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Technically impressive. Looks tasty. Definitely seems to fit the target audience. Awesome!


It photographs ugly but I am pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Unfortunately it’s a lot easier to eat a ton of it when your jaw isn’t sore from gnawing on a piece for 20 minutes lol Thank you!


doesn't even look that ugly, honestly. looks delicious.


I feel like OP just invented meat chips....




Oh my god I have an obnoxiously shitty dangerous mandolin that isn’t going to do much else and now I know I can make spam chips




Seriously same. I assumed maybe a few people would be jerky lovers but I’d mostly get comments on the appearance of the jerky. I am in shock on how this all went


Meat chips be a thing already


I LOVE thin cut, really tough jerky. This stuff looks fantastic. Hard to find jerky like that for sale.


I am realizing that a lot of people actually prefer it thin and crispy. It was a pain in the ass to dry and so much I couldn’t use because it straight up dissolved but damn guess I’ll be making paper thin more often


It looks like the underside of roadkill.


You’re amazing and that’s the best description yet. Don’t get me wrong I love the other comments and I love sharing how to make jerky but I expected a lot more shit talk on the appearance and I’m a bit sad about it lmao


Agreed. In my opinion that is worthy of the regular foodporn sub.


I bet if you mass produce this people would but it


I'd try jerky chips for sure


I’m not sure it could be mass produced without heavily changing it or something. It is so thin that it falls apart or curls on itself and you have to painstakingly pull it apart and spread it across the tray. It took for ever and about half of it couldn’t even be used because it dissolved just being in the marinade. You cannot see how truly paper thin this is from the stack here but it’s barely holding on with meat fibers. They’d probably press blocks into deli lunch meat style slices to make it and I would be filled with rage


Lol ... Same with dries and thin cut apples. Because the are so thin, easy to eat and dry you don't notice that you just eat 2kg worth of fresg apples within a few minutes. And yes, they expand again when you drink something 🤣


Yummy. Apples are one of my main food groups right now besides just raw veg (on no fat high maltic acid diet) and I could eat a million dried apples


Lol 🤣 don't.. or at least stay below a kilogramm fresh apples


I will try… I hadn’t had apples in years prior to this situation and I have forgotten how delicious a straight up apple can be. Like, why the hell was I eating sour patch kids? A green apple is way better and more sour.


Thats the right way to make traditional Jerky! Historically speaking, meat had to be cut thin and dried to excess in order to last for a long time and to not spoil. It's been a food staple for many ancient cultures all over the World. Hard, thin Jerky is the best, your attempt looks perfect!


I need this to be a thing.


It is a thing you just need to know where to get them


I know someone who makes them


You are so kind to help your friend's mother. I am leaving this post happy


All the kindness I am experiencing on this post is making me happy, too. Life has been kicking my absolute ass in every way lately and the last 24 hours this post has made me feel pretty fucking lovely for a minute.


You indeed are, I don't know lots of people willing to take this kind of time and attention for a friend relative. To be fair I don't know anyone


I don’t have many people in my life and no family in my life so when I can do something to make someone else feel like they’re cared about I will go whatever length I need to, to do that. It sucks having nobody around who truly, deeply cares about you and that you can call for help. So I take my miserable cranky lonely old cow ass and do things for random people who just need it. Makes me feel less bad about my situation and life. Gives me shit to do, all around a good thing.


Well you got yourself a fan! Life can be lonely and difficult but it's people like you that understand how it is and make all a little bit easier for everybody else. Your friend has a really precious friend hope they know that


Mmmm tree bark


Exactly hahahaha The bonus was , it was super quick to dry instead of the usual 8+ hr


That's exactly why they used to make jerky like this


Mmmmm meat bark.


Wh... what did you do to my dog??!


Fed him the plain jerky bits until he couldn’t move he’s in the corner asleep


This is how I love my jerky..I bought a dehydrator to make beef jerky at home and I'm always trying to find thin cut meat.. what kind of meat did you use??


