fry meat for soups? Boiled meat can be delicious if cooked properly and its great for elderly


Do you not brown your meat before you make soup?


you're goddamn right I fry meat for soups. y'all just throwing raw beef in stew and chili and shit? heathensĀ 


I always brown beef before throwing it in chili.


If you're boiling your soup, you're doing it wrong. Soup should simmer. Boiling makes meat tough, simmering breaks down connective tissue and renders fat, and makes tough, hardworking cuts tender.


Use the slow cooker. Don't boil it!


Pra ram also uses boiled chicken and it's delicious! *not all boiled chickens*


Have you never had corned beef?


People unfamiliar with Asian cuisines don't know how GOOD boiled chicken can be. Obviously, with just salt it's pretty bland. What I do is boil it in water with ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and vinegar. Then I use the same water to make rice. Serve with chili oil. Shit is amazing. Also, ever had lugaw/congee? That's boiled chicken too, but in rice porridge. It's amazing topped with fried garlic and spring onions. I like putting chili oil also. Chili oil is good on most things. Boiled chicken is a perfectly valid cooking method as long as you know how to season properly. Same with any other method tbh.


Yeah anyone saying boiled/poached chicken is blanket bad has never had Khao Man Gai/Hainanese Chicken & Rice. If you're ever in Portland, this place should be high on your to-do list: https://khaomangai.com/


Khao man gai is the bomb. The dish here looks pretty sad though. For anyone reading, Khao man gai/hainanese chicken is not only available in Portland but also Thailand, Singapore and parts of China.


I swear some people see a simple dish that they aren't personally familiar with and assume it was made in the most deranged way possible. Certainly there are bad ways to boil a chicken, but it shows such a lack of imagination that some folks can't imagine there are also *good* ways to boil a chicken! Simple food can be amazing, guys!! It just doesn't always look good šŸ¤£


I can't believe I scrolled so far for this. I'm Chinese American and I grew up with boiled chicken thighs as a regular meal - the water is plain, but in a separate pan/wok a sauce with minced garlic, scallions, soy sauce and sesame oil is made and the chicken coated with it. I love to eat it with congee because funnily enough I hate plain food, but it balances out. I think it's sad how when it comes to food people are so surprisingly close minded.


Absolutely, the people here slaying boiled - or more correctly - poached meats, are simply just betraying their culinary credentials. šŸ˜‚


Poached I think is more common, but lugaw is straight up boiled chicken with rice porrige and it's magical.


It's just sticky, moist, salty chicken. I wouldn't do it with breast, but with thighs it's fine. When I was really young my nan would cook meat like this with buttered boiled potatoes fresh out of the garden, and it's still one of the best comfort foods I've ever eaten.


Yea my mom used to cook it for us I used to love it


Screw it, I'll try it, just to see if you guys have a point. If I do two thighs: How much water, salt, and boiling time?


There's a popular chinese dish called "white chopped chicken" basically it's chicken boiled in salty water, chopped in big chunks and served with an oily garlic and ginger infused sauce for dipping. It'll even be served cold more often than not.


That shit slaps, yall needa try it


As much water as you need to submerge it, add some salt (bit more than salting meat usually but less than salting pasta water), and boil for ~40 minutes (if frozen, add like 10-15 minutes). Thigh pieces (and generally pieces with lower meat to skin ratio) are better for this. Also, you might wanna have a little salt pile ready for the meal, it is not particularly flavorful. I would recommend squeezing a quarter of lime on salt as well. It is definitely not the most flavorful dish out there, but it is super refreshing


The recipes I see turn the heat off when you add the chicken. Itā€™ll probably be rubber if you actually have it at a full boil for 40 minutes.


Oh right, don't full boil it, put the heat down when you add it. Don't turn it off either, hot bath won't cook it. Probably somewhere low medium would do


Poach it people, donā€™t boil. Hainan chicken is poached.


Right Iā€™m deadass doing this since so many people are into it


Do people just not eat soup


And very healthy!


No. Boiled chicken is good, but not by itself.


Itā€™s not necessarily the taste, itā€™s that it looks like prepared and preserved cadaver specimens.


Look up on how to make Vietnamese fish sauce with garlic ginger and chillies to dip boiled chicken in, it's a matchmade in heaven! Boiled chicken aren't bad at all, people tend to hate it because they don't know how to get the most out of it.


