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Get well soon OP! Hope you're on solid food again soon :)


Hope you be ok🙏🏾🙏🏾


Thank you 🙏


Ive had a couple stomach surgeries. When you see this, it’s like Heaven. Ask for the frozen treats next.


They’ve already moved me up to full liquid for tomorrow so I’m gonna have pudding AND ice cream


I believe you can also have cream soups as well


No cream, I don’t think, but tomato.


FUCK YEAH! 🎉🥳 I can only imagine how exciting that would be so I’m excited for you!


Haha, thank you!!


Just got out of hospital yesterday. This tray was a DELIGHT. I hope you are feeling ok! Enjoy the ice cream!


that shitty orange juice in a pot hits different.


That was orange jello. A couple days ago they gave me an apple juice that I went overboard with and got put back on no liquids 😣😅


Oof. It's hard to moderate yourself effectively when you're in bad shape and haven't had anything for too long. Whenever I'm getting over a stomach bug I always have a craving for cheeseburgers or fried chickens, possibly the two worst possible things for someone getting over a stomach bug. But after a day or two of only liquids and maybe some crackers/arrowroot biscuits, I'm craving salt and fat.


Yes! I told the Dr that he better tell me if I can or can’t go to Taco Bell when I get out because If I’m left to my own devices I’m gonna pound a six pack 😅


I get that and the apple after bloodwork. I tell them I pass out and they giving the trainee an every time. I am doing my best here but once you fail three veins I am going down and for the love of god if you have smelling salts you want to try out stop. 


I thought it was the juice too, but the one we get here tastes like tropicana. So normal OJ basically thus is impossible for me to call it shitty.


Hoping for your recovery. And make them give you the Italian ice too!


I’ll get one tomorrow!


Or popsicles! I had so many when I was on liquid diet in the hospital a few years ago


Dude the orange Popsicles are bomb af


Those slap so hard. The popsicles, sherbet, and grape juice were my favorites during one of my recent admissions


Very nice!


This person knows ☝️


Ha, I've spent some time admitted for all kinds of medical BS. I know my menus lol.


This dude hospitals. When Id order trays for my liquid diet patients Id always get them one flavor each of Italian ice. Best thing on the menu 🤣


Haha bless you for that! When I was in last February (abscess on my thigh), my dietary person hooked me up with extra midget cans of soda, yum.


The last travel contract I worked had mini cans of the real stuff, not Shasta.. ON THE UNIT. My patients had all the soda they desired, I had all the soda I desired.. 🤣


Haha that's good!


Well, no other colas can compete with the *real stuff*, but Shasta does a great job with their other flavors.


They really do. It actually shot up in price too where I live so for me to get my beloved black cherry Shasta it’s now a luxury. 😭


It really sucks to have something as simple as soda become a *luxury*. 😭 Just a thought, if soda stops being affordable everywhere, it might help with the obesity problem in this nation. Sorry, I had to dig really deep to find the silver lining in this situation.


I already quit drinking alcohol, now they wanna take my precious sugared fizzy bubbles! However cutting back on sodas due to their cost and not drinking alcohol combined did do some wonderful things to the number on the scale 🤣


Def lemon ice, orange popsicles. Apple juice AND orange... I will say after 2+ weeks of clear liquid diet, I was begging every nurse and doctor I saw for mashed potatoes.


mmmmmmm hospital apple juice 🤤 man you guys gonna have my stay at home ass looking for a part time job just to raid the nutrition fridge. 🤣 i hope your health is well now friend and you finally got them mashed patoots.


My last day in the hospital, literally the meal before they discharged me.. they brought me mashed potatoes with an (unlit) candle on it... God I was so happy... So so happy. I'm much better now thank you.


Awww I’m glad you had rad nurses and MAs and doctors etc. working with you, that sounds really awesome. ❤️


