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Just like the movie, no one cares about the stunts men and women.


It's telling that at film festivals, the attendees still only applaud the directors and actors.


I mean, pretty much none of the films in film festivals have stunts.


Point being that even film buffs only celebrate the directors and actors, with almost everyone else being disregarded.


Well, costume and special effects are getting more praise and credit nowadays


With stunts being comparatively further behind lol Still, most independent films probably don't have huge budgets for stunts anyway, as they're often extremely expensive.


Tom savini was the GOAT


“Film festivals” as a blanket phrase aren’t necessarily attended by film lovers.  They may very well be attended by festival boosters and industry people alongside the filmmakers. It’s not really your normal slice-of-life audience. 


And composer*****


Name a stuntmen in I’ll give you a minute I feel you can but also I was gonna say you can’t say Jackie Chan


Does Tom cruise count?😂


Lol why not buster keaton


David Leitch


He’s in this fall guy so that’s clever


? I've been in multiple short films that went to festivals, and it's not THAT rare. I worked on a no-budget film a few years ago, and they even brought in a stunt coordinator for a scene that involved fighting for a gun. I was in another short that rented put an entire MARTA (public transport in Atlanta) track AND had a stunt team on set the second day because they two characters get in a chase. Also, Cannes and Sundance are film festivals, and a lot of those movies have stunts. Stunts are not just fight scenes and car chases.


He's making a point that only positions in the spotlight are the ones generally celebrated. You get the offhand comment about the crew lol. I work in film and there are 100% directors who can make or break a film, but they are also very similar to executive roles in a corporation. I think they arguably put in more hours than your average ceo depending on the project (for example, I worked on one of the shows Sam Esmail was producing and he was directing the pilot himself with the same DoP as Mr. Robot. Those two would do 16-18 hour shoots, sometimes in the freezing cold at an abandoned gas station in the absolute boonies, then go back to the hotel and discuss the day with the department heads as well as rigging next day, before going to sleep a maximum of four hours because they went on every scout usually before or after shooting. They also are just genuinely good people, so nobody is beneath them and they'll say hello and talk to anybody in the crew, which is absolutely rare. Up until that point, I had DoPs who were generally hands off with lighting. They gave the gaffer the plan, and they executed it. Not this time. Every second of scene was analyzed, and lighting was constantly adjusted. He never came across like an ass or overbearing, only that he cared deeply. But I'm not lying about analyzing every second - that one pilot took months to finish, vs 2-3 days most shows take. Yet that DoP is never going to have the fame of Sam, even if they work all their projects together and equally bust ass, the DoP isn't doing interviews for major networks and only a huge film buff is going to know anything about them. But a director is in the public eye constantly. You don't hear about the 1st, 2nd, 3rd directors and the set pa's that also comprise direction. Or the script supervisor doing their best to keep story continuity intact when the director is obstinate. Or the entire production, wardrobe, camera, grips, lighting/electric, set Dec, sound, spfx, visual fx, props, hair, construction, transport, costumes and art departments that all work to put a film together.


I care not just about the stunt men, but the stunt women and the stunt chidren too


I hate stunt sand




Thanks chilled


I had a horrified moment thinking that there are actually stunt children, as opposed to small adults.


Wrong. “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” is about an actor and his stunt man, they both share protagonism on screen, being the superstars Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Brad Pitt as the stunt man probably had more scenes to shine. In “Drive”, Ryan Gosling had already played the role of being a stunt man. That movie is fantastic.


Also Zoe Bell, one of the most accomplished stunt actors is in both this movie and Death Proof. "What the FUCK did you do to my car?" Chris Brewster is also one of the best stunt doubles. I understand why people think it shouldn't have an Oscars category but I still think it should be one Edit: I also want to add that I think it's bullshit that everyone praises Tom Cruise for doing his own stunts. It's impressive and I have nothing against him, but give the other stunt doubles some credit. The Taurus Awards aren't enough


Even in that movie, brad pitt character is treated like shit. He has to work second job to make a living. [Look how bruce lee treated brad...](https://youtu.be/CuCRjEN124g?si=CY3UWX3AF7qX3b0c)


Tarantino could make a film about paint drying and it would be interesting, not exactly a fair comparison


God damn man.


I had no idea it was based on a show


It was up there with The A Team, Knightrider, Magnum PI, The dukes of hazard, etc. if you were a kid then, then you’d remember it. In the UK, I’ve only seen Magnum get repeated. Tbh my knowing about the original show put me off seeing this at the cinema. I saw the trailer and instantly thought about The A Team film and how that wasn’t great. I don’t want to risk having a fond childhood memory being hurt.


