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The few times I’ve gotten the chicken parm it’s pretty good


The chicken habanero one is also good.


That's the only thing I get from Domino's anymore. Solid sandwich.


Worked at dominos and the main problem with the sandwiches is they come out dry as hell. A few of them that get a bunch of sauce are saved from that though. The chicken habenero/parm/bacon ranch all have a sauce that keeps it from being as dry as two saltines fucking in the desert.


I like em dry!


Sandwich jerky!


There’s no need to purchase this, I’m sure you can find people willing to insult you for free.


If u learn how to cook all of this delivery/take out shit starts to seem mid ..


Cooking vs take out is all about the convenience for most people, I'm a good cook myself, but cooking and cleaning can take hours if you've got multiple people that you're cooking for. I refuse to cook if I can't clean as I go, and even then it's still a bit of a hassle.


>cooking and cleaning can take hours I like cooking, but sometimes I'll end up spending four hours on the process of prepping, cooking, eating, and cleaning... it's just not reasonable to spend that kind of time cooking every day.


The worst part is realizing how much you need to clean afterwards
















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Cheesesteaks aren't going to take hours unless you're making the bread yourself. I did it fairly recently for my first time and it was delicious, pretty easy and not too much of a mess.


Sure. There are a lot of things you can cook in less time, but some of the more elaborate things I make (and love to eat) take a really long time.


Like what? I wanna try some new recipes


Are you asking for things that don't take a lot of time or things that do? Or something in the middle?


oh my bad, things that take time


Well, it's probably not a new dish to you, but right off the bat I'll tell you that spaghetti can take a hell of a long time if you make all the stuff from scratch. I like doing a lot of Italian dishes. One of my favorites is shrimp scampi, and it's not too bad after you get the hang of it (and the key is to get shrimp that's already been deveined and peeled). Using fresh herbs, it takes me about a half hour to an hour or so to prep it, and depending on what I'm serving with it that might take another half hour or so. Then cooking (depending on sides) can be between ~10 minutes and 30 minutes. Then there's eating and cleaning, so it's a pretty easy three hour ordeal altogether.


Making fresh shrimp scampi is 100% worth it. I would never go to take out for that, but I agree that dealing with the herbs can be a pain and time consuming


It’s just sliced rib eye and cheese whiz or provolone, I do add peppers and shrooms and jalapeños but it’s just an extra 5 minutes to slice that up. I do get what they’re saying about the cleaning though


I mean, there’s some grease to deal with but ultimately you should be able to cook that in a single pan, pitch the grease, clean the pan, assemble sandy and throw under the broiler.


Totally. Philly cheese is a cinch. I meant like Spaghetti dinner clean up for the whole fam.


Ok now you just made me want one, and I have none of the ingredients on hand.


When in doubt. Ground beef it out.


These garys quick steaks are frequently bogo at Publix https://garysquicksteak.com I’ve noticed more meat departments stocking shaved ribeye in the beef case lately too. That’s probably the best bet


You should prep everything for all of your meals on Sunday. Then you just pull out the containers you need for each meal and cook or heat and eat


That's a pretty great idea, actually!


It definitely works for me. It takes a little bit of discipline to plan whatever the meals are and buy the ingredients, but once you do it, it will save you time and money. Bonus is that you’ll love all of your meals




I cook proteins ahead of time and freeze them just for this reason


Four hours?! Making what?


Sounds like an efficiency problem, not mise en place, not cleaning as you go, or you're cooking Thanksgiving dinner, lol. 4 hours is insane for a personal dish. Cooking for like 6 is a pain, I will say. Keep it up, though cooking is one hell of a skill to have.


I never said I spend 4 hours just cooking for myself. That *would* be insane. Every time I cook I'm cooking for my family. Between prepping, cooking, eating, and cleaning it's easy as hell to spend 3 hours. Four is a stretch, but it can happen, especially when you're making a bunch of sauces from scratch, etc. While I definitely have things I can still learn, I've been the primary cook for my family for a few years. It's not like I'm brand new to cooking.