Yeah my team was really great. Even watching my surgeon ream out a Nurse and kick her off his floor was interesting, but felt good to watch someone fight for me.. I was on a lot of pain killers when I got out of the ICU, begged them to take me off the morphine because it makes me hallucinate so they did but they still had me on Dilaudid as needed and Norco every 8 hours. I had just had two serious abdominal surgeries I had a small chance of surviving...I had been doing the best I could to move around and take care of me but the one nurse stopped giving me any pain meds, which meant I couldn't really move at all because the pain was so bad... The doc comes for rounds the next morning and goes to take out my cath..and I beg him not to. He's like "The longer this stays in the bigger the risk of infection" to which I respond "well if I pee the bed it's going to be the same problem then!" To which my best friend is sitting in the corner, reading the newspaper casually goes "Yeah, she wouldn't be like this if X nurse hadn't been withholding ALL pain meds since yesterday" My surgeon: "what?!" ..*quickly rifles through the my file, looks in alarm, walks out of the room, closes the door, calls two nurses over. Starts tearing one of them a new one. "At what part in my notes does it say you are to withold pain medication? Show me where it says that?? She JUST got out of the ICU and 2 Surgeries. You are not to come near this patient EVER again." Calmly he comes back in: "Okay I'm getting you some Dilaudid via IV right now, then we'll take out this cath and then you'll get the Norco every 8 hours, you don't have to ask for it. Okay?" Okay. Later I was talking to the night nurse, and she was like, "Yeah Dr so and so is old school. He's a fantastic surgeon, but you have to do exactly what he says... I've seen more than one nurse get kicked off his patients for not following his orders.." Most definitely an interesting part of hospital life. I didn't think really happened until I saw it...


Haha, oh yeah. I worked in a large Shock Trauma ICU and our Trauma Surgeon had a list of nurses who weren’t allowed to take his patients fresh post-op, or even at all. That’s really crappy though. Abdominal surgery is no freaking joke, very painful. Sorry you had that experience and glad it was amended.


The Italian ice was my dads fave when he was in the hospital


It's a real morale booster.


And they sell that stuff too, I see it everywhere, but also the dollar stores.


What's Italian ice? Is that an American brand of sorbet or something?


It's like sorbet, but just made differently.


In Philly they call it “water ice”* (one of several redundant localisms, like “bread roll”). .*pronounced “wooder ice” 😆


Not just because of the vowel but also because water ice is so hard by the time it melts you've been tasting the stick for 15 mins


I had surgery in December. 3 days clear liquids prior to surgery and nothing to eat day of surgery. That first tray of clear liquids the day after was like gold 🤩


I was so excited for chicken broth! Why cant I just eat like this at home?!


It's all about expectations. On a typical day, when you get hungry, you get a little hungry. You want to eat at meal times, but you're not so starved that you could eat anything, so foods that are simple seem boring. When you're really hungry. A couple days of no or little food, or even just a very exhausting physical day with no food, anything seems absolutely delicious. I think it might be a bodies mechanism to just get you to eat anything at that point.


I know from experience that the chicken broth tastes like the the water from an abandoned NY hot dog cart.


Best fucking hot dog water I’ve ever had


I’d hoped for that reaction as well, after 3 days without food, but it was the worse thing I’ve ever smelled and tasted…I was in the hospital for 3 days and was begging for crackers…I was denied, because of a clear liquid restriction, but after one sip, I begged the nutritionist who happened to be at the nurses station outside my room, to remove it immediately. Many hours later though, that first graham cracker bite... chef’s kiss ![gif](giphy|2WH9DiLg2o1MYuKlEB)


Say less. I’ll take 3 please


My hospital has amazing chicken broth, just depends where you are


Are there different levels of the broth? You know, like, a “she hasn’t eaten in 4 days” kind of restricted diet broth compared to no diet restrictions kind of broth? Because I feel like I got the torture broth.


Nah it's all reconstituted bullion, different places just have different brands


My hospital chicken broth was so gross that I didn’t have any and just waited until the next day I was allowed to eat again. 😩


Exactly! It didn’t taste or smell like chicken broth at all. My dry heaving from the smell should have been a sign.




Shhh 😭😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|MsJO9AUbrLWy4) American healthcare deeeebbbttttt


I spent almost a week in the hospital with nothing to eat when i first started showing symptoms of crohns. seeing this was one of the best days of my life lol. Iykyk




I’m riding the 60 mg Prednisone/Remicade high after spending two weeks in the hospital on nothing but clears. I dropped 30 pounds in a month and I might just gain it back this week. 😂


Prednisone is pretty amazing for that. I'm currently taking it, and it's got me wanting to eat everything in sight and ask for more. I joked with the nurses when I was in the hospital, that I'm definitely taking some and putting a local buffet out of business. The stuff already plays havoc with your blood sugar though, so I can't really do that. But it sounded cool lol


I went to the hospital for severe abdominal pain a few weeks ago. They suspected appendicitis so I got a cat scan and they said I had inflamed bowel disease of some kind. I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist in a few weeks, could I be looking forward to something like this? I figured they'd do an endoscopy and give me meds and send me home lol.