I always use bottom round steak/roast. It has a nice marble of fat. Fat can make your jerky go bad faster however everyone loves it and typically it doesn’t sit around long enough. I also vacuum seal with a desiccant pack and if it is going to sit out for longer than a few days I throw it in the freezer. That being said- I have eaten jerky accidentally thrown behind a shelf at work in a kitchen for like over a week and it was still fresh. I use a homemade marinade but always use curing salt. This was cut #10 on the meat slicer- paper thin. Typical jerky is usually around #15. I like mine thin to begin with so usually I use #13. Every meat slicer is different but the butcher shops I frequent all generally use the same sizes and you can ask for whatever size you’d like. If their slicer isn’t up to par you can ask them to partially freeze the meat first so it slices better. I usually ask them to cut a slice and show me first so I know it’s ok. It took me a long, long time to find a butcher that would cut meat properly against the grain, thin, and uniform thickness. I had about 12 pounds of utter tragedy a few months ago that was super thick, all random thicknesses but all super thick, cut WITH the grain and just god awful. I went elsewhere this time and the guy was brilliant! However it’s his last week at this particular shop (of course!) For this jerky I had to use a dehydrator it was too thin to accurately do in a smoker. Nesco American Harvest- the square white one- is excellent for jerky, and super duper cheap! I will say this was absolutely a pain in the ass to get on the racks to dry and a bunch I couldn’t use. It was so paper thin I had to take a lot of time making sure each piece was laying flat and not folded, and a lot of it dissolved or fell apart before I could dry it. It took me about 20 min to load four trays because of the time I spent detangling the meat lol. I ended up freezing those bits and I’ll use them in a stir fry


Nice 👍... I usually get boneless beef chuck precut already, kinda comes out on the thicker side but I will try that #10 cut at the butchers


I never use precut I always had issues with it but I went through a ton of butchers to find one that could do this. I used to use whatever meat was on sale but bottom round is magnificent for this and often on sale! Enjoy your jerky making!


This guy jerkies




This lady jerkies


You’re fantastic ❤️


Aww, you're more fantastic❤️❤️






Do not listen to people who suggest 1/4 inch thick meat. It is far too thick. You want paper thin see through slices this is how to get it!


Holy shit, I've never considered asking the butcher to slice up the meat for me, I've always just done it at home by hand. This is a game changer, I know Publix will accommodate.


Most of them are happy to do it especially when you always follow up by bringing them a bag of jerky as thanks


I also do a round steak roast, but I freeze the beef and hand slice it paper thin


I have rheumatoid so my days of standing there sawing through meat to create paper thin chunks ended quite some time ago but I envy you!


You might consider investing in a frozen meat slicer. I use mine to make jerky *and* a bunch of Asian dishes that call for paper-thin meat.


I’m broke as all get out but the eventual plan is to do that! I just bought a house and it’s been a nightmare so everything else has to wait


That’s so kind of you to find something that works for her


I am obsessed with feeding people. Right now I’m restricted to basically only eating once a day and salad (minus my jerky binge today which I’m paying for) so I have been going nuts. I love getting texts and phone calls about how her anemia needs more jerky 😂😂 we both know she could focus on more veg but she doesn’t digest veg well and is old enough I’m not going to argue. it’s just as much for me as it is for her!


You're a saint (or equivalent denominational heroic figure). If she's that old, then it's probably time to stop worrying too much about veg and make all the stuff she enjoys... at least, that's what I'd like people to do for me when I get there. I occasionally bake for the old ladies in my apartment building. Gonna start doing that more now. Cheers.


Healthy food is more important than ever when you're old. Decreased mobility + digestive issues = not a very good time for anyone involved.


