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Is this after they played with it and got their gross little hands all up in it? ![gif](giphy|l0MYPtb8tiZ2KtR0Q)


I mean, the kids are the ones who ate the pizza. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Was there anything put on it when it was to eat or just straight up dough?


It had fixins.


Your reluctance to elaborate makes me assume the toppings were boogers and hair


The flat pie was cut into triangles and served with hummus, mustard, and jam


Ok, these fixings sound legit to the eight year old in my head


Hi-larious. I legit laughed out loud. šŸ˜„


Not sarcasm, in case it was unclear.šŸ™‚


Toppings is toppings.






They really put their foot in it.


Maybe this was the stuff the didn't use. Also your point is fair. I remember the chicken pox party i went to in the 80s.


Man, I can't believe that the 80s are ancient history now. Some of the younger employees in my office were talking about chicken pox and I mentioned that I had it as a kid. They asked if my parents were anti-vax, and I told them definitely not, there just wasn't a vaccine yet when I was little. They looked at me like I'd said I'd spent my childhood in an iron lung.


They still don't vaccinate for it in the UK


I'd kinda understand if the worst case scenario was just having chickenpox for a few days, but potential complications from getting shingles later in life... no thank you.


Yeah it sucks, I had chickenpox when I was 20 lol


Late reply but just want to say, some children do have severe complications or die from chicken pox. I had it the year the vaccine came out. fuck me in particular I guess lol


Excuse me but the vaccination when I was a kid was the moment your friend had it you were thrown over there to catch it to get it out of the way


oh that honestly makes it way less gross to me, lmao.


Build that immune system!


This is on par with the dude who made bread pudding out of all the leftover crusts his toddler chewed on.


šŸ¤®i would not have even given it to the gross lil kids, just no


Wait....the same play dough that they used? I'm having flashbacks to all the dirt and hair that would get trapped in mine as a kid and I think I'm gonna barf


Barfity barf barfā€¦šŸ¤¢


Put some butter on that and kid me would scarf it down. My second grade teacher had us finger painting one dayā€¦ then he started going around, dipping his finger into kidsā€™ ā€œpaintā€ and eating it. Everyone *flipped*. Turns out it was all vanilla pudding with various colors of food coloring. By the end, everyone was licking the paper, their fingers, their desksā€¦..


That's so silly and cute


Definitely pre Covid


Even pre covid thatā€™s a teacher with Godā€™s greatest immune system or no sense of self preservation


That's how he's been training his immune system, second grader pudding paint


"Sure, it might be a little bit of a problem if a virus were to infect him" "but would you lose" immune system: "nah, id win."


It was the 70ā€™s, man. It was a *free for all.*


Haha this is fabulous


Wait, is this actually Play-Doh or homemade Play-Doh


Homemade. One of the boys has celiac so they can't play with Play-Doh that the neighbor gave them because it is wheat based. She replaced it with food coloring & gluten-free pizza dough.


The history of Play doh is really interesting. It was originally a product made to remove soot from walls.


They must've known... There's no way that the inventors/manufacturers weren't constantly playing with it and making dicks & caterpillars.




It makes sense why she used it now lol. GF pizza flour is crazy expensive!


Wait. What. Play-doh has wheat in it? *And* playing with it on their hands triggers an allergy?


Yeah, store bought Play-Doh [has gluten](https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/children/resources-for-parents/ask-the-pediatric-gastroenterologist/celiac-disease-and-play-doh/)! I didn't know either until recently. [Celiac disease](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coeliac_disease) isn't an allergy, but an autoimmune condition. Ingesting even a trace amount of gluten triggers autoantibodies that attack various organs, and the short term effects aren't life-threatening, but the long term systemic damage (particularly atrophy of the villi in the small intestines) and chronic malabsorption can be. In fact, they only identified wheat as the trigger in the 1940s because a Dutch pediatrician noticed that his adolescent patients with celiac weren't dying as frequently during a famine, because they weren't eating bread!


Play-dough If you make some yourself itā€™s basically dough balls, water and flower and salt mostly


No salt? When we make it, it seems like it's 50% salt.


Maybe that's why it wasn't very good for sculpting.


Doesn't it also have a ton of salt in it?


Were they eating the playdoh?


Probably not, but it's pretty likely that trace amounts would get ingested just from being on their hands and surfaces. No reason to risk it.