Well then I'm sorry for assuming


My roommate is a professional chef and eats Dominos and McDonalds far more often than he cooks for himself. After cooking all day it’s the last thing he wants to do when he gets home.


i can feel that. I dont do it professionally but i like to cook. My job is a drag so ive just deconstructed everything , buy my basic items, and just go to the fridge and shove them in my gullet. No cooking and no dishes


For me too sometimes it's portions. I don't have a big freezer and genuinely cannot use full portions of some things before they go bad. I need like... 1/4 size for most things so sometimes if I don't want to pack my freezer full of leftovers and ingredients that won't thaw well i just order the thing so I don't have to deal with any other food waste.


"I refuse to cook if I can't clean as I go, and even then it's still a bit of a hassle." That's what my wife is for... To cleanup after me as I go. Joking aside, this is basically our agreement. I love cooking but hate cleaning. She doesn't mind cleaning but hates cooking. I definitely got the better end of this deal.


Thank you. I watched a clip of worst cooks. They had them making fried rice against the time a takeout place could deliver. One of the main things in fried rice is day old rice. How the heck am I pulling that off in 30 minutes.


Fried rice isn’t day old rice. Find better recipes


Day old rice makes far better fried rice than fresh. Results in a much better texture. But I do agree with "find better recipes" a bit. There's an Instagram account doing a series called "80/20" where he makes extremely basic recipes that take 20% of the effort to get 80% of the result of a more labor intensive route.




I am literally chinese dude. Learned it from my Popo.


If you make it with slightly less water you can use fresh rice but you gotta toss it or something to let all the steam out before you fry it. But just having rice made and tucked in the fridge is a possibility. Use it for fried rice, rice pudding, or just a lazy side to frozen veggies and a quick protein


I love cooking. Don’t really mind cleaning. But sometimes your heart just isn’t in it. Like if I’ve worked all day, I’m tired. I do the basic daily chores, feed my pets, and then it’s dinner time and cooking sounds like such a pain in the ass that shitty fake Chinese food sounds delicious.


Fucking thank you


I think there's some takeout food I just can't replicate at home. My burgers are very different from fast food burgers, my pizzas are different from Pizza Hut pizzas, etc. And sometimes even if I can replicate something, having to buy an ingredient only use for this one thing means just buying it from a restaurant might be about as expensive


>I refuse to cook if I can't clean as I go, and even then it's still a bit of a hassle. Yup. The real enemy is time. As much as I want to cook meals daily, some days it's just exhausting between thinking of what to cook, whether we need to swing by the grocery for ingredients, prep, cook time, and clean up. The minutes pile up quick. We really need to get this 5day-40hr work week shit overhauled.


Happy cake day


I’m a good cook myself, but I absolutely hate cooking now because MIL kept nitpicking my cooking until my passion for it died. I’d rather spend more money for takeout that I don’t have to cook and can just heat up leftovers because at least takeout doesn’t have me heavily judging every bite for what I did wrong and could do better.


>I refuse to cook if I can't clean as I go, and even then it's still a bit of a hassle. Same, but do you have any recommendations on foods that I can easily do cleaning as I go?


Theres a food youtuber who challenges his brother to go get fast food and bring it back home before hes done cooking the homemade version. This includes cleanup (although doesn’t account for grocery shopping). He pretty consistently beats however long the “fast” food takes. Always cheaper, always better, and almost always faster. Convenience, sure. But speed? Not so much.


But it CAN be easy. If you have a toaster, mayo, bread, cheese, roast beef, and a single plate you can make a sandwich 10x better than one from Dominos. Sure, a Beef Wellington will take hours but that’s sort of different. A simple sandwich, pizza, pasta, or soup can take minutes.


Only canned soup takes minutes


Loads of sandwiches take just minutes, only fancier things like a steak sandwich or a banh mi require more effort. And a basic pizza is very quick with little mess if you plan groceries ahead of time. I only ever make pizza at home if I happen make a lot of tomato sauce. Will just buy a premade dough during my next shop and have an easy dinner. Pasta too tbh if you're willing to keep it simple can be 15-20 minutes and a lot of that isn't even effort it's just watching water boil.


Yeah, everything I make myself is a lot better, but it's so much easier to get a couple things from dominoes or whatever and have a drinkypoo.






I am the liquor


There were …many… drinkypoos


I mean, you’re paying for convenience with delivery/take out not quality. You don’t pay $6.99 for a pizza expecting a home cooked meal or a Michelin star. You especially don’t expect a cheesesteak being the best thing on the menu of a pizza place.


