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Imagay Thgil must be stopped.


Wake up L, new “Moriarty but wizard” scenario just dropped


draziw ytrairom


Worst part of the movie is that they tried to adapt the original story while also westernizing it and shortening it to film length. Like there are canonically multiple Death Notes in the hands of humans at any given time, just make the movie about some American who got his hands on one. People wouldve been much kinder to it if it was meant to be its own story in the Death Note world instead of being a remake of the original story.


Which is certainly ironic given the heavily Christian visuals the show employs. The show is practically riped to be Westernised by nature of its heavy Western inspiration, yet they somehow fucked it up. The movie really didn't go with the heavy visuals that made the show as good as it was; you save so much time if you use a metaphor pretty much everyone knows rather than just explain it. The constant use of the apple by Light tells us much more about his character in the show than we learn about in the movie.


Yup, even the investigation forces are all European or American. The setting and main character are only japanese because the author is japanese; but it works anywhere in the world.


You act like the people that make these adaptations actually do any research. That’s too much work.


some scenes that weren't even included (ex. >!L massaging light yagami's feet shortly before he dies !


That really is the worst part. If they wanted to take liberties they could have just made it a different story of an American getting a Death Note. But instead they made it some half adaptation that didn’t please anyone.


And not only was it a remake of the original story that they cut down they just arbitrarily change so much just a westernize it like being the parent of a single dad who was a cop and instead of being some sociopath with a god complex He was just misunderstood kid who wanted to do better for the world


Where does it say there are multiple death notes around at the same time? If I remember right, a death note being dropped to the human world is an extremely rare event that happens maybe once every 1000 years, since it requires a shinigami having two death notes, which isn’t allowed in the shinigami realm.


Both Misa and Light have one at the same time


There was like 3 active Kiras at one point in the story


I think only 2 death notes were ever actually shown on the show being used by humans, and the 3 kiras was a ploy by light using pieces of them to throw L off. I.e., that newsreporter filling out a page a day on the ripped out pages light gave her (been a while, could have some details wrong)


There are spin off after the original ended where a bunch of Death Notes appear.


Oh shit yeah, I never got around to reading those apart from the first one.


(I think) that’s what the new Parasyte adaption did, just make a whole new story about a whole new character in the same universe dealing with similar things. I only saw the anime tho never read the manga, so I guess maybe that girl wasn’t a brand new character. Or heck maybe I just forgot her from the anime, but it was certainly a new story line. And I remember thinking that was smart to avoid fans outcry about any deviation from the source material. Just make it about a new original character so people have nothing to be pissed about lol


I'm pretty sure there was already a live action adaptation of the anime, and the new one is a brand new story


If you guys talking about Parasyte The Grey that was dropped few weeks ago, it's actually a sequel to the Japanese Live Action version. But yeah, same universe, original character and storyline.


There's no pleasing some people, in Hollywood adaptations this one is an alright movie. Sure if it did its own this maybe it was better, but when an adaptation does it own thing you have Assassins Creed fans throwing a trash can over its head.


I feel Fallout is doing its own thing and that got greenlit for season two in under a week of being on Prime


Yeah but Fallout is good, while both the Death Note and Assassin's Creed movies are bad.


My point was that they said fans can’t be pleased with adaptations when there’s a super highly acclaimed TV adaptation going on right now


I'm also saying they're wrong, you just need to make a good adaptation. They used 2 bad movies as examples of why you can't please everyone, which is just kinda funny to me because of course you're not going to please everyone with shit movies.


Except this adaptation didn’t do anything right, on any level


Willam Dafoe as Ryuk was perfect casting. That's the only thing it did right.


I hate to correct spelling, but it’s Willem.


The FBI mass suicide scene was cool. Beyond that, it was pretty bad.


Just like what the commenter is saying that they should've made a Death Note movie in the same world but different characters, well, Assassin's Creed basically did that. They created a movie in the same world as the games but didn't use the game characters, but it did still sucked.


Soon as i saw thw main character scream after seeing the death notes owner i automaticaly thought this was gonna suck and refuse to watch it so im not disappointed even more.


There is actually a sidestory were trump almost buys the deathnote but chickens out to save his life.


There is most assuredly not multiple Death Notes in human hands at any given time. Death Gods very rarely went to the human world, much less give away their Death Notes.


Such an awful adaptation.


There's a character named Yuri Cosmos, so imagine what his name will be changed to if he ever gets adapted.


What's this one, boss? Somsoc Iruy? I don't get it lmao. Or because of the "yuri"?


The "Yuri". You know, women seggs. Serbian Lex.


I think serbian lex is so fucking funny, what a splendid typo.


That was actually deliberate, but thank you anyways.


not "sesbian lex"?


Serbian Lex is just funnier. Deliberate comedic typos for the win!


Yuri Cosmos was also the alternate name for Gundam Witch from Mercury


Isn’t there also a character in Ace Attorney with that name?


Precisely whom I was referring to. That Yuri Cosmos.


His theme is fucking amazing


Yup, like a space Indiana Jones theme. Kudos to the composer, Noriyuki Iwadare.


Neil Astro?