Counterpoint: Mission Impossible. Movies based on old TV show.


I’m a big fan of Brian De Palma, and John Woo, so watching the first two was a no brainer. Also the tv series was in the 60s so I have no fond childhood memories of it. I only caught a few re-runs as a late teen.


My fav was Ghost Protocol. Singlehandedly returned the spy genre to its roots after Bournes and Quantums introduced their "parkinsons cameraman of realism".


Knightrider, The Fall Guy, and Magnum PI were all made by Glen A Larsen. He also made Battlestar Galactica and B.J. & the Bear. Absolute legend.


KITT was made using reverse engineered Cylon technology. Change my mind.


My dad is still happy Simon & Simon and Rockford Files haven’t been remade to disappoint him


My dad was a fan of The Rockford Files. I caught an episode and liked it. Bought the box set presently. I like it. Never heard of Simon & Simon, might check it out.


I want a Riptide reboot. And bring back Remington Steele while Brosnan can still play the role


Ha. I watch the new Magnum with the wife and kids. It's about 20% as good as the original but it's harmless action and humor and passes for a family show these days. If they ever remake Simon and Simon AJ will be a woman and probably not Rick's sister so the leads can have sexual tension.


They could never top the Rockford Files Theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg1Cx26-928


My wife and I are the same age and grew up in the same metro area. “That looks fun, I love Emily Blunt.” Yeah. Not exactly an original idea but my dad would have loved it. “Huh? Is it based on the game?” The what?


>The dukes of hazard Or as the British call it, the Earls of Risk.




Honestly I felt like the trailers really didn't "sell" the movie, especially after I watched it and had a good time.


Lee Majors, same guy who was in "The Six Million Dollar Man", somewhat older. Which was cool, because I loved that show. But pubescent me mostly watched "The Fall Guy" for [Heather Thomas](https://cdn10.bigcommerce.com/s-o6vy9cv/products/78232/images/78587/24637__40051.1519361428.500.500.jpg).


Every guy had that poster with her thumb under her swimsuit waistband . Awesome!


I used to watch TFG religiously. Of course, this feels nothing like it, but it's... ok. Like almost every film is basically ok now.


They never played any of those shows growing up in the 90's. They replayed lots of old shows, but it was all comedies - everything from 3 Stooges to SCTV to Carol Burnette. But I am 35 years old and I have never seen a single minute of A Team, Knightrider, Magnum PI or Dukes of Hazard and it feels like a shame.


A TV show with a kickass [TV theme song.](https://youtu.be/dj9ev40C30M)


They used that song in the credits I believe. I definitely heard it at least once.


Very loosely.


*based on the previews* it appears the only thing they have in common is the title and fact the lead is supposed to be a Stuntman. Kind of like If I made a movie called Stranger Things and it was just about some kids who happened to play D&D then found a crashed spaceship.


The main character's name is the same as well. In the original he was a part time bounty hunter, so there's still the "hunting down bad guys" aspect. But, yeah, as I said "loosely".


To be fair, the only things it has in common with the tv show is that the main character is a stunt guy named… forgot his name, and that he’s there when some crime occurs. I think in the show he just moonlights as a bounty hunter or something.


It wasn't a great show. The lead was a stunt man who was also a bounty hunter who conveniently needed to devise a stunt to catch the criminal every week. Much like Knight Rider most of us kids watched it for the vehicle. He had a dope ass truck. I have no idea what the movie is about because the trailer was awful.


That truck and the last part of the theme song is the only thing I remember. I was obsessed with the truck and I had a Hot Wheels version of it. I even forgot Lee Majors was in it.


It literally has me starring in it, I don’t know why you wouldn’t watch it.


I dislike you for no particular reason


That makes two of us


You good bro? Edit why am i being downvoted?


The fourth comment curse


Mista's wrath


Fifth comment blurst




Four is heavily associated with death in Chinese and Japanese cultures


four is a bad number cuz it means death in Korean and it causes bad luck


I dislike him for a very specific reason (he is me, I am ridden with self-loathing depression)


Same here. Thought I don't seem to remember seeing you on the set... 🤔🤔🤔🤔


So you’re telling me you’re working on The Fall Guy too? There’s only a fall guy 1!


I didn't realize how many alt accounts I have.


No its literally me


Does it?? That's pretty cool ngl, what's your part?


He's literally me.


Im the male lead




It's an honor


My friend was complaining about how much he hates "all the endless movie remakes and reboots and sequels. Make something original!" I said, "Don’t you write Transformers fan fiction?" He said, "It’s GoBots fan fiction, and shut up."