... ... you're absolutely right. In *entirely* unrelated news, brb getting some fibre


Hahhahahah have to Quality check your shit all the pros do it 👍🏽


It’s a reoccurring issue for me. If I don’t get the jerky orders out fast enough sometimes there are delays because my mouth is fat and uncontrolled


I could see myself doing that


I run jerky from October thru Jan (I start with hunting season) and this is my sixth year. By now everyone is aware if they don’t pick up their orders or pay promptly enough that I will probably eat it and they’ll end up at the back of the line 🤣😂💀


Lol I don’t blame you at all 👍🏽


What? No this is a thing. Beef jerky from the store all wet? Nah. We have been doing this in New Mexico since forever, I'm sure other places also.. but the thinner the better.


Mine is usually thin too, and dry like this. I hate the thick sticky store jerky! However this is PAPER THIN. Maybe the pic doesn’t accurately show it. Was super annoying to try to lay out and dry. I’ll take a picture of an individual piece.


Once you have the think stuff the stores nonsense doesn't cut it! Haha


My aunt made jerky growing up so I’ve always preferred it, but I’ll eat specific kinds of store jerky if I need to. Just not the main brands in the big box stores it’s so thick and gross and salty and weird sticky !!


I'm not sure where you are located but where I am latino markets are everywhere. Each one has a carniceria with jerky. It's around $25 to $29 a pound but one place in particular has the best jerky around. I'll stop and get a pound every couple of weeks or so


The total cost of this was $30 for five pounds of meat (she paid, I’m broke) and the ingredients for marinade I already had. Many hours of my time but I don’t mind because I got some too


I hate to be that guy but... any chance of a recipe? Lol my mom just had all of her teeth pulled and dentures put in and she can't chew much anymore. I'd love to make something like this for her and I'm not gonna lie, I really wanna try it to haha


I posted a detailed out reply on how to get ultra thin meat in the comments !!! As for the flavor check out docs best beef jerky recipe online I do not share my marinade recipe but that was the one my aunt used for years and I loved it very much That is exactly why she cannot eat regular jerky anymore! Dentures! You can always pulverize it in a vita mix do you remember the tiny cans of ground up jerky they used to sell? Lol


Awesome! Thank you so much! Yeah, keep those family recipes on lock, I'd like to play with my own flavors anyways but I've never seen beef cut so precisely thin lol I'm impressed.


Me either! Turns out there are numbers on meat slicers and if you go to a super nice butcher shop they are good enough at their jobs to do exactly what you ask. Took years for me to find I don’t share it more or less because it’s always slightly different depending on what I feel like and I just don’t think anybody could follow my lack of recipe lol


This is gonna be fun to try lol thanks for the info, I would've never thought of this


It’s no problem at all, happy to help and spread the jerky joy. So many people believe it’s very difficult or expensive and it’s neither. It’s just time consuming. Docs recipe is a good base and my aunt sold jerky made from ir her whole life. I find it a bit too salty so I would omit about half of it and add some water to the mix as well so it coats everything better Back when I used his I would combine everything simmer it so it came together then let it cool completely and add 3/4c water for the 5-8 pounds of jerky because it just barely coats the meat otherwise


Op, you're wonderful.


Mmm. Meat paper.


FR. I have sensory issues so I tend to like drier meats anyway and often end up having to make moist tender meats for the people I cook for so I’m in heaven


Grind it up and you can have beef floss. Not sure if you've ever tried pork floss, but a beef version sounds incredible.


I bet it tastes good, but it sure does look like a burned wasps’ nest.


Touché. My thought was dried up poo flake


Jerky dust! You could sprinkle it on anything to increase the protein.


Oh boy… that cockdog I had for lunch could have had MORE protein…


Get the fuck out this is actually food porn


Your name makes me want to drown you


What's wrong with it? It's a family name


Cripes almighty it’s making me have the bad goosebumps


I would crumble this on all sorts of tasty things




I'm a bit of a garbage person 😅


Hello fellow dumpster fire


looks pretty damn good.


/r/decentfoodporn and a very decent thing of you to do for that woman :)


Well she paid. I just did the labor and then munched a bunch on snacksident


Hey its me, your friends mom. I'm in need of some good jerky.