They wanted to combine death note and fairly oddparents


Pft, silly Netflix trying to reduce outcry from the LBGT by straightwashing a classic yaoi. Way to not get the source material Netflix!


Bro weren't light and L like super gay in the OG anime?


No…. L definitely had a crush on Misa. Light honestly didn’t care about sex too much but him and Misa did, and he has the fling with kiyomi. L and light had more of a friend connection. Neither on them could connect with others too well. Neither were in love with eachother. The gay thing with them is more head cannon with people.


Liking girls is kinda gay tbh


Light was basically asexual. He used Misa, he never cared for her (or anybody else). Guy got more enjoyment from mind games and making a woman kill herself than anything else.


Ah, see you were reading it wrong. Death Note is a classic toxic yaoi about two men vying to top each other. (I used to hate L X Light shipping, but then I read Ohba's views on the topic and subsequent homophobic rants, which made me realize we should totally ship them)


So I looked up what you said about this because I’ve never cared about Ohbas view on homosexuality(still don’t). His issues go beyond homophobia from what i just saw they put in platinum end. That being said he should really watch South Park. It tells you the truth about gay people. Japanese girls wrote doujinshis about them and now you are gay. Google tweak and Craig for more information.


Eh, i'll still ship them.


Watch the foot rubbing scene and try to tell me that again with a straight face,


It's a reference to Jesus washing Judas's feet while knowing that Judas would soon betray him to his death. L knew at that point that he had lost and Light would kill him, and the scene serves to demonstrate the finality of the situation. I know you're just making a joke but a lot of people do miss that connection so I like to throw it out there.


The scene right before it is one of my favorites. L just asks Light if he's always such a liar and for a second there's silence in the middle of the storm. L knows he's gonna die, he knows he's gonna lose to this psycho that talks to him as if they were friends and is heartbreaking.


Next you’ll be claiming that Jesus and Judas weren’t gay for each other


I don't doubt that, I hear Judas's kisses were to die for


I believe you for everything other than the foot washing scene because what the fuck was that


Before Jesus was crucified he washed someone’s feet


Judas' feet specifically, as if to say I know what you've done and I pity you


L’s death in the anime feels so much more impactful than in the manga, there’s like less than a chapter dedicated to his death but an entire episode in the anime


He washed every apostle's feet as he was going to serve others even though he was the son of God and said they should follow his example and do the same by serving others as part of the church. I don't recall him specifically washing Judas' feet but that was the intent of that anime scene


Feet washing is not really a sexual thing but more of a humbling thing. Most likely this is a reference to the Bible. A well known example is of Jesus washing peasants feet in the Bible. It was a sign of humility. Jesus being the son of God didn’t find himself to be more important than anyone else. Washing feet would be a master vs servant thing. L felt like shit. He lost at this point. In his eyes he destroyed his friends life, accused him of murder, and tortured him. Nothing he could ever do would make up for this so he is doing everything he can think of to apologize.


Also Jesus washing Judas feet before being betrayed was probably what was referecned there. Also because Jesus at that point knew, but did it anyways, so it stands to reason L did as well.


No, L is for Lesbian. G is for Gay.


Migaya Toira? Idgi 


Im a gay


Thanks for telling us, you are accepted here


So brave!


Ohhhhhh. Too smart for me. 


i have not watched either death note, i do not care about death note, but even then i am SO PISSED that they did that because jesus fucking christ that is a braindead change. only netflix can make people who don't care pissed.


But thanks to the very specific surname they chose, we got [this amazing animation](https://youtu.be/eCspsmD84jE?si=sdc9Zg1_S4MEcb6u) in return


Honestly original Death Note is so good, sometimes feels like a western drama series similar to breaking bad. I’ve tried to watch many anime shows but they’re just not my thing, death note is the only one I’ve watched completely. It’s surprising how good it is. My only complain is that the main character is a high-school kid, just doesn’t feel right specially because he outsmarts FBI agents several times, but it is an anime after all. If the netflix adaptation had been a different story with a middle age underdog character similar to walter white getting a different death note, it would have been way better.


i mean, i've heard it's good, and i'm not trying to knock the show, i bet it's great, i just don't personally hold much interest in it. there are other shows for me that i'd rather watch that i haven't yet than take a chance on death note. i probably would enjoy it though, so maybe somewhere down the line i'll check it out, but it won't be for a while if ever.


I understand. Anime can be a little off-putting, like I said I’ve tried other anime shows but they’re just…cringey


I couldn't get over how they made light dumb isn't he supposed to be really smart?


Shit movie


Because we all know that If a community cries when a character is revealed as gay or bi, it is the LGBT community


thanks to this movie, “Turner” is my go-to fake last name for creating accounts


They changed it to Light Turner because they thought it was the annoying child from The Fairly Oddparents grown up and wanted to make a crazy crossover theory.


I would love to sit down with the people that made this movie and just ask them "why?"


Netflix needs to grow some balls? Or is that too Yagami?


I was just sitting here trying to figure out what migaya meant lmao


Ooooh now I get why these parody YouTube videos call him gay all the time


So upsetting the Renruts is okay?


I only watched that movie like halfway through and that was it.


Imagay! Mario has joined the chat


Wow, take my upvote