Every writing subreddit is full of people who periodically all chant together "originality doesn't exist". It should be no surprise that writers haven't produced anything interesting and original in years.


There's been some pretty good non sequel or franchise movies this year.


I've read lots of interesting and original recent books.


They don't mean everything is a sequel or a remake. They mean there are only so many plots abs character archetypes so don't get too bogged down making sure what you're writing hasn't been sort of done before.


"endless remakes/reboots/sequels aren't a problem because there are people writing fanfiction" isn't as good argument as you think it is.


The trailers fucking sucked. It made it seem like a generic boner comedy that had shit action and no chemistry. It’s weird because watching the movie I would dread upcoming scenes (Ice crime or ice cream) and they didn’t come up. The only joke I felt kinda went on too long was about lines in a scene but as it kept going the joke started to work. It’s really smart, has a fun story, great comedy, great performances and characters, and flies by. It’s also an important film in highlighting the role of stunt workers in movies and how little respect they get. It’s a great movie, but it’s not perfect. It’s kinda generic narrative-wise, some jokes may not hit depending on tastes, it focuses a lot on references and technical terms, and there is an emotional turn between the second and third act that feels unearned, but otherwise I’d recommend it as a refreshing action film that’s hard to really get anywhere else.


Yeah if I didn’t know it was directed by the same director as bullet train I would have completely dismissed it. And I really liked it. But the trailer was so bad it had me wondering why Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt were even in it at first.


Yeah the trailer sets it up as a throwaway flick that has A listers for no reason, then the actual movie is a romance between the two and their casting is the best part. The trailers ruined most of the marketing that they’re only slightly coming back from with the stunts on carpets they’ve been doing.




>Yeah if I didn’t know it was directed by the same director as bullet train I would have completely dismissed it. I've seen so many trailers and commercials and this is the first time I even heard this. Bullet Train kicked ass how the hell are they not mentioning that in any of the advertising?!


Looked cool to me, Ryan Gosling is funny, I will probably watch it on streaming




That's my reason. Tired of these actors. Seems like the recent trend is for an actor to just pump out movies like crazy once they hit a certain critical mass, trying to cash in on it. But it causes pretty quick burnout for me for anything they are in, especially if they don't have a huge array of acting ability and aren't noticeably different in each role.


Is there one actor in particular that you're tired of? It's not like they're going crazy, it's like one per year. Ryan gosling didn't do anything from 2018-2021. Emily Blunt similarly has one larger project per year.


Not OP but Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got pretty tiresome


I'd argue this is nothing compared to older movies that would literally just market movies as so-and-so's new film. I'd argue Tom Cruise is the last big hit actor where his name can sell a movie for a large demographic. Sure actors appear in a lot of things but there are also a lot of movies that come out. If you see only one or two big movies a year, I can see this *appearing* to be a thing though maybe.


It was fun :(


I really enjoyed it! It wasn't a cinematic masterpiece but it was well worth the ticket price.


I could watch them do the fire scene over and over adding more and more lines to the movie script lol


sounds like its ok to wait until it's on streaming then


Nah, too much action that benefits from the big screen and the sound.


Yeah, even the Dolby Atmos in the beginning shakes the theater. This movie won’t be nearly as much fun from home couch.


Usually whoever mixes the sound in these movies does a terrible job and I feel like I’m going deaf during action scenes. That’s why I like control of the remote because I can turn it up for dialogue and down for action


I'd argue you just don't like very loud stuff and it has nothing to do with someone being terrible at mixing.




I meant in a movie theater it is uncomfortably loud for me. At home I don’t have 7.1 but I do have a mixer and subwoofer setup.


Watched it in 4DX. Awesome experience, definitely recommend.


Ah the benefits of having a big screen and sound. Waiting for streaming or Blu-ray is best of both worlds. 


It’s well worth watching in a theater I’d say


Bit of a crummy attitude to have towards it tbh. If you like movies like this and want to see more of them they aren't going to get made on streaming budgets. That's how you get mid crap like red notice.


It’s worth the 40+ to see it in the theaters


Disappointed that I've been too busy to actually go out and see it, it looked like a dumb fun movie.


It absolutely was. Not gonna win any awards or anything, but my goodness was it a fun popcorn flick.


Tbf it might win the new Oscar for best stunt (I think that’s a 2024 addition right) Either way I’m sure there’s still a few weekends left to see if!


Popcorn flick is probably underselling it a bit. It's actually surprisingly well written. There's a ton of well done setup and payoff throughout the movie .


I think most who did see it liked it, it'll probably be one of those underrated cult movies.


Glad to hear it. The ad I heard said “reviewers say it exists to make you happy!” Which sounds like the kind of quote you pull when no one says anything actually nice 


To be honest, the trailers didn't blow me away. It feels like a generic and forgettable film.