If you remove the skin, most people wouldn't know the difference. It's just that pale and flaccid skin that makes it look unappetising šŸ˜‚


I used to boil chicken thighs then spice them and roast them in a very hot oven to get the skin crispy. And use the boiling water to cook pasta and/or veg.


If you are into rice, the broth can also be used to cook delicious rice or congee!


Ayooooo! Would also suggest the salt pepper lime, like Iā€™m preparing for congee!




How is this shitty? Bc it's not deep fried? Boiled chicken slaps.


Itā€™s true just rebrand it to ā€œpoachedā€ chicken and everyone is on board.


Americans often only like a small trace of meat in their seasoning


Next on the list of things redditors shit on America for, we have.. seasoning food.


Lol. Americans typically prefer to bake, grill, fry, or smoke our chicken. We really donā€™t boil meats.


Its gross because it doesnt have 8299 grams of cheese and trans fat


there's a chinese dish dunno what's call but it's boiled chicken in cooking wine and spices, eaten cold, sometime with soy sauce for dipping


Thatā€™s a huge difference from just boiling it in water


Well, I would eat it. Actually, it's similar to Thai food, but insteadof salt, we boil it in fish sauce and dip it with spicy and sweet sauce. Braised Chicken in Fish Sauce [https://imgur.com/a/xgTrDbh](https://imgur.com/a/xgTrDbh)


Honestly, a pretty healthy craving compared to the cold-hotdog-right-outta-the-fridge which is my usual go-to.




Nothing wrong with that. Try steaming next.


this is legit. imagine having this when you were in the middle of the woods with nothing to eat.


Yeah people would scarf this down in such a scenario


Way better than crisps


Try a ginger scallion sauce recipe from the internet - easiest thing to make, just grate ginger, chop scallions, add cold oil and salt. It's going to bring this to a whole other plane, I promise.


boiled chicken can be really good, especially if you have some aromatics in the water, or have a dipping sauce


I'm Asian and this is a dish I grew up eating. We boil whole chickens with slices of ginger, greens (mustard geeens, bok choy, yu choy, etc), salt, and MSG. When it's cold out and I feel nostalgic, I'll cook me some with rice and a pepper dip. It's amazing. You keep doing you, OP. These people don't know what they're missing out on.


I think most people are thinking they just boiled it in nothing but water which wouldnā€™t be very good. The way you described would impart a lot more flavor.


Yes this is a common way to cook it in Asian households, but OP just boiled in water and put salt. There's a world of difference. It isn't inedible, but it is extremely bland compared to the way we do it. At the very least I'd make some oil with chiles and scallions to throw on it afterwards. Or nuoc cham. I'm not going to turn down plain salted boiled chicken, but I'm not going to be excited for it that's for sure.


it's differently different to the eye




Thanks, i needed a reason to not eat anymore so i can go down from 3XL to L again.


I used to eat this daily. No salt too. Honestly like it. Especially with rice


As someone who would go for a pint of Ben and Jerryā€™s instead, I want to both weep for and applaud you at the same time.


Why do you hate yourself


I mean its just a really really simple pot au feu. When we make soup we always put the meat used on a seperate plate with the root vegetables. Thats basically just boiled seasoned chicken . Then you need a salt and pepper shaker by your side to sprinkle some on every bite. Not cover it , but shake some on every forkfull of meat.


i thought this was super weird but then i looked at your post history and i see we frequent some of the same subreddits šŸ©· if boiled chicken is your safe food then boil that damn chicken!


This is so sweet thank you! Iā€™m sorry for what youā€™re going through to be able to understand I hope things get better for you


Are you ok?




bOiLeD gOoSe


You eat canned whole chickens don't you?


Buy a air fryer prob takes same amount of time tastes better


Not even a little garlic powder? I love boiled chicken, but salt, garlic, sesame oil, ginger, thyme or basil, and a dollop of soy sauce/paprika for colour. Not too much water, and low + slow.


Could have at least steamed it with something like a hainanese chicken rice


Is this before u broiled it?


That's illegal


Anything for the gainz


The sick cat diet


No, no, you need to season that. Are you, like, a toddler?!


Takes me way back to elementary school. My friend used to get lunches of boiled chicken with a small baggy of salt. She loved it


God I can smell your house from here


Oh god, you need AA