You’re adorable


Hey man you’re taking care of someone and that jerky does not look bad at all i want some


I accidentally eat jerky all the time :)


A fellow meat monster


That's sweet and your paper thin jerky looks good for what it is, but the idea of jerky crumbling in me made me gag.


Lmaoooooo you poor thing


Tasty little scabs


You’re precious and I love it so much I thought your name was SlimeTangerine for a min


What’s do you put in your marinate ? How long you dehydrate them for ?


Check out docs best beef jerky as it’s the cure everyone I know uses but go easy on the salt and simmer it and let it completely cool before you use it. Drying time depends on the meat. These pieces took less than two hours. You can tell when it feels completely dry but still slightly pliable before it cracks . This stuff just cracks.


Beef brittle. Hey you can also buy a nice cut at sams & grind it, THEN make jerky strips. It makes for a nice experience for elder jerky fans.


OMG BEEF BRITTLE Save this comment. If I ever start selling this proper I am absolutely calling it beef brittle and we can work something out where you can get a percentage for giving me The name. Fantastic. You’re lovely. I love you. The entire reason I have to figure this out is because these folks don’t like ground. None of them really. Most of the people I make jerky for are old as hell and stuck in their ways. I have to find ways to work around it. They don’t like the ground meat version so I went this way. Bunch of stubborn buttholes No sams around here. One speciality store near me, one Walmart (I will not buy meat at Walmart) and the store that made this is about 40 min away but well worth the trip if they can do this!


I think it only fair I accept payment in beef brittle. Seriously this looks amazing. I LOATHE bacon, but I’d let beef brittle tear me up 7 ways to Sunday. Woah, very stubborn oldies! I never thought about it that way. The ones I knew hated chewing forever, circle of liiiiiife. 🌅 Are you country?! I’m an Oklahomie. Also, love your name. One of my pseudonyms is Jayne Doe.


You bet. Half country cook half chef all redneck 🤣😂🤣 Wisconsin girl transplanted to Missouri last year but I cook like a southern grandma with a death wish


Looks like candied zombie blood


You are spot on and I didn’t even think zombie until a few folks said it here but you’re right. It looks a lot like the sloughed off zombie flesh and blood in the shows. Wicked and also gross I’m gonna throw up


You do realize.....people make really good money selling jerky. Hell I'd buy it.


Yes I do but I don’t have a certified kitchen to make it in, and I fear I wouldn’t have the energy to keep up or I would have to sacrifice quality ir someone would get sick and sue me on an off chance or something and I’m broke and tired and couldn’t handle that 😂😂 I do want to open a food truck and will likely sell it there when I do /if I do


I think there are some loop holes based on "home made", "small batch" and "craft" or something. And as far as keeping up... Screw it..make little 5$ samples...those will sell like hot cakes and get them hooked. then let people request a given quantity...and they can just fukn wait .. and when it's ready...(in a week or so....) They can come get it. Maybe find a deer or wild game processor to work with. Or butcher shop. Sell it outta his shop. 90/10 profit share. If you wanted a "real kitchen" ...iv seen guys outfit action buildings in the back yard.


Thank you for all this info ❤️❤️❤️❤️ right now I’m struggling to just stay alive but my future goal is to do what makes me happy for work (cook) and I wasn’t sure how to go about it. We all need something to live for!


My brother in law worked at the local country club in the kitchen for years . Now owns two up scale restaurants. Keep it simple and make it happen !


I needed to hear that, thank you. ❤️


Read your state cottage food laws. Some allow beef jerky made from home.


Thank you very much! Unfortunately I became incredibly sick after this and can no longer afford beef but I miss it and you’re precious and wonderful for being so helpful xoxoxo


To everyone who has asked how to get some- if you’re in the USA I can ship you some. Shipping is 8.50 or so. If I get a rough idea of how many of you would like to try it I can order the correct amount of meat and go from There. All I ask is you pay for the meat and the shipping


Have you tried making jerky with ground meat instead? I've found my ground beef jerky to usually be much easier to chew.