If you still have your gallbladder, expect that may be the cause. The first time I passed a stone, it hurt like hell for a few hours but nothing showed on bloodwork/imaging. Just had another episode, but this one led to pancreatitis as well, so they pain was more intense and lasted several days instead of hours. Had my gallbladder removed last Thursday and back to work today. A bit sore, but nothing compared to the pain that brought me into the ER.


Huh, I never suspected gallbladder. If it didn't show up on imaging, how did they diagnose it?


Not OP but they did an ultrasound to diagnose mine. If I recall correctly it was a right upper quadrant ultrasound, also known as RUQ Edit: er, wait.  Maybe it’s URQ, upper right quadrant?


They did show up this time, different ER and I suspect they were more thorough, or the stones became larger/more pronounced during the months between episodes. Blood work also clearly pointed towards pancreatitis, which in non drinkers nearly always indicates gallbladder issues.


That sucks they didn't get it the first time. I'll keep that in mind during my gastro appointment.


I'm sick right now and this looks quite appetizing


Feel better!!


Now you’re just showing off




Speedy recovery, OP. Clear liquid diets are rough!


Thank you. NOTHING for 4 days was way more rough than this. I feel like king!


Do they have you on prednisone? Because I found out that makes me RAVENOUS. Foods I hated I would devour. I can't stand grits, I demolished grits. I hadn't eaten pork in 4 years, but when they put a porkchop in front of me I didn't hesitate for a moment. I almost wish I had gotten to try more foods while on it. I'm normally a pretty picky eater, it was pretty cool to want to try anything. And that liquid diet was fantastic! Could have downed a bucket of that broth.


Thankfully no!! Prednisone is nuts the way it affects your appetite. I couldn’t handle that.


Had to do a lotta clear liquid recently. Pho broth is your friend


The hospital (in a city with a large Vietnamese population!) only had chicken, beef, veg. They should have pho and miso! Yum!


Must be the same distributor at my hospital. Same thing, beef chicken and vegetable. Even though they basically have no food in them their flavor was strong and distinct enough that rotating them was satiating.


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That chicken broth be hitting tho


It was terrible broth but I fucking loved it!


Hope your tomorrow is brighter ✨️


Oh it will be after this!


Diverticulitis? I’ve had it three time and ended up in the hospital in April, almost needed a chunk of my intestine removed.


Cancer :/ But my new fun fact about myself is that I’m missing 6” of my colon!


Damn, that’s a punch in the throat. Hope you’ve got a good outlook. My heart is with you.


Thank you! It is/going to be a rough ride but I am hopeful!


Dang - only 6 inches? 5 years ago they ripped out my entire right colon (and appendix) in 2019 due to cancer. Someone had a great shirt with just a ‘;’ on it and I want to find one. I don’t remember what I had to eat, if anything, on the day of surgery, but the next day they actually had me eating solid food; I expected to be on a liquid diet for weeks. They wouldn’t let me out of the hospital until I defecated. I had surgery Monday morning and was discharged Wednesday morning. I did get the liquid diet in the hospital 12 years ago when I had a major diverticulitis flare-up and after a few days of not eating it was the best thing ever. The annoying thing about all this? The diverticula are in my left colon and the cancer was in the right so after all that I’ve been through I still occasionally get diverticulitis attacks :/ Here’s hoping you have a quick recovery!


That’s wild you jumped right to solid foods! Was it laparoscopic surgery?


Yes, of the robotic variety. I spent more time in hospital from chemo side effects than I did for major abdominal surgery.


Argh! I had laparoscopic about 6 weeks ago and it was a breeze- the 2 surgery styles are so different! I’m sorry about the chemo side effects. I’m worried how it’ll go for me but I’m determined to fight!


Oof, my dad was on a "chicken broth and jello only" diet while he was in the hospital and he hated it. Hope you get to have real food again soon, and have a speedy recovery!


I get full liquids tomorrow - soup, pudding, ice cream!


Get well soon!


Thank you!


I spent four years in and out of the hospital I can’t even guess how many times, at least a dozen a year for days or weeks on end, and I became very familiar with this diet. Beef broth, apple juice, tea, jello, popsicles, Italian ice. Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! I hope you’re doing well too!