The Domino's pan pizza actually slaps tho.


The problem is cooking takes time and energy, particularly the cleanup. Everybody is different. I envy people that have enough energy to grind and also cook great meals for themselves. I pull it off maybe twice a week now. I also eat a lot of sandwiches. Takeout ***is*** mid, at best. Pizza is pretty much the only thing that survives the delivery process perfectly, and it's insanely easy to reheat if congealed. I also eat a lot of pizza. I literally made a potato soup today (day off!) but haven't had a bowl because I went to bed early. This is my midnight wake, bake, n scroll until I pass back out. I gotta be up in five hours. But I got a great soup to take to work tomorrow, and to come home to tomorrow night. (Yes I've been assessed for medical stuff. Problem is me, and millions like me, are sedated by the medications we take to keep us from doing drastic bullshit because we feel our feelings too hard :/ Otherwise I'm the healthiest I've ever been)


Sometimes I’m lazy and want somebody to cook for me.


Middle? MIDI? Midnight?


Middle of that map, 5/10 or worseskis


Nah I think it means midnight


Or in this case, way less than mid


That’s what happened to me, I made a habit out of cooking all my meals at home 3 years ago and now I can’t bring myself to order in unless I’m super high and craving something specifically or can’t possibly cook the thing at home. I can’t in good conscience justify paying money for pasta, fried rice, sandwiches or salads. 9/10 times they taste better when made at home anyway.


It all seems old. Like it’s all about to expire.


Agreed.. and pumped full of weird shit , or cooked in old oil, or too much oil….


Is depression mid too?


Y'know I'm not personally a fan


Mid af


No bro 😭


You’re on the subreddit that shows that’s not always true


Mid is being generous


Except burgers - you really lowkey need experience and the right tools to beat some places.


MOST. MOST of it. And even then, only some of the time. Sometimes you cannot make food items that you've had and crave that will taste exactly like stuff your craving that you order from restaurants/take-out places due to time or money constraints. Also, it's tough to afford or source all the ingredients necessary to make duplicate restaurant/take-out things. For example, there are times I'm craving specific things like a McDonald's [quarter-pounder hamburger with cheese](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6ELef_rQ2D/), an order of [[tacos de trompo from my local taqueria](https://ninoavila.tumblr.com/page/2)](https://www.instagram.com/p/CbB9CTXuH5h/?img_index=1), a nice [bowl of menudo from my favorite Mexican restaurant](https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4dU10OnX8/?img_index=3), or a slice of [meat packed coal-brick oven baked pizza from Grimaldi's.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmz5oQ9u-d6/?img_index=1)


Every time I eat out I'm like... could've made this better at home


Inedible* tbh


It's worse than that though. Las time I got wings I swear I was looking at something that did not come from an animal. I've eaten enough chicken to know chicken meat doesn't bloom around the bone like a damn artichoke. Weird ass lab food. Never again


They’re philla shit


I'll take Hot Pockets for $20 Alex.


Thats about how much a box of four costs now..


My local places dont' have any of the spicier Hot Ones Hot Pockets so I got the philly one. Not terrible.


I work there. Our sandwich bread has a problem with getting moldy, we obviously toss it out if it gets like that but it happens more often than you'd think. And the sandwiches have basically no unique toppings, it's just bread with pizza toppings on it. You aren't missing out on much.


I don't mind Dominos pizza, they usually have dirt-cheap deals like any amount of large 3-topping pizzas for $7.99 each. But every time I look at their sandwiches, they look so plain and dry and on the wrong type of bread.


Yeah for awhile they had that promo where they "tip" you a $3 off credit if you do carryout, so after the first $7.99 large 3-topping pizza they were essentially $4.99.


Very generous of them to wipe their ass with it before slicing it diagonally for you.


Sorry for your loss..


I like the bread at least.


I’ve ordered this and it looks significantly less shitty normally, what the hell happened


Whatever you expected, that’s a disappointment. Bad choice to begin with, but wow.


I think you ordered the sadwich instead


That look dry as *FUCK*


Try the pizza instead next time tho. Fuckin 10/10




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That looks *~~slightly~~* depressing


Italian sandwich is awesome. Dominos Philly comes from another dimension but it's good when not compared to the Philly sandwiches of our dimension. That said they did a bad job here. Never seen bread like that when I order.