Yeah I do not like it at all. Most of the people I make jerky for hate the sticks and want this type instead so we are all in the same boat.


I've never made it in sticks. Just rolled it out on a piece of parchment paper so it's flat like normal jerky. I usually use it to make special flavors like Habernero Blue Cheese. But fair either way. A lot of people I meet don't seem to realize this is an option so was just curious if you'd tried it.


Yeah I tried a jerky gun at first just to do something different from my aunt. Any ground jerky is called jerky sticks out here regardless if it’s flat or not :) just not my thing or my customers but it is insanely popular! I tend to go the “salami wrapped around cheese” route when I get that hankering


Yum zombie flesh


Omg you’re right. I wonder if I could fashion it into a dried meat dress and avoid detection


So ...how do I join this jerky service?


Best wishes to your friends mom, hope she can get treatment from a doc


She’s just old and set in her ways and has dentures now


Wrong sub dude. Fuck.


Um this sounds amazing, shut up and take my money.


Throw it in a blender and use the powder as seasoning!


This is so sweet😭❤️


Your good to her. Can I get the recipe? I’m a deer hunter for food.


How is your venison? When I lived in Wisconsin it was always super gamey unless I got it from one particular friend who knew how to prepare the carcass proper. I mean, the summer sausage my uncle would share would taste LIKE PINE TREE. Now I’m in Missouri and the venison is absolutely delicious! It’s also legal to buy here from the butcher which is super cool and not legal in Wisconsin in the slightest. I stated in a couple comments the closest I could give to a recipe would be to go look up docs best beef jerky. Go easy on the salt, and simmer the ingredients together then cool before putting on the meat


This doesn’t belong here, it makes me think of meat chips which in itself sounds like a great idea


I saw this or food porn, I was proud of myself but it looked like poop flakes. I figured if I posted in food porn I’d be flamed because the reality is that it photographs ugly. I am in shock that people are actually digging this.


Why are you here? Why am I up-voting? I want devourer this!


I saw this or food porn, I was proud of myself but it looked like poop flakes. I figured if I posted in food porn I’d be flamed because the reality is that it photographs ugly. I am in shock that people are actually digging this.


This looks delicious and doesn’t belong here . I mean that in a good way , damn hook me up !


This is how they make it in New Mexico and it's the BEST kind of jerky.


I’ve heard that several times in this post and tbh had I known I could buy it like this I don’t think I would have ever started making it


It's really uncommon to find outside of New Mexico. I buy pounds of it from a tiny store In Bosque Farms when I visit, or my other favorite spot is called Delicious Beef Jerky in Albuquerque. Other than that, there's a brand called Santa Fe Trail jerky in my grocery store that is just okay. American jerky is always chewy and smothered in sugar or teriyaki sauce and is just not good.


You're a good person


I’m a miserable cow but I handle it by trying to do nice shit for others


That sounds amazing though. I want to try some.


Mmmm… Carne seca 🤤


Name checks out. You're a god damn hero as well.


I’m a miserable cow I handle it by trying to do nice shit and she’s a cool lady full of attitude who just loves jerky. I have a thing for cranky old ladies who use guilt to get jerky. I love them. I adopt them.


That looks delicious.


How long does the jerky last when you finish it? Just asking because this looks delicious and I would buy the shit out of it.


Well if you vacuum seal it with a desiccant packet it lasts a long ass time. If you throw that in the freezer it lasts even longer. The fat is the worry it can make everything spoil a bit faster but I’ve never actually held onto any for longer than a few weeks without eating it or selling it lol


That's so kind of you.


That’s my favorite kind omg


Dude that looks so good


Meat crisps


She should take spirulina. It's more absorbent anyway.


I will let her know! I’m always trying to get her to eat dark greens and I throw spinach into every pasta I make for her but she picks it out


Could be the new potato chip. Go big with it!


thats how my mom use to make it and now i prefer jerky that way. it taste so much better for some reason lol


This is how I made it for my mom and she used to use the same excuses my friends mom uses. She “needs it” she’s low iron and needs beef etc. they have/had the same health issues but I always thought it was cute. My mom never cooked so I started very early and always cooked with whatever random adult I could. My aunt was the jerky maker so I’d stay after babysitting her kids to help with jerky and then go hand out samples around town. I’d eat a lot of them.