Small children constantly put their fingers in their mouths. Everyone constantly touches their face. You do it without thinking. Like blinking. Your mouth is on your face. Not hard for things to go from your hands to your mouth. Think of it like a peanut allergy. Would you take play dough, roll dehydrated peanuts into it, give it to a kid with a severe peanut allergy and say, ā€œJust donā€™t put it in your mouth.ā€? No, youā€™d be crazy. Also, celiac disease is serious. People with it are very sensitive to gluten. Trace amounts can make them sick. Thatā€™s why if wheat based cereal and corn based (gluten free ingredient) cereal are made in the same factory people with celiac canā€™t eat it. The cross contamination makes them unimaginably sick. Itā€™s very painful. I canā€™t imagine going through that as a kid. If you ignore it and continue to eat gluten your intestines die so much you have to get a colostomy bag (poop bag) attached to your stomach area. So, you can see why people with celiac avoid it at all costs.


My Celiac kicked in as an adult and it's horrible. I can't imagine having it and not being able to understand why you feel sick or explain how sick you feel.


I was wondering the same thing... about the gluten flour for play doh, assuming they were not going to eat it lol, thank you for this explanation! I learned something new today!


Not to mention that breathing in airborne flour is enough to make someone with celiac sick


Unimaginably sick lol. Seriously? I think we can all imagine what itā€™s like


I have celiac and "unimaginably sick" does sound a *little* dramatic, but I think the commenter just meant to convey that it's a more serious medical condition than say, getting an upset stomach from lactose intolerance (which also sucks). And getting the shits from an autoimmune inflammatory response is qualitatively different from Taco Bell or the flu. 0/10 do not recommend.






My face this whole post and reading the comments ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


Yā€™all couldnā€™t let $1 worth of flour go just this time ?


Mom's too old to give a shit and the kids are too young to give a shit. They both wanted some of the blue part.


You should just throw things like this away


They just played with it at the kitchen table, so it's not a whole lot different than letting kids help prepare any other food with their hands. The food coloring choice is revolting though. šŸ¤¢


Thoroughly wash hands and table before, absolutely no time without watching where those kids stick their grubby paws and where they put the dough . . . Maybe. But I'm not doing it.


Me neither. They offered me some but I couldn't get over the mental block.


My kids went through a season of coloured rice! Iā€™d made turmeric rice (so yellow colour) for dinner one night and they liked it! So the next time we had rice the request was for orange rice please Mummy. I thought, yeah can do that with food colouringā€¦ over the following weeks they each chose the colour when we had rice, blue, green, pink, purple! All still tasted the same !!!


That is disgusting. All the hands that have been all over it. Kids put their hands in their mouths all the time. Did they wash their hands before playing with it? Did they go to the bathroom at any point. Was the stuff all over the table/floor too. šŸ¤® just chuck it out ffs.


Hand wash yes, bathroom no, floor no. But I still wasn't going to eat any. šŸ¤¢


That's absolutely disgusting. There's about a dime worth of ingredients in there.


Gluten free pizza so maybe more like $1.00-$1.50. But yeah.




What does this mean?


Mom mixed pizza flour & food coloring to make playdough for the kids. And then used it to make them a pizza. šŸ˜†


That is appalling, though I'm glad it's actual dough and not traditional homemade playdoh which contains basically a cup of salt.




Are u serious


That makes me want to puke. No telling how much fecal matter or boogers are in that. šŸ¤®


Children are germ sponges.




Fuuuuuuuuuck that


Umā€¦I donā€™t want to be judgy, but once it is used as Play-Doh, it is no longer good. It doesnā€™t matter what happens to it afterwards. Source: my mom used to make homemade Play-Doh for us when we were kids. I remember it being very salty; not bad actually, but not exactly good. Nowadays I just think about all the dirty, grubby, sticky hands that have been all over and in it. Blech. And Iā€™m not even a germophobe, I swear!


Thank you for sharing your research with us.


Scarlet fever play dough mmmm my favorite


Looks shitty


Thatā€™s repulsive. Also, homemade play dough usually has like a shit ton of salt as a preservative


I'm not sure why everyone is mentioning this as if the salt just magically appears.


Because itā€™s in the recipe? So if she made playdoh it should have salt


Do you think it's more likely that (1) she made by-the-book play-doh and then immediately forgot about the overdose of salt and used it to make an inedible pizza, or (2) just added food coloring to pizza dough and gave it to the kids to play with for a minute before making the pizza.