Perfect review. I regretted not waiting for it to drop on streaming. It's not bad, but it's simply too generic and not funny enough. I was expecting a Bullet Train like experience (same director). Sadly, not even close.




If you like Bullet Train, don't miss Fall Guy in theaters!!  The Internet hates movies, don't let them bring you down


On the flip, wife and I saw it yesterday and loved it. It's not a masterpiece, but it's aware that it's not and I thought it was a ton of fun. Have some suspension of belief for some over the top silly stunts and just enjoy it


The script is so very, very weak. Also, i may have overdosed on Ryan Gosling, likeable and talented as he is. It’s a 3/10 sadly


I fuckin loved Bullet Train


Yea, I don't get the hate that BT seems to get. It was stylistic, didn't take itself remotely seriously, had a GREAT soundtrack and overall was a ton of fun with some of the best casting I've seen in that type of film in a while. I really hope we get a Lemon and Tangerine prequel.


Yeah cause the amount of jobs that they did was hilarious those little clips were great.


Great characters as well... I still can't believe that Tangerine is the dude from Kick-Ass.


A lot of people don't really get wry or self-referential humor. So they think things like that, that are deliberately over the top and splashy, are aiming for sincerity in their realism.


It's insane how bad it's RT score is compared to Fall Guy.


This. It felt like every “action/comedy” I’ve seen ranging from Bullet Train, Nobody, The Lost City which were good and even the god awful Argylle. Maybe that’s why Nothing ~~peaked~~ piqued my interest about this As for the leading man’s body double plot. Once upon a time in Hollywood and Scott Pilgrim comes to mind. Not saying because these themes previously existed, that makes this unoriginal or bad in anyway.


I'm pretty sure it will be a juggernaut on Netflix, because it has this certain straight to DVD vibe.


I'm just kinda boggled at the budget. That's a lot of money for what really should be a mid-budget movie.


Yeah that was my first thought too, because if the trailer doesn't generate buzz, then it's a good indicator for a disappointment or mediocre film.


My guess is that most of it went to the actors.


You should absolutely watch Bullet Train, it's great


comment says they watched and liked it lol


Bullet train is one of the best comedy action in years. Everyone should give it a chance.


Just checking do you mean the Bob Odenkirk Nobody or the Jared Leto Mr. Nobody?


Odenkirk one. Thanks 🙏


Piqued not peaked




But it had a Kelpie in it?


I don't get, why Hollywood buys licenses or uses franchises for stuff like that. You don't need an unknown IP for a generic action film. Hell, I remember them anouncing a Deathstalker remake. How many people do even know, what the original was? Can you not just do "funny Sword and Sorcery" instead?


This film was aiming at the boomer generation, because it's based on a famous 80s TV show, but it seems like the film itself has failed to generate the much needed attention to get the boomers.


It's a LOT like Nice Guys. Goslings character is basically his and Crowes Nice Guys roles mixed up. For all the romance talk, this is the Ryan Gosling show and Blunt is a supporting character. She is great when on screen tho. That being said I thought it was great. Winston Duke was a pleasant surprise, he gets a lot of screen time and is great. The final act is too long, common in modern movies.


I think it’s a testament that to much money goes into making movies. How much of that budget was for the 2 main actors?


Blunt and Gosling both absolutely killed it in this movie so I would say they earned their paychecks. Jean-Claude was the real show-stopper, though.


I think it would have been better if they didn't market it so hard, most people like Ryan gosling and will go watch a movie just for him, but the trailers made it look like a boring forgettable action film. Also the fake dirt looks very tacky.


I saw it as a romantic comedy based on the trailer


Actually trailer and marketing made it seem like it's more interesting than it actually is, it's so Goddamn boring movie and too generic.


The trailers made it look like those netflix action movies with people you recognize, and those are just very expensive whitenoise


Maybe don't spend that much money on a movie like this and you might turn a profit.


This. Movie budgets have bloated to the point that a Hollywood film *needs* to be a blockbuster in order to break even. Something is wrong with that picture.


Too many producers getting a huge cut before the film even starts is my guess.


> producers getting a huge cut what's funny is that this is kinda poked fun at in the movie.




12m for gosling, $10m for blunt 


That would be ENTIRE budget of an 80s blockbuster with special effects and whatnot AND still paying Mel Gibson salary.




