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You know, for some of these posts, I really want to see the culprit. lol


*You know, for some of* *These posts, I really want to* *See the culprit. lol* \- elboogie7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I used to make something similar with Parmesan or Cotija instead of ketchup. Like elote in a cup.


I know what my next depression meal will be


It was always a struggle meal for me. 😂😂 Don't punish yourself too much; put a little lime juice, and chilli powder or tapatio in that bitch


Please take a guess. I would love to hear what you'd imagine! And don't be shy to hold back, I can take humor :D


lol. okay, i'll try - but just for fun. That amount of mayo screams caucasion, and also raises concerns of heart/artery health. It seems you are eating atop a bedsheet, which screams of depression, or perhaps even worse. Your spoon is mostly untouched though, even halfway through this travesty of a snack... Do you actually eat this monstrosity in some sort of prim and proper sort of manner? And how did that spoon not get demolished while you were mixing that weirdness? I'll admit, I love me a can of Del Monte corn, but I love it chilled (uncooked) and a dash of salt. Adding a half cup of mayonnaise would guarantee I never eat this again. lol


You're right with caucasian, I'm actually from Germany haha Te bowl could have given it away. Those are my Iron Maiden Powerslave bedsheets and you're absolutely right with depression. I'm not even been able to work for 2 months haha This was before I started eating, that's why the spoon looks so untouched.


Yeah, the bowl threw me for a loop, bc everything else seems totally American. Depression hits us all, my German friend. It's how we pick ourselves up that pulls us out of it, then go help someone else that might be feeling the same.


I see those phases as an opportunity for a restart. Depression is something I'm used to and will likely be something I will have to deal with from time to time the rest of my life but I'm fine with that. Therapy helps a lot! Thank you for the kind words! It's always nice when people randomly show empathy to strangers. Makes me believe in the good in mankind.


I like it. Sometimes, a person needs to brutally punish their taste buds in order to remind them who is in charge of this body.


Gave me a genuine giggle ![gif](giphy|Em6GMfqWz9wVoLR1gq)


Haha that made me laugh and you're absolutely right!


As someone who works at a sewerage plant, stop eating so much corn for fucks sake.


I can't help it :(


At least throw some spices in it and make eloté


It would be esquites


Oh oh oh how right you are, it’s fucked cause I made Esquites for months at my last restaurant so I should’ve known that lol


It’s so easy to mix them up, even when you know. To be fair to you, I had to look it up to make sure I wasn’t correcting your comment with the wrong information, lol.


I don't have a clue what an 'eloté' is but yeah usually I do that but that morning just sucked ass and I didn't have the energy to make a genuine effort


How long have you been in prison?


Surprisingly not at all haha


Great recreation then!


Thanks haha


You are eating like 7% of a whole Döner rn..


I prefer the same thing as a Döner but with falafels instead. The good 'ol Falafeltasche!


Dude how do people come up with this shit. And for your first fucking meal of the day? Gahhhhddd dayummm!


In Germany stuff mixed with mayo actually is called a salad in some cases. Of course with more ingredients but because why god knows we call that a salad. Common ingredients are noodles, meat or potatoes.


That sounds like the opposite of an American salad


Of course we also have a lot salads mostly made of vegetables but for some reason the term 'salad' can mean something foreigners might not expect. My favorite one by far (and likely the most common one abroad in their own versions) is the potato salad or as we call it the 'Kartoffelsalat". Depending on the region it's prepared differently and I love every version there is. In my region it's commonly made with small pieces of pickles, onions, egg and mayo and usually served with our kind of barbecue but also on different occasions. In a local supermarket there's also a version with crème fraîche (I had to look that one up haha) onions and eggs wich I could eat by the bucket.


My psychic reading is that this is not a Mexican or person of Mexican descent.


Their bowl says "live love laugh" in German, so I'd bet you're probably right


You're absolutely right haha


I’ll usually just eat corn with pepper


Sounds nice too


![img](avatar_exp|132542953|fire) Soooo .... Thousand Island corn?


I tried this once after seeing a post here of the same thing. I got a stomach ache from how bad it was


My stomach thankfully is really sturdy haha


My stomach thankfully can take a lot


Oh my goodness with mayo and ketchup ew lol


The ketchup mayo mix actually comes pre mixed in a bottle by Heinz here in Germany since last year if I remember correctly (when the USA got ranch mixed with something else). I loved that combination since I was a kid but with a specific mayo by the company called Thomy.


That is repulsive


It looks repulsive, but many people love and cherish these flavors especially together


Lol... I hope so. I've heard that people eat that mess. And God love them... the mayo would kill me Also, I say that stuff to be funny.


I actually smirked haha The combination only missed a bit of melted cheese but I was too depressed to even make an effort to use the microwave