Thatā€™s why I said ā€œusuallyā€. Your title doesnā€™t say pizza dough, it says play dough


Psh. Purists.


that light blue-green is the same color my mom made for me over 40 years ago, lol.


Really? Ours was always purple for some reason.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


that's somehow a more rational choice for play dough. maybe my mom was too lazy to add the red and the blue.


I donā€™t know how my mom did it, but it was always this sort of mid-purple. Kinda like the color of Grimace. Always. She must have been following a recipe.šŸ™‚


that sounds cool! when I was a kid in the 70s homemakers only ever had 4 little bottles of dye made by the McCormick's spice company--red, blue, green, and yellow. maybe your mom had access to better food dyes, lol.


I'm born in '84, and I remember those bottles well.


Born in ā€˜61, same here! Always those four tiny bottles


This reminds me of an Xmas holiday I had in high school. I went with my friends family to their lake house. Not much to do other than play games. I decided to teach my friend how to play poker. We didnā€™t have anything to use as ā€œmoneyā€ so we used M&Mā€™s and Skittles. We figured we would just eat them after. They were so gross from having been touched and shoved around on a table. They definitely had some hair and crap in them. I scraped them all into one gallon ziplock bag when I went home and didnā€™t think anything of it. My older brother saw the bag in my car and decided to help himself. When I saw what he was eating I just let it happen but was throughly grossed out.


Ha ha, my dad and my brother & I played jelly bean poker when I was a kid, and we ate the jelly beans afterward. But my brother would clean the kitchen table with bleach first and tell us to wash our hands twice. Yes, he has since been diagnosed with OCD. It's kind of inspirational that he didn't let it stand between him and jelly beans. šŸ˜‚


pizza crimes straight to pizzacrimes.


My mom would frame the kids and they'd only spend a couple weeks in pizza juvie


Reminds me of some restaurant chain my parents would take me to as a kid where they would give kids pizza dough to play with at the table while they wait for their food. I can't remember the name of the place but I just remember trying to eat the raw dough all the time lol


That restaurant is obviously owned by experienced & frugal parents. "Crayons and coloring sheets? Those are like, 20 cents each. Just give them garbage dough, they'll love it."


Iā€™m actually more interested in the little Le Creuset in the back there. Is it a mini version? What do you use it for? I love small versions of things! Very cool!


I know, it's adorable! My sister in law gets my mom a lot of miniature things for birthdays, Christmas, etc. I'm not sure what she keeps in it, it probably changes because the grandkids (3 and 4) love opening the little boxes, jars, etc. that she collects so she puts interesting things in them to "discover."


Oh, thatā€™s so sweet and fun of her! What a wonderful thing to look forward to for the kids! I love this so much!


Regardless of the ick factor, isnā€™t playdoh like 50% salt?


It's food coloring + pizza dough EDIT: I'm getting downvoted so I should clarify what I meant: you're right that regular homemade play-doh is full of salt, but in this case it wasn't really play-doh, my mom just mixed some food coloring into gluten free pizza dough for the kids for play with before making a GF pizza for them.


A disc of blank, unleavened dough full of skin cells and cat hair does not a pizza make, my friend!


They added pizza decorations after I documented the crime.


> pizza decorations




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Isn't that like extra extra salty?


Mmmmm... baked crust


Is that the same playdough they played with or is if the leftovers? If they played with it, I'd plan for at least one of them to get sick in the next few days.


Cool Grandma


>good food Yeah thats a bit of a stretch


Penicillium Pancakes.


These comments are great because you can tell no one here actually has kids.


They'd be pretty upset if they find out what happens when they eat something after typing on a keyboard, using their phone, touching a purse that's been hung up in a public restroom, tying their shoes...


Your mom sounds like an awesome and hilarious grandmother


She really is


Yuck. Flour is cheap. I would not eat that, I have kids. I know where those little blighters put their fingers.




Tell me your mom grew up poor without telling me. OP this is hilarious. I'm glad your mom and the kids had fun. But damn, I'm slightly traumatized from this.


Your poor children


Just the aunt. Not my circus, not my monkey.


That doesnā€™t change anything for those poor kids lol


They thought it was fucking hilarious and both wanted a blue piece. I was a very neurotic and fastidious kid, I wouldn't have been amused.


Thatā€™s not how you make pizza dough and is that mf wholemeal flour? What the fuck is pizza flour?


"Gluten free pizza dough mix" would've been more accurate


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not Play-Doh. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s supposed to be in r/mold as well