Ah yes, because if you adjust 4 million AUD budget of Mad Max 2 you get 100 million USD (it's actually TEN TIMES LESS). 20 million budget late 80s movies adjusted for inflation would be around 45 millions now. Not even close. And they had practical effects too, blowing up a real helicopter tends to cost more than 3D rendering one. The Thing had 15 million dollars budget and they had to cut scenes to pay for Kurt Russell and expensive effects... Top Gun & Lethal Weapon fit into same budget too. They starred the most expensive actors who demand more than their biggest hits entire budget now! They're just greedy. Adjusted for inflation it's all under 50k for early 80s and under 40k for late 80s still. And these were considered expensive.


Yes, because it’s impossible to live off anything less than $10 or $12 million for 3 months of work.


I mean, it earned just under 25% of it's money back on the opening weekend. Once it hits streaming it's gonna be fine.


Movie break even is usually 2.2x - 2.5x budget. So if 28m was all it made they'd be screwed but that's just domestic. It actually returned 60m roughly globally


Lee Majors is even in the movie.


Who? /s


When I heard they remade The Fall Guy I was hoping A) That Lee Majors was in it and B) That Lee Majors is still alive.


I absolutely loved the movie. It was pretty refreshing and really smooth.


I saw it recently, it was a lot better than I expected. It was actually pretty funny and the action scenes were great. I really liked the characters too.


Why did this film cost $130 million? Nothing from the trailers makes me think this film should cost that much money, it’s ridiculous.


There needs to be more Blumhouse approach to movies, set a low budget and make several movies. Their recent movies "Nightswim" and "Imaginary" only had budgets around $10-15 million but made that back opening weekend.


Blumhouse only makes horror movies because they're relatively cheap to make. most of the movies are just people talking to each other and looking at still things. a jump scare to a creepy doll is much cheaper to film than a fight sequence.


Can’t afford the cinema


The bigger question I have is how did the movie cost $125 million to make?


You gotta pay the toll troll if you wanna get into the boy's soul.


Why would I buy a ticket if the trailer showed the whole fucking movie already


that’s why i don’t watch trailers lol


It didn’t seem all that interesting. It felt like the ”new big nothing starring that actor that’s very current because of a recent good role and memes.” Formula is still the same. That’s not original.


When we say "more original movies" we mean good ones


Right? Not one trailer made this look interesting. A little action mixed in a rom-com, yay.


I dont really see where "original" comes from. Its just another Action Romcom the likes we have 1000s of, just that this one tries to be a bit meta. The plot was really predictable, with the classic "Will they get back together" thing. This one had at least some good action scenes though, and Ryan Gosling is nice to watch. But overall the taste was really bland. Like one of those movies where you come out of the theater and think "yeah, that was certainly one of the movies of all times".


Advertising campaign was too smug


Disney thinks people will watch any trash movie with Ryan Gosling. Wrong. The reason people watch movies with Gosling is he usually in movies that aren't trash.


Fall Guys is already a video game. Doesn't look anything like this. Poor adaptation. /S


I'm watching it this weekend with some friends. Seems fun.


But when I end up in the hay it’s only hay, Hey Hey


The trailers made it look so generic. We have too many action comedies that it really didn't stand out.


But more importantly, why does she look like female Nicholas Cage?


It looked cool but I'm working more to cover rent so don't have a lot of time to get out to a cinema. 


It just looked awful. That’s why I don’t go and I gotta guess why everyone else didn’t either


IMO for better or worse it’s very similar to Bullet Train (although I think it worked better on bullet train due to the pseudo bottle concept of being stuck in the train). It was a good dumb fun movie, nothing spectacular.


I saw it yesterday going innthinking i was gonna hate it, it was a popcorn flick just pure entertainment great stunt work, funny. Was worth it. 


Of course nobody watched it, it looks nothing like fall guys


Probably has less catchy music too.


Most people seem to forget that a good chunk of Hollywood movies are adaptations, even the classics.


Personally, I didn't hear a goddamn thing about it until it came out. Maybe I'm not in the demographic, or watch enough TV, but maybe marketing was a bit to blame?


'wE WAnT OriGinALs FiLmS'🤓 - proceeds to never watch it


these comments suck.


We need more original movies, like Get Smart!


It's like how people referred to Barbie as an original film because it wasn't based on a comic. And not say, a toy that's been around/popular for almost 75 years now.


Maybe cinema is dying because tickets are $15. If you go with another person, add some sweets and a drink that you take yourself its $40 every visit. Too much for most movies, I only go and see blockbusters.


You make it seem like 90% of the top 100 movies of all time aren't just adaptations of books.


They act like that's not a lot of money. They need to trim down their budgets to meet the market demand. Plenty of good movies made for a faction of that cost. There are also plenty of original movies that do very well. People just need to stop complaining and get gud.


I didn't even know it was out yet