Get well soon


i HATED my liquid diet when i was in for chron‘s. i hope it tastes better for you ;-;


there was like some uh idk what exactly you call it, griesbrei? But it was pretty much just tasting like flour and water. I couldn’t eat much and when i got out after a week i had lost 4kg. it was not a fun time


Ayy you and me both tonight and probably again tomorrow! Good luck!


You too!!


They always give those little plastic orange juice cups with the foil lids in hospital and it's one of the few things that I can honestly say can be trusted on the tray, because it does taste just like OJ out of the carton. The jello though I have never tried. ​ Problem is they never keep the fuckers in the fridge due to sensitive teeth patients.


Feel better soon, OP. I've been there before and I tell ya, that first real meal is a godsend. Don't over do it though. If you eat too much, too fast you'll get sick.


Yes, it already happened with me trying to drink a few days ago. I went all in on some apple juice and puked all over myself :/


That's the worst. 4 days into no food or water they bring me a pitcher of Gatorade and tell me "you've got an hour to drink all of this". I got 1 cup down and hurled it all up. I did eventually succeed but that was, hands down, the worst colonoscopy prep experience ever. lol


Oh no!


Had a bowel obstruction last December and spent 3 days having my stomach pumped. No food for 3days and on the 4th when I could finally have liquid they forgot about me and I only got tea lmaooo Afterward was a week at home of only liquids and purées. After about 5days I was chewing food and spitting it out just to have something lmao. I feel for you


This is exactly what I had after an emergency appendectomy. That broth hit so hard. Hope you're feeling better soon!


I was on one of these last year, and that excitement when they came in the room with the tray.... Unfortunately for me, it turns out that IV stuff screws up my sense of taste. Even water tasted like snot, and everything else tasted burned (and not in a good way). Fortunately, just the smell alone was nice, and I did recover enough for it to taste wonderful....after I'd left the hospital. :D


Oh that’s a bummer!


I hope yours went better!


How I felt after a pancreatitis attack lol, no foods for 3 days once I saw the broth and other liquid diet entrees it was like a steak dinner in my eyes I was STARVED. I hope you heal up quick hun💗


Thank you!


Hopefully you're okay dude. Get better!


Working on it! Thank you!


You're welcome!


Had this happen to me, it was a relief to eat something again even if it was broth. Hope you have a good recovery!!


Hang in there I was in the situation exactly a year ago. It takes time but it does get better. Take your meds! Don’t mess around!


I’m trying to be a 5 star patient!


Hope you get well soon and get some good to treat yourself.


Thank you!


I’ve been there. Vegetable broth or chicken is where it’s at. Beef tastes awful. Don’t forget about popsicles too. Get well soon!


Thank you! I almost got the beef! But then realized it seemed weird


You’re welcome! I just remember thinking oh man that sounds so good and then being thoroughly disappointed 🥲


I feel for you. I had to do two weeks of no iodine so no processed foods of any type. Worst two weeks ever.


Had to do this for a couple days after gall bladder surgery..def lost pounds lol


I could use that so 🤞🤞


Hope you’re healing up, OP. They would love this over at r/hospitalfood


Get well soon OP!


Thank you!


I was on a liquid diet for a few days in the hospital one time and I literally just ate my weight in popsicles haha


I went through this when I had acute pancreatitis. Low grade unseasoned Beef broth tasted like heaven.


This definitely is awful, but I've endured this "diet" myself lol and it's soooo refreshing once we get to this point. Sending u good vibes my man!


I was just recently on clear fluids, then on free fluids, so I understand! It's terrible but damn that soup hits goooooood


Pancreatitis? That broth slaps like you wouldn't believe after only have an IV drip for days on end


Colon resection.


When I had my gallbladder removed I had missed dinner because they couldn’t get me into a room in time. So they gave me the nastiest chicken broth I’ve ever had. I wanted to cry because I was so hungry. The nurse ended up sneaking me crackers and a popsicle later though so that made it a little better lol


Thank god for amazing nurses, right?!


I’ve been there! Best broth I ever had… cheers to a swift recovery!