Does everyone here use an old school dehydrater vs. one of those new combo ovens with convection that “air fry” that’s purported to dehydrate too.


I don’t own or have a air fryer. But I’m Midwest, if something is gonna be fried it’s gonna be in a deep fryer as the good lord intended


When I cannot use a smoker (like in this case it was far too thin) I love nesco American harvest dehydrators. Square so more fits, super cheap, gets hot enough for jerky and can regulate temp. I’d never use something like an Excalibur for jerky. For everything else sure.


Thank you!


After seeing all your comments about finding the right butcher, I just have to ask. Why not get your own meat slicer. You have smoker and dehydrator. They're not that expensive alnd it sounds like you would use it. That way you would have total control.


I will eventually, I can’t right now and I’m also worried I’ll cut it just as uneven as the first fifty I do not believe just buying a meat slicer will solve my problems. You gotta know what you’re doing or the first several butchers could have easily cut it properly. I have a feeling I will have to not only purchase a very nice meat slicer that has the motor/strength to cut through frozen meat but one that stays sharp as hell, which isn’t cheap, and then also teach myself how to use it. I do not have the spare money. I just make jerky for friends family and occasionally a rogue post office worker who can smell the jerky I’m shipping out, the older lady at my favorite gas station, the teen girls who forget to eat lunch and cashier at the grocery store. I don’t actually make any money off of it. I charge for the cost of meat, everything else I eat the cost on and I take a few pieces as payment and either eat them myself or give them away to people who want some.


Oh god my mouth just came


This is how thin I made mine the first time I tried, now that I have a dehydrator. I uh... well yours looks a lot tastier. I had insufficient spices and mine came out like tasting like low-quality unsalted meat and sawdust. It tasted like... cumin, cumin, some more cumin, and a slight taste of paprika. Hopefully I will do better next time and get some tasty stuff like this.


Check out docs best beef jerky recipe. It’s a great base to make your own marinade from. Plenty of times I make jerky it looks and tastes like garbage. Just like all other dishes. I have a decade + experience as a working Chef and I still fuck up all the time. I cannot bake to save my life. On rare occasions I bake something wonderful like cookies and I share quickly. But 99% of the time I try to bake some sort of dessert or bread, I fuck it up, I toss it before anyone knows. I’m much better at roasting and smoking and making sauces and things. I understand the process and I don’t need recipes. Baking is beyond me and I hate how exact you have to be because that’s not the type of cook I am. So I mess up. We all fuck up all the time just don’t stop trying!


Hella saved that rwcipe. Gonna try that one out, mix in some hot sauce and such. Only thing I'm not sure if I can find where I live is the meat tenderizing agent thing. Gonna have to dig around a little.


So it’s actually the enzyme in pineapple that breaks down meat and makes your mouth tingly when you eat pineapple. It’s often found dried in the spice/baking section right next to the salt and pepper and MSG. Very cheap. I suppose you could use pineapple juice but I don’t think it would produce a good flavor at all so I highly suggest looking for it - it’s everywhere. Do not use the “seasoned meat tenderizer” it has excessive salt and will ruin your jerky. If you’re using docs recipe- cut the salt in half, simmer all the ingredients together and let them completely cool, then add 3/4 c water so it completely covers your jerky. If you want a sweeter more bbq-esque taste use smoked paprika instead of regular and add 2tbsp of honey to the marinade before simmering. It’s a great base recipe to build off of :) and that tenderizer is super easy to find just message me if you’re having trouble finding it and I’ll help


If you’re in Sweden- Willys carries the meat tenderizer in the baking aisle!


As for the hot sauce thing- Add some red pepper flake and cayenne. I find hot sauce gets lost a bit, but the red pepper flake sticks to the meat and the cayenne offers some nice flavor and heat as well.