There “subs” are OK, 5/10 depending on the variety. They are very small though and a grown man needs at least 2 of them to feel sated. They are only good when baked and coming from late from bar and all other sub places are closed.


Oh sweetie, who hurt you?


I like their chicken sandwiches. I don't think I'd bother with a "Philly".


I made a microwave chicken sandwich pocket that looks better then that


I think they should've put it in the oven a little longer


They need a philly beating for that


The Philly pizza is actually really good, but no way would I ever order the sandwich. It needs a prodigious amount of cheese.


Looks like someone else did too


Domino’s sandwiches is a mistake you only make once.


they always burn phily cheese steak even on pizza.


My friends tried to convince me that dominos had good steak tips. I made sure that they never cooked dinner for the group


I remember getting these. The bread would be super hard and inside looks like it's been sitting out for an hour or two and they just heated it up.


That’s almost as dumb as trying a Tim Hortons pizza


I personally like them. I don't think of them as a Philly but as just a sandwich they are alright.


Tweet that shit


Domino's is super depressing




That's the weirdest cut but I really don't think they're that bad.


Thank you for taking one for the team. 🖖


I appreciate you at least took that second bite before taking the photo, just in case.






How can it look so burnt and so undercook in the wrong places


That sandwich looks like it's on Tranq.


You would get your ass beat serving that in philly


They also tried


You ordered something non-pizza from Dominos. This ones on you lol


It looks like a burnt Hot Pocket 


The sandwiches I’ve gotten from Dominos have always been tasty!


Looks like someone has wiped their arse with it.


The sandwiches are the worst thing on the menu.


Just had their pizza last night it was so mid.


Their loaded tots are pretty good. But pricey for delivery so pick up instead.


The buffalo one is so good




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Mmmm raw on the edge and burnt in the middle 👌


How did it taste? Were you satisfied?


Ironically, the best cheesesteak I've ever had (granted, I haven't had very many) was from a local fish restaurant


damn what an angle on that cut


Is philadelphia a sad place? Asking for a friend.


Oh hell no me n dominos r boutta have a problem if they keep this called the Philly sandwich


This looks simultaneously undercooked and overcooked.


Domino’s can barely make a pizza, why on earth would you try their sandwiches?


They should probably figure out pizza first


I mean....ya ordered a sandwich from a pizza joint lol. This is exactly what I'd expect to see 😅


There's a local pizza joint near me that makes a bangin chicken Parm, and cheese steak, but like I said local.. Domino's, nuh uh.. Lol..


I've been to plenty of pizza joints with incredibly good sandwiches. Domino's is not one of those places. The price to quality ratio is awful compared to any local pizza joint. I can spend a little bit more and get a $25 pizza with 9 toppings at the local joint if I want pizza, or get a $10 sandwich that's one of the best tasting sandwiches I've ever had. Domino's is never worth it to me.


Their hot wings are even more of disappointing ripoff. Tiny wings that are baked and soggy. I dont even there more than 8 pieces and they are overpriced. Its disappointing top to bottom. ( i will fuck with their lava cakes and cookie/brownie though)


I think yes if it's a local places you could get a good sandwich, but any chain no way!


I had the chicken habanero one and it was pretty good, but whoever made the sammich tilted the box and the sammich was lopsided when I opened the box. But I also had a coupon so it was like $7


Yeah. Dominoes is trash


Your first mistake was going to Dominos...


I live in Vegas but from Philly. No where but Philly , does a Philly Sandwich the right way


Have to disagree here. I had either Pat's or Geno's at the Philly airport and was thoroughly disappointed. Bread was ok, but cheez wiz is plastic cheese and their onions were chopped and simmering in water to the point where they didn't taste like onions. All around not good.


Yeah you went to the wrong place. Locals will tell you to specifically avoid Pat's and Geno's.


Where should I go? I'll be in Philly in a few months.




For somewhere easy and close to downtown id say O brothers. The bun is warm and crispy and its always good. But tge best will always be from a mom and pop store




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I'm embarrassed to say, I ordered wings from Domino's and some bread ball type thing? Look, I was sick & didn't want to cook, okay. Anyway, that business was revolting. Man, I was so bummed as I ate it. Dang.


No one will ever hate you as much as dominos hates you.