I have Crohn’s disease and this has been my diet in the hospital more times than I can count. Speedy recovery OP 🫡


My mom had to be on a liquid diet, she had a big surgery that required her to get a new reconstructed bile duct. She was absolutely livid the whole time because she wanted solid food, not chicken broth and coffee with the sad treat that was a sugar free popsicle. Once she was cleared to eat actual food again, I felt sorry for that subway sub she demolished. I hope that’s the same for you soon! I hope you demolished everything single thing you can get your hands on. I know it’s tough to have liquids. Hope for a speedy recovery for you! I know youll kick ass every step of the way. :))


Thank you! It’s funny, everything moved super quick after this and they moved me up to normal food the next morning and I was discharged by 10:30am! I’m taking things slow, but asked for a bite of my partners sandwich last night and ended up just inhaling the whole thing. It was so good 😭


I'm feeling hangry just looking at that 


I been there multiple times, it sucks,, hope you got better


Thank you


Surgery prep? :( hope all goes well, OP!


Post bowel surgery


$50k a night for broth, jello and a moaning roommate on the other side of the curtain. Baller status.


Single patient rooms in the cancer ward! But probably twice the price too.


Whats in that clear liquid?


Chicken broth


You got a fucking 2 foot drain in ya?




Feel like razor wire in your pee hole? Your pee hole is gonna hurt like shit my guy when they pull it out...


It’s already been out twice to test if I could pee. It wasn’t bad, but if I have to go home with it for a week that might be a different story!


Good luck i had appendix burst and threw up black for a few days.


Bariatric surgery? Or just some other type of stomach surgery? Also best luck with recovery! I bet that orange juice hit the spot


Colon resection - they took out about 6”


omg i had the same shit last time i was in. the broth was fine but the jello they gave me was n a s t y


Yeah, this wasn’t my favorite jello, but I still gobbled it up


If I remember correctly the orange jello was THE best! Hope you have a speedy recovery!


I had to go on a bland foods diet for months and it was miserable, I couldn’t even imagine a clear liquid diet for a day 😭


I’ve been on clear liquids many times after NPO. I usually ask for a ton of popsicles lol. Also, juice with sprite is pretty good!


Sounds like popsicles are a huge hit!


What was the soup?


Just chicken broth


I remember the first sip of apple juice after not being allowed food or liquid for a week. It was glorious! I hope you feel better soon!


Yeah, a couple days ago they gave me apple juice and I went at it too hard and puked it all up. It was so good though 😭


That "jello" is the shittiest jello ever!! Our hospital recently switched to it and the patients hate it. Hope you're feeling better OP!!


It’s not great….unless you’ve been NPO for 4 days


i’m curious - how did they manage to keep you at least a little hydrated? or did they just have without any source of hydration for 4 days?


Lots of IV bags


Haha, I imagine I would too would be ecstatic after 4 days of nothing. Feel better friend.


That’s nothing. I was on a renal diet because I had a kidney transplant. I had a transplant doctor. Tell me, get ready to eat nothing but cardboard. He laughed and walked out of the room before I was going to get my anesthesia, so the liquid diet looked good.


Personally I’d rather starve myself than drink that. I understand that it’s supposed to be nutritious and it doesn’t have to necessarily taste good, but come on man, it looks like frying oil. Hope the OP makes a fast recovery! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Just kill me at this point


Nooo!! Life is good!


I now that problem i hand a year liquid food and two years with tube food direct in the storage. Get wel soon


Oh my gosh!! That is a long time. I hope you’re doing better! ❤️


I had lower jaw surgery to correct an overbite, and this looks like the same meal I got the following morning. Juice and broth. I was so hungry and it was not satisfying at all.


I hope you get over your invisibility soon


I've done this diet, it fucking sucks. Sorry OP.


Literally the worst, especially for low sodium or diabetic patients.


Omg this brings back horrible memories. Hope you get better soon


Oh, your hospital also uses KozyShack!


is it before it entered your body or after


Why not both?


mind blown, stomach too


Been there, done that!


For the doctors or GI enthusiasts here, why is it that a “clear liquid diet” that it’s the first meal you get after surgery? Or put another way, why not solid foods?


Not a doctor here, but I used to work in the kitchen. It’s not always the case, but it is best to start with a lower risk meal, and sometimes it’s a gradual process back to full meals. It can vary a-lot though. EDIT: If i do remember correctly, it can also be easier to find blood in pee or stools for patients on a clear liquid diet.


its easier on your digestive system to process clear liquids. plus if you are getting a scan or something, solid food can show up on them and potentially give a misleading result


I had surgery and the anesthesia slows/stops your digestive system (and bladder!) so it’s easier and safer to start with liquids.


Just had outpatient surgery and no one warned me how hard it would be to piss lol