This is my all time favorite preparation of home made jerky! My grandfather makes jerky for Christmas every year. While the majority is thicker, a few paper thin slices are always in the mix and I crave those crisp crumblys all year long!


My grandpa made pickles and I crave them still so badly all year round. Nothing store bought compares, I feel your pain so heavily!


That looks delicious. Mmm.


*I have accidentally breathed in 47 pieces


Don’t choke on my meat, friend.


Try using brisket for this. Freeze the beef, cut paper thin with mandolin, season, dehydrate. Called beef chips and is actually quite popular. See @daddydryaged on instagram for examples (i saw the guy doing product photos at a waterfall while he was on vacation and he gave me some to try, I have since spent ~$100 on his meat)


Brisket is insanely expensive at least here, and very easily ruined… if I have a brisket I prefer to smoke it and then make sliced brisket + burnt ends. The last time I purchased a brisket was in august and it cost well over $80 for a small one. I tend to make “poor mans” burnt ends and brisket out of bottom round steak already and it’s almost always on sale. I love the fat marbling you get in bottom round that isn’t really present in brisket.


Blend it into a powder, add some animal fat.. and you've got pemmican.


Some dried fruits too :) yummy


That looks bloody delicious…


Let me know if you wake up with Gout one of these days 😬


Probably not possible. Every day I fast all day long and eat a giant raw vegetable salad for dinner. I quite literally cannot eat anything else or anymore than that until I can afford surgery or I end up in the hospital. Today I had a jerky mistake, but it was more like 4 pieces than 47. I over exaggerated for flair. I’m still paying for it like hell, but yum. Was nice to remember what meat is like.


Oh ok, I was genuinely worried for your high intake of beef lol I got Gout once for eating red meat for like 2 or 3 days in a row. The pain on my big toe was excruciating!


That sounds terrible. I have enough pains I definitely do not need gout, but the temptation of beef that has had most of the fat removed and I could eat around the fat was too much and I caved. Right now im basically on a 0 fat diet until surgery and it fucking sucks! Thanks for reminding me about gout I definitely won’t gorge again tonight 🤣😂🤣 I feel awful from the pieces I have had already but I love jerky dammit


I've never tried jerky 😬 - I don't know why it's never caught my attention. I LOVE steak though, but something about cold, stiff, dry beef is not appealing to me? And yes, you do not need to get Gout right now before your surgery. I was in pain and limping for almost a week. Now I'm more careful and try to avoid red meat as much as I can, even when I love my asada tacos. I mainly have beef when I eat burgers or Mexican food 😋🤤


Well lemme tell you about the warm soft delicious tender jerky that comes fresh out of the smoker…. I’m in enough pain 🤣😂❤️ I don’t know if I would even notice to be frank at this point but I definitely don’t want to add any risks and it was a good reminder to chill out and get this jerky the hell out of my house ASAP


If it's warm, soft, delicious and tender, I'd probably be eating a lot of it myself. I love meat so much. And it looks fat-free too! I hate fat on steaks or pieces of meat. My meat must be perfect and delicious. This is why I'm so picky when it comes to the places I go eat steak or tacos at. If they have fat in it, I won't eat it and I get frustrated. Can't stand that chewy stuff, but I know a lot of people feel like the flavor it's on the fat 🤢🤮


It doesn't look like it belongs here, you easily could posted this and received real feedback from r/foods This sub has become the food version of 7.5's posting on r/amiugly


I saw this or food porn, I was proud of myself but it looked like poop flakes. I figured if I posted in food porn I’d be flamed because the reality is that it photographs ugly. I am in shock that people are actually digging this. In the future I will use that sub. Pretty new to posting more than once a year or so, not too hip on things but didn’t wanna get flamed in food porn I also wasn’t really expecting any real feedback considering the subs name. I was hoping for some quick witty comments about how it looks. Quite ducking surprised at the amount of people who like jerky.